
1 Introduction

Recently, deep Fully Convolutional Neural networks (FCN)  [1] have gained much popularity in the medical image segmentation because of its ability to learn the most discriminative pixel-wise features. Based on the encoder-decoder structure of FCN, U-Net  [2] proposes a skip connection between the encoder and decoder layers which can utilize the low level features to improve the segmentation. However, supervised learning requires laborious pixel-level annotation which is very time-consuming and needs expert knowledge. In practice, usually only a small set of data with pixel-level annotations are affordable while most of the data left unlabeled. Semi-supervised learning(SSL) aims to solve this challenge by exploring the potential of unlabeled data to improve the performance of a segmentation model.

Because of the characteristics of fuzzy texture structure, low-contrast intensity and limited amount of data, medical image segmentation is extremely challenging in learning based semi-supervised setting, and some methods have been proposed to address the problem. The work in  [3, 4] have explored the consistency of transformation between labeled and unlabeled data, where a consistency loss is incorporated into the loss function and provides regularization for training the network. Another direction in semi-supervised segmentation is co-training  [5,6,7], which tries to improve segmentation with the assistance of other auxiliary tasks. Also, transfer learning is adopted in semi-supervised segmentation such as  [8, 9] by employing external labeled data sets via domain adaption.

One practical direction for semi-supervised learning is self-training  [10] which is the earliest SSL approach and became popular in deep learning schemes  [15, 16]. In this setting, after finishing the supervised training stage of a segmentation model, it is possible to continue the learning process on new unlabeled data by creating pseudo labels for the unlabeled data. However, the quality of the generated pseudo labels is not guaranteed for retraining the segmentation model, which limits their potential for improvements from the data with pseudo label and sometimes even makes the updated model worse. The work in  [11] just selects the confident region in the segmentation map to train the network which focuses more on the background area and ignores the tumor region. Such method can limit the negative impact of bad pseudo labels but it can not make full use of the unlabeled data.

In this paper, we propose a novel self-training method which can automatically estimate and refine the quality of pseudo labels, and select only those good samples to expand the data set for retraining the segmentation network. The quality of the pseudo label is estimated from the view of shape confidence and semantic confidence. The former estimates the shape matching between the prediction map and the label mask, while the latter evaluates the semantic matching between the prediction map and the raw image. By ranking the quality of the predicted segmentation, we choose the top K samples as the pseudo labels. In considering that the selected pseudo labels may still have some obvious mis-segmentation for possible improvement, we further refine the label in an adversarial way by distinguishing whether it is the ground truth mask or not at pixel level. After quality estimation and refinement, the samples with good quality pseudo labels are added to expand the training set, which is then utilized to retrain and update the segmentation network. This process can be iterated until to a satisfied result. In addition, the refinement network can also be employed during inference to obtain a refined and better segmentation.

In this work, our contributions can be summarized as follows:

  • We propose a novel semi-supervised segmentation method which can automatically estimate the quality of a segmentation and refine it in an adversarial way. Then a segmentation model can be retrained by the expanded dataset with the selected good pseudo labels in a self-training way.

  • We design a robust quality estimation network by estimating the shape confidence and the semantic confidence with Variational Auto-encoder(VAE) and VGG  [12] based network. Also, a refinement network is proposed to refine the generated pseudo label for higher quality expanded dataset.

  • We establish a neuroblastoma segmentation dataset which contains 430 cases of young children’s CT with manually-annotated label by doctors. Experiments on NB and BraTS18 dataset demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of our method compared to other semi-supervised methods.

2 Method

2.1 Overview

The overview structure of our proposed framework is shown in Fig. 1 which consists of three modules: segmentation \(f_S\), quality estimation \(f_{QE}\) and refinement \(f_R\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of the architecture of our proposed semi-supervised approach.

Given a set of labeled data \(X_L = \{x_L^1, x_L^2, ... , x_L^m\}\) with corresponding label \(Y_L = \{y_1,\, y_2,\, ...\, ,\, y_m\}\) and a large set of unlabeled data \(X_U = \{x_U^1,\, x_U^2,\, ...\, ,\, x_U^n\}\), we can generate pseudo label \(Y_U^{'}\) and uncertainty map U for \(X_U\) with \(f_S\). However, the quality of generated pseudo label \(Y_U^{'}\) is not guaranteed for retraining the segmentation model. The addition of good quality training data can improve the performance of the segmentation model greatly so we need to filter the pseudo label \(Y_U^{'}\) to ensure that the model can obtain a high-quality subset \(Y_{sub}^{'}\) and \(X_{sub}^{'}\) to expand the training data. To this end, we design a quality estimation module \(f_{QE}\) which can provide a reliable estimation about the quality of the pseudo label \(Y_U^{'}\). In considering that the selected pseudo labels may still have some obvious mis-segmentation for possible improvement, we introduce a refinement module \(f_R\) to refine the pseudo labels \(Y_{sub}^{'}\) in an adversarial way. Our goal is to retrain the segmentation model \(f_S\) from training data \(X_T = X_L \cup X_{sub}^{'}\), training label \(Y_T = Y_L \cup Y_{sub}^{'}\) in a self-training way. We repeat the above steps till to obtain a final model \(f_S\) with expected results.

2.2 Network Architecture and Loss Functions

Quality Estimation Module: A segmentation network is very vulnerable to the quality and quantity of annotations as it implements segmentation at pixel level. This quality estimation module can provide a reliable estimation about the quality of the predicted segmentation or the pseudo label \(Y_U^{'}\) so we can use it to select a subset \(Y_{sub}^{'}\) of \(Y_U^{'}\) to expand the training dataset.

We consider the quality of the pseudo label from the view of shape confidence and semantic confidence. As shown in Fig. 2(a), we utilize a VAE for shape representation learning where the encoder learns a low dimensional space for the underlying distribution of the shape prior such as the continuity and boundary smoothness etc. We utilize the latent vector z to distinguish whether it is the real mask or the prediction map in order to provide a shape confidence of the prediction map.

We also introduce the semantic confidence network which looks into the relationship between the prediction map and its surrounding tissue to evaluate the semantic matching between the prediction map and the input image. Besides the original image and the segmentation map, we also feed the semantic confidence network with the uncertainty map U produced by the segmentation network to provide it with information about the uncertainty region in the segmentation map. VGG16  [12] is the backbone architecture of the semantic confidence network.

We then fuse the shape and semantic confidence to form the final quality by several FC layers. We adopt mean absolute error loss \(L_q\), binary cross entropy loss \(L_d\) and mean square error loss \(L_{vae}\) to train the semantic and fusion branch, discriminator and VAE respectively.

$$\begin{aligned} L_q = |q-y| \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_d = -(y_z\log (D(z))+(1-y_z)\log (1-D(z))) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_{vae} = \sum |x_i'-x_i|+KL(p(z|x)||q(z)) \end{aligned}$$

Where q is the quality output, y is the true DSC, z is the latent vector of the VAE and \(y_z\) is \(\{0,1\}\) where 0 for prediction and 1 for label, \(x_i\) and \(x_i'\) is the input and reconstruction data, \(q(z)\sim N(0, I)\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) Quality estimation network consists of two branches. One is to estimate the shape matching by distinguish the latent vector z of prediction and label while reconstructing them, the other is to estimate the semantic matching between the prediction and the image from VGG16. Two confidences are fused by FC layers to form the estimated quality. (b) Refinement network is to improve the prediction by adversarial learning.

Refinement Module: The selected pseudo labels may still have some obvious mis-segmentation, so we design a refinement module to refine the pseudo labels in an adversarial way as shown in Fig. 2(b). Our generator utilizes the U-Net  [2] as the backbone and takes the original image and the corresponding segmentation map as input and outputs a refined map. Different from the typical discriminator which discriminates the map at the image level, we propose a fully convolutional discriminator like  [13] that learns to differentiate the predicted probability maps from the ground truth segmentation distribution at pixel level.

We train the refinement network \(f_R\) by minimizing a weighted joint of binary cross entropy and adversarial loss \(L_r\):

$$\begin{aligned} L_{r} = -((y_i\log (f_{R}(x_i))+(1-y_i)\log (1-f_{R}(x_i)))+\lambda L_{adv}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_{adv} = \mathbb {E}_{y_i \sim Y}[\log (D(y_i))]+\mathbb {E}_{y_i' \sim Y'}[\log (1-D(y_i'))] \end{aligned}$$

where \(L_{adv}\) is the adversarial loss, \(\lambda \) is the weighted coefficient.

Segmentation Module: The architecture of the segmentation module is same to U-Net  [2] which has skip-connections, allowing the transfer of low-level features from the encoder to the decoder. It accepts the image and produces a segmentation probability map with an uncertainty map which is sent to the quality estimation network \(f_{QE}\). The objective function \(L_s\) of this module is a sum of binary cross entropy \(L_{bce}\) and the Kullback–Leibler divergence loss \(L_{kl}\) which can provide a distribution constraint between mask Y and prediction P.

$$\begin{aligned} L_{bce} = -(y_i\log (f_S(x_i))+(1-y_i)\log (1-(f_S(x_i)))) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_{kl} = y_i*(log(y_i/p_i)) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_s = L_{bce}+L_{kl} \end{aligned}$$

The output uncertainty map \(U=\{u_i\}\) is obtained from the prediction map P by calculating the margin between the positive and negative probability \(u_i = 1-|p_i-(1-p_i)|\), where \(p_i\) is the predicted probability for pixel \(x_i\).

2.3 Training Strategy

Our entire algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 1. To improve the performance of our core quality estimation module \(f_{QE}\), we can pre-train it on any public datasets and tranfer it to our target dataset. The training of \(f_{QE}\) follows that the VAE and discriminator are firstly trained with \(L_{vae}\) and \(L_d\) respectively, and then train the CNN network and fusion layers with \(L_q\) by fixing the VAE and discriminator.

figure a

3 Experiment Results

3.1 Dataset and Implementation Details

NB Dataset: We establish a neuroblastoma segmentation dataset which consists of 430 CT scans of children, with a manually-annotated label by expert doctors from Shanghai Children’s Medical Center. The dataset is divided into two parts: training set (344 cases) and testing set (86 cases). The intra-slices resolution is 512 \(\times \) 512, and the number of slices varies from 67 to 395 and the voxel size is 0.49 \(\times \) 0.49 \(\times \) 1.24\(mm^3\) in average.

BraTS18 Dataset  [17]: 210(train:160, test:50) MRI scans from patients with high grade glioma and 75(train:60, test:15) MRI scans from patients with low grade glioma are split into training set and testing set. To simplify comparison between different segmentation methods, we perform binary classification and segment only the whole tumor with the FLAIR sequence.

Implementation Details: The proposed method is implemented on a NVIDIA GeForce GTX1080Ti GPU in Keras  [14]. The adaptive moment estimation optimizer(ADAM) and weight decay are used. The initial learning rate is set to be 0.001, 0.0001 and 0.001 for segmentation module and quality estimation module and refinement module respectively. The coefficient \(\lambda \) is set to be 1 and the number of iterations is 3 in our experiment as the results remain stable when the number of iteration is greater than 3 so we just set it to be 3 for simplicity. In our experiment, K has an important impact on the results. If K is too small, the selected data with pseudo label won’t be enough. If K is too large, it will lead to an increase of low-quality data with pseudo labels, so we set K to be 50% for balance. When segmenting NB(BraTS18) dataset, we pre-train \(f_{QE}\) on BraTS18(NB) dataset.

3.2 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

Metrics: Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC), Hausdorff Distance(HD) and Average Surface Distance (ASD) are used as the evaluation metrics. For fair comparison, 5-fold cross validation is employed.

We compare with the backbone U-Net  [2] and other state-of-the-art semi-supervised segmentation methods TCSM  [4], MASSL  [5], ASDNet  [11]. Some methods are not originally used for binary segmentation and we re-implement all above methods and apply them to our experiment dataset. In Table 1, our methods can outperform other methods at least 3.64%, 4.55% and 3.31% in DSC with 10%, 30%, 50% of labeled data. Besides using quality estimation to guarantee the quality of the pseudo label, the refinement module is reused in the inference to get a better result and Kullback–Leibler divergence is adopted in the loss function which is proved effective in segmentation, so we can achieve a competing performance with only 106 labelled data to a fully supervised model with 344 labelled data.

Table 1. Experiment results on NB dataset by different methods.

We further investigate the robustness of our proposed semi-supervised segmentation algorithm on BraTS18 dataset. In Table 2, we achieve a DSC of 78.03%, 80.31% and 80.61% with 20, 50 and 110 labeled data, with obvious margin compared with other methods. Futhermore, we can reach a fully supervised performance with only 50 labeled data.

Visual results on NB dataset are also presented in Fig. 3, which illustrates the effectiveness of the quality estimation and refinement modules. The second and third column indicate that the refinement module can produce a better prediction with higher DSC and more accurate segmentation. The DSC and Quality under the prediction and refined prediction show the quality estimation module can provide a reliable quality with less than 10% estimation error.

Table 2. Experiment results on BraTS18 dataset by different methods.

Ablation Study: We analyze the efficiency of each component in our proposed method by performing five ablation studies on NB and BraTS18 dataset as Table 3 shows. First, we examine the effect of using all unlabeled data and randomly selecting 50% of unlabeled data with pseudo labels to expand the training set. From the fourth and fifth row of the table, the DSC even decreases to 69.87%, 70.56% from 71.85% in NB and 72.93%, 73.75% from 74.42% in BraTS18 for many low-quality pseudo labels have been added to the train set. Then we analyse the performance of the shape confidence branch, semantic confidence branch and refinement module. We can see the DSC increases to 75.94%, 78.13%, 80.01% in NB and 77.69%, 79.05%, 80.61% in BraTS18 respectively. The results show that the quality estimation module has the greatest improvement on the proposed framework.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Visual results of quality estimation and refinement on NB dataset(D: DSC Q: Estimated Quality).

Table 3. Ablation study of our method on NB and BraTS18 dataset with 169 and 110 labeled data. We evaluate the efficiency of each component in our method (Selecting strategy, shape confidence branch, semantic confidence branch and refinement module).

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised segmentation with self-training based on quality estimation and refinement. We select the good segmentation samples to expand the training set by estimating their quality and refine them in an adversarial way by distinguishing the generated pseudo label with the ground truth. Moreover, the refinement network can be reused during inference to obtain more accurate segmentation result. Our method is evaluated on the established neuroblastoma(NB) and BraTS18 dataset and outperforms other state-of-the-art semi-supervised medical image segmentation methods. We can achieve a fully supervised performance while requiring \(\sim \)4x less annotation effort.