
1 Introduction

We consider the Constraint Satisfaction Problem of Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT). Many NP-hard optimization problems from applications in industry and AI can be encoded as MaxSAT and existing solution algorithms have proved to yield results that are competitive to domain specific solvers. The applications vary from periodic scheduling [15], to causal discovery [18], Bayesian network structure learning  [9], correlation clustering  [8], reasoning over bionetworks  [16], probabilistic inference  [20] and many more. A MaxSAT encoding consists a Boolean formula that we assume to be in conjunctive normal form (CNF) which means that the literals are grouped in clauses where they are connected disjunctively (or) and the clauses are connected conjunctively (and).

Example. A Boolean formula in CNF: \(F=(\lnot x \vee \lnot y) \wedge (\lnot y \vee \lnot z)\).

A literal is a variable together with a positive or negative sign. A clause is satisfied if at least one of its literals has the same sign as the variable in the solution. We also say the literal is true and denote the number of true literals in a clause its stability. An unsatisfied clause has a stability of zero. When a clause has a stability greater than 1, we say that the clause is over-satisfied. A solution is an assignment of the variables to true or false and is called feasible if all hard clauses are satisfied. We assume the formula to consist of both hard clauses and (possibly weighted) soft clauses. The sum of (the weights of) satisfied soft clauses is the objective function value. Then, the task is to find a feasible solution maximizing the objective function value.

Example. Let \(F=H_1\wedge H_2\wedge S_1\wedge S_2\wedge S_3 \) where

$$\begin{aligned} H_1:\text { }&\lnot x \vee \lnot y&\\ H_2:\text { }&\lnot y \vee \lnot z&\\ S_1:\text { }&x&weight(S_1)&=2\\ S_2:\text { }&y&weight(S_2)&=3\\ S_3:\text { }&z&weight(S_3)&=2 \end{aligned}$$

are hard and soft clauses with according weights respectively. Then, the optimal solution of value 4 is \(x=z=true\) and \(y=false\).

Due to its generic form, almost any problem from combinatorial optimization and many optimization problems in AI can be encoded as MaxSAT and practice shows that this conversion often works well. In this paper, we propose a novel heuristic solution approach to the MaxSAT problem called Stable Resolving (SR). The aim is to solve even large problem instances with millions of clauses and variables within short time, that is, up to 60 s, to a practicable solution. To do so, SR repeatedly performs the three steps of perturbation, improvements and solution checking, starting from an initial feasible solution. In the perturbation, the search space is explored by satisfaction of randomly picked unsatisfied (soft) clauses at the cost of other clauses becoming unsatisfied. More precisely, we consider the randomly picked clauses as hard clauses and call a SAT solver on them, together with the original hard clauses. If other, formerly satisfied soft clauses become unsatisfied by this perturbation, we write them in a list of unsatisfied candidate clauses. Then, in the improvement part, a local search technique is employed that builds on the clauses’ stabilities. Starting with the first member of the list of unsatisfied candidate clauses, clauses with stability zero are being satisfied by flipping the sign of a randomly chosen variable. Flipping the sign of one of its variables increases the clause’s stability by 1 but might cause other clauses to become unsatisfied. These unsatisfied clauses are added to the (local) search space and will be tried to be satisfied later. On the other hand, if flipping a variable’s sign increases other clauses’ stabilities to a number larger 1, that is, they become over-satisfied, they can have at least one literal falsified without becoming unsatisfied. This falsification can hence satisfy yet other clauses that contain the same variable with opposite sign and improve the objective function again. In this way, the local search space grows until all unsatisfied clauses have been tried to satisfy. Then, the improvement step ends and if the objective function value has decreased, the previous solution is restored. Else, newly unsatisfied clauses are added to the list of unsatisfied candidate clauses. As candidate clauses are only added when the objective function value increases, and one candidate is erased when it decreases, this list will eventually be empty. Then, the solution checking part begins. Here, a worsening of the objective value is allowed with a probability that decreases during the run of the algorithm.

The outline of the paper will be as follows. After a literature overview over existing approaches in Sect. 2, we explain the algorithm in detail in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, we present and discuss our results on common benchmark instances and finally give a conclusion and outlook in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

There are numerous solution approaches for the MaxSAT problem both exact and heuristic ones. Let us point out the differences between SR and other state-of-the-art MaxSAT solvers. In the 2019’s MaxSAT competition  [1], the solver Loandra performed best in the incomplete unweighted track. It combines a core-guided approach for finding a lower bound  [7] and a linear algorithm for an upper bound. As the linear algorithm, the authors use LinSBPS  [13] that performs a neighborhood search in a complete algorithmic setting by repeatedly calling the SAT Solver glucose  [4]. In contrast to LinSPBS, we only call glucose once at the beginning for an initial solution and for the perturbation of a solution but not in order to achieve an improvement. Moreover, we do not calculate lower bounds at all. The local search algorithms MaxRoster (a description can be found in  [5]) which is based on Ramp  [14] and SATLike  [19] which iteratively flips the sign of variables that bring the best improvement work differently than our solver in the respect that they adapt weights of clauses in order to leave local optima. We, however, perturb a current solution for that purpose and instead of changing weights. (Max-)WalkSAT and GSAT  [23] are local search approaches similar to SR in the sense that unsatisfied clauses are picked at random and one of their variables’ sign is flipped. The difference to our approach is that SR searches a larger neighborhood with a more complex improvement heuristics based on stabilities. In fact, one can consider SR a large neighborhood search, as pursued in the OR world (cf. e.g.  [21]), with the difference that SR finds improvements in the neighborhood heuristically and without calling an exact solver whereas the repair procedure in large neighborhood searches often involve an exact solver. At the end of each iteration, SR checks the solution in a simulated annealing fashion. Simulated annealing with reset has been used also for MaxSAT  [10, 17]. Finally, let us point out that the splitting of our algorithm into perturbation, improvement and solution checking was introduced for a state-of-the-art Maximum Independent Set (MIS) heuristic  [3] that in a previous work, we have been able to extend by a different improvement technique and simulated annealing solution checking in order to solve MaxSAT instances that have been transformed to MIS  [22]. In contrast, in this paper we propose an algorithm that works directly on the Boolean formula.

3 Algorithm

The overall procedure of SR is shown in Algorithm 1. We first apply a SAT-based preprocessing on the formula. That is, we label the soft clauses meaning that each soft clause gets an additional variable l and will be considered a hard clause. In addition, for each label, we introduce a unit soft clause \(\lnot l\) with the weight the original soft clause had  [6]. For the obtained equivalent formula, we apply unit clause propagation and bounded variable elimination (cf. e.g.  [12]) on the hard clauses, as long as it is possible. Note that the label variables are excluded from the propagations since these operations are only sound for hard clauses. Then, for an initial feasible solution the SAT solver glucose  [4] is called.

The algorithm then repeatedly executes the three steps of perturbation, improvement and solution checking.

figure a

Let us explain the single parts in greater detail. In the perturbation part shown in Algorithm 2, we explore the search space. More precisely, we first sample a random number k from the geometric distribution with parameter p and select k unsatisfied clauses uniformly at random. Then, we call the SAT solver glucose on all hard clauses and the selected clauses. Additionally, we give the previous solution as an initial solution to the solver in order to speed up the computation. If this formula is feasible, we have altered the solution, but maybe at the cost of a lower objective function value because formerly satisfied clauses are now unsatisfied. These unsatisfied clauses are added to the back of a list of candidates that potentially can be satisfied by improvements. We keep and update this list throughout the algorithm.

figure b

Example. Consider the example formula F from above. An initial feasible solution is given by all variables set to false. The perturbation might set \(k=1\), choose the unsatisfied clause \(C=S_2\) and the SAT solver returns the feasible solution of \(y=true\) and \(x=z=false\). No clause gets unsatisfied by this step.

Remark. In some large instances from industrial applications, sampling a random unsatisfied clause is computationally expensive when all clauses are iterated through in order to detect the unsatisfied ones and sample among them. This is why we keep a superset of the unsatisfied clauses where every time a clause gets unsatisfied, it is added to. Moreover, we apply a heuristic in this superset and sample 1000 clause indices at random and only return if the corresponding clause indeed is unsatisfied. Only if all 1000 sampled clauses are satisfied, we iterate through the superset to find the unsatisfied clauses and sample among them.

figure c

In the improvement part shown in Algorithm 3, we iteratively pick a variable uniformly at random of an unsatisfied clause (at first from the candidates and later from the clauses that have been unsatisfied during this improvement step) and flip its sign. A flip might lead to other clauses becoming unsatisfied now and we store them in the set \(\mathcal {C}\). Note that also hard clauses can become temporarily unsatisfied. On the other hand, there might be a set \(Stab_{1\rightarrow 2}\) of clauses whose stability grows from 1 to 2 which means that there exists now a second true literal whose variable’s sign can now be flipped without unsatisfying this clause. This optimization technique of considering variables in over-satisfied constraints is well-known in mathematical optimization (cf. e.g. Simplex Method  [11]) and we apply it here as a local improvement heuristics. In our algorithm, the clauses in \(Stab_{1\rightarrow 2}\) are iterated through and checked for such an improvement. When no more variables are found that can be flipped, either because \(\mathcal {C}\) is empty or all variables from \(\mathcal {C}\), denoted \(vars(\mathcal {C})\), are flipped already, the improvement step ends. Either the objective function value has increased, then the now unsatisfied clauses are added to the candidates, or it has not and the flips, stored in A, are reverted. Note that the feasible solution remains feasible as the objective function value cannot increase when hard clauses have become unsatisfied. The improvement part ends when there are no more candidate clauses.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Stabilities of clauses during an improvement step.

Remark. In some test instances, the set \(\mathcal {C}\) monotonously grows and never shrinks because there are more new unsatisfied clauses than clauses that can either be satisfied or whose variables have all been considered for an improvement. In order to avoid that we spend too much time in a single local improvement step, we set an iterations limit of 25 for the inner while-loop.

Note that both while-loops terminate. For the outer one, candidate clauses are only added if the objective function value has increased which cannot be infinitely often as MaxSAT instances are always bounded. The inner one ends - besides the iterations limit - when A contains all variables.

Example. Consider the example formula F with solution

$$\begin{aligned} (x,y,z)=(false,true,false) \end{aligned}$$

from above. The stabilities of the following steps are illustrated in Fig. 1. \(S_1\) is unsatisfied and might be the first candidate clause (a). Flipping the sign of its only variable x unsatisfies \(H_1\) because y has been set to true in the perturbation already (b). Hence, \(H_1\) gets added to \(\mathcal {C}\) and x to A. Flipping the sign of one of the variables of \(H_1\) (the only clause in \(\mathcal {C}\)) that has not already been flipped (i.e. that is not in A) means flipping y to false. Note that \(H_2\) has now stability 2 and gets added to \(Stab_{1\rightarrow 2}\) as both variables y and z are false (c). The variable z is the second true literal that has been true before, so its sign gets flipped because no further clause is being unsatisfied by that flip. The improvement step ends with a objective function value that has increased from 3 to 4 (d).

Let us mention that during an improvement step (and after the perturbation), it is possible that formerly satisfied hard clauses become unsatisfied. Hard clauses have a weight greater than the sum of the weights of the soft clauses. Therefore, breaking hard clauses (without satisfying other formerly unsatisfied hard clauses) worsens the solution. In order to leave local optima, however, a worsening is possible in our algorithm - with decreasing probability according to the simulated annealing step, as will be explained in the remainder of this section.

figure d

After the improvements we have arrived in a local optimum. The current solution might be of smaller objective function value than the previous solution from before this iteration of Algorithm 1 if the improvements could not compensate the perturbation. Still, we sometimes allow such a worsening in the simulated annealing approach shown in Algorithm 4 in order to be able to leave local optima. More precisely, we restore the previous solution if it had a better objective function value with a probability growing exponentially with a factor prob that decreases linearly during the course of the algorithm from 1 to 0 and represents the temperature of the simulated annealing. If, however, the number of iterations without an improvement exceeds a parameter m, we reset to the best solution ever seen. When SR terminates, this best solution is returned.

4 Experimental Results

We have applied SR to problem instances and compared it to results that are taken from the 2019’s MaxSAT competitionFootnote 1  [1]. The instances encode various industrial applications’ and theoretical problems, such as scheduling, fault diagnosis, tree-width computation, max clique problems, causal discovery, Ramsey number approximation and many more. An overview of the competing solvers can be found in  [5]. For all calculations, we set the parameters for the geometric distribution and maximum steps in SR to \(p=0.75\) and \(m=1000\), respectively, because they yield the best results on average. We performed all computations on an Intel Core i7-8700K and with a time limit of 60 s. Note that if a solver from  [1] yields worse results on our machine than in the results of the 2019’s MaxSAT competition where computations were performed on the StarExec Cluster  [2], we include the better results for the analysis here. We mark such solvers with an asterisk*.

Table 1. Sum of scores by solver on unweighted instances
Table 2. Sum of scores by solver on weighted instances

Table 1 and Table 2 show the sum of scores of the competing solvers on the unweighted and weighted benchmark instances, respectively, from the incomplete track of the MaxSAT competition against the scores of SR. The score of a solver on an instance is calculated in the following way. Maximizing the sum (of weights) of satisfied soft clauses is equivalent to minimizing the sum (of weights) of unsatisfied soft clauses, which is denoted by the gap. The score of a solver on an instance is the fraction of the best gap known divided by the gap of the particular solver. If a solver’s solution violates a hard clause, its score is zero and its gap infinity.

Example. Consider the example above. In the optimal solution, only \(S_2\) is unsatisfied which yields the optimal gap of 3. If solver A has achieved this optimum, solvers B and C satisfy only \(S_2\) and not \(S_1\) and \(S_3\), then their scores are 3/4 while solver A has the maximal score of 1 on this instance.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Accumulated sum of scores of unweighted instances after 60 s computation time

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Accumulated sum of scores of weighted instances after 60 s computation time

Table 3. Gaps of unweighted instances where SR performs best
Table 4. Gaps of weighted instances where SR performs best

The score hence reflects the ratio of the achieved result to the optimal (or best known) one. In Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, we see the accumulated sum of scores of the single instances, ordered by SR’s scores and grouped by the competing solvers for the unweighted and weighted instances, respectively. The figures illustrate that SR (black) has the highest sum of scores on a large subset of instances. Counting all instances, including those where SR has low scores, we conclude that SR still has a competitive performance. More precisely, in 210 and 179 of the 299 unweighted and 297 weighted instances, SR has a score at least the mean of the other solvers. Furthermore, SR performs especially well on the unweighted instances, in comparison to the other solvers.

What is more, SR often has the best result among all solvers for particular instances. We observe that in the unweighted case, SR performs especially well on instances from atcos, extension enforcement and set covering. In the weighted case, SR is best on many instances encoding the Minimum Weight Dominating Set Problem. See Tables 3 and 4 for complete lists of such instances in the unweighted and weighted case, respectively. For a better comparison, we include a column showing the gaps of the winning solver Loandra, as well.

5 Conclusion and Outlook

In this paper, we have proposed a novel local search algorithm for solving large MaxSAT problems in short time. We could prove by numeric experiments on benchmark instances encoding problems from combinatorial optimization and AI that our algorithm yields results that are comparable to and for some problem families even better than state-of-the-art solvers.

As a possible prospect, we aim at developing more sophisticated improvement methods that take into account not single over-satisfied clauses but sets of such. Also, we can think of caching unsuccessful local improvements so that they will never be performed a second time. Finally, we want to analyse the different components of our algorithm by replacing each of the perturbation, stable improvements and simulated annealing by a naive technique. This will give an insight into the contribution of each component to the solvers performance.