
1 Introduction

We live in a digital society where data grows day by day, most of it consisting of unstructured textual data. This creates the need of processing all this data in order to be able to collect useful information from it. Text classification may be considered a relatively simple task, but it plays a fundamental role in a variety of systems that process textual data. E-mail spam detection is one of the most well-known applications of text classification, where the main goal consists of automatically assigning one of two possible labels (spam or ham) to each message. Other well-known text classification tasks, nowadays receiving increasingly importance, include sentiment analysis and emotion detection, that consist of assign a positive/negative sentiment or an emotion to a text (e.g. happiness, anger, sadness, ...).

Crunchbase is the largest companies’ database in the world, containing a large variety of up-to-date information about each company. Founded in 2007 by Michael Arrington, originally, it was the data storage for its mother company TechCrunch. Until 2015, TechCrunch was the owner of the Crunchbase data, but by that time Crunchbase decoupled itself from TechCrunch to focus on its own products. Crunchbase database contains up-to-date details about over 600000 companies, including a short description, a detailed description, number of employees, headquarters regions, contacts, market share, and the current areas of activity.

This paper compares different approaches for multilabel text classification, using recent information collected from Crunchbase. Each company is labeled with one or more categories, from a subset of 46 possible categories, and the proposed models predict the set of associated categories based solely on the company textual description. In order to address the multilabel problem, two classification strategies have been tested using different classification methods: a) we have created 46 binary models, one for each one of the categories, where the set of categories for a given description is achieved by combining the result of the 46 models; b) we have created a single model that gives the most probable categories for a given description. The resulting models may constitute an important asset for automatic classification of texts that can be applied, not only company descriptions, but to other texts, such as web pages, text blogs, news pages, etc. The work here described extends the work described in [2] to multilabel classification, and constitutes a more challenging task, since each record is associated with one or more categories.

This document is structured as follows: Sect. 2 overviews the related literature, focusing on the most commonly used methods and features to solve similar text classification problems. Section 3 describes the data extraction procedure, the resulting dataset, and the corresponding data pre-processing. Section 5 describes our experiments and the corresponding achieved results. Finally, Sect. 6 presents our final conclusions and pinpoints future research directions.

2 Related Work

Text based classification has become a major researching area, specially because it can be used for a large number of applications. The existing literature in text classification is vast, but most of the studies consider only a small number of possible categories.

Most text classification approaches are based on Supervised Learning. [14] applied machine learning to classify movie reviews from Internet Movie Database (IMDb) by sentiment. Also in [9] an experiment to spam detection in customer reviews took place to check if false opinions were given to a product. Text classification has also been extensively applied to social media. The work described in [11] applies several algorithms to tweets trying to find “trending topics”, and [22] used Twitter information to develop an automated detection model to find rumors and misinformation in social media, achieving an accuracy of about 91%. These are examples of binary classification problems, but a bigger challenge arises when it comes to multiple categories, also known as multi-class. The work described in [3] presents a strategy based on binary maximum entropy classifiers for automatic sentiment analysis and topic classification over Spanish Twitter data. Both tasks involve multiple classes, and each tweet may be associated with multiple topics. Different configurations have been explored for both tasks, leading to the use of cascades of binary classifiers for sentiment analysis and a one-vs-all strategy for topic classification, where the most probable topics for each tweet were selected.

The performance and overall simplicity of Naive Bayes makes it a very attractive alternative for several classification tasks [13]. [8] used a Naive Bayes Classifier for author attribution applied to a dataset called AAAT dataset (i.e Authorship attribution of Ancient Arabic Texts) obtaining results up to 96% classification accuracy. Naive Bayes results are mainly obtained from an unreal assumption of independence. For this, there has been a major focus on investigating the algorithm itself. Recently, [23] used a Naive Bayes on 20 newsgroups, and compared the Multinomial, Bernoulli and Gaussian variants of Naive Bayes approaches.

The work described by [7] reports the use of Fuzzy Fingerprints to find an author of a text document using a large Dataset of newspaper articles from more than 80 distinct authors, achieving about 60% accuracy. Also [18] and [5] make use of the same technique to solve a multi-class classification problem when trying to find events and twitter topics using textual data.

The work reported by [19] demonstrates that the use of Support Vector Machines (SVM) outperform many other methods when applied to text classification problems. The work described in [17] compares Naive Bayes and SVMs, using two well-known datasets with different sample sizes in multiple experiments, and concludes that SVMs outperform Naive Bayes by a large margin, giving a much lower error rate, at that time the lowest for the given sets of data. Also in [1] a text classification problem with a large number of categories is used to compare SVMs and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The results are very clear for both recall and precision, both indicating the differences in performance of the SVM and ANN. The SVM once again outperforms ANN, suggesting that SVMs as more suitable for this type of problems, not only because they achieve better performance, but also because they are less computationally complex. Additionally, [1] also compares two sets of features, a large and a reduced feature set, concluding that, using SVMs, the small feature set achieves much better performance.

In what concerns features, one of the most common ways to represent textual data is the bag-of-words approach [6], a very simple and efficient way to quickly feed an algorithm and check its potential behavior. This method consists in a simple breakdown of a sentence into a set of words that are part of it. It usually achieves a decent performance, and in some cases, if the dataset is already very rich in terms of features it can be a good implementation. This type of approach assumes that words are independent, and do not consider the context where the word was used, losing the syntactic structure and semantic meaning of the sentence. When the data is sparse this technique may not be adequate, but it is possible to use a similar technique, based on n-grams, that preserves some of the local context of a word. The work reported by [10] describes experiments using n-grams (bag-of-n-grams), consisting in a n-size moving window (usually 1,2 or 3) along each sentence and collect the unique combination of words along with its count. Bag-of-words are compared to n-grams approaches and show a large improvement over the entire set of experiments. Another well-known and successful weighting scheme commonly used for Text Classification is Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). An alternative to bag of words, n-grams and TF-IDF is the use of word embeddings. Word embeddings are a much more complex technique that attempts to encode the semantics of the words in the text. Common implementations, such as word2vec, allow the use of embeddings in text classification often with good results. For example, [12] combines TF-IDF and word2vec and achieves more than 90% accuracy while processing a news dataset.

A set of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are commonly used for extracting relevant features from a sentence. One of them is lemmatization, a way to prepare the text for further usage, and a widely used technique when working with text classifiers [15, 21, 24]. Unlike stemming, it is not just the process of removing the suffix of a word, it also considers the morphological structure of the word. Stemming is a similar approach that is much lighter to run, it does not look into the morphosyntactic form of a word [20]. Part-of-Speech tagging is another NLP technique commonly applied to text classification tasks, that consists of assigning a part-of-speech tag (e.g., noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, pronoun, etc.) to each word. For example, [16] use part-of-speech to approach a multi-class classification problem for Amazon product reviews.

An attempt to extract to automatically extract information from an older version Crunchbase has been done in [2]. At the time, Crunchbase contained around 120K companies, each classified to one out of 42 possible categories. The dataset also contained category “Other”, that grouped a vast number of other categories. The paper performs experiments using SVMs, Naive Bayes, TF-IDF, and Fuzzy fingerprints. To our knowledge, no other works have reported text classification tasks over a Crunchbase dataset.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Filtering and data transformation diagram.

3 Corpus

In this work we use a subset of a dataset extracted from Crunchbase containing up-to-date information of about 685000 companies. Crunchbase exposes a REST API that can be used to integrate all the information that is provided at Crunchbase for external applications. This API is accessible for researching purposes and Crunchbase Team, upon request. Crunchbase kindly provided full access for their data for 6 months, while developing this work. The data was extracted using the Crunchbase API and stored into SQLite3 databases. Figure 1 presents the data retrieval and filtering procedures. During the data retrieval stage we verified that some of the original responses were not retrieved properly, so they were removed. The extracted JSON entries contain a lot of information, but only a small portion of that information is relevant for our task: URL of the company, company name, description, short_description, categories, and fine categories. DB1 contains only parseable records, containing only the relevant fields for our task. Finally, DB2 contains the data used in our experiments, were entries that did not belong to any category or that did not contain any description were filtered out. The final database contains a total of 405602 records, that have been randomly shuffled and stored into two different tables: train, containing 380602 records, will be used from training our models; and test, containing 25000 records, that will be used for evaluating our models.

Each record contains a textual description of the company, that explains the company for whoever wants to have a brief notion of what it does and the areas that it belongs, and a short description, which is a summary of the description itself. Typically the textual description consists of only a couple of paragraphs, an average of 77 words (including stopwords) which makes the text based classification task a difficult problem. Crunchbase considers a fixed set of 46 distinct categories, that correspond to areas of activity, and labels each company with one or more of those categories. Figure 2 shows an histogram of the number of companies that were labeled with a given number of different categories. Most of the companies were labeled with more than one label, and the maximum number of categories is 15. The average number of categories for each company is 2.41, which may be a relevant fact to be considered in the evaluation stage.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Histogram of the number of companies labeled with a given number of categories.

Each category can also be decomposed into a number of fixed fine categories. The category is wider (e.g Software) while the fine categories are more specific (e.g., Augmented Reality, Internet, Software, Video Games, Virtual Reality). Each fine category can be present in more than one category, for instance “Alumni” appears as a fine category for “Internet Services”, “Community and lifestyle”, “Software”, and many other categories. Also, “Consumer” appears in “Administrative Services”, “Hardware” and “Real Estate”, among others. The analysis performed in this paper considers only the 46 wider categories.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Number of companies labeled with a given group.

Figure 3 presents the number of companies that have been labeled with a given group, revealing a highly unbalanced dataset, where the frequency of each category ranges from 28% (Software) to 0.7% (Navigation and Mapping). The “Software” category is assigned to over 100K records, while 17 categories occur in less than 10K companies. It is also important to note that even the second most represented category, Internet Services, corresponds to only 56% of the most represented category.

4 Experimental Setup

This section presents the details about the experimental setup. It starts by describing the corpora pre-processing steps, then it presents the adopted classification methods, and finally presents the used evaluation metrics.

4.1 Corpora Pre-processing and Feature Extraction

Experiments described in this paper model the categories of a company based on the text available in the company description. We have removed the punctuation marks, lower-cased every token, and removed all the stopwords from the text, by using the list of stopwords included with Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) for the English language.

Concerning the text representation features, our baseline experiments use a bag-of-words representation, considering the word frequency for each description. We have also tested the TF-IDF weighting scheme, word bigrams, lemmatization, stemming, and part-of-speech tags.

4.2 Methods

We have tested three approaches: multinomial Naive Bayes [13], Support Vector Machines [19], and Fuzzy Fingerprints [2]. We implemented the first two approaches using scikit-learn, and used our own implementation of Fuzzy Fingerprints.

Naive Bayes is one of the most widely used methods for binary and multiclass text classification. The method outputs a probabilistic distribution, which makes it possible to analyse the probability of the outcome and to easily define thresholds. The multinomial Naive Bayes classifier is suitable for classification with discrete features, which is the case of word counts for text classification, given that the multinomial distribution normally requires integer feature counts. In practice, fractional counts such as TF-IDF may also work, but our experiments using TF-IDF achieved much worse performances.

Support Vector Machines (SVM) were introduced as a solution for a binary problem with two categories associated with pattern recognition. The SVM calculates the best decision limit between different vectors, each belonging to a category. Based on the limit minimization principle [4] for a given vector space where the goal is to find the decision boundary that splits the different classes or categories. SVM based models are often used in text classification problems since they behave quite well when used in supervised learning problems. The good results are due to the high generalization capacity of the method, which can be particularly interesting when trying to solve problems in bigger dimensions. Every experiment here described use the default parameters of the scikit-learn implementations.

Fuzzy fingerprints experiments use the Pareto function with K = 4000. For more information about the method refer to [2].

4.3 Evaluation Metrics

Experiments in this paper are evaluated using the metrics: accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score, defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} Accuracy=\frac{true\,positives+true\,negatives}{total\,predictions} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Precision=\frac{true\,positives}{true\,positives+false\,positives} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Recall=\frac{true\,positives}{true\,positives+false\,negatives} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} F1-score=\frac{2 * precision * recall}{precision+recall} \end{aligned}$$

In order to calculate the overall metrics, we must consider the micro-average and macro-average versions of the above performance metrics. A macro-average computes the metric independently for each category and then takes the average (hence treating all categories equally), whereas a micro-average aggregates the contributions of all categories to compute the average metric. Micro-average metrics are usually preferable metric for unbalanced multi-class classification tasks.

5 Experiments and Results

This section presents two sets of experiments. Section 5.1 describes experiments with binary classification models, one for each category, where each model predicts a category. Section 5.2 presents a number of experiments, considering only one model in a multi-class scenario.

5.1 Binary Classification Models

Our first set of experiments consists of creating a model for each one of the categories. In order to train each model in a binary fashion, we have selected every companies labeled with the corresponding label as positive samples, and all the other companies as negative samples. In this scenario, the performance of each model can be evaluated individually, but micro-average or macro-average metrics must be used in order to assess the global performance.

Table 1. Classification results for each method, using different features.

Table 1 presents the most relevant micro-average results. Concerning the multinomial Naive Bayes, the best results were achieved using the word frequency, as expected (see Sect. 4.2). The performance of the SVM-based models improved when moving from the word frequency to the TF-IDF weighting scheme. However, the performance did not improve after introducing other NLP-based features, such as lemmatization, stemming, part-of-speech tags, or bigrams. The Fuzzy fingerprints did not produce interesting results, but this was an expected result due to the small size of the descriptions and the fact that they were developed for multi-class problems, and usually only are advantageous when dealing with large number of classes [7, 18]. Overall, the best result, considering the F1-score, was achieved by combining TF-IDF with SVMs.

Table 2. Classification performance by group for SVM + TF-IDF

Table 2 shows the performance of each individual classifier, revealing that the performance does not necessarily degrades for the most highly unbalanced categories.

The achieved results can not be directly compared with the results described in [2], not only because the evaluation sets differ, but also because different metrics and different modeling approaches are being used. However, it is interesting to note that SVMs, which did not perform well in that work, are now the best performing method (by far).

5.2 Multi-class Classification

Our second set of experiments consists of creating a single model that is able to provide the most probable category. In order to train such a model, we have duplicated each entry as many times as the number of corresponding category labels. So, each company labeled with n categories was duplicated once for each one of the categories, and used for training each individual category. Such a model may be useful for automatically guessing the best category for a given text and also provide the top best categories. The performance of the model cannot be easily evaluated, once the number of possible categories varies for each company. So, we have evaluated the performance of correctly predicting one of the categories, which may correspond to the best category only. In this scenario, Accuracy becomes the most adequate metric, and Precision and Recall do not apply. For this experiment we used TF-ICF (Term Frequency - Inverse Class Frequency) [18], a process similar to TF-IDF, in the Fuzzy Fingerprints approach.

Table 3. Multi-class classification results.

Table 3 shows the classification performance when predicting the top category, for each one of the three methods. Our baseline corresponds to always guessing the most frequent category. In this multi-class experiment SVM and Fuzzy Fingerprints perform very similarly, but the SVM is around 16x slower. The multinomial Naive Bayes runs very fast, but the performance is more than 3% (absolute) lower than the other two approaches.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper describes multi-label text classification experiments over a dataset containing more than 400000 records about companies extracted from Crunchbase. We have performed experiments using three classification approaches, multinomial Naive Bayes, SVM, and Fuzzy fingerprints, and considering different combinations of text representation features. Our dataset is highly unbalanced since the frequency of each category ranges from 28% to 0.7%. Nevertheless, our findings reveal that the description text of each company contains features that allow to predict its area of activity, expressed by its corresponding categories, with about an overall performance of 70% precision, and 42% recall. When using a multi-class approach, the accuracy for predicting the most probable category is above 65%.

We are planning to improve this work by considering additional evaluation metrics for ranking problems, such as precision@k, recall@k and f1@k, that may be suitable for measuring the multi-label performance. Additionally, we are also planning to introduce features based on embeddings and to compare the reported methods with other neural network classification approaches.