
2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Atomically Precise Metal NCs

Atomically precise metal nanoclusters have attracted broad interest due to the crystal structure availability and unique properties in optical and catalysis applications [1,2,3]. Compared with the traditional plasmonic metal nanoparticles, the ultra-small NCs (<3 nm) show quantized electronic structures because of the quantum confinement effect [4]. As a result, a single atom change can significantly alter the properties of NCs. The UV-vis spectrum can be used as the “fingerprints” of NCs [5] because it shows certain distinct peaks for each size of NCs, rather than similar plasmonic peaks for regular nanoparticles. Similarly, the catalytic properties of various metal NCs can be totally different because of the major change in surface and electronic structure of NCs with subtle difference in atom numbers or size. Therefore, it is of great interest to correlate the structure and catalytic application using NCs as model catalysts [6]. Indeed, it is possible to build up a library of NCs structure–catalytic properties since the number of reported NCs is large enough. This library might offer great insights into the interpretation of catalytic process and reaction mechanism, and further offer some guidelines in the future design and synthesis of new NCs.

2.1.2 Electrochemical Catalysis with Atomically Precise Metal NCs

The global energy crisis and pollution issues have driven scientists to investigate the alternatives of fossil fuels. One of the strategies is using the secondary energy (such as solar energy and wind energy) derived electricity to split water for producing H2 as a clean energy source [7]. In the water splitting system, hydrogen is produced at the cathode through hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), and oxygen is formed at the anode through oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Currently, Pt group metals are proved to be the most effective catalysts in HER, while Ir/Ru materials are successful in OER. However, the high cost of noble metals has motivated scientists to study alternative catalysts for these reactions.

On the other hand, the obtained hydrogen from HER and other fuels, such as methanol, can be utilized in the fuel cell system. The fuel cell is an electrochemical device to efficiently transform chemical energy of fuel without combustion [8]. Due to its high efficiency and environmentally friendly properties, fuel cells have been used in vehicles [9]. Currently, the disadvantage of fuel cell technique is the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in cathode electrode. It is believed that the ORR is the rate limiting reaction with very sluggish kinetics because of multi-electron transfer during the reaction [10]. Similar to the HER, ORR also favors Pt as the catalyst. Therefore, alternative catalysts are yet to be found to reduce the high cost of noble metals.

Another popular electrochemical catalytic reaction is the CO2 electrochemical reduction reaction (CO2RR). In the past decades, the global warming has been considered as a serious issue caused by massive CO2 emission. To relieve the climate change pressure, one of the solutions is to utilize CO2 as a resource to produce industrial chemicals and fuels [11, 12]. In the CO2RR, catalytic materials are required to overcome the intrinsic inertness of CO2 molecules [13]. Among the catalyst candidates, Au and Ag have been extensively studied because of their high selectivity toward CO [14]. Besides, Cu is also a good catalyst because of its versatility to form various carbon hydrates and low price.

To design better catalytic materials, it is essential to understand the mechanism behind these catalytic reactions. Thus, it is of great importance to find a system to correlate the structure and catalytic properties. Previously, several strategies, including size control and morphology control, have been used to investigate the relationships between structure and properties [15, 16]. For example, Zhu et al. [17] and Seoin et al. [18] reported the active site probing with Au catalysts of different morphologies from the view of experimental and computational modeling, respectively. Despite the well-designed experiment, the non-atomically monodispersed size of traditional nanomaterials significantly weakens the connection between the structure and properties.

In the past decades, the synthesis strategy of atomically precise metal NCs has been extensively investigated and a number of sizes of NCs between tens and hundreds of atoms (equivalent diameters ranging from sub-nanometer to ~2.2 nm) have been reported [1]. For applications as electrochemical catalytic materials, such NCs have several distinctive features such as high surface area and unique surface structure [19]. Besides, the atomic precision and crystal structure availability make metal NCs a perfect system to bridge the structure and properties.

In this chapter, several works about metal NCs as electrochemical catalysts are introduced with a focus on the atomic size effect, morphology effect, doping effect, and charge effect. The computational techniques used in the catalytic mechanism study are also summarized.

2.2 Synthesis and Structure Determination of Atomically Precise Metal NCs

2.2.1 Synthesis of Metal NCs

Here, we illustrate the size-focusing synthesis and structure determination using atomically precise Au25(SR)18 NCs as an example. Larger NCs such as Au133(SR)52 and Au279(SR)84 can also be synthesized by the size-focusing method [20, 21]. In the size-focusing method, a mixture of NCs with a controlled size distribution is first prepared by carefully controlling the ratio of gold precursor and reduction agent as well as other synthetic conditions. Then, the NCs mixture is subjected to size-focusing under harsh conditions, under which the unstable NCs decompose or convert to more stable ones. Eventually, only the most stable NCs can survive the size-focusing process [22].

In the case of Au25 [23, 24], the Au(III) salt is initially reduced to Au(I) by thiols at 0 °C in the first step. The as-obtained Au(I)-SR complex is then reduced by adding a NaBH4 aqueous solution. Polydisperse NCs protected by thiolate are obtained after the reduction process. During the following size-focusing process, it can be observed from the evolution of the optical absorption spectra that the monodispersed Au25 NCs gradually become dominant, as shown in Fig. 2.1a. The mass spectrum also illustrates the molecular purity of Au25 (Fig. 2.1b).

Fig. 2.1: a
figure 1

Adapted from Ref. [24]. Copyright 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry

Evolution of the UV-vis spectra of the reaction product in the Au25 synthesis, b mass spectrometry analysis of Au25.

2.2.2 Structure Determination of Metal NCs

The crystal structures of NCs can be determined by X-ray crystallography. In the case of Au25, the structure comprises a Au13 icosahedral core and a Au12(SR)18 shell [23]. The Au12 shell can be dissected into six dimeric –S–Au–S–Au–S– staple motifs (Fig. 2.2). Due to the atomic precision and the determined crystal structure of metal NCs, it is of great interest to use NCs as catalysts for catalytic mechanism study. Especially for electrochemical catalysis, it is challenging to capture the intermediates during the catalytic process and thus very little is known about the mechanism. However, the well-defined structure of nanocluster catalysts can now facilitate the computational modeling, thus providing opportunities to reveal the mechanism behind electrochemical catalysis.

Fig. 2.2
figure 2

Adapted from Ref. [5]. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society

Dissection of the Au25 cluster into Au13 kernel and six surface motifs.

2.3 Hydrogen Evolution Reaction with Metal NC Catalysts

The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) occurs at the cathode when an external voltage is applied. The reaction can be described in three steps:

Volmer reaction:

$${\text{H}}^{ + } + {\text{M}} + {\text{e}}^{ - } \to {\text{MH}}_{\text{ads}} \quad \left( {\text{acidic}} \right)$$
$${\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} + {\text{M}} + {\text{e}}^{ - } \to {\text{MH}}_{\text{ads}} + {\text{OH}}^{ - } \quad \left( {\text{alkaline}} \right)$$

In the Volmer reaction, hydrogen absorbs on the catalytic material to form a MHads intermediate, followed by a Heyrovsky reaction or Tafel reaction. In the Heyrovsky reaction, the dihydrogen is formed through an electrochemical desorption:

$${\text{MH}}_{{{\text{ad}}s}} + {\text{H}}^{ + } + {\text{e}}^{ - } \to {\text{M}} + {\text{H}}_{2} \quad \left( {\text{acidic}} \right)$$
$${\text{MH}}_{\text{ads}} + {\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}} + {\text{e}}^{ - } \to {\text{M}} + {\text{OH}}^{ - } + {\text{H}}_{2} \quad \left( {\text{alkaline}} \right)$$

The hydrogen can also undergo a chemical desorption process through the Tafel reaction:

$$2\;{\text{MH}}_{\text{ads}} \to 2\;{\text{M}} + {\text{H}}_{2}$$

The binding energy of hydrogen to the catalyst is the key factor of HER activity. Among the HER catalysts, noble metals such as Pt and Pd have moderate binding energy with hydrogen, thus showing excellent HER activities [25]. However, the high cost and stability issue of Pt catalysts motivate the scientists to find alternative materials for HER.

Here, we summarize the doping effects and synergetic effects of Au NCs in HER. We also introduce how the computational technique is used in these cases to explain differences in catalytic activity and verify proposed mechanisms. These works offer some insights into the catalytic reactions, which is expected to further pave the way for future design of catalyst materials.

2.3.1 Pt or Pd Doped Au25 NCs in HER

The study of Au NCs as HER catalysts was reported by Kyuju et al. in 2017 [26]. A molecular-like Pt1Au24 nanocluster was prepared and used as catalysts in homogeneous HER. Following this work, the same group further studied the Pd1Au24, Pd2Au36 and Pt2Au36 nanoclusters [27]. In the case of Au25 nanocluster, the doping atom (Pd or Pt) exclusively replaces the central gold atom in the nanocluster. The overall structure of nanoclusters remains unchanged after doping, while the mass spectrum and optical absorption spectrum obviously changed (Fig. 2.3). In the mechanistic study of nanoclusters as HER catalysts, Voltammetry was used to study the electron transfer properties (Fig. 2.4). The redox potentials are drastically changed after Pt doping. Also, compared with Au25, Pt1Au24 has more positive onset potential and higher current. Combining the voltammetry and linear weep voltammograms (LSVs) with different concentration of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), it can be seen that the [PtAu24]1−/2− peak at 1.10 V drastically rises with increasing TFA concentration, indicating that the [PtAu24]2− is the major contributor for enhanced HER activity. Also, the production rate with the Pt1Au24 catalyst is significantly higher than that of the commercial Pt/C catalyst. Additionally, the charge-state-dependent catalytic activity results show that the catalytic currents at potentials negative to the [PtAu24]1−/2− exhibit a linear correlation with [PtAu24] and [TFA]1/2, corresponding to the Volmer–Heyrovsky mechanism [28, 29]. Meanwhile, the currents exhibit a linear correlation with [TFA] and [PtAu]3/2 at −1.0 V where [PtAu24]1− is dominant, corresponding to the Volmer–Tafel mechanism [28]. These results are reasonable considering the charge state of Pt1Au24 at different potential. To be specific, the dominant [PtAu24]2− at negative potential adsorbs a proton to form [H–PtAu24]1− with negative charge, which is prone to react with another proton to evolve H2. On the other hand, the dominant [PtAu24]1− at −1.0 V will form [H–PtAu24]0 after adsorbing a proton. Therefore, the Tafel pathway is preferred at this potential.

Fig. 2.3
figure 3

Adapted with permission from Ref. [26]. Copyright 2017 Springer Nature

a Structures of Au25 and PtAu24 NCs (golden, Au atoms of the kernel; olive, Au atoms of the shell; gray, sulfur), b Mass spectrometry analysis of Au25 (red) and Pt1Au24 (blue) NCs, c UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra of Au25 (red) and Pt1Au24 (blue) NCs.

Fig. 2.4
figure 4

Adapted with permission from Ref. [26]. Copyright 2017 Springer Nature

a Square-wave voltammetry (SWV) of Au25 (red) and PtAu24 (blue) NCs, b LSV of Au25 (red) and PtAu24 (blue) NCs, c LSVs of PtAu24 in THF in the presence of 0. 4. 8, 12, 17, 21, 27, 34, 45, 55, and 60 mM of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), d H2 production rates per mass of metals in catalyst at various overpotentials on PtAu24 (blue) and Pt/C electrodes (red), e Dependence of the catalytic current Ic on the concentration of TFA in the presence of PtAu24 (I mM), f Dependence of the catalytic current Ic on the concentration of PtAu24 in TFA (1 M) solution at −1.3 V (blue), −1.8 V (green) and −2.2 V (purple), insets show dependence of the Ic on the concentration of e TFA and f PtAu24 at −1.0 V, g calculated reaction energies for HER on PtAu24.

DFT calculations are also utilized to explain the enhanced catalytic activity of Pt1Au24 (Fig. 2.4g). The results show that the adsorption of the first proton on Pt1Au24 is thermodynamically neutral, while the second proton adsorption is endothermic. This result is consistent with the charge-state-dependent catalytic activity. On the other hand, the geometry optimization shows that the proton is prone to bind with the Pt atom in the icosahedral center. Therefore, the stronger H–Pt interaction with respect to H–Au is a key factor for the enhanced HER activity. Using the same strategies, the group also studied the HER activities of Pd1Au24, Pt2Au36 and Pd2Au36 [27]. These works proved the versatility of metal NCs in catalytic mechanism study. Especially, the introduction of SWV and DFT calculation makes the metal NCs a perfect tool to correlate the structure and properties.

2.3.2 Boosting HER Activity with Au NCs/MoS2 Composite

Besides the doping effects, metal NCs are also reported to show strong synergetic effects when loaded on other materials. In 2017, the synergetic effect was reported by Zhao et al. [30]. In this work, Au25(SR)18 and Au25(SePh)18 NCs are loaded on the MoS2 ultra-thin nanosheets. These two NCs have a similar kernel structure but different protecting ligands. The TEM images and XPS spectra indicate the successful loading of Au NCs on the surface of MoS2 (Fig. 2.5). The Mo 3d XPS of composites exhibits negative shifting compared with MoS2, while the Au 4f spectra of composites show obvious positive shifting compared with Au25 NCs. The XPS results clearly indicate that the electron density transfers from Au25 to MoS2. In the HER activity test, the thiolate-protected Au25 NCs exhibit a more positive onset potential and higher current density compared with MoS2 nanosheets. On the other hand, the benzeneselenolate-protected Au25 NCs loaded MoS2 nanosheets show similar synergetic effects. However, the enhancement is less obvious compared with the thiolate-protected Au25 NCs. To explain the different enhancement in HER catalytic activity, Au 4f XPS spectra of Au25(SR)18/MoS2, Au25(SePh)18/MoS2 and pure MoS2 are obtained. The Au25(SR)18/MoS2 composites exhibit more positive shifting compared with the Au25(SePh)18/MoS2 composites, indicating stronger electron density transfer effects of thiol protected Au25. Therefore, the electron interaction between MoS2 nanosheets and Au NCs is a key factor for the HER activity. Based on these results, the authors proposed a dual interfacial effect, where the core/ligand interface of Au NCs and the MoS2/Au NCs interface are both important in the HER catalytic activity.

Fig. 2.5
figure 5

Adapted from Ref. [30]. Copyright 2017 Wiley-VCH

a TEM image of the MoS2 nanosheets, b HAADF-STEM image of the Au25/MoS2 composite, c high-resolution Mo 3d XPS spectra of MoS2 nanosheet and Au25/MoS2 composite, d high-resolution Au 4f XPS spectra of Au25 NCs and Au25/MoS2 composite, e HER LSV curves, f high-resolution Au 4f XPS spectra of MoS2, Au25(SePh)18/MoS2 and Au25(SR)18/MoS2 composite.

Du et al. also studied the synergetic effects between Au2Pd6 NCs and MoS2 [31]. In this work, DFT calculation is used to investigate the origin of the enhanced HER activity. The DFT calculation shows the ΔG for a proton adsorbed at Au2Pd6/MoS2 composite is more negative than that of MoS2, indicating better HER activity of the composites. Besides, it is found that in the Au2Pd6 composites, both Au atoms and S atoms have appropriate ΔG for proton adsorption. In contrast, only the Au–Pd bridge site has proper ΔG in Au2Pd6 NCs, and no proper active site for proton adsorption can be found in defect-free MoS2. Therefore, the significant increase in active sites in the composites is a key factor for boosted HER activity. Meanwhile, the DOS analysis also explained the enhanced activity of composites. The Au2Pd6 composites have a defect state near the Fermi level. This unique defect state narrows the band gap, leading to a better electronic conductivity.

2.4 Oxygen Evolution Reaction with Metal NCs

Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is the other half reaction in water splitting and is indeed critical. Oxygen can be formed through several proton/electron-coupled steps in OER. The reaction can be described as follows:

$$2\;{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}} \to 4\;{\text{H}}^{ + } + {\text{O}}_{2} + 4\;{\text{e}}^{ - } \quad \left( {\text{acidic}} \right)$$
$$4\;{\text{OH}}^{ - } \to 2\;{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} + {\text{O}}_{2} + 4\;{\text{e}}^{ - } \quad \left( {\text{alkaline}} \right)$$

In OER, the formation of oxygen requires a four-electron transfer, and the reaction kinetically favors single electron transfer at each step [32]. Therefore, catalysts are required to overcome the energy barrier and lower the high overpotential in the sluggish OER [33, 34]. To reduce the cost of catalyst materials, cheaper and efficient alternative catalytic materials are extensively studied to replace the current Ir-based materials. In previous reports, anchoring a small amount of gold onto cobalt-based materials can enhance the OER activity [35, 36]. However, the mechanism for the improvement was not well understood due to the variability and complicacy of the gold-loaded composites. In this section, the synergetic effects between Au NCs and CoSe2 nanosheets are introduced. This unique composite may provide valuable insights into the mechanistic study by taking advantage of the precise atomic structures of Au NCs [1].

2.4.1 Aun NCs Promote OER at the Nanocluster/CoSe2 Interface

The OER performance of metal NCs was first reported by Zhao et al. in 2017 [37]. In this work, composites of Au25 and ultra-thin CoSe2 nanosheets were synthesized and tested as OER catalysts. TEM images clearly show the ultra-thin nanosheet structure of CoSe2 (Fig. 2.6a–c). In the high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM), it can be observed that Au nanoclusters are homogeneously dispersed on the surface of CoSe2 nanosheets.

Fig. 2.6
figure 6

Adapted from Ref. [37]. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society

a TEM image of CoSe2 nanosheets, b, c HAADF-STEM images of Au25/CoSe2 composite, d OER polarization curves of Au25/CoSe2, CoSe2, Pt/C and Au25/C, e overpotential at the current density of 10 mA cm−2, and the current density at the overpotential of 0.45 V for Au25/CoSe2, CoSe2, Pt/C and Au25/C catalysts, f stability test of Au25/CoSe2,HER LSV curves, g UV-vis spectra of Au25 NCs before and after the stability test.

In the electrochemical test (Fig. 2.6d–f), the Au25/CoSe2 composites show much smaller onset potential (1.406 V vs. RHE) and higher current density than CoSe2 nanosheets and Au25-loaded carbon. At 1.68 V, Au25/CoSe2 composites achieve a current density of 11.78 mA cm−2, which is 2.4 times that of CoSe2 nanosheets (4.92 mA cm−2) and 20.7 times that of Au25-loaded carbon (0.57 mA cm−2). Also, the composites exhibit higher current density and smaller overpotential than commercial Pt/C catalysts. In the stability test, the polarization curve and UV-vis spectra of the Au25/CoSe2 composites exhibit the same features before and after 1000 cycles, indicating excellent stability of the composites as OER catalysts (Fig. 2.6g).

The XPS and Raman analysis of CoSe2 and composites were conducted to explain the enhanced OER activity of Au25/CoSe2 composites (Fig. 2.7). The binding energy of Co 2p in the composites shows a ~1 eV decrease compared with CoSe2, indicating electronic interaction between the Au25 and CoSe2 nanosheet. Also, the Raman peak at ca. 657 cm−1 exhibits a shift toward higher wavenumber, suggesting the electronic interaction. It is believed that such an electronic interaction is a key factor that stabilizes the hydroperoxyl intermediates and optimizes interaction between CoSe2 and oxygen.

Fig. 2.7
figure 7

Adapted from Ref. [37]. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society

a High-resolution Co 2p XPS spectra of CoSe2 and Au25/CoSe2 composites, b Raman spectra of CoSe2 and Au25/CoSe2 composites.

2.4.2 Aun NC Size Effect in OER

The size of gold nanoclusters is also important for the catalytic activity. To study the potential size dependence of Aun NCs for OER, Zhao et al. compared gold nanoclusters of Au10(SPh-tBu)10, Au25(SR)18, Au144(SR)60 and Au333(SR)79, with the latter three being protected by the same phenylethanethiolate ligand. These NCs were loaded onto CoSe2 (all at 2.0 wt%, denoted as Aun/CoSe2). The OER polarization curves show a moderate increase of OER activity with an increase in cluster size. The Au333/CoSe2 catalyst possesses the smallest overpotential (~0.41 V for 10 mA cm−2) and the largest current density (15.44 mA cm−2 at the overpotential of 0.45 V).

2.5 Oxygen Reduction Reaction with Au NCs

The ORR is the rate-determining step of the fuel cell system because of its sluggish kinetics [38, 39]. In both acidic and alkaline electrolyte, different mechanisms have been documented for ORR. These processes can be described as follows:

$${\text{Acidic:}}\quad {\text{O}}_{2} + 4\;{\text{H}}^{ + } + 4\;{\text{e}}^{ - } \to 2\;{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}$$
$${\text{O}}_{2} + 2\;{\text{H}}^{ + } + 2\;{\text{e}}^{ - } \to {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}_{2}$$
$${\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}_{2} + 2\;{\text{H}} + 2\;{\text{e}}^{ - } \to 2\;{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}$$
$${\text{Alkaline: }}\quad {\text{O}}_{2} + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} + 4\;{\text{e}}^{ - } \to 4\;{\text{OH}}^{ - }$$
$${\text{O}}_{2} + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} + 2\;{\text{e}}^{ - } \to {\text{HO}}_{2} {^{ - }} + {\text{OH}}^{ - }$$
$${\text{HO}}_{2^{ - }} + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} + 2\;{\text{e}}^{ - } \to 3\;{\text{OH}}^{ - }$$

From the equations, it can be seen that two possible pathways can be observed in ORR in both electrolytes. One of them is the direct 4e pathway where oxygen is reduced to H2O in acidic electrolytes or OH in alkaline electrolytes. The other pathway is the 2e mechanism where H2O2 or HO2 is first formed before the sequent reduction to H2O or OH with another 2e transfer. It is believed that the commercial Pt/C electrode favors the direct 4e pathways. However, the complicated surface structure of Pt/C catalysts makes it challenging to figure out the reaction occurring in the catalytic process [40,41,42]. To understand the ORR mechanism, several noble metal nanoparticle-based catalytic materials with either direct 4e or 2e pathways have been extensively studied [43,44,45,46,47,48,49]. Among these catalysts, Au has shown several unique properties in ORR. In 2007, Zhang et al. found that Pt catalysts can be stabilized against dissolution by modification with Au NCs [50]. In their electrochemical study, the Au NCs-modified Pt catalysts exhibit ultra-high stability where the polarization curve remains unchanged after 30,000 cycles. Later, Yin et al. reported in 2012 the Au NCs/graphene hybrids for high-performance ORR [51]. The hybrid catalytic materials exhibit high current density and excellent stability comparable to that of the commercial Pt/C catalysts. Yet, no study about combining the atomically precise Au NCs with DFT calculations is reported. The precise structure and ultra-small size make the Au NCs a perfect system to study the size effect in ORR. In this section, the reports on the size effects of atomically precise Au NCs are introduced.

2.5.1 Nanocluster-Derived Ultra-Small Nanoparticles for ORR

The size effect has been extensively studied for Au nanoparticles in the past decades [52, 53]. However, reports are rare for ultra-small Au nanoparticles (i.e., core diameter <2 nm) for ORR. In 2016, Wang et al. reported porous carbon-supported ultra-small nanoparticles as ORR catalysts using thiolate-capped Au25, Au38 and Au144 NCs as precursors [54]. The average diameters of Au nanoparticles were estimated to be 3.7 ± 0.9 nm for Au25-derived catalyst (AuPC-1), 4.9 ± 1.1 nm for Au38-derived one (AuPC-2), and 5.8 ± 1.25 nm for Au144-derived one (AuPC-3), as shown in Fig. 2.8. All the Au nanoparticles are larger than the sizes of the original nanoclusters because of aggregation of clusters during the calcination.

Fig. 2.8
figure 8

Adapted with permission from Ref. [54]. Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society

TEM images of a AuPC-1, c AuPC-2, and e AuPC-3, with the corresponding size distribution in panels b, d, and e.

In the electrochemical test (Fig. 2.9), it is found that the AuPC-1 sample exhibits a peak current density similar to that of commercial Pt/C (0.57 mA cm−2). The rotation ring and disk electrode (RRDE) measurements show that the onset potential is 0.95, 0.91, and 0.89 V for AuPC-1, AuPC-2, and AuPC-3, respectively. Also, the diffusion-limited current density of AuPC-1 (3.61 mA cm−2) is obviously higher than that of AuPC-2 (3.21 mA cm−1) and AuPC-3 (3.16 mA cm−2). It is noted that the ORR activity of AuPC-1 is similar to that of the commercial Pt/C catalysts (0.95 V for onset potential and 4.98 mA cm−2 for limiting current density). Taking all the results together, one can find that the ORR activity increases with the decreasing Au nanoparticle size. Especially, the smallest AuPC-1 sample shows a comparable activity with the commercial Pt/C electrode.

Fig. 2.9
figure 9

Adapted with permission from Ref. [54]. Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society

a CV curves, b the ORR polarization curves, c Tafel plots, d Chronoamperometric profiles of AuPC-1, AuPC-2, AuPC-3 and Pt/C catalysts.

In the Tafel plots (Fig. 2.9c), it can be seen that the specific activity increases with the decrease of AuPC nanoparticle size. At 0.8 V, the current density increases in the order of AuPC-3 (0.16 mA cm−2) < AuPC-2 (0.195 mA cm−2) < AuPC-1 (0.612 mA cm−2) < commercial Pt/C (0.615 mA cm−2). Additionally, similar features of the Tafel plots can be observed for all the catalysts. Two clear linear regions are displayed at low and high overpotentials. In the low overpotential region, the slopes of these catalysts are all close to 60 mV dec−1, indicating that a pseudo-two-electron reaction might be the rate-determining step. However, the similar slopes of approximately 120 mV dec−1 for the four catalysts suggest that the rate-determining step is probably the first electron transfer to oxygen molecules. Also, the stability test of AuPC and commercial Pt/C catalysts indicate superior stability of Au nanoparticles in ORR. The relative current of AuPC-1, AuPC-2, and AuPC-3 shows a loss of 19.2%, 15.6%, and 22.7%, respectively, after 8 h. While for commercial Pt/C catalysts 35% loss of current is observed. The authors ascribe the superior performance of nanoclusters-derived ultra-small nanoparticles to the low-coordination surface Au atoms of small-sized nanoparticles and the synergetic effects between carbon and Au.

In summary, the small-sized Au particles are beneficial for the activation of oxygen, thus increasing the catalytic activity of ORR.

2.5.2 Size Effect of Au NCs in ORR

Au NCs were first reported for ORR by Chen et al. in 2009 [55]. Four Au NCs with different sizes: Au11, Au~25, Au~55, and Au~140 are synthesized. (On a note, we found that the UV-vis spectrum of “Au11” [55] instead resembles that of the Au25 rod cluster [1]). In the electrochemical test, it was found that the “Au11” exhibits the highest limiting current density and smallest overpotential in ORR. Overall, the catalytic activity decreases as the cluster size increases. However, the crystal structures of Au NCs were not obtained at that time. Therefore, the assignment of precise atom numbers was preliminary. Later, Jones et al. reported in 2018 a series of t-butylthiolate protected Au NCs with increasing sizes for ORR [56]. These four nanoclusters, namely Au23, Au30, Au46, and Au65, show distinct UV-vis spectra as shown in Fig. 2.10, and different colors were observed for these four nanoclusters. The same t-butylthiolate ligand and different core sizes make it ideal to compare the atomically precise size effect with this series of Au NCs.

Fig. 2.10
figure 10

Adapted with permission from Ref. [56]. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society

a UV-vis spectra, b photon energy plot (eV), and c photograph of Au23, Au30, Au46 and Au65.

In the electrochemical test (Table 2.1), the Au65 exhibits a transfer of 3.2 electrons, which is higher than that of other NCs (approximately 2 electrons). Also, the potential at −1 mA cm−2 shows a trend of Au65 < Au46 < Au30 < Au23, indicating that the ORR catalytic activity increases as the nanocluster size grows. Therefore, it can be concluded that larger NCs can facilitate the ORR with smaller overpotential, higher diffusion-limiting current and higher selectivity toward OH production.

Table 2.1 Experimental parameters for Au NC-catalyzed ORR (n: the number of transferred electrons)

2.5.3 Charge-State-Dependent ORR Activity of Au25 NCs

In 2007, Negishi et al. reported the charge state of Au25 NCs can be tuned between −1, 0 and +1 [57]. This unique property provides an ideal model to study the charge-state effect of Au NCs in electrochemical catalysis [58,59,60]. Later in 2014, Lu et al. synthesized these atomically precise Au25 NCs protected by dodecanethiolate with different charge states (−1, 0 and +1) for ORR [61]. The UV-vis spectra clearly show the different features of the as-prepared NCs. In addition, the Au 4f7/2 binding energy shows a positive shift when the charge state becomes more positive, further indicating the different charge state of Au25 NCs (Fig. 2.11).

Fig. 2.11
figure 11

Adapted with permission from Ref. [61]. Copyright 2014 Royal Society of Chemistry

a UV-vis spectra and b XPS spectra of Au25 NCs with different charge states.

The electrochemical test results show that the Au25 shows a more positive onset potential and higher diffusion-limiting current density compared with Au 025 and Au25+ (Fig. 2.12). Also, the H2O2 production percentages show a trend of Au25 (86%) > Au 025 (82) > Au25+ (72%), indicating that the two-electron pathway is dominant with the Au25 nanoclusters. Thus, the Au25 can be used as a promising catalyst for H2O2 production in ORR. The combined experimental results and previous DFT calculations suggest that charging the cluster can increase the chemical activity with respect to O2 [62]; the authors proposed that the strong charge-state effects on H2O2 production can be attributed to electron transfer from the anionic Au25 core into the LUMO (π*) of O2, activating the O2 molecule and generating peroxo-like species.

Fig. 2.12
figure 12

Adapted with permission from Ref. [61]. Copyright 2014 Royal Society of Chemistry

a CV of the ORR on Au nanoparticles and Au25 NCs with different charge states, b RRDE voltammograms recorded on glass carbon electrode and the Au25 NCs, c selectivity of the H2O2, d the electron transfer number as a function of the applied potentials.

2.6 CO2 Reduction Reaction with Metal NCs

CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) has been extensively investigated in order to remediate the global climate change issues during the past decades. As a multiproton and multi-electron process, the CO2 RR is a complicated process with several products produced at various voltages as shown in Table 2.2 [63]. Especially, the formation of CO2 key intermediate consumes a large amount of energy. On the other hand, the competing HER also hinders the efficient CO2RR in aqueous solutions. Therefore, highly efficient catalysts are critically required to lower the energy barrier in CO2RR [64,65,66].

Table 2.2 Reduction potentials (vs. RHE) of various products in CO2 reduction reactions

Among the catalytic materials, Au has been extensively studied due to its high selectivity toward CO formation [14]. On the other hand, Cu is also attractive because of its versatility in forming various hydrocarbon products [67]. In this section, we summarize the Au and Cu NCs as catalysts for CO2RR. The application of atomically precise NCs offers an opportunity for correlating the structure and catalytic properties, hence providing insights into the mechanism and also fundamental rules for future design of advanced catalytic materials for CO2RR.

2.6.1 Au25 for CO2RR

In 2012, Kauffman et al. first reported atomically precise Au25 NCs as catalysts for CO2RR [68]. The electrochemical results show that Au25 have much higher activity in CO2RR than Au nanoparticles and bulk Au as shown in Fig. 2.13. To be detailed, the Au25 exhibits higher current density in LSV and higher CO formation rate than Au nanoparticles and bulk Au.

Fig. 2.13
figure 13

Adapted from Ref. [68]. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society

a LSV of Au25/CB, b potential-dependent H2 and CO formation rates for Au25/CB, c LSV of various Au catalysts in quiescent CO2 saturated 0.1 M KHCO3, d potential-dependent CO formation rates for the various Au catalysts.

To explain the superior activity of the Au25 nanocluster, the same group used DFT calculations to obtain the free energy diagram of the CO2RR process (Fig. 2.14) [69]. They proposed that partial ligand removal would occur in order to expose the active sites for CO2 adsorption. The free energy diagrams of both fully ligand-protected Au25 and singly dethiolated Au25 cluster were obtained. In the energy diagrams, it can be seen that the most endergonic step for both cases is the *COOH formation. The Uonset for fully ligand-protected Au25 is −2.04 V, much larger than that of singly dethiolated Au25 cluster (−0.34 V) and experimentally value (−0.193 V), indicating that their proposal of ligand removal is correct. Therefore, they concluded that the cluster can facilitate the reduction of CO2 by partial removal of the thiolate ligand. The exposed Au site can reduce the free energy of the COOH intermediate formation, thus lowering the overpotential for CO formation. This group also reported the long-term stability of Au25 NCs in CO2RR. The results show that Au25 can catalyze the CO2RR for 6 days with steady production rate of 745 ± 59 L/(gAu h) and CO selectivity of 86 ± 5%, indicating the exceptional stability of Au25 NCs in CO2RR [70].

Fig. 2.14
figure 14

Adapted from Ref. [69]. Copyright 2016 the American Institute of Physics

Optimized structure of the model: a fully ligand-protected Au25(SCH3) 18 NC and b singly dethiolated Au25(SCH3) 17 NC. Free energy diagram for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO: c over the fully ligand-protected Au25(SCH3) 18 NC, and d over the singly dethiolated Au25(SCH3) 17 NC. White, gray, blue and golden balls represent H, C, S, and Au atom, respectively.

2.6.2 Atomic-Level Morphology Effects in CO2RR

Previously, Au nanomaterials with different morphology have been extensively studied in testing the catalytic activity of facet, edge, and corner. Despite some interesting results, the nonavailable atomic-level structure of these nanomaterials made it difficult to connect the structure and the catalytic properties. To find more solid evidence of morphology effects of Au catalysts in CO2RR, Zhao et al. prepared atomically precise Au25 nanosphere and nanorod and tested their electrochemical performance as CO2RR catalysts [71]. These two NCs exhibit distinct features in UV-vis spectra, corresponding to their spectroscopic fingerprints (Fig. 2.15). The Au25 nanosphere comprises an icosahedral Au13 core protected by six dimeric surface staples (–SR–Au–SR–Au–SR–), showing a spherical morphology; while the Au25 nanorod comprises two Au13 icosahedra fused together by sharing one vertex gold atom, and the rod is protected by five bridging thiolates (–SR–) at the rod’s waist, 5 phosphine ligands and one chloride on each end of the nanorod.

Fig. 2.15
figure 15

Adapted from Ref. [71]. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society

UV-vis spectra of: a Au25 nanosphere and b Au25 nanorod; c Atom packing structures of Au25 nanosphere and nanorod.

The electrochemical results in Fig. 2.16 show that Au25 nanosphere has higher CO Faradaic efficiency around 70% than the Au25 nanorod (30–60%). The Au25 nanosphere also exhibits a much higher CO formation rate. Especially, at high potential of −1.17 V, the CO formation rate of Au25 sphere (33.3 μL min−1) is 2.8 times that of Au25 nanorod (11.7 μL min−1). The larger CO FE and higher CO formation rate of the Au25 nanosphere indicate its high catalytic performance compared with the Au25 nanorod.

Fig. 2.16
figure 16

Adapted from Ref. [71]. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society

a Total current density of CO2 reduction and b Faradaic efficiency (FE) for CO production over the Au25 nanosphere and nanorod; c FE for CO and H2 at the potential of −1.07 and −1.17 V over Au25 nanosphere and nanorod, d CO formation rates over Au25 nanosphere and nanorod.

DFT calculations are used to evaluate the free energy of reaction steps to understand the mechanism of the better performance of the Au25 nanosphere (Fig. 2.17). First, the ΔG values for ligand removal from NCs are calculated. For the Au25 nanosphere, removal of a single –SCH3 is considered, while for the nanorod, removal of –SCH3, –Cl and PH3 is calculated. The results show that the desorption of –PH3 and the removal of –Cl from the Au25 nanorod have the same ΔG: 0.54 eV. For the –SCH3 removal energy of the nanosphere and the nanorod, ΔG is calculated to be 0.49 eV and 0.95 eV, respectively. These results indicate that the removal of –PH3 and –Cl is more favored for the nanorod. However, the ligand removal from the nanosphere is less endergonic than that from the nanorod. The free energy diagram after ligand removal shows that *COOH, an important intermediate in CO2 reduction to CO on Au, is more stabilized on the Au25(SCH3)17 nanosphere with one –SCH3 ligand removed compared with any of the other ligand-removed systems of the nanorod. Therefore, it is concluded that the energetically favorable removal of –SCH3 from the Au25 nanosphere to expose active sites and the stabilization of *COOH intermediates on the obtained Au25(SCH3)17 nanosphere contribute to the superior catalytic performance of the Au25 nanosphere. This work has successfully correlated the atomic-level morphology with catalytic performance, explaining the factors that determine the CO2RR activities with the aid of DFT calculations. It has shed light on the mechanism for the CO2RR in the future.

Fig. 2.17
figure 17

Adapted from Ref. [71]. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society

a ΔG for ligand removal (eV) from the NCs at 0 V versus RHE, b free energy diagrams for CO2 reduction to CO on the ligand-removed NCs at 0 V versus RHE.

2.6.3 Cu NC-Catalyzed CO2RR

Cu catalysts are attractive for their ability to reduce CO2 to hydrocarbon products. However, the mechanisms of CO2 reduction on nanostructured Cu catalysts are not well understood yet. In 2017, Tang et al. reported a copper-hydride nanocluster for CO2RR to study the mechanism of Cu catalysts [72]. This Cu32H20L12 NC (L = S2P(OiPr)2) comprises a distorted hexacapped rhombohedral core of 14 Cu atoms sandwiched by two Cu9 triangular cupola fragments of Cu atoms, while the hydrides and L ligands are homogeneously distributed on the surface of the nanocluster (Fig. 2.18). The study on the CO2 reduction mechanism shows that the key initial step of CO2 reduction is where the first hydrogen is added: C or O of CO2. The H addition on C would facilitate the formation of HCOOH, otherwise, CO would occur. Based on the structure of the Cu nanocluster, the authors proposed two possible channels to form the critical HCOO* intermediate: (1) the non-electrochemical absorption of CO2 on lattice hydrides (lattice-hydride channel); (2) the electrochemical CO2 reaction with proton and electron (proton-reduction channel). The free energy diagram of both channels for HCOOH and CO production shows that in both cases the lattice-hydride mechanism exhibits more energy downhill compared with the proton-reduction mechanism, suggesting the CO2 reduction favors the lattice-hydride channel over this Cu NC. After the confirmation of reaction channel, the free energy diagram of CO and HCOOH formation is calculated following the lattice-hydride mechanism (Fig. 2.19a). The results indicate the HCOOH pathway is more favorable than the CO pathway over the Cu cluster.

Fig. 2.18
figure 18

Adapted with permission from Ref. [72]. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society

Atomic structure of the Cu32H20L12 NC (L = S2PH2). Orange, Cu; green, hydride; yellow, S; purple, P; white, H.

Fig. 2.19
figure 19

Adapted with permission from Ref. [72]. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society

a Free energy diagrams for HCOOH and CO formation on the Cu32H20L12 NCs via the lattice-hydride mechanism, b overall mechanism of HCOOH formation from CO2 reduction on Cu32H20L12 NCs via the lattice-hydride channel, orange, Cu; green, hydride; red, oxygen; gray, carbon.

Based on all the DFT calculation results, the authors proposed a complete catalytic mechanism as shown in Fig. 2.19d. It can be seen that the HCOOH is formed through the non-electrochemical lattice-hydride pathway. Additionally, the Cu NC can be recovered by the electrochemical reaction with two protons and electrons. Electrochemical tests are conducted to verify the theoretical prediction that HCOOH is favored over the Cu NC (Fig. 2.20). It can be seen that HCOOH is the dominant product at low potential with selectivity higher than 80%, while H2 becomes dominant at high potential due to the competing HER. Only a small amount of CO is formed throughout the potential window. Therefore, these electrochemical results have successfully verified the accuracy of theoretical prediction. This work has demonstrated the methods of mechanism study using atomically precise metal NCs by combining DFT calculation and electrochemical experiment. Compared with traditional nanoparticles, the precise structure of nanoclusters makes the computational modeling much more facile and convincing. It is anticipated that the application of metal NCs in CO2RR can offer insights in the mechanism study in the future.

Fig. 2.20
figure 20

Adapted with permission from Ref. [72]. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society

a Average current densities (black) and cumulative FE for H2, HCOOH and CO, b product selectivity for H2, HCOOH and CO.

2.7 Summary and Future Perspective

In this chapter, we have summarized the literature work about metal NCs as electrochemical catalysts. Compared with the metallic nanoparticles, the metal NCs exhibit discrete electronic energy levels due to the quantum size effect. This unique electronic property, plus atomically precise structures, as well as their various atom-packing structures, render the nanoclusters great potential in catalytic applications.

Metal nanoclusters (homogold and doped ones) have been demonstrated in several important electrochemical reactions including HER, OER, ORR, and CO2RR. The results show that doping effects, synergetic effects, size effects, thermostability effects, charge effects, and morphology effects all play important roles in the catalytic effects. One of the most important advantages of nanoclusters in catalysis is the feasibility of computational modeling due to the available structure. For example, the catalytic mechanism of CO2RR over Cu32H20L12 NCs are predicted by DFT calculations and successfully verified by the electrochemical experiment. Metal nanoclusters are expected to be a promising class of model catalysts for correlating the structure and properties, providing exciting opportunities for the understanding of catalysis mechanism at the atomic level.

Future work in NCs electrocatalysis should investigate the following aspects:

  1. (i)

    The doping effects. Several bimetallic NCs have been reported. However, the catalytic properties of bimetallic NCs are still rarely studied. The investigation of bimetallic NCs may be helpful to understand the impact of doping atoms, further revealing the fundamental catalytic mechanisms;

  2. (ii)

    The synergetic effects. Au NCs-loaded composite materials are reported to show enhanced catalytic activity. It is essential to understand the interaction between supporting materials and metal NCs with more precise interfaces;

  3. (iii)

    Metal NCs in other catalytic reactions. Owing to the characterized structure and tunable properties, metal NCs should be broadened to other catalytic reactions to study the fundamental catalytic mechanisms, such as nitrogen reduction reactions (NRR). The new electrocatalytic reactions remain to be explored.