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Citrus medica L. Rutaceae

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  • First Online:
Ethnobotany of the Himalayas

Part of the book series: Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions ((ETMORE))

  • 37 Accesses


Citrus medica L.: Aurantium medicum (L.) M. Gómez; Citreum vulgare Torn. ex Mill.; Citrus x aurantium subvar. amilbed Engl.; Citrus x aurantium subvar. ckakotra Engl.; Citrus x limon (L.) Osbeck; Citrus x limon var. digitata Risso; Citrus x limonia (L.) Osbeck; Citrus x limonum Risso; Citrus alata (Tanaka) Tanaka; Citrus cedra Link; Citrus cedrata Raf.; Citrus fragrans Salisb.; Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck; Citrus medica fo. monstrosa Guillaumin; Citrus medica subsp. bajoum H. Perrier; Citrus medica var. alata Tanaka; Citrus medica var. digitata Risso; Citrus medica var. ethrog Engl.; Citrus medica var. limon L.; Citrus medica var. proper Hook. f.; Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis (Hoola van Nooten) Swingle; Citrus odorata Roussel; Citrus sacrodactulis Hoola van Nooten; Citrus tuberosa Mill; Sarcodactilis helicteroides Gaertn.

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Gyawali, R., Kunwar, R.M., Bussmann, R.W., Paniagua-Zambrana, N.Y. (2021). Citrus medica L. Rutaceae. In: Kunwar, R., Sher, H., Bussmann, R.W. (eds) Ethnobotany of the Himalayas. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-45597-2

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