
1 Introduction

A shuffle of ciphertexts is a set of ciphertexts of the same plaintexts but in a permuted order such that it is not possible to trace back the senders after decryption. It can be used as a building block to anonymously send messages: if several servers perform a shuffle successively, nobody can trace the messages. More precisely, one honest mix-server suffices to mask the order of the ciphertexts even if all the other ones are dishonest. Moreover increasing the number of mix-servers leads to a safer protocol but also increases its cost. The succession of shuffles constitutes the notion of a mix-net protocol introduced by Chaum [14], with applications to anonymous emails, anonymous routing, but also e-voting.

1.1 State of the Art

Usually, a shuffle of ciphertexts is a permutation applied to randomized ciphertexts. Randomization of the ciphertexts provides the privacy guarantee, but one additionally needs to prove the permutation property. This last step requires huge and complex zero-knowledge proofs. In the main two techniques, Furukawa and Sako [21] make proofs of permutation matrices and Neff [31] considers polynomials which remain identical with a permutation of the roots. While the latter approach produces the most efficient schemes, they need to be interactive. Groth and Ishai [23] exploited this interactive approach and proposed the first zero-knowledge argument for the correctness of a shuffle with sub-linear communication complexity, but computational complexity is super-linear which was then improved by Bayer and Groth [3]. As this is a public random coin interactive Zero-Knowledge protocol, the Fiat-Shamir heuristic [18] can be applied to make it non-interactive in the random oracle model. However, with multiple mixing steps, which are required if one wants to guarantee anonymity even if some mix-servers are malicious, the final proof is linear in this number of steps, and the verification cost becomes prohibitive.

The former approach with proof of permutation matrix is more classical, with many candidates. Groth and Lu [24] proposed the first non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof of shuffle without random oracles, using Groth-Sahai proofs with pairings [25], but under non-standard computational assumptions that hold in the generic bilinear group model. Even with that, computations are still very expansive because the overhead proof is linear in Nn, where n is the number of ciphertexts and N the number of mixing rounds. In addition, they needed a Common Reference String (CRS) linear in n. More recently, Fauzi et al. [17] proposed a new pairing-based NIZK shuffle argument to improve the computation for both the prover and the verifier, and improved the soundness of the protocol. But they still had a CRS linear in the number of ciphertexts, and the soundness holds in the generic bilinear group model.

We propose a totally new approach that handles each ciphertext in an independent way, with just a constant-size overhead in the final proof. The overhead after each shuffle can indeed be updated to keep it constant-size. From our knowledge, this is the most scalable solution. It relies on Groth-Sahai proofs with pairings [25] and a new computational assumption that holds in the generic bilinear group model. As a consequence, assumptions are quite similar to [24], but we have a constant-size CRS and a constant-size overhead proof.

Compared to the most efficient schemes to date, namely the Fauzi et al.’s scheme [17], our scheme is also proven in the generic bilinear group model, but the CRS is shorter: just 8 group elements in contrast to a CRS with a number of group elements linear in the number of ballots. Moreover, in our scheme, the proof is constant-size, independently of the number of mixing rounds, while the proof of Fauzi et al.’s scheme grows linearly in the number of rounds. Hence, from 2 rounds, our scheme has a better verifier’s computation cost and for 3 rounds the proof sizes are almost the same with the two schemes. With more rounds, our construction gets much better compared to the Fauzi et al.’s scheme, and the input ballots already contain signatures by their senders, which makes it quite attractive for electronic voting.

1.2 Our Approach

In our shuffle, each ciphertext \(C_i\) (encrypted vote in the ballot, in the context of electronic voting) is signed by its sender and the mix-server randomizes the ciphertexts \(\{C_i\}\) and permutes them into the set \(\{C'_i\}\) in a provable way. The goal of the proof is to show the existence of a permutation \(\varPi \) from \(\{C_i\}\) to \(\{C'_i\}\) such that for every i, \(C'_{\varPi (i)}\) is a randomization of \(C_i\). Then, the output ciphertexts can be mixed again by another mix-server.

Our approach avoids the proof of an explicit permutation \(\varPi \) on all the ciphertexts (per mixing step) but still guarantees the appropriate properties deeply using the linearly-homomorphic signature schemes:

  • each user is associated to a signing/verification key-pair for a linearly-homomorphic signature scheme [8], and uses it to sign his ciphertext and a way to randomize it. This guarantees that the mix-server will only be able to generate new signatures on randomized ciphertexts, which are unlinkable to the original ciphertexts, due to the new random coins. However, unchanged verification keys would still allow linkability;

  • each verification key of the users is thus also certified with a linearly-homomorphic signature scheme, that allows randomization too as well as adaptation of the above signature on the ciphertext, and provides unlinkability.

When talking about linearly-homomorphic signature schemes, we consider signatures that are malleable and that allow to sign any linear combination of the already signed vectors [8]. In order to be able to use this property on the latter scheme that signs the verification keys of the former scheme, it will additionally require some homomorphic property on the keys.

However, whereas ciphertexts are signed under different keys, which excludes combinations, the verification keys are all signed under the authority’s key. Furthermore, a linearly-homomorphic signature scheme not only allows multiplication by a constant, but also linear combinations, which would allow combinations of keys and thus, possibly, of ballots. In order to avoid such combinations, we require a tag-based signature, that allows only linear combinations between signatures using the same tag. As such signatures allow to derive a signature of any message in the sub-vector space spanned by the initially signed messages, when there is no tag, only one sub-vector space can be considered, whereas tags allow to deal with multiple sub-vector space. In the latter case, one thus talks about Linearly-Homomorphic Signature (LH-Sign), whereas the former case is named One-Time Linearly-Homomorphic Signature (OT-LH-Sign).

In the full version [27], we provide a generic conversion from OT-LH-Sign to LH-Sign, using Square Diffie-Hellman tuples \((g,g^{w_i}, g^{w_i^2})\) for the tags. So, starting from an efficient OT-LH-Sign, one can derive all the tools needed for our mix-net application. However, in the body of the paper, we also provide a more efficient LH-Sign version, and we thus focus on it in the following.

Unforgeability of the signature schemes will essentially provide the soundness of the proof of correct mixing: only permutations of ballots are possible. Eventually, unlinkability (a.k.a. zero-knowledge property) will be satisfied thanks to the randomizations that are indistinguishable for various users, under some \(\mathsf {DDH}\)-like assumptions, and the final random permutation of all the ciphertexts. With the above linear homomorphisms of the signatures, we can indeed guarantee that the output \(C'_j\) is a randomization of an input \(C_i\), and the verification keys are unlinkable.

More precisely, the signature unforgeability will guarantee that all the ballots in the output ballot-box come from legitimate signers: we will also have to make sure that there is no duplicates, nor new ballots, and the same numbers of ballots in the input ballot-box and output ballot-box for the formal proof of permutation.

This technique of randomizing ciphertexts and verification keys, and adapting signatures, can be seen as an extension of signatures on randomizable ciphertexts [5] which however did not allow updates of the verification keys. This previous approach excluded anonymity because of the invariant verification keys. Our new approach can find more applications where anonymity and privacy are crucial properties.

1.3 Organization

In the next section, we recall some usual assumptions in pairing-based groups, and we introduce a new unlinkability assumption that will be one of the core assumptions of our applications. Note that it holds in the generic bilinear group model. In Sect. 3, we recall the notion of linearly-homomorphic signatures, with a construction of a one-time linearly-homomorphic signature scheme and its security analysis in the generic bilinear group model. Then we extend it to handle multiple sub-vector spaces. We then apply these constructions to mix-networks in Sect. 4, followed by a detailed security analysis in Sect. 5. Eventually, we conclude with some applications in Sect. 6.

2 Computational Assumptions

In this section, we will first recall some classical computational assumptions and introduce a new one, of independent interest, as it can find many use cases for privacy-preserving protocols.

2.1 Classical Assumptions

All our assumptions will be in the Diffie-Hellman vein, in the pairing setting. We will thus consider an algorithm that, on a security parameter \(\kappa \), generates \(\mathsf {param}= (\mathbb {G}_1,\mathbb {G}_2,\mathbb {G}_{T},p,g,\mathfrak {g},e) \leftarrow \mathcal {G}(\kappa )\), an asymmetric pairing setting, with three groups \(\mathbb {G}_1,\mathbb {G}_2,\mathbb {G}_T\) of prime order p (with \(2\kappa \) bit-length), g is a generator of \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathfrak {g}\) is a generator of \(\mathbb {G}_2\). In addition, the application \(e:\mathbb {G}_1\times \mathbb {G}_2\rightarrow \mathbb {G}_T\) is a non-degenerated bilinear map, hence \(e(g,\mathfrak {g})\) is also a generator of \(\mathbb {G}_T\). For the sake of clarity, in all the paper, elements of \(\mathbb {G}_2\) will be in Fraktur font.

Definition 1

(Discrete Logarithm (\(\mathsf {DL}\)) Assumption). In a group \(\mathbb {G}\) of prime order p, it states that for any generator g, given \(y=g^x\), it is computationally hard to recover x.

Definition 2

(Symmetric External Discrete Logarithm (\(\mathsf {SEDL}\)) Assumption). In groups \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) of prime order p, it states that for any generators g and \(\mathfrak {g}\) of \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) respectively, given \(f=g^x\) and \(\mathfrak {f}= \mathfrak {g}^x\), it is computationally hard to recover x.

Definition 3

(Decisional Diffie-Hellman (\(\mathsf {DDH}\)) Assumption). In a group \(\mathbb {G}\) of prime order p, it states that for any generator g, the two following distributions are computationally indistinguishable:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {D}_{\mathsf {dh}}(g)&= \{(g,g^x,h,h^x); h\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {G}, x,\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\} \\ \mathcal {D}^4_{\$}(g)&= \{(g,g^x,h,h^y); h\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {G}, x,y,\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\}. \end{aligned}$$

This is well-know, using an hybrid argument, or the random-self-reducibility, that this assumption implies the Decisional Multi Diffie-Hellman (\(\mathsf {DMDH}\)) Assumption, which claims the indistinguishability, for any constant \(n\in \mathbb {N}\), of the distributions:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {D}^n_{\mathsf {mdh}}(g)&= \{(g,(g^{x_i})_i,h,(h^{x_i})_i); h\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {G}, (x_i)_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}^n\} \\ \mathcal {D}^{2n+2}_{\$}(g)&= \{(g,(g^{x_i})_i,h,(h^{y_i})_i); h\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {G}, (x_i)_i,(y_i)_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}^n\}. \end{aligned}$$

2.2 Unlinkability Assumption

For anonymity properties, we will use some kind of credential, that can be defined as follows for a scalar u and a basis \(g\in \mathbb {G}_1\), with \(\mathfrak {g}\in \mathbb {G}_2\), \(r,t\in \mathbb {Z}_{p}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Cred}(u,g; \mathfrak {g}, r,t)&= \left( g, g^t, g^r, g^{tr+u}, \mathfrak {g}, \mathfrak {g}^t, \mathfrak {g}^u\right) \end{aligned}$$

Definition 4

(Unlinkability Assumption). In groups \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) of prime order p, for any \(g\in \mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathfrak {g}\in \mathbb {G}_2\), with the definition below, it states that the distributions \(\mathcal {D}_{g,\mathfrak {g}}(u,u)\) and \(\mathcal {D}_{g,\mathfrak {g}}(u,v)\) are computationally indistinguishable, for any \(u,v\in \mathbb {Z}_{p}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {D}_{g,\mathfrak {g}}(u,v)&= \left\{ (\mathsf {Cred}(u,g;\mathfrak {g}, r,t),\mathsf {Cred}(v,g;\mathfrak {g}', r',t')); \begin{array}{l} \mathfrak {g}'\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {G}_2, \\ r,t,r',t'\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\end{array}\right\} \end{aligned}$$

Intuitively, as we can write the credential as, where \(\times \) stands for the element-wise product,

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Cred}(u,g; \mathfrak {g}, r,t)&= \left( \begin{array}{cccc} \left( \begin{array}{c}g\\ \mathfrak {g}\end{array}\right) , &{} \left( \begin{array}{c}g\\ \mathfrak {g}\end{array}\right) ^t, &{} \left( \begin{array}{c}g \\ g^{t} \end{array}\right) ^r \times \left( \begin{array}{c}1 \\ g^u\end{array}\right) ,&\mathfrak {g}^u \end{array}\right) \end{aligned}$$

the third component is an ElGamal ciphertext of the \(g^u\), which hides it, and makes indistinguishable another encryption \(g^u\) from an encryption of \(g^v\) while, given \((\mathfrak {g}, \mathfrak {g}^u)\) and \((\mathfrak {g}', {\mathfrak {g}'}^v)\), one cannot guess whether \(u=v\), under the \(\mathsf {DDH}\) assumption in \(\mathbb {G}_2\). However the pairing relation allows to check consistency:

$$\begin{aligned} e(g^{rt+u}, \mathfrak {g})&= e(g^r, \mathfrak {g}^t) \cdot e(g,\mathfrak {g}^u) = e(g^r, \mathfrak {g}^t) \cdot e(g,\mathfrak {g})^u \\ e(g^{r't'+v}, \mathfrak {g}')&= e(g^{r'}, {\mathfrak {g}'}^{t'}) \cdot e(g,{\mathfrak {g}'}^v) = e(g^{r'}, {\mathfrak {g}'}^{t'}) \cdot e(g,\mathfrak {g}')^v \end{aligned}$$

Because of the independent group elements \(\mathfrak {g}\) and \(\mathfrak {g}'=\mathfrak {g}^s\) in the two credentials, this assumption clearly holds in the generic bilinear group model, as one would either need to compare \(u=v\) or equivalently \(rt = r't'\), whereas combinations only lead to \(e(g,\mathfrak {g})\) to the relevant powers rt, \(sr't'\), as well as u and sv, for an unknown s.

Thanks to this unlinkability assumption, and the randomizability of the above credential, proving knowledge of u can lead to anonymous credentials. However, our main application will be for our anonymous shuffles presented in Sect. 4.

3 Linearly-Homomorphic Signatures

The notion of homomorphic signatures dates back to [29], with notions in [2], but the linearly-homomorphic signatures, that allow to sign vector sub-spaces, were introduced in [8], with several follow-up by Boneh and Freeman [9, 10] and formal security definitions in [19]. In another direction, Abe et al. [1] proposed the notion of structure-preserving signature, where keys, messages and signatures all belong in the same group. Later Libert et al. [30] combined both notions and proposed a linearly-homomorphic signature scheme, that is furthermore structure-preserving. Our work is inspired from this construction, but in the asymmetric-pairing setting, and keys do not belong to the same group as the message and signatures. The structure-preserving property is then relaxed but fits our needs, as we will use two layers of linearly-homomorphic signature schemes, with swapped groups for the keys and the messages.

3.1 Definition and Security

In this first part, we begin with the formal definition of linearly-homomorphic signature scheme, and the security requirement, the so-called unforgeability in case of signatures. Then, we will introduce a new property for linearly-homomorphic signature scheme: the randomizable tag. It will be the key element to obtain the privacy in our mix-net. Our definition is inspired from [30], but with a possible private key associated to a tag.

Definition 5

(Linearly-Homomorphic Signature Scheme ( )). A linearly-homomorphic signature scheme with messages in \(\mathcal {M}\in \mathbb {G}^n\), for a cyclic group \((\mathbb {G},\times )\) of prime order p, some \(n \in \mathsf {poly}(\kappa )\), and some tag set \(\mathcal {T}\), consists of the seven algorithms \((\mathsf {Setup}, \mathsf {Keygen}, \mathsf {NewTag}, \mathsf {VerifTag}, \mathsf {Sign}, \mathsf {DerivSign}, \mathsf {Verif})\):

  • \(\mathsf {Setup}(1^{\kappa })\): Given a security parameter \(\kappa \), it outputs the global parameter \(\mathsf {param}\), which includes the tag space \(\mathcal {T}\);

  • \(\mathsf {Keygen}(\mathsf {param},n)\): Given a public parameter \(\mathsf {param}\) and an integer n, it outputs a key pair \((\mathsf {sk},\mathsf {vk})\). We will assume that \(\mathsf {vk}\) implicitly contains \(\mathsf {param}\) and \(\mathsf {sk}\) implicitly contains \(\mathsf {vk}\);

  • \(\mathsf {NewTag}(\mathsf {sk})\): Given a signing key \(\mathsf {sk}\), it outputs a tag \(\tau \) and its associated secret key \(\tilde{\tau }\);

  • \(\mathsf {VerifTag}(\mathsf {vk},\tau )\): Given a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\) and a tag \(\tau \), it outputs 1 if the tag is valid and 0 otherwise;

  • \(\mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk}, \tilde{\tau }, {\varvec{M}})\): Given a signing key, a secret key tag \(\tilde{\tau }\) and a vector-message \({\varvec{M}}= (M_i)_i \in \mathbb {G}^n\), it outputs the signature \(\sigma \) under the tag \(\tau \);

  • \(\mathsf {DerivSign}(\mathsf {vk}, \tau , (\omega _i,{\varvec{M}}_i,\sigma _i)_{i = 1}^{\ell })\): Given a public key \(\mathsf {vk}\), a tag \(\tau \) and \(\ell \) tuples of weights \(\omega _i \in \mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and signed messages \({\varvec{M}}_i\) in \(\sigma _i\), it outputs a signature \(\sigma \) on the vector \({\varvec{M}}= \prod _{i=1}^{\ell } {\varvec{M}}_i^{\omega _i}\) under the tag \(\tau \);

  • \(\mathsf {Verif}(\mathsf {vk},\tau ,{\varvec{M}},\sigma )\): Given a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\), a tag \(\tau \), a vector-message \({\varvec{M}}\) and a signature \(\sigma \), it outputs 1 if \(\mathsf {VerifTag}(\mathsf {vk},\tau ) = 1\) and \(\sigma \) is also valid relative to \(\mathsf {vk}\) and \(\tau \), and 0 otherwise.

The tag in \(\mathsf {DerivSign}{}\) allows linear combinations of signatures under the same tag but excludes any operation between signatures under different tags. The latter exclusion will be formalized by the unforgeability. However, the former property is the correctness: for any keys \((\mathsf {sk},\mathsf {vk})\leftarrow \mathsf {Keygen}(\mathsf {param},n)\), for any tags \((\tau ,\tilde{\tau })\leftarrow \mathsf {NewTag}(\mathsf {sk})\), if \(\sigma _i = \mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},\tilde{\tau },{\varvec{M}}_i)\) are valid signatures for \(i=1,\ldots ,\ell \) and \(\sigma = \mathsf {DerivSign}(\mathsf {vk},\tau ,\{\omega _i,{\varvec{M}}_i,\sigma _i\}_{i = 1}^{\ell })\) from some scalars \(\omega _i\), then both

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {VerifTag}(\mathsf {vk},\tau )&= 1&\mathsf {Verif}(\mathsf {vk},\tau ,{\varvec{M}},\sigma )&= 1. \end{aligned}$$

Our definition includes, but is more relaxed than, [30] as we allow a secret key associated to the tag, hence the \(\mathsf {NewTag}\) algorithm: in such a case, the signer can only sign a message on a tag he generated himself. When there is no secret associated to the tag, actually one can consider that \(\tilde{\tau }= \tau \) is enough to generate the signature (in addition to \(\mathsf {sk}\)). Whereas the \(\mathsf {DerivSign}\) algorithm generates a signature under the same tag, we do not enforce to keep the same tag in the unforgeability notion below, this will allow our tag randomizability. However, we expect only signatures on linear combinations of messages already signed under a same tag, as we formalize in the following security notion.

Unforgeability. Whereas linear combinations are possible under the same tag, other combinations (non-linear or under different tags) should not be possible. This is the unforgeability notion (note that we talk about linear combinations component-wise in the exponents, as we consider a multiplicative group \(\mathbb {G}\)).

Definition 6

(Unforgeability for ). For a LH-Sign scheme with messages in \(\mathbb {G}^n\), for any adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) that, given tags and signatures on messages \(({\varvec{M}}_i)_i\) under tags \((\tau _i)_i\) both of its choice (for Chosen-Message Attacks), outputs a valid tuple \((\mathsf {vk},\tau ,{\varvec{M}},\sigma )\) with \(\tau \in \mathcal {T}\), there must exist \((\omega _i)_{i\in I_{\tau '}}\), where \(I_{\tau '}\) is the set of messages already signed under some tag \(\tau ' \in \{\tau _i\}_i\), such that \({\varvec{M}}= \prod _{i \in I_{\tau '}} {\varvec{M}}_i^{\omega _i}\) with overwhelming probability.

Again, because of our relaxed version compared to [30], we do not exclude the adversary to be able to generate valid signatures under new tags. The linear-homomorphism for signatures, also known as signatures on vector-spaces, requires that the adversary cannot generate a valid signature on a message outside the vector spaces spanned by the already signed messages. Tags are just a way to keep together vectors that define vector spaces. The adversary can rename a vector space with another tag, this is not a security issue. On the opposite, we will exploit this feature for unlinkability with the additional randomizability property on tags (see below).

However, as in [30], we will also consider a weaker notion of linearly-homomorphic signature: a one-time linearly-homomorphic signature (OT-LH-Sign), where the set of tags is a singleton \(\mathcal {T}= \{\epsilon \}\). Then we can drop the algorithms \(\mathsf {NewTag}\) and \(\mathsf {VerifTag}\), as well as the \(\tau \) and \(\tilde{\tau }\).

3.2 Our One-Time Linearly-Homomorphic Signature

Libert et al. [30] proposed a construction whose security relies on the Simultaneous Double Pairing assumption, which is implied by the linear assumption in the symmetric case. In our use case we will need two LH-Sign schemes. While the first one can simply be one-time and thus possibly in the standard model, the second one needs randomizable tags and we do not know how to build it in the standard model. Thus, we will consider a variant of Libert et al. [30] that can only be proven in the generic bilinear group model [6, 11, 32].

  • \(\mathsf {Setup}(1^{\kappa })\): Given a security parameter \(\kappa \), let \((\mathbb {G}_1,\mathbb {G}_2,\mathbb {G}_{T},p,g,\mathfrak {g},e)\) be an asymmetric bilinear setting, where g and \(\mathfrak {g}\) are random generators of \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) respectively. We set \(\mathsf {param}= (\mathbb {G}_1,\mathbb {G}_2,\mathbb {G}_{T},p,g,\mathfrak {g},e)\);

  • \(\mathsf {Keygen}(\mathsf {param},n)\): Given the public parameters \(\mathsf {param}\), one randomly chooses \(\mathsf {sk}_i = s_{i}\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\), for \(i=1,\ldots ,n\), which defines the signing key \(\mathsf {sk}= (\mathsf {sk}_i)_{i=1}^n\), and the verification key \(\mathsf {vk}= (\mathfrak {g}_i)_{i=0}^n\) for \(\mathfrak {g}_i = \mathfrak {g}^{s_i}\) and \(\mathfrak {g}_0 = \mathfrak {g}\);

  • \(\mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},{\varvec{M}}= (M_i)_i)\): Given a signing key \(\mathsf {sk}= (s_{i})_i\) and a vector-message \({\varvec{M}}= (M_i)_i \in \mathbb {G}_1^n\), one sets \(\sigma = \prod _{i = 1}^{n} M_{i}^{s_{i}}\in \mathbb {G}_1\);

  • \(\mathsf {DerivSign}(\mathsf {vk},(\omega _i,{\varvec{M}}_i,\sigma _i)_{i=1}^\ell )\): Given a verification key and \(\ell \) tuples of weights \(\omega _i \in \mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and signed messages \({\varvec{M}}_i\) in \(\sigma _i\), it outputs \(\sigma = \prod \sigma _i^{\omega _i}\);

  • \(\mathsf {Verif}(\mathsf {vk}, {\varvec{M}}=(M_i)_i,\sigma )\): Given a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\), a vector-message \({\varvec{M}}\), and a signature \(\sigma \), one checks whether the equality \(e(\sigma ,\mathfrak {g}_0) = \prod _{i=1}^{n} e(M_i,\mathfrak {g}_{i})\) holds or not.

From this description, the derivation of signatures is trivial as the signature of the product of messages is the product of the signatures. But we also have additional properties with the keys:

Property 7

(Message Homomorphism). Given several vector-messages with their signatures, it is possible to generate the signature of any linear combination of the vector-messages, applying the operation on the signatures.

When the messages are the same, one can ask for similar property on the key:

Property 8

(Key Homomorphism). Given a vector-message with signatures under several keys, it is possible to generate the signature of this vector-message under any linear combination of the keys.

  • \(\mathsf {DerivSignKey}({\varvec{M}},(\omega _i,\mathsf {vk}_i,\sigma _i)_{i = 1}^{\ell })\): Given a message \({\varvec{M}}\) and \(\ell \) tuples of weights \(\omega _i\in \mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and signatures \(\sigma _i\) of \({\varvec{M}}\) under \(\mathsf {vk}_i\), it outputs a signature \(\sigma \) of \({\varvec{M}}\) under the verification key \(\mathsf {vk}= \prod _{i=1}^\ell \mathsf {vk}_i^{\omega _i}\).

In our case, if a message-signature is valid for a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\), then it is also valid for the verification key \(\mathsf {vk}' = \mathsf {vk}^\alpha \), for any \(\alpha \), as \(e(\sigma ,\mathfrak {g}_0) = \prod _{i=1}^{n} e(M_i,\mathfrak {g}_{i})\) implies \(e(\sigma ,\mathfrak {g}_0^\alpha ) = \prod _{i=1}^{n} e(M_i,\mathfrak {g}_{i}^\alpha )\). However, for two different verification keys \(\mathsf {vk}\) and \(\mathsf {vk}'\), and signatures \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) of \({\varvec{M}}\): \(\prod _{i=1}^{n} e(M_i,\mathfrak {g}_{i}^\alpha \cdot {\mathfrak {g}'_i}^\beta ) = \prod _{i=1}^{n} e(M_i,\mathfrak {g}_{i})^\alpha \cdot e(M_i,\mathfrak {g}'_i)^\beta = e(\sigma ,\mathfrak {g}_0^\alpha ) \cdot e(\sigma ',{\mathfrak {g}'_0}^\beta )\), so \(\sigma '' = {\sigma }^\alpha {\sigma '}^\beta \) is a valid signature of \({\varvec{M}}\) under \(\mathsf {vk}'' = {\mathsf {vk}}^\alpha {\mathsf {vk}'}^\beta \) if \(\mathfrak {g}'_0 = \mathfrak {g}_0\).

Property 9

(Weak Key Homomorphism). Given a vector-message with signatures under several keys (with a specific restriction, as a common \(\mathfrak {g}_0\) in our case), it is possible to generate the signature of this vector-message under any linear combination of the keys.

Eventually, one needs to prove the unforgeability:

Theorem 10

(Unforgeability). Let us consider an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) in the generic bilinear group model. Given valid pairs \(({\varvec{M}}_j,\sigma _j)_j\) under a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\) (\({\varvec{M}}_i\)’s possibly of adversary’s choice, for Chosen-Message Attacks), when \(\mathcal {A}\) produces a new valid pair \(({\varvec{M}},\sigma )\) under the same verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\), there exist \((\alpha _j)_j\) such that \({\varvec{M}}= \prod _j {\varvec{M}}_j^{\alpha _j}\).


The adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) is given \(({\varvec{M}}_j = (M_{j,i})_i,\sigma _j)_j\) which contains group elements in \(\mathbb {G}_1\), as well as the verification key \(\mathsf {vk}= (\mathfrak {g}_k)_k\) in \(\mathbb {G}_2\). Note that in the generic bilinear group model, programmability of the encoding allows to simulate the signatures for chosen messages, which provides the security against Chosen-Message Attacks.

For any combination query, the simulator will consider the input elements as independent variables \(X_{j,i}\), \(V_j\), and \(\mathfrak {S}_k\) to formally represent the discrete logarithms of \(M_{j,i}\) and \(\sigma _i\) in basis g, and \(\mathfrak {g}_k\) in basis \(\mathfrak {g}_0 = \mathfrak {g}\). As usual, any new element can be seen as a multivariate polynomial in these variables, of degree maximal 2 (when there is a mix between \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) group elements). If two elements correspond to the same polynomial, they are definitely equal, and the simulator will provide the same representation. If two elements correspond to different polynomials, the simulator will provide random independent representations. The view of the adversary remains unchanged unless the actual instantiations would make the representations equal: they would be equal with probability at most 2/p, when the variables are set to random values. After N combination queries, we have at most \(N^2/2\) pairs of different polynomials that might lead to a collision for a random setting with probability less than \(N^2/p\). Excluding such collisions, we can thus consider the polynomial representations only, denoted \(\sim \). Then, for the output \(({\varvec{M}}=(M_k)_k,\sigma )\), one knows \(\alpha _{k,j,i}, \beta _{k,j}, \gamma _{i,j}, \delta _j\), such that:

$$\begin{aligned} M_{k} \sim&\sum _{j,i} \alpha _{k,j,i} X_{j,i} + \sum _{j} \beta _{k,j} V_j&\sigma \sim \sum _{j,i} \gamma _{j,i} X_{j,i} + \sum _{j} \delta _{j} V_j. \end{aligned}$$

As \(((M_{j,i})_i,\sigma _j)_j\) and \(((M_k)_k,\sigma )\), are valid input and output pairs, we have the following relations between polynomials:

$$\begin{aligned} V_{j} = \sum _{i} X_{j,i}\mathfrak {S}_{i} \quad \sum _{j,i} \gamma _{j,i}X_{j,i} + \sum _{j} \delta _{j}V_{j}&= \sum _{k} \left( \sum _{j,i} \alpha _{k,j,i} X_{j,i} + \sum _{j} \beta _{k,j} V_j\right) \mathfrak {S}_{k}\\&= \sum _{k,j,i}\alpha _{k,j,i} X_{j,i}\mathfrak {S}_{k} + \sum _{k,j} \beta _{k,j} V_j\mathfrak {S}_{k} \end{aligned}$$

Hence, the two polynomials are equal:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{j,i} \gamma _{j,i}X_{j,i} + \sum _{j,i} (\delta _{j}-\alpha _{i,j,i})X_{j,i}\mathfrak {S}_{i} = \sum _{k \ne i,j,i}\alpha _{k,j,i} X_{j,i}\mathfrak {S}_{k} + \sum _{k,j} \beta _{k,j} V_j\mathfrak {S}_{k} \end{aligned}$$

which leads, for all ij, to \(\gamma _{j,i} = 0\) and \(\delta _j = \alpha _{i,j,i}\), and for \(k \ne i\), \(\alpha _{k,j,i} = 0\) and \(\beta _{k,j} = 0\). Hence, \(M_{k} \sim \sum _{j} \delta _j X_{j,k}\) and \(\sigma \sim \sum _{j} \delta _{j} V_j\), which means that we have \((\delta _j)_j\) such that \(M_{k} = \prod _j M_{j,k}^{\delta _j}\) and \(\sigma = \prod _j \sigma _j^{\delta _{j}}\).    \(\square \)

3.3 Notations and Constraints

We recall that linear combinations are seen in the exponents. Since we will mainly work on sub-vector spaces of dimension 2 (in a larger vector space), we will denote \(\sigma = \mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},({\varvec{M}},{\varvec{M}}'))\), with the verification check \(\mathsf {Verif}(\mathsf {vk},\sigma , ({\varvec{M}}, {\varvec{M}}'))=1\), a signature that allows to derive a valid \(\sigma '\) for any linear combinations of \({\varvec{M}}\) and \({\varvec{M}}'\). In general, \(\sigma \) can be the concatenation of \(\sigma _1=\mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},{\varvec{M}})\) and \(\sigma _2=\mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},{\varvec{M}}')\), but some joint random coins may be needed, and some common elements can be merged (the tag), as it will be shown in the full instantiation.

We will also be interested in signing affine spaces: given a signature on \({\varvec{M}}\) and \({\varvec{N}}\), one wants to limit signatures on \({\varvec{M}}\times {\varvec{N}}^\alpha \) and \(1 \times {\varvec{N}}^\beta \). This is possible by expanding the messages with one more component: for \(\overline{{\varvec{M}}}= (g, {\varvec{M}})\) and \(\overline{{\varvec{N}}}= (1, {\varvec{N}})\), linear combinations are of the form \((g^\alpha , {\varvec{M}}^\alpha {\varvec{N}}^\beta )\). By imposing the first component to be g, one limits to \(\alpha =1\), and thus to \((g, {\varvec{M}}{\varvec{N}}^\beta ) = \overline{{\varvec{M}}}\times {\overline{{\varvec{N}}}}^\beta \), while by imposing the first component to be 1, one limits to \(\alpha =0\), and thus to \((1, {\varvec{N}}^\beta )={\overline{{\varvec{N}}}}^\beta \).

3.4 FSH Linearly-Homomorphic Signature Scheme

In [30], they proposed a full-fledged LH-Sign by adding a public tag during the signature. In our mix-net construction, tags will be related to the identities of the users, and so some kind of randomizability will be required for anonymity, which is not possible with their scheme. Instead, we will consider the scheme proposed in [20], which is a full-fledged LH-Sign version of our previous scheme. We can describe it as follows, using our notations:

  • \(\mathsf {Setup}(1^{\kappa })\): Given a security parameter \(\kappa \), let \((\mathbb {G}_1,\mathbb {G}_2,\mathbb {G}_{T},p,g,\mathfrak {g},e)\) be an asymmetric bilinear setting, where g and \(\mathfrak {g}\) are random generators of \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) respectively. The set of tags is \(\mathcal {T}= \mathbb {G}_1 \times \mathbb {G}_2\). We then define \(\mathsf {param}= (\mathbb {G}_1,\mathbb {G}_2,\mathbb {G}_{T},p,g,\mathfrak {g},e; \mathcal {T})\);

  • \(\mathsf {Keygen}(\mathsf {param},n)\): Given the public parameters \(\mathsf {param}\), one randomly chooses \(\mathsf {sk}_i = s_{i}\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\), for \(i=1,\ldots ,n\), which defines the signing key \(\mathsf {sk}= (\mathsf {sk}_i)_i\), and the verification key \(\mathsf {vk}= (\mathfrak {g}_i)_{i=0}^n\) for \(\mathfrak {g}_i = \mathfrak {g}^{s_i}\) and \(\mathfrak {g}_0 = \mathfrak {g}\);

  • \(\mathsf {NewTag}(\mathsf {sk})\): It chooses a random scalar \(R\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and sets \(\tau = (\tau _1 = g^{1/R}, \tau _2 = \mathfrak {g}_0^{1/R})\) and \(\tilde{\tau }= R\);

  • \(\mathsf {VerifTag}(\mathsf {vk},\tau )\): Given a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}= (\mathfrak {g}_i)_{i=0}^n\) and a tag \(\tau = (\tau _1,\tau _2)\), it checks whether \(e(\tau _1, \mathfrak {g}_0) = e(g, \tau _2)\) holds or not;

  • \(\mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},\tilde{\tau },{\varvec{M}}= (M_i)_i)\): Given a signing key \(\mathsf {sk}= (s_{i})_i\) and a vector-message \({\varvec{M}}= (M_i)_i \in \mathbb {G}_1^n\), together with some secret tag \(\tilde{\tau }\), one sets \(\sigma = (\prod _i M_{i}^{s_{i}})^{\tilde{\tau }}\);

  • \(\mathsf {DerivSign}(\mathsf {vk},\tau ,(\omega _i,{\varvec{M}}_i,\sigma _i)_{i=1}^\ell )\): Given a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\), a tag \(\tau \) and \(\ell \) tuples of weights \(\omega _i \in \mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and signed messages \({\varvec{M}}_i\) in \(\sigma _i\), it outputs \(\sigma = \prod \sigma _i^{\omega _i}\);

  • \(\mathsf {Verif}(\mathsf {vk},\tau ,{\varvec{M}}=(M_i)_i,\sigma )\): Given a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}= (\mathfrak {g}_i)_i\), a vector-message \({\varvec{M}}= (M_i)_i\), and a signature \(\sigma \) under the tag \(\tau =(\tau _1,\tau _2)\), one checks if the equalities \(e(\sigma ,\tau _2) = \prod _{i=1}^{n} e(M_i,\mathfrak {g}_{i})\) and \(e(\tau _1, \mathfrak {g}_0) = e(g, \tau _2)\) hold or not.

When the secret keys for tags are all privately and randomly chosen, independently for each signature, unforgeability has been proven in [20], under Chosen-Message Attacks, in the generic bilinear group model. The intuition is the following: first, under the Knowledge of Exponent Assumption [16, 22, 26], from a new pair \((\tau _1,\tau _2)\), on the input of either \((g,\mathfrak {g})\) or any other honestly generated pair \((g,\mathfrak {g}_0)\), one can extract the common exponent 1/R in the two components. Then, one can see \(\sigma \) as the signature with the secret key \((R s_i)_i\), with the generator \(\mathfrak {g}_0^{1/R}\), instead of \(\mathfrak {g}_0\) in the previous construction.

However, if one knows two signatures \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) on \({\varvec{M}}\) and \({\varvec{M}}'\) respectively, under the same tag \(\tau = (\tau _1,\tau _2)\) with private key \(\tilde{\tau }\), and the same key \(\mathsf {vk}\), then \(\sigma ^\alpha {\sigma '}^\beta \) is a valid signature of \({\varvec{M}}^\alpha {{\varvec{M}}'}^\beta \), still under the same tag \(\tau \) and the same key \(\mathsf {vk}\): this is thus a LH-Sign, where one can control the families of messages that can be combined. In addition, one can define a tag randomizable property:

Property 11

(Tag Randomizability). Given a valid tuple \((\mathsf {vk}, \tau , {\varvec{M}}, \sigma )\), one can derive a new valid tuple \((\mathsf {vk}, \tau ', {\varvec{M}}, \sigma ')\), for a tag \(\tau '\) unlinkable to \(\tau \).

Our LH-Sign has the tag randomizability property, with the algorithm \(\mathsf {RandTag}\) defined by:

  • \(\mathsf {RandTag}(\mathsf {vk}, \tau , {\varvec{M}}, \sigma )\): Given a verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\), a tag \(\tau = (\tau _1,\tau _2)\) and a signature \(\sigma \) on a vector-message \({\varvec{M}}= (M_i)_i \in \mathbb {G}_1^n\), it chooses \(\mu \in \mathbb {Z}_{p}^*\) and outputs \(\tau ' = (\tau _1^{1/\mu },\tau _2^{1/\mu })\) and adapts \(\sigma ' = \sigma ^\mu \).

Indeed, from a signature \(\sigma \) on \({\varvec{M}}\) under the tag \(\tau = (\tau _1,\tau _2)\) for the key \(\mathsf {vk}\), \(\sigma ' = \sigma ^\mu \) is a new signature on \({\varvec{M}}\) for the same key \(\mathsf {vk}\) under the tag \(\tau ' = (\tau _1^{1/\mu },\tau _2^{1/\mu })\), perfectly unlinkable to \(\tau \), as this is a new random Diffie-Hellman tuple in basis \((g,\mathfrak {g}_0)\) with \(\tilde{\tau }' = \mu \tilde{\tau }\), for \(\mathfrak {g}_0\) in \(\mathsf {vk}\).

As already explained above, we will essentially work on sub-vector spaces of dimension 2: we will thus denote \(\sigma = (\sigma _1,\sigma _2) = \mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},\tilde{\tau },({\varvec{M}},{\varvec{M}}'))\), under the tag \(\tau = (\tau _1,\tau _2)\), where \(\sigma _1 = \mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},\tilde{\tau },{\varvec{M}})\) and \(\sigma _2 = \mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk},\tilde{\tau },{\varvec{M}}')\), for a common private key \(R = \tilde{\tau }\) which led to \(\tau = (\tau _1,\tau _2)\).

Note that in the following, the use of this LH-Sign signature scheme will swap \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\), as the messages to be signed will be the verification keys of the previous OT-LH-Sign signature scheme, and thus in \(\mathbb {G}_2\). Then the verification keys of this LH-Sign scheme will be in \(\mathbb {G}_1\).

4 Mix-Networks

A mix-net is a network of mix-servers [14] that allows to shuffle ciphertexts so that all the input ciphertexts are in the output set, but cannot be linked together. Whereas it is easy for a server to apply a random permutation on ciphertexts and randomize them, it is not that easy to provide a proof of correctness that is publicly verifiable, and compact. In this section we present our mix-net where the proof of correctness will be implicit thanks to the properties of the (linearly-homomorphic) signatures and two proofs of Diffie-Hellman tuples.

In a first step, we provide a high-level description of our construction to give the intuitions of our new method. However, this high-level presentation suffers several issues, which are then presented in the second step, while the third step details the solutions, with the full scheme. At this point, the global proof of mixing, after several mix-servers, is linear (and verification thus has a linear cost) in the number of mix-servers. In the fourth and last step, we explain how to obtain a constant-time overhead for the proof to publish, and thus for the verification.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

High-level description (insecure scheme)

4.1 General Description

We first provide a high-level description of our mix-net in Fig. 1. As said above, the goal of this presentation is just for the intuition: there are still many problems, that will be highlighted and addressed in the next sections. We need two signature schemes:

  • any OT-LH-Sign scheme \((\mathsf {Setup}\),\(\mathsf {Keygen}\),\(\mathsf {Sign}\),\(\mathsf {DerivSign}\),\(\mathsf {Verif})\), with additional \(\mathsf {DerivSignKey}\), that will be used to sign ElGamal ciphertexts in \(\mathbb {G}_1\): the ciphertexts \(C_i\) and the signatures \(\sigma _i\) belong to \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and are verified with the user’ verification keys \(\mathsf {vk}_i = (\mathfrak {g}_k)_k\) in \(\mathbb {G}_2\);

  • and any LH-Sign with randomizable tag scheme \((\mathsf {Setup}^*\), \(\mathsf {Keygen}^*\), \(\mathsf {NewTag}^*\), \(\mathsf {RandTag}^*\), \(\mathsf {VerifTag}^*\), \(\mathsf {Sign}^*\), \(\mathsf {DerivSign}^*\), \(\mathsf {Verif}^*)\) that will be used to sign users’ verification keys \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) in \(\mathbb {G}_2\): the signatures \(\varSigma _i\) also belong to \(\mathbb {G}_2\) and are verified with Certification Authority’s verification key \(\mathsf {VK}=(g_k)_k\) in \(\mathbb {G}_1\).

Each user \(\mathcal {U}_i\) generates a pair \((\mathsf {sk}_i,\mathsf {vk}_i)\leftarrow \mathsf {Keygen}()\) to sign vectors in \(\mathbb {G}_1\). \(\mathcal {U}_i\) first encrypts his message \(M_i\) under an ElGamal encryption scheme, with encryption key \(\mathsf {EK}\) and signs it to obtain the signed-encrypted ballot \((C_i,\sigma _{i,1})\) under \(\mathsf {vk}_i\). Obviously, some guarantees are needed.

In order to be sure that a ballot is legitimate, all the verification keys must be certified by the system (certification authority \(\mathsf {CA}\)) that signs \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) under \(\mathsf {SK}\), where \((\mathsf {SK},\mathsf {VK})\leftarrow \mathsf {Keygen}^*()\), into \(\varSigma _i\). Then, anyone can verify the certified keys \((\mathsf {vk}_i,\varSigma _i)_i\) are valid under the system verification key \(\mathsf {VK}\). Since we want to avoid combinations between verification keys, we use LH-Sign with randomizable tags to sign the verification keys with a tag \(\tau _i\) per user \(\mathcal {U}_i\).

Because of encryption, \(M_i\) is protected, but this is not enough as it will be decrypted in the end. One also needs to guarantee unlinkability between the input and output ballots to guarantee anonymity of users. As the ballot boxes contain the ciphertexts, as well as the verification keys, the ballots must be transformed in an unlinkable way, then they can be output in a permuted way.

To have \(C'_i\) unlinkable to \(C_i\), \(C'_i\) must be a randomization of \(C_i\). With an ElGamal encryption, it is possible to randomize a ciphertext by multiplying by an encryption of 1. Thus, anyone can compute an encryption \(C_0\) of 1, and as we use an OT-LH-Sign scheme, from a signature \(\sigma _{i,0}\) of \(C_0\) under the user’s key, one can adapt \(\sigma _{i,1}\) by using the message homomorphism (Property 7) with \(\mathsf {DerivSign}\) to obtain \(\sigma ^*_{i,1}\). In the same way, \(\mathsf {vk}'_i\) and \(\tau '_i\) must be randomizations of respectively \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) and \(\tau _i\). If \(\mathsf {vk}'_i = \mathsf {vk}_i^\alpha \), its signature must be derived from \(\varSigma _i\) with \(\mathsf {DerivSign}^*\) and \(\tau '_i\) is obtained with the randomizable tag (Property 11) with \(\mathsf {RandTag}^*\). Eventually, as we change the verification key, \(\sigma '_{i,0}\) and \(\sigma '_{i,1}\) must be adapted, which is possible thanks to the weak key homomorphism (Property 9) with \(\mathsf {DerivSignKey}\).

Then one generates a random permutation \(\varPi \) to output a new ballot-box with permuted randomized ballots \((\mathsf {vk}'_{\varPi (i)},\varSigma '_{\varPi (i)},C'_{\varPi (i)},\sigma '_{{\varPi (i)},0},\sigma '_{{\varPi (i)},1})_i\).

4.2 Difficulties

The above high-level scheme gives intuitions of our main approach. However, to get the required security, we still face a few issues that will be explained below and which motivate the full scheme described in the next section.

Expanded Vectors. From the signatures \(\sigma _{i,0}\) and \(\sigma _{i,1}\) with an OT-LH-Sign scheme, anyone can compute \(\sigma = \mathsf {DerivSign}(\mathsf {vk}_i,\{(\alpha ,C_0,\sigma _{i,0}),(\beta ,C_i,\sigma _{i,1})\})\) for any \(\alpha \), \(\beta \). As explained in Sect. 3.3, we can impose \(\beta = 1\) and the right format of \(C'_i\).

Non-Trivial Transformation. The weak key homomorphism allows to randomize \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) into \(\mathsf {vk}'_i = \mathsf {vk}_i^\alpha \) but, with our scheme, \(\mathsf {Verif}(\mathsf {vk}_i^\alpha ,C_i,\sigma _{i,1})\) is valid for any \(\alpha \ne 0\) if and only if \(\mathsf {Verif}(\mathsf {vk}_i,C_i,\sigma _{i,1})\) is valid. This provides a link between \(\mathsf {vk}'_i\) and \(\mathsf {vk}_i\). To solve this issue, we introduce a randomizer \(\mathsf {vk}_0\), as for the ciphertext. This is a special vector also signed by \(\mathsf {CA}\) to randomize \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) in a non-trivial way: \(\mathsf {vk}'_i = (\mathsf {vk}_i \cdot \mathsf {vk}_0^{\delta _i})^\alpha \). We will thus also have the signature \(\varSigma _{i,0}\) of \(\mathsf {vk}_0\) and the signature \(\varSigma _{i,1}\) (instead of \(\varSigma _i\)) of \(\mathsf {vk}_i\), both under the same tag \(\tau _i\) to allow combinations.

Legitimate Ballots. Whereas all the ballots must be signed, nothing prevents a mix-server to delete a ballot or to add a ballot signed by a legitimate user (that owns a valid key \(\mathsf {vk}_i\)). If one first checks that the number of ballots is kept unchanged, it is still possible that a ballot was replaced by a new legitimate ballot. Since we will consider honest and corrupted users (and so honest and corrupted ballots), four cases are possible: one replaces an honest or corrupted ballot by another honest or corrupted one. Our scheme will not provide guarantees against the replacement of a corrupted ballot by another corrupted ballot. Nonetheless, by adding a zero-knowledge proof of Diffie-Hellman tuple between the products of the verification keys before and after the mix, we can avoid all the other cases involving honest users.

Multiple Servers. After the last round, one gets a proof that the output ballot-box contains a permutation of randomized ciphertexts from the input ballot-box. However, the last mix-server could start from the initial ballot-box instead of the previous one, and then know the permutation. This would break anonymity, as soon as the last mix-server is dishonest. We will ask the mix-servers to sign their contributions to prove the multiple and independent permutations: each mix-server j generates the Diffie-Hellman proofs from \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j-1)}\) to \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\), and signs them. We will then detail this solution in the next section, which will provide a proof linear in the number of ballots and in the number of mix-servers (because of the multiple signature). Thereafter, with specific multi-signature, one can become independent of the number of mix-servers.

4.3 Our Scheme

With all the previous remarks and explanations, we can now provide the full description of our scheme which is given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Detailed shuffling of ElGamal ciphertexts

Keys. As we will sign expanded ciphertexts of dimension 4 (see below), each user needs a secret-verification key pair \((\mathsf {sk}_i,\mathsf {vk}_i) \leftarrow \mathsf {Keygen}{}(\mathsf {param},4)\) in \(\mathbb {Z}_{p}^4 \times \mathbb {G}_2^5\). With our OT-LH-Sign, the first element of \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) is common for all the users and initialized to \(\mathfrak {g}_0 = \mathfrak {g}\). Then, one also needs a signature \(\varSigma _i = (\varSigma _{i,0},\varSigma _{i,1})\) with our LH-Sign from the certification authority of the pair \((\mathsf {vk}_0,\mathsf {vk}_i)\) where \(\mathsf {vk}_0 = (1,1,\mathfrak {g}_0,1,1)\) is used to make the non-trivial transformation on \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) during the mixes. This signature is signed by the authority possessing \((\mathsf {SK},\mathsf {VK}) \leftarrow \mathsf {Keygen}^*{}(\mathsf {param}',5)\) in \(\mathbb {Z}_{p}^5 \times \mathbb {G}_1^6\) with a specific tag \(\tau _i\) per user. Eventually, each mix-server has a pair of (standard) signature scheme \((\mathsf {SK}_j,\mathsf {VK}_j) \leftarrow \mathsf {SKeygen}()\) just to sign with \(\mathsf {SSign}\) its mixing contribution. The keys \(\mathsf {VK}\) and \((\mathsf {VK}_j)_j\), as well as \(\mathsf {EK}= h = g^d\in \mathbb {G}_1\) and the random \(\ell \overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {G}_1\), are assumed to be known to everybody.

As we are using ciphertexts with ElGamal, the ciphertext for randomization is \(C_0 = (g,h)\), the trivial encryption of \(1 = g^0\), with random coin equal to 1.

Initial Ballots. Each user encrypts his message \(M_i\) under \(\mathsf {EK}\) to obtain \(C_i = (a_i,b_i)\). With the remarks we already made, one needs to expand \(C_i\) into \(\overline{C}_i = (g, \ell _i, a_i, b_i)\) and \(C_0\) into \(\overline{C}_0 = (1,\ell ,g,h)\). The addition of the first element is due to the affine space we want in the signature \(\sigma _i\) (see Sect. 3.3) and the second element is because we randomize the third position of \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) with \(\mathsf {vk}_0 = (1,1,\mathfrak {g}_0,1,1)\) and because the first position of \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) is used for the verification but not to sign (the last four elements of \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) are used to sign). Finally, \(\sigma _i = (\sigma _{i,0},\sigma _{i,1})\) is simply the OT-LH-Sign of \((\overline{C}_0,\overline{C}_i)\) under the signing key \(\mathsf {sk}_i\).

Mix. To make a mix, the j-th mix-server computes the randomized verification keys \(\mathsf {vk}'_i = (\mathsf {vk}_i \cdot \mathsf {vk}_0^{\delta _i})^\alpha \), the randomized ciphertexts \(\overline{C}'_i = \overline{C}_i \cdot \overline{C}_0^{\gamma _i}\) and the randomized tags \(\tau '_i = \tau _i^{1/\mu _i}\), and updates the signatures \(\sigma '_i\) and \(\varSigma '_i\), thanks to the properties of the signatures. The random scalar \(\alpha \) is common to all the ballots, but \(\gamma _i, \delta _i, \mu _i\) are independent random scalars for each ballot. Then, the mix-server chooses a permutation \(\varPi \) and sets the j-th ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\) with all the randomized and permuted ballots \((C'_{\varPi (i)},\ell '_{\varPi (i)},\sigma '_{\varPi (i)},\mathsf {vk}'_{\varPi (i)},\varSigma '_{\varPi (i)},\tau '_{\varPi (i)})_i\). As already explained, the mix-server also needs to make a proof \(\mathsf {proof}^{(j)}\) from \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j-1)}\) to \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\), to guarantee the proper relations between the products of the verification keys and the products of the messages, and signs it in \(\mathsf {sig}^{(j)}\). Finally, the output of the mix contains \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\) and \((\mathsf {proof}^{(k)},\mathsf {sig}^{(k)})_{k=1}^{j}\) the set of proofs and mix-server signatures of the previous mixes until the j-th mix.

Proofs. Let us denote \(\mathfrak {F}= \prod \mathfrak {f}_i = \mathfrak {g}_0^{\sum u_i}\) and \(\mathfrak {F}' = \prod \mathfrak {f}'_i = {\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{\sum u_i}\) the product of the second element of the user’s verification key on all the input ballots and output ballots. If the input and output ballot-boxes contain the same ballots (with the same secret \(u_i\)), then \(\mathfrak {F}' = \mathfrak {F}^\alpha \), with \(\mathfrak {g}'_0 = \mathfrak {g}_0^\alpha \). Hence one adds a proof of Diffie-Hellman tuple for \((\mathfrak {g}_0,\mathfrak {g}'_0, \mathfrak {F},\mathfrak {F}')\). Together with the verification that there is the same number of ballots in the input and output of the mix, we will show that the same (honest) users are represented in the two ballot-boxes. Since we cannot allow multiple ballots from the same user, we have the guarantee that the same messages from all the honest users are represented in the two ballot-boxes.

The additional proof of Diffie-Hellman tuple for \((g,h,\prod a'_i/\prod a_i,\prod b'_i/\prod b_i)\) will limit the exchange of ballots for corrupted users, as the products of the plaintexts must remain the same: \(\prod M'_i = \prod M_i\). Since we already know these products will be the same for honest users, this products must be the same from corrupted users. This will limit the impact of the attack of Cortier-Smyth [15].

With these two Diffie-Hellman proofs, the output ballots are a permutation of the input ones. We could use any non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs of Diffie-Hellman tuples \((\mathsf {NIZK}_\mathsf {DH}\text {-}\mathsf {Setup},\mathsf {NIZK}_\mathsf {DH}\text {-}\mathsf {Proof},\mathsf {NIZK}_\mathsf {DH}\text {-}\mathsf {Verif})\) and any signature \((\mathsf {SSetup},\mathsf {SSign},\mathsf {SVerif})\) to sign the proofs but the next section will provide interesting choices, from the length point of view.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Detailed verification of shuffling

Verification. The complete verification process, after N mix-servers, is presented in Fig. 3. After all the mixes are done, it just requires the input ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(0)}\), the output ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(N)}\), and the signed proofs \((\mathsf {proof}^{(k)},\mathsf {sig}^{(k)})\), for \(k=1,\ldots , N\) without the elements that were useful for randomization only. The verifier checks the number of input ballots is the same as the number of output ballots, the verification keys (the \(\mathfrak {f}_i\)’s) in input ballots are all distinct, the signatures \(\sigma _{i,1}, \sigma '_{i,1}, \varSigma _{i,1}\) and \(\varSigma '_{i,1}\) are valid on individual input and output tuples (equations recalled in the full version [27]) and all the proofs \(\mathsf {proof}^{(k)}\) with the signatures \(\mathsf {sig}^{(k)}\) are valid with \(\mathsf {NIZK}_\mathsf {DH}\text {-}\mathsf {Verif}\) and \(\mathsf {SVerif}\) respectively. For that, we suppose that the statement is included in each zero-knowledge proof. Thus, even if the intermediate ballot-boxes are not given to the verifier, it is still possible to perform the verification.

4.4 Constant-Size Proof

From Fig. 3, one can note that our mix-net provides a quite compact proof, as it just requires \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(0)}\) and \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(N)}\), and the signed proofs \((\mathsf {proof}^{(k)},\mathsf {sig}^{(k)})\), for \(k=1,\ldots , N\). The size is thus linear in n and N. This is the same for the verification complexity.

Whereas the linear complexity in n cannot be avoided, as the ballot-box must be transferred, the part linear in N could be avoided. Indeed, each proof \(\mathsf {proof}^{(j)}\) ensures the relations from the \(j-1\)-th ballot-box to the j-th ballot-box. The global chain of proofs ensures the relations from the initial ballot-box to the last ballot-box. From the soundness point on view, a compact global proof would be enough. But for privacy, one wants to be sure that multiple mix-servers contributed, to get unlinkability as soon as one server is honest.

To avoid the dependence in N, one can use Groth-Sahai proofs [25] (see the full version [27] for details) to combine together the proofs into a unique one as already used in Chase et al. [13]. However, to be sure that all the mix-servers contributed: each mix-server does as above, but also receives a partial proof \({\mathsf {proof}'}^{(j-1)}\) from the initial ballot-box to the \(j-1\)-th ballot-box and, thanks to the homomorphic properties of the Groth-Sahai proof, updates it into \({\mathsf {proof}'}^{(j)}\), to prove the relation from the initial ballot-box and the j-th ballot-box, as shown in the full version [27] for the Diffie-Hellman proof between the products of the keys (the proof is similar for the product of the ciphertexts but with \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) swapped). At the end of the mixing steps, one has the same elements as above, plus the global proof \({\mathsf {proof}'}^{(N)}\). All the mix-servers can now verify the proofs and the contributions of all the servers. Only this global proof can be kept, but signed by all the servers: using the multi-signature of Boneh-Drijvers-Neven [7], that is recalled in the full version [27], the size of the signature \(\mathsf {msig}\) keeps constant, whatever the number of mix-servers. Hence, after multiple mixing steps, the size of the mixing proof (with the input and output ballot-boxes) remains constant.

4.5 Efficiency

We consider \(\mathsf {VK}\) and \((\mathsf {VK}_j)_j\) are long-term keys known to everybody, as well as \(\mathsf {EK}\) and \(\ell \). However, for fair comparison, we do not consider \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) as long-term keys, and consider them as part of the input of the verifier. But we insist that the \(\mathfrak {f}_i\)’s in the input ballot-box must be all distinct.

Size of Verifier’s Input: The verifier receives:

$$(\overline{C}_{i},\sigma _{i,1},\mathsf {vk}_{i},\varSigma _{i,1},\tau _{i})_{i=1}^{n} \quad (\overline{C}'_{i},\sigma '_{i,1},\mathsf {vk}'_{i},\varSigma '_{i,1},\tau '_{i})_{i=1}^{n} \quad ({\mathsf {proof}'}^{(N)},{\mathsf {msig}'}^{(N)})$$

As the first element \(\mathfrak {g}_0\) of \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) is common to all the users (as well as \(\mathfrak {g}'_0\) of \(\mathsf {vk}'_i\)), the set of all the users’ verification keys is represented by \(4 \times n + 1\) elements of \(\mathbb {G}_2\). Then, all input or output ballots contains \(2 \times 5n\) elements from \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(2 \times (6n+1)\) elements from \(\mathbb {G}_2\).

The global proof \({\mathsf {proof}'}^{(N)}\) is just 4 elements of \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and 4 elements of \(\mathbb {G}_2\) and \(\mathsf {msig}\) one element in \(\mathbb {G}_2\). Hence, the full verifier’s input contains: \(10n + 4\) elements of \(\mathbb {G}_1\), \(12n+6\) elements of \(\mathbb {G}_2\), whatever the number of mix-servers.

Verifier’s Computation. Using batch verification [4, 12, 28], the verifier only needs to make \(8n+7\) pairing evaluations to verify together all the signatures \(\sigma _{i,1}\), \(\sigma '_{i,1}\), \(\varSigma _{i,1}\), \(\varSigma '_{i,1}\), \(\tau _i\), \(\tau '_i\), 6 pairing evaluations to verify \({\mathsf {proof}'}^{(N)}\) and 2 pairing evaluations to verify \(\mathsf {msig}\).

With some specific choices of the bases for the batch verification, as presented in the full version [27], one can improve to \(8n+14\) pairing evaluations for the global verification. This has to be compared to the \(4n+1\) pairing evaluations that have anyway to be performed to verify the signatures in the initial ballot-box.

5 Security Analysis

Let us now formally prove the two security properties: the soundness means the output ballot-box contains a permutation of randomizations of the input ballot-box and privacy means one cannot link an input ciphertext to an output ciphertext, as soon as one mix-server is honest.

We stress that we are in a particular case where users have private signing keys, and ballots are signed. Unfortunately these keys allow to trace the ballots: with \(\mathsf {sk}_i = (u_i,v_i,x_i,y_i)\) and \(\mathfrak {g}'_0\), one can recover \(\mathsf {vk}'_i\), which contradicts privacy for this ballot. They might also allow to exchange some ballots, which contradicts soundness for these ballots. As a consequence, we do not provide any guarantee to corrupted users, whose keys have been given to the adversary (or even possibly generated by the adversary), but we expect honest users to be protected:

  • soundness for honest users means that all the plaintexts of the honest users in the input ballot-box are in the output ballot-box;

  • privacy for honest users means that ballots of honest users are unlinkable from the input ballot-box to the output ballot-box.

5.1 Proof of Soundness

As just explained, we first study the soundness of our protocol, but for honest users only, in the certified key setting, where all the users must prove the knowledge of their private keys before getting their verification keys \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) certified by the Certification Authority in \(\varSigma _i\).

Definition 12

(Soundness for Honest Users). A mix-net \(\mathsf {M}\) is said sound for honest users in the certified key setting, if any PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has a negligible success probability in the following security game:

  1. 1.

    The challenger generates the certification keys \((\mathsf {SK},\mathsf {VK})\) and the encryption keys \((\mathsf {DK},\mathsf {EK})\);

  2. 2.

    The adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) then

    • decides on the corrupted users \(\mathcal {I}^*\) and generates itself their keys \((\mathsf {vk}_i)_{i\in \mathcal {I}^*}\!\);

    • proves its knowledge of the secrete keys to get the certifications \(\varSigma _i\) on \(\mathsf {vk}_i\), for \(i\in \mathcal {I}^*\);

    • decides on the set \(\mathcal {I}\) of the (honest and corrupted) users that will generate a ballot;

    • generates the ballots \((\mathcal {B}_i)_{i\in {\mathcal {I}^*}}\) for the corrupted users but provides the messages \((M_i)_{i\in \mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}^*}\) for the honest users;

  3. 3.

    The challenger generates the keys of the honest users \((\mathsf {sk}_i,\mathsf {vk}_i)_{i\in \mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}^*}\) and their ballots \((\mathcal {B}_i)_{i\in \mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}^*}\). The initial ballot-box is thus defined by \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}= (\mathcal {B}_i)_{i \in \mathcal {I}}\);

  4. 4.

    The adversary mixes \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}\) in a provable way into \((\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}',\mathsf {proof})\).

The adversary wins if \(\mathsf {MixVerif}(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox},\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}',\mathsf {proof})=1\) but \(\{\mathsf {Decrypt}^*(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox})\}\ne \{\mathsf {Decrypt}^*(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}')\}\), where \(\mathsf {Decrypt}^*\) extracts the plaintexts (using the decryption key \(\mathsf {DK}\)), but ignores ballots of non-honest users (using the private keys of honest users) and sets of plaintexts can have repetitions.

One can note that this security game does not depend on the mixing steps, but just considers the global mixing, from the input ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}\) to the output ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}'\). The proof \(\mathsf {proof}\) contains all the elements for proving the honest behavior. In our case, this is just the two Diffie-Hellman proofs.

Theorem 13

(Soundness for Honest Users of Our Mix-Net). Our mix-net protocol is sound for honest users, in the certified key setting, assuming the unforgeability against Chosen-Message Attacks of the LH-Sign and OT-LH-Sign signature schemes and the \(\mathsf {SEDL}\) assumption.


For proving this theorem, we will assume the verification is successful (\(\mathsf {MixVerif}(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}\), \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}',\mathsf {proof}) = 1\)) and show that for all the honest ballots, in the input and output ballot-boxes, there is a permutation from the input ones to the outputs ones. And we do it in two steps: first, honest keys \(\mathsf {vk}'_i\) in the output ballot-box are permuted randomizations of the honest keys \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) in the input ballot-box; then we prove it for the plaintexts.

Permutation of Honest Keys. We first modify the security game by using the unforgeability against Chosen-Message Attacks of the LH-Sign signature scheme: we are given \(\mathsf {VK}\), and ask the Tag-oracle and the Signing-oracle to obtain \(\varSigma _i\) on all the verification keys \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) and \(\mathsf {vk}_0\). The rest remains unchanged. Note that because of the proof of knowledge of the private keys \(\mathsf {sk}_i\) before getting \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) certified, one can also extract them. Actually, one just needs to extract \(u_i\) for all the corrupted users. Then one knows all the legitimate \(u_i\)’s (for honest and corrupted users).

Under the unforgeability of the signature scheme \((\mathsf {Setup}^*\), \(\mathsf {Keygen}^*\), \(\mathsf {NewTag}^*\), \(\mathsf {RandTag}^*\), \(\mathsf {VerifTag}^*\), \(\mathsf {Sign}^*\), \(\mathsf {DerivSign}^*\), \(\mathsf {Verif}^*)\), for any output ballot with verification key \(\mathsf {vk}'_j\) there exists a related legitimate verification key \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) such that \(\mathsf {vk}'_j = \mathsf {vk}_i^{\alpha _i} \times \mathsf {vk}_0^{z_i}\), for some scalars \(z_i\), and \(\alpha _i\).

Since in our construction \(\mathsf {vk}_i=(\mathfrak {g}_0,\mathfrak {f}_i,\mathfrak {l}_i,\mathfrak {g}_i,\mathfrak {h}_i)\) and \(\mathsf {vk}_0 = (1,1,\mathfrak {g}_0,1,1)\), and \(\mathsf {vk}'_j=(\mathfrak {g}'_0,\mathfrak {f}'_j,\mathfrak {l}'_j\), \(\mathfrak {g}'_j,\mathfrak {h}'_j)\) and \(\mathsf {vk}'_0=(1,1,\mathfrak {g}'_0,1,1)\) with a common \(\mathfrak {g}'_0\) for all the keys, \(\alpha _i\) is a common scalar \(\alpha \): \(\mathsf {vk}'_j = (\mathsf {vk}_i \times \mathsf {vk}_0^{\delta _i})^\alpha \) and \(\mathsf {vk}'_0 = \mathsf {vk}_0^\alpha \). As a consequence, all the keys in the output ballot-box are derived in a similar way from legitimate keys (signed by the Certification Authority): \(u'_j = u_i\) remains unchanged. However this does not means they were all in the input ballot-box: the adversary could insert a ballot with a legitimate verification key \(\mathsf {vk}_i\), which was not in the initial ballot-box.

The verification process also includes a Diffie-Hellman proof for the tuple \((\mathfrak {g}_0,\mathfrak {g}'_0,\prod _i \mathfrak {f}_i,\prod _j \mathfrak {f}'_j)\). This means that \(\sum _i u_i\) are the same on the input ballots and the output ballots. As one additionally checks the numbers of input ballots and output ballots are the same, the adversary can just replace an input ballot by a new one: if \(\mathcal {N}\) is the set of new ballots and \(\mathcal {D}\) the set of deleted ballots, the sums must compensate: \(\sum _\mathcal {D}u_i = \sum _\mathcal {N}u_i\).

The second game uses the \(\mathsf {SEDL}\) assumption and the simulation-soundness of the proof of knowledge of \(\mathsf {sk}_i\) (in the certified key setting): Let us be given a tuple \((\mathfrak {g}, \mathfrak {f}=\mathfrak {g}^u, g, f = g^u)\), as input of a \(\mathsf {SEDL}\) challenge in \(\mathbb {G}_2\) and \(\mathbb {G}_1\): the simulator will guess an honest user \(i^*\) that will be deleted, and implicitly sets \(u_{i^*} = u\), with \(\mathfrak {f}_{i^*}\), which allows it to use \(f = g^{u_{i^*}}\) in the signature of \(\overline{C}_{i^*}\) on the first component g, while all the other scalars are chosen by the simulator \((v_{i^*}, x_{i^*}, y_{i^*})\), as well as all the other honest user’ keys, the authority signing keys, and, for all the corrupted users, the secret element \(u_i\) can be extracted at the certification time (using the extractor from the zero-knowledge proof of knowledge) while the zero-knowledge simulator is used for \(i^*\), thanks to the simulation-soundness.

If some honest user is deleted in the output ballot-box, with probability greater than 1/n, this is \(i^*\): as shown above, \(\sum _\mathcal {D}u_i = \sum _\mathcal {N}u_i\), so \(u_{i^*} = \sum _\mathcal {N}u_i - \sum _{\mathcal {D}\backslash \{i^*\}} u_i\), which breaks the symmetric external discrete logarithm assumption.

Permutation of Honest Ballots. The last game uses the unforgeability of the OT-LH-Sign signature scheme under Chosen-Message Attacks: the simulator receives one verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\), that will be assigned at a random honest user \(i^*\), whereas all the other keys are honestly generated. The simulator also generates \((\mathsf {SK},\mathsf {VK})\) and \((\mathsf {DK},\mathsf {EK})\), as well as all signatures \(\varSigma _i\) and the honest ballots (with a signing query for \(\sigma _{i^*}\)). Then, the adversary outputs a proven mix of the ballot-box. We have just proven that there exists a bijection \(\varPi \) from \(\mathcal {I}\) into \(\mathcal {J}\) such that \(\mathsf {vk}'_{\varPi (i)} = (\mathsf {vk}_i \times \mathsf {vk}_0^{\delta _i})^\alpha \) for some scalar \(\delta _i\), for all the honest users i among the input users in \(\mathcal {I}\).

From the signature verification on the output tuples, \(C'_{\varPi (i)}\) is signed under \(\mathsf {vk}'_{\varPi (i)}\) in \(\sigma '_{{\varPi (i)},1}\), for every i: \(e(\sigma '_{{\varPi (i)},1},\mathfrak {g}'_0) = e(g,\mathfrak {f}_i^\alpha ) \cdot e(\ell '_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {l}_i^\alpha \mathfrak {g}_0^{\alpha \delta _i})\cdot e(a'_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {g}_i^\alpha ) \cdot e(b'_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {h}_i^\alpha )\), and since the same \(\alpha \) appears in \(\mathfrak {g}'_0 = \mathfrak {g}_0^\alpha \), then for every i, we have

$$\begin{aligned} e(\sigma '_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {g}_0)&= e(g,\mathfrak {f}_i) \cdot e(\ell '_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {l}_i \mathfrak {g}_0^{\delta _i}) \cdot e(a'_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {g}_i) \cdot e(b'_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {h}_i) \\&= e(g,\mathfrak {f}_i) \cdot e(\ell '_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {l}_i) \cdot e(a'_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {g}_i) \cdot e(b'_{\varPi (i)},\mathfrak {h}_i) \cdot e({\ell '}_{\varPi (i)}^{\delta _i},\mathfrak {g}_0) \end{aligned}$$

and so \(\sigma '_{\varPi (i)}/{\ell '}_{\varPi (i)}^{\delta _i}\) is a signature of \(\overline{C}'_{\varPi (i)} = (g,\ell '_{\varPi (i)},a'_{\varPi (i)},b'_{\varPi (i)})\) under \(\mathsf {vk}_i\): under the unforgeability assumption of the signature scheme, \(C'_{\varPi (i^*)}\) is necessarily a linear combination of the already signed vectors under \(\mathsf {vk}_{i^*}\), which are \(C_{i^*}\) and \(C_0\), with some coefficients uv: \(a'_{\varPi (i^*)} = a_{i^*}^u g^v\), \(b'_{\varPi ({i^*})} = b_{i^*}^u h^v\), and \(g = g^u 1^v\). Hence, \(u=1\), which means that \(C'_{\varPi ({i^*})}\) is a randomization of \(C_{i^*}\).

We stress that for this property to hold, each key \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) must appear at most once in the ballots, otherwise some combinations would be possible. Hence the test that all the \(\mathfrak {f}_i\)’s are distinct in the input ballot-box.    \(\square \)

We stress that this proposition only guarantees permutation of ciphertexts for honest users. There is indeed no formal guarantee for corrupted users whose signing keys are under the control of a mix-server. The latter could indeed replace the ciphertexts of some corrupted users, by some other ciphertexts under the same identity or even under the identity of another corrupted user. One can note that replacing ciphertexts (and plaintexts) even for corrupted users is not that easy because of the additional Diffie-Hellman proof on the ciphertexts, which implies \(\prod M_i = \prod M'_i\) where the first product is over all the messages \(M_i\) in \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}\) and the second product is over all the messages \(M'_i\) in \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}'\). However, this property is more for the privacy, as we will see below. As a consequence, our result that guarantees a permutation on the honest ballots is optimal. We cannot guarantee anything for the users that share their keys with the mix-servers.

5.2 Proof of Privacy: Unlinkability

After proving the soundness, we have to prove the anonymity (a.k.a. unlinkability), which can also be seen as zero-knowledge property. More precisely, as for the soundness, privacy will only be guaranteed for honest users.

Definition 14

(Privacy for Honest Users). A mix-net \(\mathsf {M}\) is said to provide privacy for honest users in the certified key setting, if any PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has a negligible advantage in guessing b in the following security game:

  1. 1.

    The challenger generates the certification keys \((\mathsf {SK},\mathsf {VK})\) and the encryption keys \((\mathsf {DK},\mathsf {EK})\);

  2. 2.

    The adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) then

    • decides on the corrupted users \(\mathcal {I}^*\) and generates itself their keys \((\mathsf {vk}_i)_{i\in \mathcal {I}^*}\!\);

    • proves its knowledge of the secret keys to get the certifications \(\varSigma _i\) on \(\mathsf {vk}_i\), for \(i\in \mathcal {I}^*\);

    • decides on the corrupted mix-servers \(\mathcal {J}^*\) and generates itself their keys \((\mathsf {VK}_j)_{j\in \mathcal {J}^*}\);

    • decides on the set \(\mathcal {J}\) of the (honest and corrupted) mix-servers that will make mixes;

    • decides on the set \(\mathcal {I}\) of the (honest and corrupted) users that will generate a ballot;

    • generates the ballots \((\mathcal {B}_i)_{i\in {\mathcal {I}^*}}\) for the corrupted users but provides the messages \((M_i)_{i\in \mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}^*}\) for the honest users;

  3. 3.

    The challenger generates the keys of the honest mix-servers \((\mathsf {SK}_j,\!\mathsf {VK}_j)_{j\in \mathcal {J}\backslash \mathcal {J}^*}\) the keys of the honest users \((\mathsf {sk}_i,\mathsf {vk}_i)_{i\in \mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}^*}\) and their ballots \((\mathcal {B}_i)_{i\in \mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}^*}\).

The initial ballot-box is thus defined by \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}= (\mathcal {B}_i)_{i \in \mathcal {I}}\). The challenger randomly chooses a bit \(b\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\{0,1\}\) and then enters into a loop for \(j\in \mathcal {J}\) with the attacker:

  • let \(\mathcal {I}^*_{j-1}\) be the set of indices of the ballots of the corrupted users in the input ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j-1)}\);

  • if \(j\in \mathcal {J}^*\), \(\mathcal {A}\) builds itself the new ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\) with the proof \(\mathsf {proof}^{(j)}\);

  • if \(j\not \in \mathcal {J}^*\), \(\mathcal {A}\) provides two permutations \(\varPi _{j,0}\) and \(\varPi _{j,1}\) of its choice, with the restriction they must be identical on \(\mathcal {I}^*_{j-1}\), then the challenger runs the mixing with \(\varPi _{j,b}\), and provides the output \((\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)},\mathsf {proof}^{(j)})\);

In the end, the adversary outputs its guess \(b'\) for b. The experiment outputs 1 if \(b'=b\) and 0 otherwise.

Contrarily to the soundness security game, the adversary can see the outputs of all the mixing steps to make its decision, hence the index j for the mix-servers. In addition, some can be honest, some can be corrupted. We will assume at least one is honest.

Theorem 15

Our Mix-Net protocol provides privacy for honest users, in the certified key setting, if (at least) one mix-server is honest, under our unlinkability assumption (see Definition 4), and the \(\mathsf {DDH}\) assumptions in both \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\).


This proof will follow a series of games \((\mathbf{G}_i)_i\), where we study the advantage \(\mathsf {Adv}_i\) of the adversary in guessing b. We start from the real security game and conclude with a game where all the ballots are random, independently from the permutations. Hence, the advantage will be trivially 0.

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{0}\): This is the real game, where the challenger (our simulator) generates \(\mathsf {SK}\) and \(\mathsf {VK}\) for the certification authority signature, and randomly chooses \(d\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) to generate the encryption public key \(\mathsf {EK}= h = g^d\). One also sets \(\mathsf {vk}_0=(1,1,\mathfrak {g}_0=\mathfrak {g}^A,1,1)\) and \(C_0 = \mathsf {Encrypt}_{\mathsf {EK}}(1) = (g, h)\) expanded into \(\overline{C}_0 = (1, \ell , C_0)\) with the noise parameter \(\ell \overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {G}_1\). Actually, \(A=1\) in the initial step, when the user encrypts his message \(M_i\), but since the shuffling may happens after several other shuffling iterations, we have the successive exponentiations to multiple \(\alpha \) (in A) for \(\mathsf {vk}_0\). The attacker \(\mathcal {A}\) chooses the set of the initial indices of the corrupted users \(\mathcal {I}^*\) and the set of the initial indices of the corrupted mix-servers \(\mathcal {J}^*\), provides their verification keys \(((\mathsf {vk}_i)_{i \in \mathcal {I}^*},(\mathsf {VK}_j)_{j \in \mathcal {J}^*})\) together with an extractable zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of \(\mathsf {sk}_i\).

    From \(\mathcal {I}\) and \(\mathcal {J}\), one generates the signing keys for the honest mix-servers \(j\in \mathcal {J}\backslash \mathcal {J}^*\), and set J to the index of the last honest mix-server. For each \(i\in \mathcal {I}\), one chooses \(\tau _i = R_i \overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and sets \(\tau _i = (\tau _{i,1}=\mathfrak {g}^{1/R_i},\tau _{i,2}=g^{1/R_i})\). For each honest user \(i \in \mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}^*\), one randomly chooses \(u_i,v_i,x_i, y_i, r_i,\rho _i \overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) to generate \(\mathsf {vk}_i = (\mathfrak {g}_0 = \mathfrak {g},\mathfrak {f}_i = \mathfrak {g}_0^{u_i}, \mathfrak {l}_i = \mathfrak {g}_0^{v_i}, \mathfrak {g}_i = \mathfrak {g}_0^{x_i}, \mathfrak {h}_i = \mathfrak {g}_0^{y_i})\), and eventually generates all the signatures \(\varSigma _i\) of \((\mathsf {vk}_i,\mathsf {vk}_0)\) under \(\mathsf {SK}\) with respect to the tag \(\tau _i\) (using \(\mathsf {SK}\) and \((\tilde{\tau }_i)_i\)).

    For the corrupted users, the simulator directly receives the ballots \((\mathcal {B}_i\) \(=\) \((\overline{C}_i,\sigma _i,\mathsf {vk}_i,\varSigma _i,\tau _i))_{i \in \mathcal {I}^*}\) while for the honest users, it receives \((M_i)_{i \in \mathcal {I}\backslash \mathcal {I}^*}\) and computes \(C_i = \mathsf {Encrypt}_{\mathsf {EK}}(M_i) = (a_i = g^{r_i}, b_i = h^{r_i} M_i)\), \(\overline{C}_i = (g, \ell _i = \ell ^{\rho _i}, C_i)\) and the signature \(\sigma _i\) of \((\overline{C}_i,\overline{C}_0)\) under \(\mathsf {sk}_i\). The input ballot-box is then \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(0)}=\{(\mathcal {B}_i)_{i \in \mathcal {I}}\}\) including the ballots of the honest and corrupted users. Let \(\mathcal {I}^*_0 = \mathcal {I}^*\) be the set of the initial indices of the corrupted users.

    The simulator randomly chooses \(b\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\{0,1\}\) and now begins the loop of the mixes: depending if the mix-server j is corrupted or not, the simulator directly receives \((\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)},\mathsf {proof}^{(j)})\) from the adversary or receives \((\varPi _{j,0},\varPi _{j,1})\). In the latter case, one first checks if \(\varPi _{j,0}\big |_{\mathcal {I}^*_{j-1}} = \varPi _{j,1}\big |_{\mathcal {I}^*_{j-1}}\) using the honest secret keys to determine \(\mathcal {I}^*_{j-1}\). Then, the simulator randomly chooses global \(\alpha \overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and individual \(\gamma _i,\delta _i,\mu _i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) for all the users, as an honest mix-server would do, to compute

    $$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {vk}'_i&= (\mathfrak {g}'_0 = \mathfrak {g}_0^\alpha ,\mathfrak {f}'_i=\mathfrak {f}_i^\alpha ,\mathfrak {l}'_i=(\mathfrak {l}_i \cdot \mathfrak {g}_0^{\delta _i})^\alpha ,\mathfrak {g}'_i= \mathfrak {g}_i^\alpha ,\mathfrak {h}'_i=\mathfrak {h}_i^\alpha ) = (\mathsf {vk}_i \cdot \mathsf {vk}_0^{\delta _i})^\alpha \\ \mathsf {vk}'_0&= (1,1,\mathfrak {g}'_0,1,1) = \mathsf {vk}_0^\alpha \\ \overline{C}'_i&= (g,\ell '_i = \ell _i \cdot \ell _0^{\gamma _i},a'_i = a_i \cdot g_0^{\gamma _i}, b'_i = b_i \cdot h_0^{\gamma _i}) = \overline{C}_i \cdot {\overline{C}_0}^{\gamma _i}\\ \sigma '_{i}&= (\sigma '_{i,0} = \sigma _{i,0} \cdot {\ell '_0}^{\delta _i}, \sigma '_{i,1} = \sigma _{i,1} \cdot \sigma _{i,0}^{\gamma _i} \cdot {\ell '_i}^{\delta _i})\\ \varSigma '_{i}&= (\varSigma '_{i,0} = \varSigma _{i,0}^{\alpha \mu _i},\varSigma '_{i,1} = (\varSigma _{i,1}\cdot {\varSigma ^{\delta _i}_{i,0}})^{\alpha \mu _i})\\ \tau '_{i}&= (\tau '_{i,1} = \tau _{i,1}^{1/\mu _i},\tau '_{i,2} = \tau _{i,2}^{1/\mu _i}) \end{aligned}$$

    and sets \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)} = (\mathcal {B}'_{\varPi _{j,b}(i)})_i\). Eventually, the simulator computes the proof \(\mathsf {proof}^{(j)}\) for \((\mathfrak {g}_0,\mathfrak {g}'_0,\prod \mathfrak {f}_i,\prod \mathfrak {f}'_i)\) and (gh, \(\prod a'_i/\prod a_i,\prod b'_i/\prod b_i)\), and signs it using \(\mathsf {SK}_j\).

    After the full loop on all the mix-servers, the adversary outputs its guess \(b'\): \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{0}} = \Pr _{\mathbf {G}_{0}}[b' = b]\). One important remark is that under the previous soundness result, which has exactly the same setup, the input ballot-box for the last honest mix-server necessarily contains a randomization of the initial honest ballots (the adversary against the soundness is the above adversary together with the honest simulator up to its last honest round, that does not need any secret). Only the behavior of this last honest mix-server will be modified below.

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{1}\): We first switch the Diffie-Hellman proofs for \((\mathfrak {g}_0,\mathfrak {g}'_0,\prod \mathfrak {f}_i,\prod \mathfrak {f}'_i)\) to the zero-knowledge setting: if the input ballot-box for the last honest mix-server is not a randomization of the initial honest ballots, that can be tested using the decryption key, one has built a distinguisher between the settings of the zero-knowledge proofs. In this new setting, one can use the zero-knowledge simulator that does not use \(\alpha \). Under the zero-knowledge property, \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{0}} < \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{1}} + \mathsf {negl}()\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{2}\): We also switch the proofs for \((g,h,\prod a'_i/\prod a_i,\prod b'_i/\prod b_i)\) to the zero-knowledge setting: as above, the distance remains negligible. In this new setting, one can use the zero-knowledge simulator that does not use \(\sum _i \gamma _i\). Under the zero-knowledge property, \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{1}} < \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{2}} + \mathsf {negl}()\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{3}\): In this game, we do not know anymore the decryption key, and use the indistinguishability of the encryption scheme (which relies on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption): in an hybrid way, we replace the ciphertexts \(C_i\) of the honest users by an encryption of 1: \(C_i = \mathsf {Encrypt}_{\mathsf {EK}}(1)\). Under the \(\mathsf {DDH}\) assumption in \(\mathbb {G}_1\), \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{2}} < \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{3}} + \mathsf {negl}()\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{4}\): This corresponds to \(C_i = (a_i = g^{r_i}, b_i = h^{r_i})\). But now we can know d, but \(\ell \) is random: under the \(\mathsf {DDH}\) assumption, we can replace the random value \(\ell _i = \ell ^{\rho _i}\) by \(\ell _i = \ell ^{r_i}\). Ultimately, we set \(\overline{C}_i = (g, \ell _i = \ell ^{r_i}, a_i = g^{r_i}, b_i = h^{r_i})\) for \(r_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\), for all the honest users, in the initial ballot-box. Under the \(\mathsf {DDH}\) assumption in \(\mathbb {G}_1\), \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{3}} < \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{4}} + \mathsf {negl}()\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{5}\): In this game, one can first extract the keys of the corrupted users during the certification phase. Then, all the honest mix-servers generate random signing keys \(\mathsf {sk}'_i\), random tags \(\tau '_i\), and random encryptions \(C'_i\) of 1, for all the honest users (the one who do not correspond to the extracted keys), and generate the signatures using the signing keys \(\mathsf {SK}\) and \(\mathsf {sk}'_i\), but still behave honestly for the ballots of the corrupted users. Then, they apply the permutations \(\varPi _{j,b}\) on the randomized ballots.

Lemma 16

(Random Ballots for Honest Users). Under the Unlinkability Assumption (see Definition 4) and \(\mathsf {DDH}\) assumption in \(\mathbb {G}_2\), the view is computationally indistinguishable: \(\mathsf {Adv}_{{\varvec{G}}_{4}} < \mathsf {Adv}_{{\varvec{G}}_{5}} + \mathsf {negl}()\).

In this last game, the i-th honest user is simulated with initial and output (after each honest mix-server) ciphertexts that are random encryptions of 1, and initial and output signing keys (and thus verification keys \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) and \(\mathsf {vk}'_i\)) independently random. As a consequence, permutations \(\varPi _{j,b}\) are applied on random ballots, which is perfectly indistinguishable from applying \(\varPi _{j,1-b}\) (as we have restricted the two permutations to be identical on ballots of corrupted users): \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{5}} = 0\). Which leads to \(\mathsf {Adv}_{0} \le \mathsf {negl}()\).    \(\square \)

Proof of Lemma 16. In the above sequences of games, from \(\mathbf{G}_{0}\) to \(\mathbf{G}_{4}\), we could have checked whether the honest \(\mathsf {vk}_i\)’s in the successive ballot-boxes are permutations of randomized honest initial keys, just using the secret keys of the honest users. So, we can assume in the next hybrid games, from \(\mathbf{G}_{0}(j)\) to \(\mathbf{G}_{8}(j)\), for \(j=N,\ldots ,1\) that the input ballots in \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j-1)}\) contain proper permutations of randomized honest initial keys, as nothing is modified before the generation of this ballot-box. In the following series of hybrid games, for index j, the honest mix-servers up to the \(j-1\)-th round play as in \(\mathbf{G}_{4}\) and from the \(j+1\)-th round, they play as in \(\mathbf{G}_{5}\). Only the behavior of the j-th mix-server is modified: starting from an honest behavior. Hence, \(\mathbf{G}_{0}(N)\) = \(\mathbf{G}_{4}\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{0}(j)\): In this hybrid game, we assume that the initial ballot-box has been correctly generated (with \(\overline{C}_i = (g, \ell _i = \ell ^{r_i}, a_i = g^{r_i}, b_i = h^{r_i})\) for \(r_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\), for all the honest users), and mixing steps up to \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\) have been honestly generated (excepted the zero-knowledge proofs that have been simulated). The next rounds are generated at random by honest mix-servers: random signing keys \(\mathsf {sk}'_i\) and random ciphertexts \(\overline{C}'_i = (g, \ell '_i = \ell ^{r'_i}, a'_i = g^{r'_i}, b'_i = h^{r'_i})\), with random \(r'_i\), and then correct signatures, using \(\mathsf {SK}\) and \(\mathsf {sk}'_i\). The following sequence of games will modify the randomization of \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j-1)}\) into \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\) if the j-th mix-server is honest.

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{1}(j)\): We now start modifying the randomization of the ballots by the j-th mix-server, for the corrupted users. As we assumed the signatures \(\varSigma _i\) provided by the certification authority from a proof of knowledge of \(\mathsf {sk}_i\), our simulator has access to \(\mathsf {sk}_i = (u_i,v_i,x_i,z_i)\) for all the corrupted users. The mixing step consists in updating the ciphertexts, the keys and the signatures, and we show how to do it without using \(\alpha \) such that \(\mathfrak {g}'_0 = \mathfrak {g}_0^\alpha \) but, instead, just \(\mathfrak {g}'_0\), \(\mathsf {sk}_i\), \(\overline{C}_0 = (1,\ell ,g, h)\) and the individual random coins \(\gamma _i\), \(\delta _i\): from \(\mathcal {B}_i\) a received ballot of a corrupted user, one can compute \(\mathsf {vk}'_i = (\mathfrak {g}'_0,{\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{u_i},{\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{v_i+\delta _i},{\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{x_i},{\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{y_i})\) and \(\overline{C}'_i = \overline{C}_i \cdot \overline{C}_0^{\gamma _i}\), and then the signatures \(\sigma '_i\) and \(\varSigma '_i\) using the signing keys, and choosing \(\tilde{\tau }'_i \overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\). This simulation is perfect for the corrupted users: \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{1}(j)} = \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{0}(j)}\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{2}(j)\): We now modify the simulation of the honest ballots. In this game, we choose random \(d,e\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) for \(h = g^d\) and \(\ell = g^e\). Then we have simulated \(\overline{C}_i = (g,\ell _i = \ell ^{r_i}, a_i = g^{r_i}, b_i = h^{r_i})\) the ciphertext in \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(0)}\) and we can set \(\overline{C}'_i = (g,\ell '_i = \ell ^{r'_i}, a'_i = g^{r'_i}, b'_i = h^{r'_i})\) the ciphertext in \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\) for known random scalars \(r_i,r'_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\), where \(r'_i\) is actually \(r_i+\gamma _i\): \(\gamma _i\) is the accumulation of all the noises. All the signatures are still simulated using the signing keys (and \(\tilde{\tau }'_i = R'_i \overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\)), with \(\mathfrak {g}'_0 = \mathfrak {g}_0^\alpha \) for a random scalar \(\alpha \). This simulation is perfectly the same as above: \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{2}(j)} = \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{1}(j)}\).

    Before continuing, we study the format of the initial and randomized ballots: by denoting \(\sigma _i\) the initial signature in \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(0)}\) and \(\sigma '_i\) the signature to generate in \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\), we have the following relations:

    $$\begin{aligned} e(\sigma _{i,0},\mathfrak {g}_0)&= e(g,\mathfrak {g}_i {\mathfrak {h}_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}_i}^e)&e(\sigma _{i,1},\mathfrak {g}_0)&= e(g,\mathfrak {f}_i (\mathfrak {g}_i {\mathfrak {h}_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}_i}^e)^{r_i}) \\ e(\sigma '_{i,0},\mathfrak {g}'_0)&= e(g,\mathfrak {g}'_i {\mathfrak {h}'_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}'_i}^e)&e(\sigma '_{i,1},\mathfrak {g}'_0)&= e(g,\mathfrak {f}'_i (\mathfrak {g}'_i {\mathfrak {h}'_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}'_i}^e)^{r'_i}) \end{aligned}$$

    If we formally denote \(\sigma _{i,0} = g^{t_i}\) and \(\sigma _{i,1} = g^{s_i}\), then we have

    $$\begin{aligned} {\mathfrak {g}_0}^{t_i} = \mathfrak {g}_i {\mathfrak {h}_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}_i}^e \text { and } {\mathfrak {g}_0}^{s_i} = \mathfrak {f}_i (\mathfrak {g}_i {\mathfrak {h}_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}_i}^e)^{r_i} = \mathfrak {f}_i {\mathfrak {g}_0}^{t_i r_i} \end{aligned}$$

    which implies \(s_i = u_i + t_i r_i\). Similarly, if we formally denote \(\sigma '_{i,0} = {g'}^{t'_i}\) and \(\sigma '_{i,1} = g^{s'_i}\), and set \(\alpha \) as the product of all the \(\alpha \)’s and \(\delta _i\) as aggregation of all the \(\delta _i\)’s (with \(\alpha \)’s) in the previous rounds plus this round, from

    $$\begin{aligned} {\mathfrak {g}_0}^{\alpha t'_i}&= {\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{t'_i} = {\mathfrak {g}'_i} {\mathfrak {h}'_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}'_i}^e = {\mathfrak {g}_i}^\alpha {\mathfrak {h}_i}^{\alpha d} (\mathfrak {l}_i \mathfrak {g}_0^{\delta _i})^{\alpha e}\\ {\mathfrak {g}_0}^{\alpha s'_i}&= {\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{s'_i} = \mathfrak {f}'_i (\mathfrak {g}'_i {\mathfrak {h}'_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}'_i}^e)^{r'_i} = \mathfrak {f}_i^\alpha (\mathfrak {g}_i^\alpha {\mathfrak {h}_i^\alpha }^d (\mathfrak {l}_i \mathfrak {g}_0^{\delta _i})^{\alpha e})^{r'_i} \end{aligned}$$

    we also have \({\mathfrak {g}_0}^{t'_i} = ({\mathfrak {g}_i} {\mathfrak {h}_i}^d \mathfrak {l}_i^e) \mathfrak {g}_0^{\delta _i e}\) and \({\mathfrak {g}_0}^{s'_i} = \mathfrak {f}_i (\mathfrak {g}_i \mathfrak {h}_i^d \mathfrak {l}_i^e)^{r'_i} \mathfrak {g}_0^{e\delta _i r'_i}\) which implies \(s'_i = u_i + t'_i r'_i\). As consequence:

    $$\begin{aligned} \sigma _{i,1} = g^{u_i} \cdot (g^{r_i})^{t_i} = g^{u_i} \cdot {a_i}^{t_i} \text { and } \sigma '_{i,1} = g^{u_i} \cdot (g^{r'_i})^{t'_i} = g^{u_i} \cdot {a'_i}^{t'_i} \end{aligned}$$
  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{3}(j)\): Let us randomly choose scalars \(u_i,r_i,r'_i,t_i,t'_i\) and \(\alpha \), then, from \((g, \mathfrak {g}_0)\), we can set \(\mathfrak {g}'_0 \leftarrow \mathfrak {g}_0^\alpha \), \(a_i\leftarrow g^{r_i}\), \(\sigma _{i,1} \leftarrow a_i^{t_i} g^{u_i}\), \(\mathfrak {f}_i \leftarrow \mathfrak {g}_0^{u_i}\), as well as \(a'_i\leftarrow g^{r'_i}\), \(\sigma '_{i,1} \leftarrow {a'_i}^{t'_i} g^{u_i}\), \(\mathfrak {f}'_i \leftarrow {\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{u_i}\).

    Then, one additionally chooses \(x_i,y_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) and sets

    $$\begin{aligned} \mathfrak {g}_i&\leftarrow \mathfrak {g}_0^{x_i} \quad \mathfrak {h}_i \leftarrow \mathfrak {g}_0^{y_i}&\mathfrak {l}_i&\leftarrow (\mathfrak {g}_0^{t_i} / (\mathfrak {g}_i \mathfrak {h}_i^d))^{1/e}&\overline{C}_i&\leftarrow (g, a_i^e, a_i, a_i^d) \\ \mathfrak {g}'_i&\leftarrow {\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{x_i} \quad \mathfrak {h}'_i \leftarrow {\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{y_i}&\mathfrak {l}'_i&\leftarrow ({\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{t'_i} / (\mathfrak {g}'_i {\mathfrak {h}'_i}^d))^{1/e}&\overline{C}'_i&\leftarrow (g, {a'_i}^e, a'_i, {a'_i}^d) \end{aligned}$$

    By construction: \(\mathfrak {g}_0^{t_i} = \mathfrak {g}_i \mathfrak {h}_i^d \mathfrak {l}_i^e\), \({\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{t'_i} = \mathfrak {g}'_i {\mathfrak {h}'_i}^d {\mathfrak {l}'_i}^e\), and

    $$\begin{aligned} \sigma _{i,1}&= a_i^{t_i} g^{u_i} = g^{t_i r_i} \times g^{u_i}&\sigma '_{i,1}&= {a'_i}^{t'_i} g^{u_i} = g^{t'_i r'_i} \times g^{u_i} \end{aligned}$$

    With \(\sigma _{i,0} \leftarrow g^{t_i}\) and \(\sigma '_{i,0} \leftarrow g^{t'_i}\), \(\sigma _i\) and \(\sigma '_i\) are valid signatures of \((\overline{C}_i,\overline{C}_0)\) and \((\overline{C}'_i,\overline{C}_0)\) respectively. Then, the verification keys \(\mathsf {vk}_i = (\mathfrak {g}_0, \mathfrak {f}_i, \mathfrak {l}_i, \mathfrak {g}_i, \mathfrak {h}_i)\) and \(\mathsf {vk}'_i = (\mathfrak {g}'_0, \mathfrak {f}'_i, \mathfrak {l}'_i, \mathfrak {g}'_i, \mathfrak {h}'_i)\) are correctly related for the secret keys \((u_i,v_i,x_i,y_i)\). From \(\mathfrak {l}_i = (\mathfrak {g}_0^{t_i} / (\mathfrak {g}_i \mathfrak {h}_i^d))^{1/e} = \mathfrak {g}_0^{(t_i - x_i - d y_i)/e}\): we have \(v_i = (t_i - x_i - d y_i)/e\). From \(\mathfrak {l}'_i = ({\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{t'_i} / (\mathfrak {g}'_i {\mathfrak {h}'_i}^d))^{1/e} = {\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{(t'_i - x_i - d y_i)/e}\): we have \(v'_i = (t'_i - x_i - d y_i)/e = (t'_i-t_i)/e + v_i\), which means that \(\delta _i = (t'_i-t_i)/e\).

    Using the signing key \(\mathsf {SK}\), we can complete and sign \(\mathsf {vk}_i\) (with random \(R_i\)) and \(\mathsf {vk}'_i\) (with random \(R'_i\), which implicitly defines \(\mu _i\)). As shown above, this perfectly simulates the view of the adversary for the honest ballots in the initial ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(0)}\), with \(\mathcal {B}_i = (\overline{C}_{i},\sigma _{i},\mathsf {vk}_{i},\varSigma _{i},\tau _{i})\) and a randomized version in the updated ballot-box \(\mathcal {BB}\mathsf {ox}^{(j)}\), with \(\mathcal {B}'_i = (\overline{C}'_{i},\sigma '_{i},\mathsf {vk}'_{i},\varSigma '_{i},\tau '_{i})\): \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{3}(j)} = \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{2}(j)}\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{4}(j)\): Let us be given \(\mathsf {Cred}(u_i,g;\mathfrak {g}_0,r_i,t_i)\) and \(\mathsf {Cred}(u_i,g;\mathfrak {g}'_0,r'_i,t'_i)\), for random \(u_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\), which provide all the required inputs from the first part of the simulation in the previous game (before choosing \(x_i, y_i\)). They all follow the distribution \(\mathcal {D}_{g,\mathfrak {g}_0}(u_i,u_i)\). As we do not need to know \(\alpha \) to randomize ballots for corrupted users, we can thus continue the simulation as above, in a perfectly indistinguishable way: \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{4}(j)} = \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{3}(j)}\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{5}(j)\): Let us be given two credentials of \(u_i\) and \(u'_i\), \(\mathsf {Cred}(u_i,g;\mathfrak {g}_0,r_i,t_i)\) and \(\mathsf {Cred}(u'_i,g;\mathfrak {g}'_0, r'_i, t'_i)\), for random \(u_i,u'_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\). Inputs follow the distribution \(\mathcal {D}_{g,\mathfrak {g}_0}(u_i,u'_i)\) and we do as above. Under the Unlinkability Assumption (see Definition 4) the view is computationally indistinguishable: \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{4}(j)} < \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{5}(j)} + \mathsf {negl}()\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{6}(j)\): We receive a Multi Diffie-Hellman tuple \((\mathfrak {g}_0,\mathfrak {g}_i,\mathfrak {h}_i,\mathfrak {g}'_0,\mathfrak {g}'_i,\mathfrak {h}'_i)\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathcal {D}^{6}_\mathsf {mdh}(\mathfrak {g}_0)\). So we know all the scalars, except \(x_i, y_i\) and \(\alpha \), which are implicitly defined by the input challenge. Then, by choosing \(t_i,t'_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\), we can define \(\mathfrak {l}_i, \mathfrak {l}'_i\) as in the previous game, and the ciphertexts and signatures are generated honestly with random scalars \(r_i, r'_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\): \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{6}(j)} = \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{5}(j)}\).

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{7}(j)\): We now receive \((\mathfrak {g}_0,\mathfrak {g}_i,\mathfrak {h}_i,\mathfrak {g}'_0,\mathfrak {g}'_i,\mathfrak {h}'_i)\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathcal {D}^{6}_\$(\mathfrak {g}_0)\). We do the simulation as above. The view of the adversary is indistinguishable under the \(\mathsf {DDH}\) assumption in \(\mathbb {G}_2\): \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{6}(j)} < \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{7}(j)} + \mathsf {negl}()\).

    In this game, \(\mathsf {vk}'_i = (\mathfrak {g}'_0,\mathfrak {f}_i={\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{u'_i},\mathfrak {l}_i={\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{v'_i},\mathfrak {g}_i={\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{x'_i},\mathfrak {h}_i={\mathfrak {g}'_0}^{y'_i})\), with \(x'_i,y'_i\overset{{}_\$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{p}\) because of the random tuple, \(v'_i=v_i+(t'_i-t_i)/e\), for random \(t'_i\) and \(t_i\), it is thus also random, and \(u'_i\) is chosen at random.

  • Game \(\mathbf{G}_{8}(j)\): We now choose at random the signing keys \(\mathsf {sk}_i=(u_i,v_i,x_i,y_i)\) and \(\mathsf {sk}'_i=(u'_i,v'_i,x'_i,y'_i)\) in order to sign the ciphertexts: \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{8}(j)} = \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf {G}_{7}(j)}\).

With this last game, one can see that \(\mathbf{G}_{8}(1) = \mathbf{G}_{5}\). Furthermore, for each round \(j = N, \ldots , 1\), we have \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf{G}_{0}(j)} \le \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf{G}_{8}(j)} + \mathsf {negl}()\), while \(\mathbf{G}_{0}(j-1)=\mathbf{G}_{8}(j)\): \(\mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf{G}_{4}} = \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf{G}_{0}}(N) \le \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf{G}_{8}}(1) + \mathsf {negl}() = \mathsf {Adv}_{\mathbf{G}_{5}} + \mathsf {negl}()\).    \(\square \)

6 Applications

We now discuss use-cases of mix-nets: electronic voting and anonymous routing. In both cases, a mix-server can, on the fly, perform individual verifications and randomization of ballots, as well as the product of the \(\mathfrak {f}_i\)’s and the ciphertexts adaptively until the ballots are all sent. Eventually, at the closing time for a vote or at the end of a time lapse for routing, one just has to do and sign global proof of Diffie-Hellman tuples, and then output the ballots in a permuted order.

6.1 Electronic Voting

Our mix-net fits well the case of e-voting because after the multiple mixing steps, all the mix-servers can perform a second round to sign in a compact way the constant-size proof, certifying each of their contributions. The input size as well as the computation cost of the verifier are both independent on the number of mixing steps. To our knowledge it is the first scheme with this very nice property.

About security, as explained, soundness and privacy are guaranteed for the honest users only: honest users are sure that their votes are randomized in the output ballot-box, and their input-output ballots are unlinkable. This is of course the most important requirements. However, since the \(u_i\)’s are used to guarantee that no ballots are deleted or inserted, this is important those values to be unknown to the mix-server.

In the full version [27], we propose a second construction that uses Square Diffie-Hellman tuples \((\mathfrak {g}_r, \mathfrak {A}_i = \mathfrak {g}_r^{w_i}, \mathfrak {B}_i = \mathfrak {A}_i^{w_i})\) as tags to add in any one-time linearly homomorphic signature to obtain a linearly homomorphic signature with randomizable tags. Then, one can use \(\prod \mathfrak {A}'_j = (\prod \mathfrak {A}_i)^\alpha \) instead of \(\prod \mathfrak {f}'_j\) and \((\prod \mathfrak {f}_i)^\alpha \), in the Diffie-Hellman tuple, to guarantee the permutation of the verification keys. Only the privacy of the \(w_i\)’s is required to guarantee the soundness.

The proof that \(\prod M_i = \prod M'_i\) is actually never used in the previous security proofs, as it counts for privacy in e-voting only. Indeed, in our privacy security game we let the adversary choose the messages of the honest users. In a voting scheme, the adversary could not choose them and would like to learn the vote of a target voter. The first mix-server could take the vote (ciphertext) of this voter and ask several corrupted voters to duplicate this vote. The bias in the tally would reveal the vote of the target voter: the proof on the products of the plaintexts avoids this modification during the mixing. This does not exclude the attack of Cortier-Smyth [15] if the votes are publicly sent, as the corrupted voters could simply use the ciphertext for their own ballots.

6.2 Message Routing

Another important use case of mix-nets is in routing protocols where the mix-servers are proxy servers guaranteeing that no one can trace a request of a message. In this scenario, it is not possible to perform a second round on the mix-servers to obtain the multi-signature and the efficiency is thus linear in the number of mixing steps. It is still an open problem to avoid the second round while maintaining the independence in the number of mix-servers.