
1 Introduction

Current multicores feature a diverse set of compute units and on-board memory hierarchies connected by increasingly complex communication networks and protocols. For a parallel code to be correctly and efficiently executed in a multicore system, it must be carefully programmed, and memory sharing stands out as a sine qua non for general purpose programming. The behaviour of the code depends also on the status of the processes currently executed in the system. A programming challenge for these systems is to partition application tasks, mapping them to one of many possible thread-to-core configuration to achieve a desired performance in terms of throughput, delay, power, and resource consumption, among others [11]. The behaviour of the system can dynamically change when multiple processes are running with several threads each. The number of mapping choices increases as the number of cores and threads do. Note that, in general purpose systems, the number of multithreaded processes can be large and change dynamically. Concerning architectural features, particularly those that determine the behaviour of memory accesses, it is critical to improve locality and affinity among threads, data, and cores. Performance issues that are impacted by this information are, among others, data locality, thread affinity, and load balancing. Therefore, addressing these issues is important to improve performance.

A number of performance models have been proposed to understand the performance of a code running on a particular system [1, 4, 6, 17]. In particular, the roofline model (RM) [18] offers a balance between simplicity and descriptiveness based on the number of FLOPS (Floating Point Operations per Second) and the operational intensity, defined as the number of FLOPS per byte of DRAM traffic (flopsB). The original RM presented drawbacks that were taken into account by the 3DyRM model [14], which extends the RM model with an additional parameter, the memory access latency, measured in number of cycles. Also, 3DyRM shows the dynamic evolution of these parameters. This model uses the information provided by Precise Event Based Sampling (PEBS) [8, 9] on Intel processors to obtain its defining parameters (flopsB, GFLOPS, and latency). These parameters identify three important factors that influence performance of parallel codes when executed in a shared memory system, and in particular, in non-uniform memory access (NUMA) systems. In a NUMA system, distance and connection to memory cells from different cores may induce variations in memory latency, and so the same code may perform differently depending on where it was scheduled, which may not be detectable in terms of the traditional RM.

Moving threads close to where their data reside can help alleviate memory related performance issues, especially in NUMA systems. Note that when threads migrate, the corresponding data usually stays in the original memory module, and they are accessed remotely by the migrated thread [3]. In this paper, we use the 3DyRM model to implement strategies for migrating threads in shared memory systems and, in particular, multicore NUMA servers, possible with multiple concurrent users. The concept is to use the defining parameters of 3DyRM as objective functions to be optimised. Thus, the problem can be defined in terms of a multiobjective optimisation problem. The proposed technique is an iterative method inspired from evolutionary optimisation algorithms. To this end, an individual utility function to represent the relative importance of the 3DyRM parameters is defined. This function uses the number of instructions executed, operational intensity, and average memory latency values, for providing a characterisation of the performance of each parallel thread in terms of locality and affinity.

2 Characterisation of the Performance of Threads

The main bottleneck in shared memory codes is often the connection between the processors and memory. 3DyRM relates processor performance to off-chip memory traffic. The Operational Intensity (OI) is the floating operations per byte of DRAM traffic (measured in flopsB). OI measures traffic between the caches and main memory rather than between the processor and caches. Thus, OI incorporates the DRAM bandwidth required by a processor in a particular computer, and the cache hierarchy, since better use of cache memories would mean less use of main memory. Note that OI is insufficient to fully characterise memory performance, particularly in NUMA systems. Extending RM with the mean latency of memory access provides a better model of performance. Thus, we employ the 3DyRM model, which provides a three dimensional representation of thread performance on a particular placement.

PEBS is an advanced sampling feature of Intel Core based processors, where the processor directly records samples from specific hardware counters into a designated memory region. The use of PEBS as a tool to monitor a program execution was already implemented in [15], providing runtime dynamic information about the behaviour of the code with low overhead [2], as well as an initial version of a thread migration tool tested with a toy examples. The migration tool presented in this work continuously gathers performance information in terms of the 3DyRM, i.e. GFLOPS, flopsB, and latency, for each core and thread. However, the information about floating point operations provided by PEBS may sometimes be inaccurate [9] or difficult to obtain. In addition, accurate information about retired instructions can be easily obtained, so giga instructions per second (GIPS) and instructions retired per byte (instB) may be used rather than GFLOPS and flopsB, respectively. For this reason, GIPS and instB are used in this work.

3 A New Thread Migration Strategy

We introduce a new strategy for guiding thread migration in NUMA systems. The proposed algorithm is executed every T milliseconds to eventually perform threads migrations. The idea is to consider the 3DyRM parameters as objective functions to be optimised, so increasing GFLOPS (or GIPS) and flopsB (or instB), and decreasing latency in each thread improve performance in the parallel code. There is a close relation between this and multiobjective optimisation (MOO) problems, which have been extensively studied [5]. The aim of many MOO solutions is to obtain the Pareto optimality numerically. However, this task is usually computationally intensive, and consequently a number of heuristic approaches have been proposed.

In our case, there are no specific functions to be optimised. Rather, we have a set of values that are continuously measured in the system. Our proposal is to apply MOO methods to address the problem using the 3DyRM parameters. Thread migration is then used to modify the state of each thread to simultaneously optimise the parameters. Therefore, we propose to characterise each thread using an aggregate objective function, P, that combines these three parameters.

Consider a system with N computational nodes or cores in which, at certain time, multiple multithreaded processes are running. Let \(P_{ijk}\) be the performance for the i-th thread of the j-th process when executed on the k-th computational node. We define the aggregate function as

$$\begin{aligned} P_{ijk}=\frac{\mathrm {GIPS}_{ijk} \cdot \text {intsB}_{ijk}}{\text {latency}_{ijk}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\text {GIPS}_{ijk}\) is the GIPS of the thread, and \(\text {instB}_{ijk}\) and \({\text {latency}_{ijk}}\) are the instB and average latency values, respectively. Note that, larger values of \(P_{ijk}\) imply better performance.

Initially, no values of \(P_{ijk}\) are available for any thread on any node. On each time interval, \(P_{ijk}\) is computed for every thread on the system according to the values read by the hardware counters. In every interval some values of \(P_{ijk}\) are updated, for those nodes k where each thread was executed, while others store the performance information of each thread when it was executed in a different node (if available). Thus, the algorithm adapts to possible behaviour changes for the threads. As threads migrate and are executed on different nodes, more values of \(P_{ijk}\) are progressively filled up.

To compare threads from different processes, each individual \(P_{ijk}\) is divided by the mean \(P_{ijk}\) of all threads of the same process, i.e. the j-th process,

$$\begin{aligned} \widehat{P}_{ijk}= \frac{P_{ijk}}{\sum _{m=1}^{n_j} P_{mjh} / n_j}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(n_j\) is the number of threads of process j, and h is, for each thread m of the j-th process, the last node where it was running.

Every T milliseconds, once the new values of \(P_{ijk}\) are computed, the thread with the worst current performance, in terms of \(P_{ijk}\), is selected to be migrated. Thus, for each process, those threads with \(\widehat{P}_{ijk} < 1\) are currently performing worse than the mean of the threads in the same process, and the worst performing thread in the system is considered to be the one with the lowest \(\widehat{P}_{ijk}\), i.e., the thread performing worse when compared to the other threads of its process. This is identified as the migration thread, and denoted by \(\varTheta _m\).

Note that the migration can be to any core in a node other than the current node in which \(\varTheta _m\) resides. A weighted random process is used to choose the destination core, based on the stored performance values. In order to consider all possible migrations, all \(P_{ijk}\) values have to be taken into account. Therefore, it is important to fill as many entries of \(P_{ijk}\) as possible.

A lottery strategy is proposed in such a way that every possible destination is granted a number of tickets defined by the user, some examples are shown in Table 1, according to the likelihood of that migration improving performance. The destination with the larger likelihood has a greater chance of being chosen. Migration may take place to an empty core, where no other thread is currently being executed, or to a core occupied with other threads. If there are already threads in the core, one would have to be exchanged with \(\varTheta _m\). The swap thread is denoted as \(\varTheta _g\), and all threads are candidates to be \(\varTheta _g\). Note that, although not all threads may be selected to be \(\varTheta _m\) (e.g. a process with a single thread would always have \(\widehat{P}_{ijk}=1\) and so never be selected), they may still be considered to be \(\varTheta _g\) to ensure the best performance for the whole system. When all tickets have been assigned, a final destination core is randomly selected based on the awarded tickets. If the destination core is free, a simple migration will be performed. Otherwise, an interchanging thread, \(\varTheta _g\), is chosen from those currently being executed on that core. Once the threads to be migrated are selected, the migrations are actually performed.

Table 1. List of tickets.

Migrations may affect not only the involved threads, \(\varTheta _m\) and \(\varTheta _g\), but all threads in the system due to synchronisation or other collateral relations among threads. The total performance for each iteration can be calculated as the sum of all \(P_{ijk}\) for all threads. Thus, the current total performance, \(Pt_\text {current}\), characterises a thread configuration, independently of the processes being executed. The total performance of the previous iteration is stored as \(Pt_\text {last}\). On any interval, \(Pt_\text {current}\) may increase or decrease relatively to \(Pt_\text {last}\). Depending on this variation, decisions are made regarding the next step of the algorithm.

Our algorithm dynamically adjusts the number of migrations per unit of time by changing T between a given minimum, \(T_\text {min}\), and maximum, \(T_\text {max}\), doubling or halving the previous value. To do that, a ratio, \(0 \le \omega \le 1\) is defined for \(Pt_\text {current}/Pt_\text {last}\), to limit an acceptable decrement in performance. So, if a thread placement has a lower total performance, more migrations should be performed to try to get a better thread placement, because they are likely to increase performance (\(Pt_\text {current} \ge \omega Pt_\text {last}\)). This way, T is decreased to perform migrations more often and reach optimal placement quicker. However, if current thread placement has high total performance, migrations have a greater chance of being detrimental. In this case, if \(Pt_\text {current} < \omega Pt_\text {last}\), T is increased. Additionally, a rollback mechanism is implemented, to undo migrations if they result in a significant loss of performance, returning migrated threads to their former locations. Summarising, the rules guiding our algorithm are:

  • If \(Pt_\text {current} \ge \omega Pt_\text {last}\) then the total performance improves, so, migrations are considered productive, T is halved (\(T \rightarrow T/2\)), and a new migration is performed according to the rules indicated previously.

  • If \(Pt_\text {current} < \omega Pt_\text {last}\) then the total performance decreases more than a given threshold \(\omega \), so, migrations are considered counter-productive, T is doubled (\(T \rightarrow 2\times T\)), and the last migration is rolled back.

This algorithm is named Interchange and Migration Algorithm with Performance Record and Rollback (IMAR2). To simplify notation, IMAR2 and its parameters are denoted as IMAR2[\(T_\text {min},T_\text {max};\omega \)].

4 Experimental Results

NPB-OMP benchmarks [10] were used to study the effect of the memory allocation. They are broadly used and their diverse behaviour when executed is well known. These benchmarks are well suited for multicore processors, although they do not greatly stress the memory of large servers. To study the effects of NUMA memory allocation, different memory stress situations were considered using the numactl tool [12], which allows the memory cell to store specific data, and threads to be pinned to specific cores or processors. Two servers were used to test NUMA effects. Both processors have one memory controller with four memory channels for connecting DIMM memory chips. In both systems node 0 has greater affinity with cell 0, node 1 with cell 1, and so on. Also, a NUMA aware Linux kernel was used. More specifically:

  • Server A: An Ubuntu 14, with Linux kernel 3.10, NUMA server with four nodes, each has one octo-core Xeon E5-4620 (32 physical cores in total), Sandy Bridge architecture, 16 MB L3 cache, 2.2 GHz–2.6 GHz, and 512 GB of RAM. This server has memory chips connected in all four memory channels and may use all the available memory bandwidth.

  • Server B: A Debian GNU/Linux 9, kernel version 5.1.15 composed by four nodes with Intel Xeon E5-4620 v4 with 10 cores each (40 in total), Broadwell-EP architecture, 25 MB L3 cache, 2.1 GHz–2.6 GHz, and 128 GB of RAM. Only one memory channel is used in this server, increasing the chances of memory congestion in remote accesses and increasing NUMA effects.

We designed experiments in which four instances of the NPB-OMP benchmarks are executed concurrently, and the placement of each can be controlled. Each benchmark instance was executed as a multi-threaded process with just enough threads to fill one node. We tested a representative set of memory and thread placements. The memory placements are:

  • Free: No specific memory placement is selected, the OS decides where to place the data of each benchmark. This is the most common case for regular users.

  • Direct: Each benchmark have its preferred memory set to a different cell. In the case of four benchmarks, each one have one memory cell for its data, as long as its memory is large enough. This is a common option used by experienced users who know the limits of their applications [13, 16].

  • Interleaved: Each benchmark have its memory set to interleaved, with each consecutive memory page set to a different memory cell in a round robin fashion. This is a common option used by experienced users who do not know the specific characteristics of their programs or want to use all the available bandwidth.

and the thread one’s:

  • OS: The OS decides where to place the threads, as well as their possible migrations. Note that the four benchmarks can not be initiated at exactly the same time, but only one at a time. This fact influences the initial thread placement. This is the most common case for regular users.

  • Pinned: Each benchmark had its threads pinned to one node. When combined with the direct memory placement the same node is used for one benchmark. This is a common option used by experienced users [7].

  • IMAR\(^{2}\): The IMAR2 algorithm is used to place and migrate the threads.

Different combinations of these memory and thread placements were tested. Results of four class C NPB-OMP codes were selected to be shown in this paper: lu.C, sp.C, bt.C and ua.C. Benchmarks were compiled with gcc and O2 optimisation. This selection was made according to three following criteria: First, these are codes with different memory access patterns and different computing requirements. The DyRM model was used to select two benchmarks with low flopsB (lu.C and sp.C) and two with high flopsB (bt.C and ua.C). Second, since the execution times of these codes are similar, they remain in concurrent execution most of the time. This helps studying the effect of thread migrations. Third, they are representative to understand the behaviour of our proposal.

Each test was executed on the four nodes, combined as four processes of the same code that produced four combinations, named 4 lu.C, 4 sp.C, 4 bt.C, and 4 ua.C, and four processes of different codes, that produced one combination named (lu.C/sp.C/bt.C/ua.C). Tables 2 and 3 show the results for servers A and B, respectively. The times for all benchmarks of lu.C/sp.C/bt.C/ua.C are shown, whereas only the times of the slowest instances are shown for the four equal benchmarks. A graphical comparison is shown in Fig. 1, where times of each test are normalised to the time of a normal OS execution, the free memory placement with OS thread placement, with times in the first column of Tables 2 and 3 are shown as a percentage. A percentage greater that 100 means a worse execution time, while a result under 100 shows a better execution time.

Table 2. Times for four NAS benchmarks in server A. When all benchmarks are of the same kind only the time of the slowest is shown. Best time on each row is remarked in bold. Best time for each memory policy is shown in italics.
Table 3. Times for four NAS benchmarks in server B. When all benchmarks are of the same kind only the time of the slowest is shown. Best time on each row is remarked in bold. Best time for each memory policy is shown in italics.

4.1 Server A

Note that the direct memory placement with pinned threads gets the best execution time (it is below 100), while interleaved memory and pinned threads is not a good solution in this case. In Fig. 1(a) the results of using IMAR2 with free memory placement are also shown and, in this case, the migrations do not improve, but actually decrease performance. This is due to the fact that IMAR2 does not move memory, it depends on the OS for that, so it cannot reach as good results as the direct memory with pinned threads. Note that in this case the sp.C benchmark takes a longer time to execute, so it is favoured in the end by having the whole system for itself; both IMAR2 and OS are able to take it into account and reach a similar end time. In Fig. 1(c), results with direct memory are shown. In this case the OS does not migrate threads or memory taking into account that the benchmarks have their memory on just one node, so it results in worse performance; meanwhile the IMAR2 migrations are able to move the threads to their correct location and performance does not suffer much. In Fig. 1(e), the results with interleaved memory are shown. Neither in this case is the OS able to fix the memory or thread placement, and results are not worse that leaving the OS alone; IMAR2 migrations are able to improve the OS somewhat, but, since they cannot move the memory, the margin for improvement is low. In conclusion, in this system, while migrations may improve the OS in certain cases, the OS does a good work and there is little margin for improvement.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Normalised execution times (in seconds, Y axis) against free - OS for all tests

4.2 Server B

Figure 1(b) shows that global performance is greatly improved when different benchmarks run concurrently compared to the OS scheduling when memory policy is free. Improvements reach up to 38% the individual execution times, and up to 25% in total execution time. Note that, a migration strategy has more chances for improving performance when different processes are executed, as they may have different memory requirements. When a set of instances of the same benchmark is executed, results depend heavily on the behaviour of the code. As mentioned before, the influence of migrations is huge in 4 sp.C, since memory latency is critical. The case for 4 bt.C is similar, which improves too. For 4 lu.C and 4 ua.C, memory saturation makes almost impossible to improve the results, and even migrations cause a performance slowdown. When the memory is directly mapped to a node, see Fig. 1(d), OS outperforms the pinned scheduling in many of the cases. Due to the work balance, OS mitigates the possible memory congestion caused when all the data is placed in a single memory node. Is must be noted that in this situation IMAR2 improves the execution times of sp.C, the most memory intensive benchmark. Finally, when the Interleaved strategy for memory is used, Fig. 1(f), IMAR2 succeeds in achieving the best performance in the memory intensive benchmarks, thanks to a better thread placement through the cores of the server.

5 Conclusions

Thread and data allocation significantly influence the performance of modern computers, being this fact particularly true in NUMA systems. When the distribution of threads and data is far from being the optimum, the OS by itself is not able to optimise it. In this paper, a dynamic thread migration algorithm to deal with this issue is proposed. It is based on the optimisation of the operational intensity, the GIPS, and the memory latency, parameters that define the 3DyRM model. The proposed technique improves execution times when thread locality is poor and the OS is unable to improve thread placement in runtime.

In this paper, we define a product that combines the three 3DyRM parameters in a single value, which can be considered a fair representation of the whole performance of the system in terms of locality and affinity. To optimise this value, we propose a migration algorithm, named IMAR2, based on a weighted lottery strategy. Hardware counters allow us to obtain information about the performance of each thread in the system in runtime with low overhead. IMAR2 uses this information to quantify the 3DyRM parameters and then performs thread migration and allocation in runtime. Using benchmarks from the NPB-OMP, we evaluate IMAR2 in a variety of scenarios. Results show that our algorithm improves execution time by up to 25% in realistic scenarios in terms of locality and affinity. Besides, only small performance losses were obtained in cases where the thread configuration was initially good. Rollbacks and changes in the time between migrations are mechanisms to adapt dynamically to the current behaviour of the system as a whole. These provide better results in cases where migrations are unnecessary, while still improving the performance in cases with low initial performance.

Several improvements might be considered as future work, like a precise measurement of FLOPS, including vector extensions, that could improve both performance estimation and migration decisions. Also, some modifications of the current objective function might be explored, like weighing its parameters or even testing different functions. Finally, other migration algorithms could be considered, maybe based on stochastic scheduling, optimisation techniques, or other state of the art approaches.