
figure a
FormalPara Footnotes:

∗Gadolinium-enhanced MRI with MRCP (preferred) and/or pancreatic protocol CE-CT

∗∗Communication with pancreatic ducts, multifocality, bunch of grapes morphology

∗∗∗Lobulated honeycomb shape ± central scar/calcification

∗∗∗∗Consider a first close follow-up for the risk of retention cyst in isodense pancreatic cancer

figure b
FormalPara Footnotes:

∗Solid mass, enhancing mural nodule ≥5 mm, MPD ≥10 mm

∗∗Enhancing mural nodule <5 mm, MPD 5–9 mm; thickened/enhancing wall, abrupt change in caliber of MPD with distal atrophy; lymphadenopathy; new onset of diabetes mellitus; CA 19-9 ≥37 U/mL; grow rate ≥5 mm/year (or 2 years, depending on evaluated guideline); cyst size ≥30 mm (or 40 mm, depending on evaluated guideline)

∗∗∗MPD thickened wall/nodule or intraductal mucin

figure c
FormalPara Footnotes:

∗Evaluate the relation between the presence of the cyst and the onset of pancreatitis (i.e., was the cyst already present at the time of AP?) and the cyst morphology

∗∗Symptoms (mass effect, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain), sign of infection, or increasing size