
1 Introduction

Dantzig and Ramser [9] introduced the CVRP, which belongs to the class of routing problems and is a variation of VRP, with additional constraints on the capacities of the vehicles. CVRP is an NP-hard problem with notable impact on the fields of transportation, distribution, and logistics. The fact that most NP-hard problems become intractable for exact methods, mainly when dealing with large instances, has motivated researchers in developing a plethora of approximation algorithms, heuristics, and metaheuristics that provide an optimal, or close to the optimal, solution. The Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) metaheuristic has been successfully applied for solving many discrete and global optimization problems [5, 13].

The purpose of this paper is to present two parallel VNS methods using the general VNS variant to tackle the CVRP, and to examine how the level of cooperation between threads can affect the performance and the quality of the solutions.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, we present related works, in which the impact of communication in parallel algorithms is analyzed. In Sect. 3, we present two parallel VNS models for the solution of the CVRP. In Sect. 4, we present the summary of the findings for the models. Finally, conclusions and prospects are summarized in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

Recently, parallelization processing methods are increasingly being used in metaheuristics, due to the broadly available multicore processors and distributed computing environments. Contributions focused on the communication strategies are sparse. In [6], Crainic focused on different cooperation-based strategies. In this study, Crainic found that approaches based on asynchronous exchanges of information and the formulation of new knowledge out of exchanged data improve the global guidance of the search and display extraordinary performances. The author noticed that, low level communication schemes are particularly attractive when neighborhoods or populations are large, or the neighbor or individual evaluation is costly. Those low level schemes were classified in Crainic taxonomy with the 1st dimension marked as 1-control. Crainic taxonomy is discussed in Sect. 3.3.

The articles assessed for the literature review relate to cooperative parallel metaheuristics that, are based on the VNS algorithm and have been applied on several problems. Table 1 sums the related works. The authors of these works focus on the effectiveness of the proposed cooperative models rather than the reasoning for selecting the cooperation strategy.

Table 1. Parallel VNS metaheuristic applied in several problems

3 Information Exchange Between Parallel Models

It is generally accepted that, adding cooperation to parallel algorithms provides a critical boost to create solutions of the highest quality. In order to study the effect of communication between the threads, we created two parallel GVNS models. The Savings Algorithm of Clarke and Wright [3] was used to construct the initial solution for the two models. Both models are using an identical neighborhood structure, consisting of three widely used inter and intra-route operators, i.e., 2-opt (Intra-route), Swap (Inter-route), and Relocate (Inter-route). In order for the two models to have the same resources in the search for a solution, a single thread was used to play the role of the solution warehouse.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Three solutions were passed to the warehouse. \(sol_{1}\) was rejected and the first thread adopted a better solution (\(sol_{3}\)) from the warehouse (blue arrow). (Color figure online)

3.1 Parallel GVNS - Managed Information Exchange Model

In this model, Clarke and Wright’s algorithm provides the initial solution to all the threads, except for one, which will assume the role of the solution warehouse. Communication is asynchronous and dynamically determined by each process. The threads begin their search in the solution space and if a thread finds a better solution then, and only then, communication between the current thread and the solution warehouse is initiated. The thread passes the solution to the warehouse/manager process. At that point, a check is taking place. If a better solution exists in the solution warehouse, then it is adopted by the thread, and the search continues.

The communication schema used in the managed information exchange model is novel and its purpose is to create a sparse communication graph. The target is to maintain an equilibrium between exploration and exploitation phases. As shown in Fig. 1, while three solutions are generated, one gets rejected by the warehouse and the thread that passed that solution adopts a new, better solution from the warehouse.

The novelty in the cooperative model resides in the fact that, not only no broadcasting takes place, but also the information exchange between a process and the solution warehouse happens at irregular intervals. Each process dynamically determines those intervals, and even when they occur, the thread might not adopt the available solution from the solution warehouse.

Solution adoption by the warehouse, much like communication initiation is being controlled by each individual process and can be configured to filter-out solutions based on several criteria. The algorithm of this model is shown in Algorithm 1.

figure a

3.2 Parallel GVNS - A Model with Isolated Processes

This non-cooperative model, as shown in Fig. 2, uses an island-based design where every thread runs the GVNS wholly isolated. All threads utilize identical search procedures. Once the primary solution is produced using the Clarke and Wright algorithm, it is used as a starting point by each thread.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The Clarke and Wright algorithm generates a solution that is passed to all processes. Best solutions are stored in solution warehouse, but never broadcasted.

Each thread works autonomously, and their paths deviate particularly when the shaking procedure takes place. When the stopping criteria have been met, then all the threads terminate. The best solution is then picked among the list of best solutions. The algorithm of this model is shown in Algorithm 2.

figure b

3.3 Model Classification

Crainic and Hail [8] suggested three dimensions to classify parallel metaheuristic strategies:

  • 1st dimension: Search control cardinality

  • 2nd dimension: Search control and communication

  • 3rd dimension: Search strategies

According to this taxonomy, the proposed models can be classified as follows:

  • The non cooperative model fits into the pC/RS/SPSS classification.

  • The cooperative model fits into pC/C/SPSS classification.

The first dimension of this taxonomy defines how the search process for new solutions is controlled; pc stands for poly-Control meaning that, there is more than one process that controls the search operation.

In our case, each single thread has its control for the search operation. The second dimension defines how the information between processes is exchanged. RS stands for rigid synchronization, meaning that little or no information exchange takes place when we use the non-cooperative model. The second dimension in the cooperative model is classified as “Collegial”, thus we extract and adopt only the best solutions when information exchange occurs. The third dimension refers to how new information is created, and the diversity of searches involved. Both models are classified as “SPSS” that stands for “Same initial Point, Same search Strategy”. This makes sense since all the threads use Clarke and Wright as an initial solution and all the threads have an identical neighborhood structure.

4 Computational Experiments

This section presents the results of the computational experiments carried out to ascertain the performance of the two parallel GVNS models. The practical relevance of the communication strategy is presented and analyzed.

All the algorithms were implemented in Python 3.7. The experiments were conducted on an Intel Core i9 7940X CPU (3.50 GHz) and 32 GB RAM at 3333 MHz. Both models have a single termination criterion; the test is repeated until a certain number of GVNS iterations is met. The two parallel models were tested with the following iterations: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, and 300. All tests were repeated ten times.

The computational tests were carried out on instances from the X set from the CVRP library [14]. The test set is composed of a subset of the X set containing 6 instances (X-n110-k13, X-n143-k7, X-n153-k22, X-n256-k16, X-n261-k13 and X-n280-k17). Every instance in the X set was generated by Uchoa with specific characteristics. From the computational effort associated with the instance characteristics and the size of the neighborhood to be explored, the instances can be categorized into the following three groups:

  • (a) Easy (X-n110-k13),

  • (b) Medium (X-n143-k7, X-n153-k22)

  • (c) Hard (X-n261-k13, X-n256-k16, X-n280-k17)

In the results showed in Table 2, we can observe essential differences among the compared methods. The isolated model appears to be much faster but the cooperative model provides solutions with better quality. “SpI” stands for “seconds per 1 GVNS iteration”. The solution manager never broadcasts the best solution in the cooperative model, in order to minimize the communication overhead. In spite of this fact, the isolated method is \(21.108\%\) faster. This can be explained to a large extent by the fact that, communication and solution comparison deprives the search procedure of some CPU cycles. Even though the isolated method is much faster and has a more intense diversification phase, communication between processes appears to yield better results.

Table 2. Comparison of the two GVNS parallel variants

When we focus on the instances, based on their characteristics and grouped by the computational effort required by the CPU to complete one GVNS iteration, an interesting pattern emerges. As shown in Table 3, information sharing outperforms isolation in hard instances. When the search space is small (easier instances), the non-cooperative method yields better results. Thus, information sharing seems to outperform the independent search method and constitutes a valuable strategy for tackling hard instances when setting small iteration count as a stopping criterion. As shown in Fig. 3, after several GVNS iterations, the two methods don’t display essential differences.

Table 3. Model performance based on computational effort
Fig. 3.
figure 3

Performance of the two models at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 and 200 GVNS iterations

In order to support our findings, we applied a Friedman test to the performance results collected by the two models executed across the same set of instances and obtained a p-value equal to zero showing that, there is enough statistical evidence to consider the two algorithms different. We consider a common significance level \(\alpha = 0.05\) as the threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we proposed two models for the parallelization of the variable neighborhood search for the efficient solution of CVRP. Our goal was to study how the communication between processes affects the performance and the solution quality of parallel algorithms. Well known instances were used in order to compare and analyze the effect of the cooperation strategies between the two parallel metaheuristic models.

Cooperation strategy can have a decisive influence on the quality of the solutions. There is a strong indication that cooperation yields better results over hard instances, whereas in small solution spaces isolation appears to be the best strategy. The timing of communication also appears to play a role since no communication near the end of the search yields better results.

Future studies may include the use of filters to better guide the solution adoption and smarter memory-based strategies to provide better solutions.