1 Introduction

In modern cryptography one of the fundamental primitives to be employed is the Random Number Generator (RNG), the component in charge of generation of arbitrary length random bit sequences. It represents the core part for several security applications which are required to ensure authentication, confidentiality and message integrity for a broad range of activities, such as payments, on-line authentication, instant messaging and operating systems updates [4]. The creation of cryptographic keys requires a high degree of randomness so that an attacker is unable to derive the secret key of a cipher thus compromising the whole chain, authentication protocols nonces represent a valid countermeasure against replay attacks, in digital signature random numbers prevent attackers to derive private keys [3].

During the last decades, several circuits have been proposed to cope with generation of RNG sequence, in particular the True Random Number (or Bit) Generators (TRNGs) which are based on analog noise as physical source to generate random bits [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Such devices have a high-quality output, but they are affected by significant drawbacks, because they typically offer low throughput or require high power consumption. Moreover, they can be unreliable for long term use due to unexpected behaviors caused by changes in the device operating conditions. These are strong limitations especially considering the target to be employed in high performances and high complexity digital integrated systems such as hardware accelerators.

The limitations of TRNG devices can be worked around by implementing RNGs as Deterministic Random Bit Generators (DRBGs): in this case the output sequences are generated by means of deterministic algorithms instead of random processes, therefore in order to guarantee the expected level of randomness it is required to periodically give a new seed to such DRBG mechanisms (i.e., reseed operation, high entropy content is given to the deterministic algorithm to restart the sequence generation). This allow to pursue the requirement of indistinguishability between the output bit sequence and truly random sequence.

The reminder of this paper is organized as it follows: Sect. 14.2 presents the trade-off analysis among the different algorithms suitable for DRBG module, Sect. 14.3 describes the DRBG design architecture, Sect. 14.4 collects the characterization results, and Sect. 14.5 discusses about conclusions of this work.

2 DRBG Algorithms Trade-Off Analysis

As already mentioned, NIST has approved a certain number of DRBG mechanisms [2]: those mechanisms are based on Hash functions (SHA, Secure Hash Algorithm), keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), and Counter (CTR) mode of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES), and they are briefly presented, focusing on performance evaluation in terms of security strength and hardware implementation.

Hash DRBG family is based on SHA1 and SHA2 functions, but only SHA2 cryptographic primitives are taken into exam since SHA1 offers low security strength and it is considered outdated. The parameters related to a DRBG mechanism based on SHA2 Hash function are reported in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1 Hash DRBG mechanisms parameters (SHA2 only) [2]

CTRFootnote 1 DRBG mechanism is based onto a block cipher core used in counter mode. The parameters of this mechanism are listed in Table 14.2.

Table 14.2 CTR DRBG mechanisms parameters

Concerning Hash DRBG, the characteristics of available SHA2 IP core are listed in Table 14.3. SHA-224 and SHA-384 are discarded from the options, since they offer a shorter output block keeping area and latency equal to respectively SHA-256 and SHA-512. The two remaining functions show some differences:

Table 14.3 SHA2 IP core specifications
  • SHA-256 has lower latency per block than SHA-512 but the latter offers a higher throughput since it provides 512 bit every 80 clock cycles;

  • comparing the areas, SHA-256 results to be more compact and this reflects also on internal state registers area footprint: as it can be seen in Table 14.1, the variable seedlen is 440 for SHA-256 and 888 for SHA-512; this implies that the internal state requires around 900 registers for the former and 1800 for the latter.

Now, the expected throughput of these two hash functions during generation phase in a Hash DRBG implementation can be calculated:

$$T_{{SHA{-}256}} = 256/64 \cdot f_{clk} \cdot n_{parallel\_core} = 4 \cdot f_{clk} \cdot n_{parallel\_core} \,{\text{bit}}/{\text{s}}$$
$$T_{{SHA{-}512}} = 512/80 \cdot f_{clk} \cdot n_{parallel\_core} = 6.4 \cdot f_{clk} \cdot n_{parallel\_core} \,{\text{bit}}/{\text{s}}$$

CTR DRBG proved to be best in class for both area and throughput. The characteristics of available AES IP core are presented in Table 14.4 for AES-128 and AES-256.

Table 14.4 AES IP core specifications

Since our focus is on highest level security strength implementations, only AES-256 is to be considered for the trade-off. As shown in the table, area is lower than SHA-256 and throughput is higher than SHA-512:

$$T_{{AES{-}256}} = 128/15 \cdot f_{clk} \cdot n_{parallel\_core} = 8.53 \cdot f_{clk} \cdot n_{parallel\_core} \,{\text{bit}}/{\text{s}}$$

Despite all these considerations, CTR DRBG has not been chosen to be implemented. The reason lays in the doubts about the effective capability of this mechanism to reach maximum security strength. In [8], the author claims that, while Hash-based DBRGs satisfy security requirements, block cipher-based ones should be avoided since the pseudo-random permutation inside each AES round coupled with the counter mode outputs a sequence which is indeed distinguishable from a random source. The choice ultimately fell on Hash DRBG, implemented with SHA-256 core. This ensures a compact implementation for the mechanism and the possibility to extend the design for supporting multiple cores to increase the throughput. Figure 14.1 reports the characteristics in terms of logic complexity and throughput of several DRBG implementations, relying on the available IP cores (SHA and AES) as primitives, their features when synthesizing on 45 nm standard-cell technology [9] and methods to construct DRBG using such primitives [2].

Fig. 14.1
figure 1

Comparison between NIST approved DRBG mechanisms based on logic complexity in kGE and throughput

3 Hash DRBG Design Architecture

The design architecture of Hash DRBG with SHA-256 core is shown in Fig. 14.2, and it makes use of the following blocks:

Fig. 14.2
figure 2

Hash DRBG design architecture developed

  • state registers for V, C and Reseed counter, with length respectively of 440, 440 and 20 bits, a 128-bit register to store an optional personalization string, for internal state randomization, and a 512-bit entropy register to store the input entropy content;

  • a SHA-256 core with 512-bit input and 256-bit output, with a latency of 64 clock cycles;

  • a serial adder with 440-bit inputs and modulo 440-bit output, which works in parallel with the SHA-256 core and stores the result of the addition into one of the its input registers, as shown in Fig. 14.2, in order to minimize area occupation;

  • multiplexer network to address all data in internal state and from the previous operation to the inputs of the SHA-256 core and adder;

  • a Finite State Machine (FSM), which controls the flow of operations, i.e., instance, reseed and generate;

  • a DRBG self-test module (not present in Fig. 14.2), in order to diagnose possible failures inside the circuitry.

4 Results

For the Hash DRBG IP-core characterization, two different technologies have been identified as representative of potential targets for implementations of such hardware accelerator for security applications: Intel Stratix IV FPGA and Silvaco PDK 45 nm Open Cell Library [7] (i.e., ASIC standard-cell technology). In both cases different implementation effort corners were tested, in order to evaluate the trade-off between throughput and area. Concerning the Intel Stratix IV FPGA technology, the synthesis and layout flow performed with high performance constraints gives a maximum operative frequency of 180 MHz, meaning a throughput of 720 Mbps considering the single core instance, for an overall occupation of 5949 ALMs (Adaptive Logic Modules). The implementation on Silvaco ASIC standard-cell is able to reach a throughput even up to 4 Gbps, since the maximum frequency is equal to 1 GHz still for single core version of the IP-core, for a logic complexity of 118.98 kGE corresponding to an area of approximately 0.094 mm2.

5 Conclusions

This paper presented the IP-core design related to a digital Random Number Generator (RNG), one of the most significant part required to implement algorithms for authentication, confidentiality, message integrity and security applications in general. The proposed architecture is based on one of the Deterministic Random Bit Generators (DRBGs) approved by NIST according to trade-off analysis between throughput, area and security strength. Hash DRBG with SHA-256 as cryptographic core proved to be the most efficient solution in terms of throughput per logic complexity, among the solutions offering maximum security strength (i.e., 256 bits).

The RNG IP-core obtained has been tested by means of NIST Statistical Test Suite, thus stating that the sequences of bits generated cannot be distinguished from a true random sequence of numbers, and therefore validating its use for cryptographic applications. It has been also implemented on FPGA and ASIC standard-cell technologies for characterization. The implementation on Intel Stratix IV FPGA reported a throughput of 720 Mbps at 180 MHz with a maximum occupation of about 6000 ALMs, while the synthesis on Silvaco 45 nm ASIC standard-cell [7] reported a throughput of 4 Gbps at 1 GHz with a maximum logic complexity of about 119 kGE.