
FormalPara Learning Objectives
  1. 1.

    Understand the meaning of the term athlete.

  2. 2.

    Be able to provide a complete description of a population of athletes including level of commitment, exercise training parameters and epidemiological characteristics.

  3. 3.

    Understand both the clinical and scientific need and the value of classifying athletes into subgroups based on various exercise stimuli.

  4. 4.

    Be aware of the main objectives, characteristics and limitations of the most used classifications of sports.

1 Definition of Athletes

The term athlete comes from the Greek word “athlos”, which means “achievement” [1]. Indeed, athletes are commonly considered individuals with superior physical and psychological conditions leading them to athletic excellence. Within medical research, the term has been used with completely different meanings and without consensus between international guidelines [2,3,4].

For the purpose of this chapter, an athlete is considered to be an individual who is engaged in physical activity and exercise on a regular basis. This definition is intentionally much wider than previous ones, as we believe it is the responsibility of the medical and scientific community to engage and include all those individuals regularly participating in some type of physical activity. They are the one that will likely benefit the most, in terms of health enhancement, from sport participation. There is a need for a cultural change, and this can only be achieved through education and direct engagement. The objective is to bring sport back to the people at grass root level. Therefore, we need a much more inclusive definition of what an athlete is. The population of athletes is thus quite heterogeneous and as such, further descriptors should be included when describing an athlete. The following are necessary descriptors to define a population of athletes:

  • Level of commitment:

    • Recreational athletes: individuals engaged in recreational or open sport.

    • Competitive athletes: individuals engaged in exercise and training on a regular basis and participating in official sports competition, at any level.

    • Elite and professional athletes: constitute a subgroup within competitive athletes who achieve athletic excellence and usually compete at an international level, earning a living out of their sport participation.

  • Exercise training parameters:

    • Frequency (days/week): the number of days per week an individual exercises or performs physical activity.

    • Intensity: can be measured or estimated using different methods (see below).

    • Duration (time per session, per day, per week): the amount of exercise performed.

    • Type of activity: describes the type of activity performed based on the discipline’s characteristics and cardiovascular main adaptations.

    • Volume (Metabolic equivalent of tasks (MET)-min/week, kcal/week): the product of frequency (days/week), intensity (based on, e.g., heart rate (HR), heart rate reserve (HRR), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), oxygen reserve (VO2R)), and duration (of each training session/day or /week).

    • Sport discipline and role/position within this discipline.

    • Global exercise training load: years of exercise training in the specified sport discipline.

Regarding exercise intensity, the preferred method is the direct measurement of physiological responses to exercise through an incremental cardiopulmonary exercise test (i.e. maximal HR—HRmax, VO2max). For exercise prescription purposes the HRR, %HRmax or %VO2max can be adopted [5]. Other indirect methods of estimating exercise intensity use the predicted HRmax formulas (e.g. HRmax = 220 − age; HRmax = 208 − (0.7 × age)) [6, 7]. These methods, although easier to use, can underestimate or overestimate measured HRmax. Measured or estimated values of absolute exercise intensity include caloric expenditure (kcal/min), absolute oxygen consumption (mL/min or L/min), and METs which is roughly the energy expended in resting conditions, set by convention at 3.5 mL of oxygen per kilogram body weight per minute, or 1 kcal/kg body mass per hour. Nevertheless, these methods do not take into consideration individual factors such as body mass, sex and fitness level and can cause misclassification of exercise intensities. For ease of reference and adoption of METs, activities have been listed and classified, according to the measured METs, in a compendium of physical activities [8,9,10].

Measures of perceived effort can also be used to modulate and indirectly estimate the exercise intensity. These measures of affective valence (i.e. pleasantness of exercise) include the Borg Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scales [11, 12] and the Talk Test [13]. The Talk Test is based on the concept that exercising at or above the lactate or ventilatory thresholds prevents a comfortable conversational speech and thus constitutes a valid and reliable method for estimating exercise intensities [14,15,16,17,18,19] (see also Chaps. 11 and 45).

Regarding exercise volume, it can be used to estimate the individual’s energy expenditure [20]. The volume of exercise usually increases progressively with the level of competition from ≥500–1000 MET-min/week in recreational athletes to ≥10,000 MET-min/week in competitive and elite athletes. However, this is not always the case and may vary depending on the sport discipline requirements and even on individual motivation (Table 1.1).

  • Epidemiological characteristics:

    • Gender

    • Age: young or adolescents (12–17), adult (18–35) and master athletes (above 35 years old).

Table 1.1 Energy expenditure induced by various sports (arbitrarily selected from [8,9,10])

Regarding age, the above-mentioned traditional classification may be subject to changes according to each sport rules and regulations [21]. The current division between adult and master athletes is mainly based on the fact that 35 years is the age at which ischemic cardiovascular events tend to become a greater cause of mortality in the athlete’s population while the separation between young and adult athletes at 18 years is related with the age at which puberty is usually completed.

Recreational athletes and those individuals participating in physical activity for health purposes, in some cases, might as well reach exercise training volumes and intensities as competitive or even elite athletes. Therefore, they may develop similar structural and electrical cardiovascular adaptations in response to the exercise stimulus. Thus, when describing an athlete, exercise training parameters described previously become mandatory.

2 Classification of Sports

According to the objective of the classification, sport disciplines have been classified in various ways. Existing classifications consider different aspects of the sport such as:

  • physical demands induced by different sports

  • impact of different exercise stimuli on performance and body composition

  • cardiovascular adaptations induced by different modalities and intensities of exercise

  • the potential consequences of a syncope while exercising.

For the purpose of this chapter we will present the two mainly adopted and recent classifications of sports.

2.1 Mitchell Classification of Sports

One of the most referred-to classifications is the Mitchell classification of sports [22] that was developed with the objective of clarifying whether an athlete with a specific cardiovascular abnormality was eligible to participate in competitive sport. The Mitchell classification considers:

  1. 1.

    the type and intensity of the sport

  2. 2.

    the risks of injuries from body collision

  3. 3.

    the consequences of a syncope.

The main components of each sport considered are static and dynamic. These terms refer to the exercise activities characteristics and are based on the biomechanical action of the muscles involved. These features do not consider the metabolic pathway mostly used (aerobic or anaerobic). Dynamic exercises involve changes in muscle length and joint movement through rhythmic contractions that usually develop a relatively small force. Static exercises, on the other hand, are characterized by relatively large forces, with very little or no change in muscle length and joint movement.

Based on these two “opposite” components of exercise, the Mitchell classification characterizes different sports according to their percental proportion of static and dynamic exercise stimuli and summarizes disciplines with similar proportions into particular subgroups (Fig. 1.1). It was first developed with the objective of defining whether an athlete with a specific cardiovascular abnormality is eligible to participate in a competitive sport. It provides clinical support when deciding whether certain cardiovascular adaptations observed in an athlete are likely to be sufficiently explained by the type of sports he or she is performing.

Fig. 1.1
figure 1

Classification of sports. This classification is based on peak static and dynamic components achieved during competition. It should be noted, however, that higher values may be reached during training. The increasing dynamic component is defined in terms of the estimated percent of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) achieved, resulting in increasing cardiac output. The increasing static component is related to the estimated percent of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) reached, resulting in an increasing blood pressure load. The lowest total cardiovascular demands (cardiac output and blood pressure) are shown in green and the highest in red. Blue, yellow and orange depict low moderate, moderate and high moderate total cardiovascular demands. (Modified from Mitchell and colleagues [22]). ∗Danger of body collision, †Increased risk if syncope occurs

Although comprehensive and including most sports, the Mitchell classification:

  • does not take into consideration the extent to which the physical fitness components are trained in successful athletes,

  • carries a risk of underestimating the real work intensity, and

  • might not be so intuitive for the clinician with less experience in sports cardiology.

2.2 Cardiovascular Classification of Sports

Another way in which sports have been also frequently classified is based on the isotonic and isometric exercise components and the resulting cardiovascular adaptations induced by exercise (Fig. 1.2 and [23]). Isotonic exercise mainly involves disciplines that are characterized by a predominant change in muscular length rather than tension, whereas isometric refers to the opposite. As such, this is rather similar to the Mitchell classification. However, apart from this, the classification also considers whether a particular discipline requires specific technical skills beyond muscular work to be performed successfully, such as the complex movement required to hit a golf ball or the concentration and reactivity to control a racing car.

Fig. 1.2
figure 2

Simplified classification of the most common Olympic sport disciplines, according to the relative isometric and isotonic components of exercise and resulting cardiovascular adaptation. (Modified from Pelliccia and colleagues [23])

Although comprehensive from a cardiovascular perspective, this type of classification

  • does not take into consideration most of the physiological components defining different sports,

  • relies mostly on imaging findings with the objective of facilitating the clinical sports cardiologists evaluating the athlete.

All types of classifications look at sports from different perspectives resulting in different positive sides and limitations. Therefore, depending on the objective of the evaluation, one type of classification might be more appropriate than another one. Nevertheless, it should be reminded that classifying sports remains an academic exercise that, currently, does not take into account all the sports characteristics and adaptations, at least until a universal theory of sports will be able to describe all variables.

It should also be reminded that in many cases, training could be more demanding, from a cardiovascular perspective, than competition. Training regimens in most sports now include both static and dynamic components that might not be a specific part of that sport. The concept that training load could induce a greater cardiovascular load than competition must be considered also for non-competitive athletes who might reach large training volumes but do not compete.

Clinical Pearls

  • An athlete is considered to be an individual who is engaged in physical activity and exercise on a regular basis. This definition is intentionally wide, to include all those individuals regularly participating in some type of physical activity.

  • Variables to consider when describing exercise and athletic populations:

    • Level of commitment

    • Exercise training parameters

    • Epidemiological characteristics

  • All types of classifications look at sports from different perspectives, have different positive sides and limitations. Therefore, depending on the objective of the evaluation, one type of classification might be more appropriate than another one.