1 Introduction

The current processor trend is to couple a commodity processor with GPUs, co-processors, or accelerators. Such heterogeneous systems not only offer increased computational power but also deliver high energy efficiency. However, due to the architectural differences between cores of the host processor and device, it is increasingly difficult to extract every-bit of performance out of these platforms, leading to growing “ninja gap” [38] where only a small number of expert programmers are capable of harvesting the full potential of the system.

Although compilers have matured significantly over the years, most of the time, compiler generated code still can not compete with hand-optimized implementation even on a homogeneous architecture. An alternative approach commonly used in several application domains is to use highly-tuned high-performance libraries to close ninja-gap without placing unnecessary development burden on a programmer. For example, Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL) and NVIDIA’s cuBLAS are two widely used high performance linear algebra libraries for CPUs and GPUs, respectively. These libraries are developed by domain experts who fully exploit the underlying processor architecture.

As heterogeneous systems become ubiquitous, it is challenging to make the existing library frameworks heterogeneity-aware: the libraries have to be specialized for each particular processor or device, the workload has to be properly load-balanced between them, and communication between them must be overlapped with computation as much as possible to gain performance. In order to determine optimal work distribution between devices one must use device specific performance characteristics of libraries (e.g., throughput of a library on each device). More importantly, work distribution and communication generation must look beyond just a single library call to improve data locality and reduce communication overhead. Sometimes the communication latency hiding techniques can be complicated as optimal device offload granularity might depend on the input problem size. Thus, a generic easy-to-use framework is necessary that not only allows automatic learning of device specific performance characteristics of libraries but also efficiently composes multiple library calls without any intervention from the programmer.

Existing research in this area fall into two broad categories:

  • Leverage device specific libraries and use a heterogeneous scheduling runtime for work distribution and communication. In this approach, the device-specific libraries are treated as black-box and thus, the runtime can not easily take advantage of the expert programmers’ domain knowledge related to the properties of a library during scheduling. Moreover, the programmer is responsible for providing wrappers for device-specific library task implementations on her own. There has been a lot of research work in the context of dividing work between CPU-GPU using a scheduling runtime [5, 14, 23, 26, 31,32,33, 35, 40]. Although, their techniques can be adopted in the context of libraries, they are primarily restricted to the work distribution of a single library call. Important inter-library call optimizations are left unexplored.

  • Library frameworks perform work distribution between heterogeneous cores transparent to the programmer. Although this approach achieves peak performance for a single library call by having expert programmers’ knowledge embedded in it, it can not perform optimizations across library calls. Moreover, the programmer manually instructs the library to execute on a single device or on the heterogeneous system. This approach is recently adopted by MKL by adding a functionality called Automatic Offloading (AO), which can offload part of the library call workload from a Xeon CPU to a Xeon Phi co-processor [3]. However, this advanced feature is currently limited to “sufficiently large problems” exhibiting large computation to data access ratio. Thus, only a hand-full of Level-3 BLAS functions (GEMM, SYMM, TRMM, and TRSM) and three matrix factorization routines (LU, QR, and Cholesky) have this feature today. Although this approach is best for programmers, our experiments show that it can leave 25% performance on the table when compared to a Hand-tuned version for the High Performance Linpack benchmark on average (details in Sect. 4).

To the best of our knowledge, none of the existing systems exploit inter-library call optimizations such as data locality and reuse. That is, if a series of library tasks are invoked one after another, it is possible to schedule them better by grouping them based on their data access patterns rather than naively executing them one after another. It might also be necessary to decompose a library call to finer granularity in order to improve its scheduling and reduce communication overhead. The goal of this paper is to devise a generic framework that can perform optimizations across library call boundaries in order to efficiently compose them in heterogeneous systems and further reduce the ninja-gap.

In this paper, we propose a framework for library composition, called Mozart. Mozart consists of two components: library description (LD) and library composition runtime. Mozart transparently composes and decomposes such library calls across heterogeneous processors delivering performance on par with that of expertly tuned hand-written code. LD expresses library routines as tasks and embeds library developer expertise via meta-information about every library routine. The meta-information initially comes from library developers, is subsequently augmented with install-time profiling on the target platform, and is finally used in guiding the scheduling runtime to automatically load balance between heterogeneous processors. The runtime dynamically builds a runtime task graph for an application from the numerous library calls of the application, dynamically decomposes tasks in the graph according to the granularity specified by LD and assigns them for execution to host processor and device as they become available. To facilitate efficient composition of library tasks, our runtime applies a novel optimization, task-fission, that pre-processes the task graph as it is being constructed and partitions the tasks into coarse-grain sub-tasks according to data flow between the tasks. We demonstrate that our approach can improve data-locality and reuse, resulting in improved performance compared to existing approaches. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt to seamlessly perform library call composition for heterogeneous architectures.

Compared to other task based approaches such as [5, 9, 14, 23, 26, 31, 32, 35, 40], Mozart has the following additional capabilities. First, Mozart transparently schedules a decomposable library task between host processor and device cores using library metadata (LD) provided by library writers. Unlike existing systems, programmer is not responsible for writing any wrappers for device specific library implementations. Second, Mozart efficiently composes a series of library tasks by performing task-fission dynamically on the runtime task graph resulting in improved data locality. Finally, Mozart profiles device data transfer overhead and measures host/device throughput at runtime. It then uses this data to adaptively control the number of iterations performed by the device including the offload granularity of device. This results in both improved load-balance and better communication-computation overlap.

The key contributions of this paper include:

  • a novel Library Description (LD) framework to describe meta-information about libraries. We expect library developers to use this framework to specify their domain knowledge about library routines. The parameters of this framework are either specified by the library developer or determined via install-time profiling of libraries on the target platform.

  • a scheduling runtime that performs load balancing among heterogeneous cores using the LD information. The distinguishing features of our runtime include dynamic task-fission and adaptation to runtime behavior of an application. Compared to existing scheduling runtimes [6, 14, 26, 31, 32, 34, 40], our runtime enables cross library call scheduling optimizations such as data-locality and communication optimization as well as host and device work distribution.

  • an experimental evaluation of Mozart in a heterogeneous system consisting of a Xeon CPU and 2 Xeon Phi co-processors using High Performance Linpack benchmark which is the most popular benchmark to rank supercomputers in TOP500. Our results show a GFLOPS improvement of 31.7 % over MKL with Automatic Offloading and 6.7 % over hand-optimized version of the application. Please note that, although we perform our experimental evaluation on a Xeon+Xeon Phi system, our technique should be applicable to any host plus device based system including widely used CPU+GPU based systems.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the library description interfaces. Section 3 describes our heterogeneous scheduling runtime. Evaluations are presented in Sect. 4. We discuss related work in Sect. 5 and conclude in Sect. 6.

2 Library Description Language

In this section, we describe the library description (LD) framework that drives composition of library calls at runtime, so that the calls are effectively executed in a distributed fashion on a heterogeneous system – to take advantage of the rich hardware parallelism in such a system. LD expresses domain knowledge from library developers and uses install-time profiling to build platform-specific performance models. Such expertise, code, and models reflect important aspects of the dynamic behavior of a library function.

Table 1. Library description APIs

Library experts (typically library-writers) build a library description (LD) for each library function during or after library development. This LD is basic in that it might not contain platform-specific information. The expert also builds an extensive set of microbenchmarks to perform install-time profiling in order to fill in the LD parameters of a library. Any relevant performance characteristics of a library function can be put into the LD, but specifically, we propose a set of abstract interfaces as shown in Table 1: Threads() and SubTaskSize() are described, because the number of threads and the task granularity for offloading are the two most important optimization parameters for most applications. Note that Threads() for memory-bound applications may be much smaller than the maximum available cores on the underlying platform. Similarly, SubTaskSize() determines the offload granularity to a device in order to optimally overlap it’s computation with communication. When the library is installed, the microbenchmarks are used to profile the underlying platform and build platform-specific models for the functions in LD, including Threads(), SubTaskSize(), and Rate(). Many different combinations of the inputs of a library function can be used to run the function. With different input combinations and their corresponding execution time of the function, profiling can learn a model for each of Threads(), SubTaskSize(), and Rate(). The learned performance models replace the default Threads(), SubTaskSize(), and Rate() specified by the library-writer.

Figure 1 illustrates the implementation of LD class for a matrix-matrix multiplication library call, \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_\mathrm{LD}\). In this example, Threads() and SubTaskSize() are hard-coded numbers based on library-writer’s experiences. Rate() is an auto-generated performance model built from install-time profiling (in particular, we perform a linear approximation of the profiling data after executing the microbenchmarks on each device). Task_arch() and InsertTask() are written manually by expert programmers. Here we have two Task_arch() functions: one for the host, the other for the device. We have used Intel Offload programming model [1] to demonstrate device offloading, but it is not a limitation.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

LD for matrix-matrix multiplication library, \(\text {dgemm}\). The library developer initially writes the \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_\mathrm{LD}\) function. During install time of the library, Threads, SubTaskSize, Affinity, and Rate are populated via install-time profiling. The TaskHost and TaskDevice functions operate on sub-ranges in order to let the runtime adaptively decide the work distribution between host and device. The InsertTask function calls into runtime (Sect. 3).

In a specific implementation, the compiler may automatically redirect a library function call in a user program to its corresponding library description, which enqueues a divisible task into the runtime system’s task graph (described in Sect. 3). For example, for a library function f() with LD as f_LD(), the library wrapper or the compiler performs the following two operations:

\(LD*\;\;\;\;ld \;= \;f\_LD(/*original parameters*/);\)


When the user program runs, the above two statements create an LD object, and invoke our runtime through that object’s InsertTask() function, which inserts the Task_arch() function(s) into the runtime system’s task graph, and invokes the runtime system. The runtime is described in Sect. 3.

In another implementation, the library writer may hide LD details from the user by wrapping the library functions in new interfaces and expose these interfaces to the programmer. Either way, the newly created runtime task is semantically equivalent to the original library function. The runtime system executes this task in a parallel and perhaps in a distributed fashion on the heterogeneous system.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Detailed work-flow of library description framework.

Figure 2 depicts the high-level flow of LD. At library installation time, a performance model (via linear approximation) is built for how each library function performs on the entire system with such factors as number of threads, sub-task size and the relative performance of each processor in the system. The compiler pattern matches library function call names and replaces a regular function call with a call to the runtime providing access to the model for the given function. The runtime is then responsible for determining how best to execute the function with the current inputs within the system. It will often do so by splitting up the work into smaller granularity and giving that work to different processors in the heterogeneous system.

One thing to keep in mind is that LD interfaces are developed by library writers, programmer is not involved. Additionally, the LD information for each library routine is written exactly once and thus we believe the complexity is manageable. Augmenting auto-tuning with install-time profiling is a subject for future work.

3 Library Composition Runtime

In this section, we describe our heterogeneous runtime system that performs dynamic task-fission, overlaps communication and computation to hide communication latency of heterogeneous processor, and finally, adapts to runtime behavior of an application. Our runtime system takes advantage of the performance profile information from LD described in Sect. 2. For simplicity of presentation, we treat each task as a library task created from a particular library routine.

Library Task Representation: We introduce the notions of simple and divisible library tasks in our runtime. A divisible task can be further decomposed into sub-tasks. Typical example of a divisible task is a data-parallel library routine which can be decomposed in many different ways including simply varying the number of loop iterations that are grouped into a single task. For example, the classical matrix-matrix multiplication library task is a divisible task since the 2-d iteration range of the output matrix can be blocked into sub-ranges and each sub-range can be processed independently either on host or device.

Runtime Interfaces: Our runtime exposes two key APIs: \(insert\_\{T\}\_task\) where T is either \(\text {divisible}\) or \(\text {simple}\) and task_wait. \(insert\_\{T\}\_task\)() communicates all information regarding a task to the runtime. task_wait() function waits for the previously issued tasks to complete and their output data become available. Some of the important information passed to an \(insert\_\{T\}\_task{\textit{(}}T, \ldots {\textit{)}}\) include iteration range and dimensionality (for divisible tasks), function pointers to device task implementations that operate on sub-tasks, arguments and their corresponding metadata information (using array access descriptors as described later in this section), device affinity if known, and performance profile information for the corresponding library function from LD (described in Sect. 2). Each argument to a task is marked as one of the following: IN, OUT, INOUT, VALUE (passed-by-value), ACCUMULATOR (passed-by-reference, typically reduction variables are passed as accumulator variables). Please note that the library developer wraps insert_T_task in the LD method InsertTask for a library task and task_wait is inferred by our runtime based on input and output dependences.

Array Access Descriptors: Affine array accesses are typical in scientific and HPC applications, therefore are used heavily in library routines. The metadata information for an array argument of a task in our runtime also carries a descriptor in order for the runtime to be able to determine the sub-region of the array being accessed by a sub-task, which is crucial to generate the data movements between host and devices. The following array access descriptor captures affine array accesses of the form \(a*i+b\), where a and b are compile-time constants and i denotes the loop induction variable:

figure a

The array region accessed by a sub-task can be 1-d linear, 2-d rectangular, or 3-d rectangular prism (our implementation currently does not support beyond 3-d). At runtime, each array region is associated with a location information indicating the device that holds that array region. Runtime uses this information to decide device affinity of a sub-task. Additionally, efficient implementations of standard set operations such as union, intersection, and difference are also provided for array regions in order to reduce the runtime overheads of task graph construction. Note that since we are composing libraries, the array access descriptors are written by expert library developers as part of LD, programmer who uses these libraries is not involved.

Work-Sharing Runtime: The runtime determines task dependencies from the array access descriptor metadata of task arguments, builds a task dependence graph, generates necessary data transfers and schedules tasks for execution possibly choosing the device. Once all the predecessors of a task in the task graph have completed execution and all the input data has been transferred to the target device, the task is executed. This might result in the output data transfer to a different device, as well as a trigger for the other task execution (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Work-sharing runtime and runtime task graph

Typically a heterogeneous system node has a few devices leading to fewer contention among devices. Moreover, the optimal task granularity for offload may differ from device to device, e.g., a discrete GPU may choose a sub-task tile that completely hides the data communication latency of an application. With these design choices in mind, we implement a work-sharing runtime where an idle device grabs it’s own sub-task tile of iterations for a ready divisible task from a common shared queue of the parallel iterations. Note that sub-task tile size for each device is bootstrapped using SubTaskSize() in LD and is adaptively adjusted in the runtime (described later in this section). A proxy host thread (i.e., worker) is assigned to each device that offloads work to that device.

When a task becomes ready, i.e., all its predecessors in the task dependence graph finished their execution, it is added to the ready queue. When a worker becomes idle, it tries to retrieve a task from this ready queue and executes it. There could be more than one task available in the ready queue, in which case one of the two following strategies could be used: (1) the idle worker first tries to pick a task that no other worker is working on (that is, breadth-first approach); (2) the idle worker picks the first ready task (that is, depth-first approach). This is currently implemented via a runtime flag. By default, a simple task has an affinity to the host CPU in our runtime.

Task Fission: Choosing sub-task size is critical to application performance on heterogeneous systems as it affects both scheduling granularity, data locality, and communication latency. It can also artificially limit parallelism and flexibility of scheduling. In general, the sub-task granularity should be large enough to occupy at least a single core of the heterogeneous system, yet small enough to support efficient load balancing and communication/computation overlap. Consider an example program shown in Fig. 4. task1 invoked with parallel iterations \([1 \ldots 10000 ]\) writes 10000 elements of array b, while task2 invoked with parallel iterations \([1...500 ]\) reads only the first 500 elements of b. Consider the following scheduling constraint on a discrete CPU+GPU heterogeneous system: task2 executes significantly better on CPU than GPU while task1 can be executed on either CPU or GPU. An optimal scheduling solution is to execute first 500 iterations of task1, as well as, all of task2 on CPU and the last 9500 iterations of task1 on the discrete GPU until CPU completes execution, at which point both CPU and GPU can execute the remaining iterations of task1. This enables overlapping of task2 and task1 execution resulting in improved data-locality (that is, task2 might reuse data from the cache prefetches of task1) and reduced communication too (that is, there is no data transfer cost to/from GPU for the first 500 iterations of task1. However, if tasks have to be scheduled as indivisible units, a scheduler has to assign all iterations of task1 to either CPU (leaving GPU unused) or GPU (resulting in data transfer cost) and wait for all of task1 to complete before starting task2. Choosing fine-grain tasks resolves this problem but leads to higher overhead of maintaining task graph and scheduling tasks, potentially defeating benefits from exploiting a higher degree of parallelism.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Optimal task granularity example with dynamic task-fission; task1 with range \([1\ldots 10000 ]\) was split into two tasks with ranges \([1 \ldots 500 ]\) and \([501 \ldots 10000 ]\) at runtime based on consumer task task2; Now task2 can start executing immediately after task1 with range \([1 \ldots 500 ]\) completes on CPU. This improves locality and reduces communication.

We propose task-fission at runtime that automatically adjusts task granularity to discover additional available parallelism while keeping the cost of task graph maintenance and scheduling under control. Tasks are split to achieve exact match between one task output and another task input. Such tasks are further combined into task chains that can be scheduled to a single device to reduce communication cost.

We support two kinds of task-fission. The first one splits an existing task A when a new task B is inserted into task graph whose input is a subset of the output of the task A. In this case, A is split into A1 and A2, such that output of A1 is the same as input of B. This enables execution of B as soon as A1 finishes without waiting for completion of A2. It also allows the runtime to schedule A1 and B to the same device while, in parallel, executing A2 on a different device. The second one splits a new task B when its input is a super-set of the output of an existing task A. In this case, B is split into B1 and B2, such that output of A is the same as input of B1. This enables execution of B2 without waiting of completion of A and allows the runtime to schedule A and B1 to the same device, while scheduling B2 to a different one.

When a task is inserted to our runtime, the argument metadata information (described using array access descriptor) is used to derive task dependencies and to construct the runtime task dependency graph. During this addition of the newly arrived task to the runtime task graph, our runtime checks if it is feasible to perform task-fission with the immediate predecessor task or with the immediate successor task (as described in the previous paragraph). If the immediate predecessor task is not already executing and offers opportunities for task-fission, we perform task fission and update the runtime task graph. We enqueue the newly created tasks from task-fission to our runtime when they are ready. In most cases, we expect that the cost of task-fission be mitigated by the benefits we get from task-fission. Our runtime augments online profiling to decide whether to perform task-fission or not.

Task-fission results in the following benefits: (1) increased task parallelism, due to precise matching between task dependencies and task granularity; (2) reduced communication cost, as sub-tasks with the same input/outputs can be scheduled to the same device without affecting scheduling of the whole task; (3) improved data locality and reuse, as sub-tasks with the same input/output can reuse data from caches.

Overlap Communication and Computation: Accelerators including GPUs and Xeon Phi are typically connected to the host processor via PCIe interconnect. Thus, communication overhead is one of the dominant factors in obtaining performance of these systems. There are many existing approaches for hiding communication latency [2]. We use the double buffering technique transparently in our runtime to overlap communication to device with computation on host CPU. This transparency is feasible in Mozart, since tasks can be divided into sub-tasks and the argument array regions accesses by sub-regions can be computed from the array access descriptors. Our runtime creates two temporary buffers for every argument array region corresponding to sub-tasks and while the current buffer holds the array region for computation on the device of sub-task A, the next buffer holds the array region that is used for transferring data from the device to the host (for output transfer) for sub-task B. Sub-tasks A and B originate from the same divisible task. Similarly, we can also overlap input data transfer of one sub-task with computation of another sub-task. The granularity of the sub-tasks are chosen such that the two temporary buffers fit on the device memory and more importantly, the ratio of communication to computation time of the sub-tasks must be close to 1. This results in optimal performance as it hides the communication latency completely. Our runtime initially uses LD information to choose this sub-task granularity (via SubTaskSize()), but later on adjusts adaptively at runtime.

Strided Data Access: Several scientific and HPC applications access strided data. Strided data can be tricky to transfer to devices using pragma based compilers such as Intel Offload compiler [1] as they are limited by their expressibility resulting in unnecessary data transfer. Consider the shaded regions to the left of Fig. 5. In order to transfer only the shaded regions to Xeon Phi using current Intel Offload compiler, entire rows and columns corresponding to the shared regions need to be transferred. This incurs runtime overhead and can be significant if the matrix is large and the shaded region is very small. We mitigate this by transparently copying data in runtime to contiguous memory locations and then remapping the index space of this data in the library kernels for both Xeon and Xeon Phi. The code snippet to the right of Fig. 5 depicts the argument offset data structure used in our runtime and its use in a matrix multiplication Xeon Phi library kernel. This data structure stores dimensionality information (\(\text {dim}\)), row/column size (depending on row-major or column-major) using \(\mathrm{max}\_\mathrm{size}\), and the original indices using \(\mathrm{index}\_\mathrm{offset}\) for each dimension. Each library kernel now takes an additional argument for this offset data structure \(\text {offset}\) and replaces each access to A[i] by \(A[i-\mathrm{offset}->\mathrm{index}\_\mathrm{offset}[0]]\). The \(\text {offset}\) data structure is transparently populated by runtime and passed to the library kernel before executing it on the device. This approach avoids unnecessary data transfer and is likely to improve performance for strided data access applications. Based on the above design, the library developer needs to write Task_arch(range) functions for libraries dealing with non-contiguous data.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Strided and non-contiguous data transfer

Runtime Adaptation: Even though LD provides platform-specific performance sketch of libraries to runtime, it is also possible to adaptively learn and improve these library parameters such as Affinity, Threads, Rate, and SubTaskSize. For instance, if an application repeatedly invokes the same library task (perhaps with a different range), we can estimate its optimal tile size for overlapping computation and communication from invocation to invocation even before executing it. We can also predict if task-fission is beneficial across library tasks (due to the overhead involved in splitting a task). Our runtime maintains an online profiling database in order to track performance profile of library tasks as they execute on devices. Following data structure depicts our online profiling database:

figure b

We divide a program execution into phases. Each phase consists of all the tasks being executed in between two consecutive \(\mathrm{wait}\_\mathrm{task()}\). We profile each phase and accumulate their information in profiling data-base. Each worker locally gathers profiling information for each task executing in a profiling phase. After the phase completes, \(\mathrm{wait}\_\mathrm{task()}\) accumulates the per-worker profiles into the data structure above. Typical information we collect include data transfer time, computation time on host and device, and number of parallel iterations performed by host and device. These information can be used to improve LD’s Affinity() and Rate() information. Additionally, during runtime task graph construction, we use the profiling database to estimate execution time of each new invocation of a task and determine if it is beneficial to perform task-fission in the current phase or not. That is, the total estimated time with and without task-fission is computed using the throughput and data transfer overhead of each device (computed from prior iterations). Since we estimate execution time and data transfer time on device for each task, we also adjust the tile size (i.e., SubTaskSize()) in order to reduce the communication to computation gap.

4 Evaluation

In this section, we investigate the performance of Mozart in High Performance Linpack (HPL) benchmark. This program is typically written using several library calls and hence, offering opportunities to our runtime to efficiently compose them. We compare Mozart with MKL Offload and hand-tuned optimized implementations of the same computation. The details of the hand-tuned HPL implementation is described in [19]. With better load balancing, efficient library composition, and adaptation to runtime behavior, Mozart is able to comprehensively outperform MKL Offload and is also able to beat the hand-tuned ninja version.

Implementation: Figure 6 depicts our implementation framework. We have implemented Mozart on top of the Julia compiler infrastructure [8]. The standard Julia compiler converts a Julia program into the Julia AST, then transforms it into LLVM IR, and finally generates native assembly code. We intercept the Julia compiler at the Julia AST level, recognize the library calls via AST pattern matching and rewrote them to create the corresponding LD object and invoke the InsertTask() function on it (as described in Sect. 2). Finally, we generate C++ code from Julia AST. Please note that the techniques described in this paper are not tied to our choice of implementation language and can be applied to other languages as well.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Overall implementation framework of Mozart

Platform: We use a host server with two Intel® Xeon® E5-2690v2 processors and 128 GB RAM. The processors are code-named Ivy Bridge and manufactured using 22 nm technology. Each processor has 10 cores (20 cores total) with base frequency of 3.00 GHz. The cache sizes are 32 KB for L1I, 32 KB for L1D, 256 KB for L2, and 25 MB for the L3 cache. It runs CentOS v6.6 distribution of Linux. This host server is connected via PCIe (with bandwidth 6 GB/s) to two massively parallel Xeon Phi co-processor with 61 in-order Pentium cores with each core being 4-way hyper-threaded. Applications can use up to 240 threads simultaneously (one core is reserved for the Linux OS running on it). Each core of Xeon Phi is embedded with a 512-bit vector unit for increased SIMD parallelism. Furthermore, each core has 32 KB L1 data cache, 32 KB L1 instruction cache and 512 KB partition of globally coherent L2 cache. Each Xeon phi co-processor has 8 GB of GDDR memory.

We use the Intel®C++ Compiler (ICC) v15.0.2 with “-O3” flag for compilation of the Mozart runtime and the C++ code generated from the Julia AST. We report execution times using the average of five runs.

High Performance Linpack (HPL) Performance. HPL is the most popular benchmark to rank supercomputers in TOP500, and it spends majority of time in numeric libraries. The key routine in HPL is LU factorization. LU factorization decomposes a matrix A into a lower-triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U. We use a blocked LU factorization version that demonstrates the benefits of library composition using Mozart. The high-level blocked LU formulation code is shown in Fig. 7.Footnote 1 This algorithm proceeds from left to right of matrix A in blocks of nb until entire A is factorized. In each iteration of the loop, nb column panels are first factorized using \(\text {dgetrf}\) library call, nb block of matrix rows are swapped based on the pivot vector \(\text {ipiv}\) from panel factorization using two \(\text {dlaswp}\) library calls (denoted as \(\text {dlaswpL}\) and \(\text {dlaswpR}\)), and a portion of row panel is updated using \(\text {dtrsm}\) forward solver library call. The trailing submatrix of A is then updated using \(\text {dgemm}\) library call.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

HPL blocked version demonstrating library composition.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

HPL: task-fission performed via Mozart

We wrote the LD specifications for the library tasks from Fig. 7. The performance models for Threads(), SubTaskSize() and Rate() were built using simple curve-fitting from an extensive set of micro-benchmarking executions on our platform. The library tasks were then inserted inserted into our runtime using InsertTask() LD interfaces. Our runtime automatically identifies the task dependencies between them based on their input-output dependencies on matrix A and builds the task graph. The runtime task graph for two consecutive iterations \(j-nb\) and j is shown to the left of Fig. 8. Our runtime identifies an opportunity to detect partial loop-carried dependency between \(\text {dgemm}(j-nb)\) task and \(\text {dgetrf}(j)\) task, i.e., dependency between previous iteration \(j-nb~\mathrm{dgemm}\) call and next iteration j \(\text {dgetrf}\) call. It then splits \(\text {dgemm}(j-nb)\) into \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_1(j-nb)\) and \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_2(j-nb)\) tasks using task fission (as shown in the middle of Fig. 8). This allows \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_1(j-nb)\) task to execute concurrently with both \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_2(j-nb)\) and \(\text {dgetrf}(j)\) tasks (as shown to the right of Fig. 8). Both \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_2(j-nb)\) and \(\text {dgetrf}(j)\) are executed on Xeon based on the affinity of \(\text {dgetrf}(j)\) task specified in LD . On the other hand, \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_1(j-nb)\) starts by executing on Xeon Phi but is subsequently executed on both Xeon and Xeon Phi when \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_2(j-nb)\) and \(\text {dgetrf}(j)\) tasks are completed.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Performance of High Performance Linpack running on a Xeon + 2 Phi Ivy Bridge system (higher is better). On average, MKL Offload approach achieves 489 GFLOPS, Hand-tuned achieves 604 GFLOPS, and Mozart achieves 644 GFLOPS for matrix sizes 5K–75K.

Figure 9 presents our experimental evaluation comparing Mozart with MKL Offload and Hand-tuned ninja version [19]. We vary the matrix size from 5K until 75K in steps of 5K. We observe an average GFLOPS improvement of 31.7% for Mozart vs. MKL Offload, primarily due to the fact that MKL Offload does not perform any cross library optimization for the blocked version of HPL, although it is able to execute the \(\text {dgemm}\) and \(\text {dtrsm}\) library functions across both Xeon and Xeon Phi and achieves peak performance for them individually. When compared to hand-tuned ninja version, Mozart yields an average GFLOPS improvement of 6.7%. Although hand-tuned ninja version performs library composition using a manual implementation of task fission, it does not perform the following tasks effectively: (1) the ninja version is unable to load balance effectively – it does not use a performance model like ours (via LD) to divide work between Xeon and Xeon Phi instead uses a platform-specific hand-tuned step function to determine the number of \(\mathrm{dgemm}\_1(j-nb)\) iterations to be performed on XeonFootnote 2; (2) the ninja version does not perform runtime adaptation like ours as described in Sect. 3.

Performance Breakdown: The GFLOPS improvement of 31.7% for Mozart vs. MKL Offload can be explained as follows: we observe 10–15% benefit for small size matrices (5K–25K) and close to 20% benefit for larger matrices (\(>=\)30K) from our task-fission optimization, which MKL-Offload can not perform in the blocked version of HPL. Remaining benefits of close to 10–15% is obtained from runtime adaptation via sub-task granularity determination (i.e., SubTaskSize()) and cost-benefit analysis of task-fission (that is whether to perform task fission or not) as described in Sect. 3.

Discussion: The HPL application has the following properties that Mozart exploits:

  • dgemm matrix-matrix multiplication task is computationally expensive and can be decomposed into smaller granularity which can distributed to host and device cores;

  • dgemm can be split via task-fission into two sub-tasks where one of them can execute in parallel with dgetrf of the next iteration in order to reduce the critical path length.

One of the key ideas of the paper is to dynamically perform task-fission optimization across library calls. Task-fission opportunities are prevalent in many data parallel application domains including emerging AI and machine-learning that compose many data parallel libraries, e.g., Intel’s DAAL and CUDA-DNN within a network model. Existing HPC applications such as LU, Cholesky and QR factorization already exhibit task-fission patterns. Thus, we believe efficient library composition via task fission will play an important role in optimizing future applications. Although it is possible to implement task-fission statically, it may not be straightforward in the presence of complicated control-flow such as the one present in HPL. In summary, the techniques described in Mozart including library description and library composition runtime are general and can be applied to other heterogeneous architectures and applications.

5 Related Work

Heterogeneous Execution: There have been several efforts [5, 7, 10,11,12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 32, 34,35,36, 39, 40, 44] to make heterogeneous execution of applications more efficient. [4] is most closely related to our work as it analyzes a series of GPU library calls in order to minimize the CPU-GPU communication overheads by caching the reused data. Our work is different from the above body of works in two key aspects: Mozart performs task-fission at runtime and dynamically adapts device tile sizes. It augments library description metadata framework to decompose libraries for efficient heterogeneous execution.

Dynamic Task Graph: Dynamic task graph is widely used in parallel systems. StarPU [5], OMPSs [9, 13, 33], and BDDT [43] build dynamic task graphs, but they do not dynamically split tasks into subtasks. There is previous work [15] on dividing/consolidating tasks to make better use of resource or to achieve better load balance, but it considers only independent tasks. [17, 19] manually splits tasks in application level to enable dynamic load-balancing on a Xeon Phi system. To the best of our knowledge, no known work splits tasks in a dynamic task graph based on the dependencies between tasks.

Overlapped Communication and Computation: [5, 9, 28] present runtimes that overlap communication with computation. [37] describes a hybrid threading approach where one thread handles all MPI-related operations and all other threads handle computation. [24] provides an OpenCL communication library and programming interface to optimize communication between host and accelerators. [40] uses static inter-node data and task distribution in large-scale GPU-based clusters, and dynamic task scheduling within a node to overlap communication with computation. [41] uses source-to-source compiler optimization to enable streaming for offloaded computations for Xeon Phi. In our work, we use performance models from LD and dynamically adjust tile size to completely overlap communication and computation for heterogeneous systems.

Telescopic Languages: The idea of annotating libraries in order to generate fast specialized code at the translation of scripting languages has been explored in [21]. Our library description metadata is inspired by this work, but extends it to enable cross-library heterogeneous execution via task-fission. Library annotation has also been explored in [16].

Skeleton Composition: Efficient composition of algorithmic skeletons such as map, reduce, and zip for shared-memory systems and clusters has been explored in the STAPL Skeleton Framework [42, 45, 46].

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we show that library composition plays a crucial role in achieving peak performance in heterogeneous architectures. We propose a framework, Mozart, consisting of two components: a library description (LD ) interface for library writers and a generic library composition runtime. The runtime performs task-fission on-the-fly in order to improve data locality and data reuse across library calls using the performance parameters from LD . Mozart transparently composes library calls across heterogeneous cores and delivers close-to expertly tuned performance. Our experimental evaluation on a heterogeneous system consisting of a Xeon CPU and 2 Xeon Phi co-processors executing High Performance Linpack benchmarks shows that Mozart achieves an average GFLOPS improvement of 31.7 % over MKL+AO and 6.7 % over hand-optimized code. In future, we would like to augment auto-tuning within our framework to further improve our performance results. We would also like to extend Mozart to handle non-affine array accesses. A tool that can automatically generate LD specifications for library routines is also a subject for future work.