
1 Introduction

In the era of multi-core processors, we can exploit the cores by concurrent programming. But developing an efficient concurrent program while ensuring the correctness is difficult. Software Transactional Memory Systems (STMs) are a convenient programming interface to access the shared memory concurrently while removing the concurrency responsibilities from the programmer. STMs ensure that consistency issues such as deadlock, livelock, priority inversion, etc will not occur. It provides a high-level abstraction to the programmer with the popular correctness criteria opacity [1], local opacity [2] which consider all the transactions (a piece of code) including aborted one as well in the equivalent serial history. This property makes it different from correctness criteria of database serializability, strict-serializability [3] and ensures even aborted transactions read correct value in STMs which prevent from divide-by-zero, infinite loop, crashes, etc. Another advantage of STMs is composability which ensures the effect of multiple operations of the transaction will be atomic. This paper considers the optimistic execution of STMs in which transactions are writing into its local log until the successful validation.

A traditional STM system invokes following methods:(1) STM_begin (): begins a transaction \(T_i\) with unique timestamp i. (2) \(STM\_read _i\)(k) (or \(r_i(k)\)): \(T_i\) reads the value of key k from shared memory. (3) \(STM\_write _i{(k,v)}\) (or \(w_i(k,v)\)): \(T_i\) writes the value of k as v locally. (4) \(STM_tryC_i()\): on successful validation, the effect of \(T_i\) will be visible to the shared memory and \(T_i\) returns commit otherwise (5) \(STM_tryA_i ()\): \(T_i\) returns abort. These STMs are known as read-write STMs (RWSTMs) because it is working at lower-level operations such as read and write.

Herlihy et al. [4], Hassan et al. [5], and Peri et al. [6] have shown that working at higher-level operations such as insert, delete and lookup on the linked-list and hash table gives better concurrency than RWSTMs. STMs which work on higher-level operations are known as Single-Version Object-based STMs (SVOSTMs) [6]. It exports the following methods: (1) STM_begin(): begins a transaction \(T_i\) with unique timestamp i same as RWSTMs. (2) \(STM_lookup_i(k)\) (or \(l_i(k)\)): \(T_i\) lookups key k from shared memory and returns the value. (3) \(STM_insert_i(k,v)\) (or \(i_i(k,v)\)): \(T_i\) inserts a key k with value v into its local memory. (4) \(STM_delete_i(k)\) (or \(d_i(k)\)): \(T_i\) deletes key k. (5) \(STM_tryC_i()\): the actual effect of STM_insert() and STM_delete() will be visible to the shared memory after successful validation and \(T_i\) returns commit otherwise (6) \(STM_tryA_i ()\): \(T_i\) returns abort.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Advantage of SVOSTMs over RWTSMs

Motivation to Work on SVOSTMs: Figure 1 represents the advantage of SVOSTMs over RWSTMs while achieving greater concurrency and reducing the number of aborts. Figure 1(a) depicts the underlying data structure as a hash table (or ht) with M buckets and bucket 1 stores three keys \(k_1, k_4\) and \(k_9\) in the form of the list. Thus, to access \(k_4\), a thread has to access \(k_1\) before it. Figure 1(b) shows the tree structure of concurrent execution of two transactions \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) with RWSTMs at layer-0 and SVOSTMs at layer-1 respectively. Consider the execution at layer-0, \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) are in conflict because write operation of \(T_2\) on key \(k_1\) as \(w_2(k_1)\) is occurring between two read operations of \(T_1\) on \(k_1\) as \(r_1(k_1)\). Two transactions are in conflict if both are accessing the same key k and at least one transaction performs write operation on k. So, this concurrent execution cannot be atomic as shown in Fig. 1(c). To make it atomic either \(T_1\) or \(T_2\) has to return abort. Whereas execution at layer-1 shows the higher-level operations \(l_1(k_1)\), \(d_2(k_4)\) and \(l_1(k_9)\) on different keys \(k_1, k_4\) and \(k_9\) respectively. All the higher-level operations are isolated to each other so the tree can be pruned [7, Chap 6] from layer-0 to layer-1 and both the transactions return commit with equivalent serial schedule \(T_1T_2\) or \(T_2T_1\) as shown in Fig. 1(d). Hence, some conflicts of RWSTMs does not matter at SVOSTMs which reduce the number of aborts and improve the concurrency using SVOSTMs.

Starvation-Freedom: For long-running transactions along with high conflicts, starvation can occur in SVOSTMs. So, SVOSTMs should ensure the progress guarantee as starvation-freedom [8, chap 2]. SVOSTMs is said to be starvation-free, if a thread invoking a transaction \(T_i\) gets the opportunity to retry \(T_i\) on every abort (due to the presence of a fair underlying scheduler [9] with bounded termination) and \(T_i\) is not parasitic, i.e., if scheduler will give a fair chance to \(T_i\) to commit then \(T_i\) will eventually return commit. If a transaction gets a chance to commit, still it is not committing because of the infinite loop or some other error such transactions are known as Parasitic transactions [10].

We explored another well known non-blocking progress guarantee wait-freedom for STM which ensures every transaction commits regardless of the nature of concurrent transactions and the underlying scheduler [11]. However, Guerraoui and Kapalka [10, 12] showed that achieving wait-freedom is impossible in dynamic STMs in which data-items (or keys) of transactions are not known in advance. So in this paper, we explore the weaker progress condition of starvation-freedom for SVOSTM while assuming that the keys of the transactions are not known in advance.

Related Work on Starvation-Free STMs: Some researchers Gramoli et al. [13], Waliullah and Stenstrom [14], Spear et al. [15], Chaudhary et al. [9] have explored starvation-freedom in RWSTMs. Most of them assigned priority to the transactions. On conflict, higher priority transaction returns commit whereas lower priority transaction returns abort. On every abort, a transaction retries a sufficient number of times, will eventually get the highest priority and returns commit. We inspired by this research and propose a novel Starvation-Free SVOSTM (SF-SVOSTM) which assigns the priority to the transaction on conflict. In SF-SVOSTM whenever a conflicting transaction \(T_i\) aborts, it retries with \(T_j\) which has higher priority than \(T_i\). To ensure the starvation-freedom, this procedure will repeat until \(T_i\) gets the highest priority and eventually returns commit.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Benefits of Starvation-Free multi-version OSTM over SF-SVOSTM

Motivation to Propose Starvation-Freedom in Multi-version OSTM: In SF-SVOSTM, if the highest priority transaction becomes slow (for some reason) then it may cause several other transactions to abort and bring down the progress of the system. Figure 2(a) demonstrates this in which the highest priority transaction \(T_1\) became slow so, it is forcing the conflicting transactions \(T_2\) and \(T_3\) to abort again and again until \(T_1\) commits. Database, RWSTMs [16,17,18,19] and SVOSTMs [20] say that maintaining multiple versions corresponding to each key reduces the number of aborts and improves throughput.

So, this paper proposes the first Starvation-Free Multi-Version OSTM (SF-MVOSTM) which maintains multiple versions corresponding to each key. Figure 2(b) shows the benefits of using SF-MVOSTM in which \(T_1\) lookups from the older version with value \(v_0\) created by transaction \(T_0\) (assuming as initial transaction) for key \(k_1\) and \(k_4\). Concurrently, \(T_2\) and \(T_3\) create the new versions for key \(k_4\). So, all the three transactions commit with equivalent serial schedule \(T_1T_2T_3\). So, SF-MVOSTM improves the concurrency than SF-SVOSTM while reducing the number of aborts and ensures the starvation-freedom.

Contributions of the Paper: We propose two Starvation-Free OSTMs as follows:

  • Initially, we propose Starvation-Freedom for Single-Version OSTM as SF-SVOSTM which satisfies correctness criteria as conflict-opacity (or co-opacity) [6].

  • To achieve the greater concurrency further, we propose Starvation-Freedom for Multi-Version OSTM as SF-MVOSTM in Sect. 3 which maintains multiple versions corresponding to each key and satisfies the correctness as local opacity [2].

  • We propose SF-SVOSTM and SF-MVOSTM for hash table and linked-list data structure describe in SubSect. 3.2 but its generic for other data structures as well.

  • SF-MVOSTM works for unbounded versions with Garbage Collection (GC) as SF-MVOSTM-GC which deletes the unwanted versions from version list of keys and for bounded/finite versions as SF-KOSTM which stores finite say latest K number of versions corresponding to each key k. So, whenever any thread creates \((K+1)^{th}\) version of key, it replaces the oldest version of it. The most challenging task is achieving starvation-freedom in bounded version OSTM because say, the highest priority transaction relies on the oldest version that has been replaced. So, in this case, highest priority transaction has to return abort and hence make it harder to achieve starvation-freedom unlike the approach follow in SF-SVOSTM. Thus, in this paper, we propose a novel approach SF-KOSTM which bridges the gap by developing starvation-free OSTM while maintaining bounded number of versions.

  • Section 4 shows that SF-KOSTM is best among all proposed Starvation-Free OSTMs (SF-SVOSTM, SF-MVOSTM, and SF-MVOSTM-GC) for both hash table and linked-list data structure. Proposed hash table based SF-KOSTM (HT-SF-KOSTM) performs 3.9x, 32.18x, 22.67x, 10.8x and 17.1x average speedup on max-time for a transaction to commit than state-of-the-art STMs HT-KOSTM [20], HT-SVOSTM [6], ESTM [21], RWSTM [7, Chap. 4], and HT-MVTO [16] respectively. Proposed list based SF-KOSTM (list-SF-KOSTM) performs 2.4x, 10.6x, 7.37x, 36.7x, 9.05x, 14.47x, and 1.43x average speedup on max-time for a transaction to commit than state-of-the-art STMs list-KOSTM [20], list-SVOSTM [6], Trans-list [22], Boosting-list [4], NOrec-list [23], list-MVTO [16], and list-KSFTM [9] respectively.

2 System Model and Preliminaries

This section follows the notion and definition described in [12, 20], we assume a system of n processes/threads, \(th_1,\ldots ,th_n\) that run in a completely asynchronous manner and communicate through a set of keys \(\mathscr {K}\) (or transaction-objects). We also assume that none of the threads crash or fail abruptly. In this paper, a thread executes higher-level methods on \(\mathscr {K}\) via atomic transactions \(T_1,\ldots ,T_n\) and receives the corresponding response.

Events and Methods: Threads execute the transactions with higher-level methods (or operations) which internally invoke multiple read-write (or lower-level) operations known as events (or evts). Transaction \(T_i\) of the system at read-write level invokes STM_begin(), and as defined in Sect. 1. We denote a method \(m_{ij}\) as the \(j^{th}\) method of \(T_i\). Method invocation (or inv) and response (or rsp) on higher-level methods are also considered as an event.

A thread executes higher-level operations on \(\mathscr {K}\) via transaction \(T_i\) are known as methods (or mths). \(T_i\) at object level (or higher-level) invokes STM_begin(), , , and methods described in Sect. 1. Here, STM_lookup(), and STM_delete() return the value from underlying data structure so, we called these methods as return value methods (or \(rv\_method {s})\). Whereas, STM_insert(), and STM_delete() are updating the underlying data structure after successful STM_tryC() so, we called these methods as update method s (or \(upd\_method {s}\)).

Transactions: We follow multi-level transactions [7] model which consists of two layers. Layer 0 (or lower-level) composed of read-write operations whereas layer 1 (or higher-level) comprises of object-level methods which internally calls multiple read-write events. Formally, we define a transaction \(T_i\) at higher-level as the tuple \(\langle evts(T_i), <_{T_i}\rangle \), here \(<_{T_i}\) represents the total order among all the events of \(T_i\). Transaction \(T_i\) cannot invoke any more operation after returning commit (\(\mathscr {C}\)) or abort (\(\mathscr {A}\)). Any operation that returns \(\mathscr {C}\) or \(\mathscr {A}\) are known as \(Term (T_{i})\) represented as \(Term(T_i)\). The transaction which neither committed nor aborted is known as live transactions (or

Histories: A history H consists of multiple transactions, a transaction calls multiple methods and each method internally invokes multiple read-write events. So, a history is a collection of events belonging to the different transactions is represented as \(evts(H)\). Formally, we define a history H as the tuple \(\langle evts(H), <_H\rangle \), here \(<_H\) represents the total order among all the events of H. If all the method invocation of H match with the corresponding response then such history is known as complete history denoted as \(\overline{H}\). Suppose total transactions in H is H.trans, in which number of committed and aborted transactions are H.committed and H.aborted then the incomplete history or live history is defined as: H.incomp = = (H.trans - H.committed - H.aborted). This paper considers only well-form history which ensures (1) the response of the previous method has received then only the transaction \(T_i\) can invoke another method. (2) transaction can not invoke any other method after receiving the response as \(\mathscr {C}\) or \(\mathscr {A}\).

Due to lack of space, we define other useful notions and definitions used in this paper such as sequential histories [2], real-time order and serial history [3], valid and legal history [20], sub-histories [9], conflict-opacity [6], opacity [1], strict-serializability [3], local opacity [2] formally in accompanying technical report [24].

3 The Proposed SF-KOSTM Algorithm

In this section, we propose Starvation-Free K-version OSTM (SF-KOSTM) algorithm which maintains K number of versions corresponding to each key. The value of K is application dependent and may vary from 1 to \(\infty \). When K is equal to 1 then SF-KOSTM boils down to Starvation-Free Single-Version OSTM (SF-SVOSTM). When K is \(\infty \) then SF-KOSTM maintains unbounded versions corresponding to each key known as Starvation-Free Multi-Version OSTM (SF-MVOSTM) algorithm. To delete the unused version from the version list of SF-MVOSTM, we develop a separate Garbage Collection (GC) method [16] and propose SF-MVOSTM-GC. In this paper, we propose SF-SVOSTM and all the variants of SF-KOSTM (SF-MVOSTM, SF-MVOSTM-GC, SF-KOSTM) for two data structures hash table and linked-list but it is generic for other data structures as well.

SubSection 3.1 describes the definition of starvation-freedom followed by our assumption about the scheduler that helps us to achieve starvation-freedom in SF-KOSTM. SubSection 3.2 explains the design and data structure of SF-KOSTM. SubSection 3.3 shows the working of SF-KOSTM algorithm.

3.1 Description of Starvation-Freedom

Definition 1

Starvation-Freedom: An STM system is said to be starvation-free if a thread invoking a non-parasitic transaction \(T_i\) gets the opportunity to retry \(T_i\) on every abort, due to the presence of a fair scheduler, then \(T_i\) will eventually commit.

Herlihy and Shavit [11] defined the fair scheduler which ensures that none of the thread will crash or delayed forever. Hence, any thread \(Th_i\) acquires the lock on the shared data-items while executing transaction \(T_i\) will eventually release the locks. So, a thread will never block other threads to progress. To satisfy the starvation-freedom for SF-KOSTM, we assumed bounded termination for the fair scheduler.

Assumption 1

Bounded-Termination: For any transaction \(T_i\), invoked by a thread \(Th_i\), the fair system scheduler ensures, in the absence of deadlocks, \(Th_i\) is given sufficient time on a CPU (and memory, etc) such that \(T_i\) terminates (\(\mathscr {C}\) or \(\mathscr {A}\)) in bounded time.

In the proposed algorithms, we have considered TB as the maximum time-bound of a transaction \(T_i\) within this either \(T_i\) will return commit or abort in the absence of deadlock. Approach for achieving the deadlock-freedom is motivated from the literature in which threads executing transactions acquire the locks in increasing order of the keys and releases the locks in bounded time either by committing or aborting the transaction. We consider an assumption about the transactions of the system as follows.

Assumption 2

We assume, if other concurrent conflicting transactions do not exist in the system then every transaction will commit. i.e. (a) If a transaction \(T_i\) is executing in the system with the absence of other conflicting transactions then \(T_i\) will not self-abort. (b) Transactions of the system are non-parasitic as explained in Sect. 1.

If transactions self-abort or parasitic then ensuring starvation-freedom is impossible.

3.2 Design and Data Structure of SF-KOSTM Algorithm

In this subsection, we show the design and underlying data structure of SF-KOSTM algorithm to maintain the shared data-items (or keys).

To achieve the Starvation-Freedom in K-version Object-based STM (SF-KOSTM), we use chaining hash table (or ht) as an underlying data structure where the size of the hash table is M buckets as shown in Fig. 3(a) and we propose HT-SF-KOSTM. Hash table with bucket size one becomes the linked-list data structure for SF-KOSTM represented as list-SF-KOSTM. The representation of SF-KOSTM is similar to MVOSTM [20]. Each bucket stores multiple nodes in the form of linked-list between the two sentinel nodes Head(-\(\infty \)) and Tail(+\(\infty \)). Figure 3(b) illustrates the structure of each node as \(\langle \)key, lock, mark, vl, nNext\(\rangle \). Where key is the unique value from the range of [1 to \(\mathscr {K}\)] stored in the increasing order between the two sentinel nodes similar to linked-list based concurrent set implementation [25, 26]. The lock field is acquired by the transaction before updating (inserting or deleting) on the node. mark is the boolean field which says anode is deleted or not. If mark sets to true then node is logically deleted else present in the hash table. Here, the deletion is in a lazy manner similar to concurrent linked-list structure [25]. The field vl stands for version list. SF-KOSTM maintains the finite say latest K-versions corresponding to each key to achieving the greater concurrency as explained in Sect. 1. Whenever \((K+1)^{th}\) version created for the key then it overwrites the oldest version corresponding to that key. If K is equal to 1, i.e., version list contains only one version corresponding to each key which boils down to Starvation-Free Single-Version OSTM (SF-SVOSTM). So, the data structure of SF-SVOSTM is same as SF-KOSTM with one version. The field nNext points to next available node in the linked-list. From now onwards, we will use the term key and node interchangeably.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Design and data structure of SF-KOSTM

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Searching \(k_9\) over lazy-list (Color figure online)

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Searching \(k_9\) over \(rblazy\text {-}list {}\) (Color figure online)

The structure of the vl is \(\langle \)ts, val, rvl, vrt, vNext\(\rangle \) as shown in Fig. 3(b). ts is the unique timestamp assigned by the . If the value (val) is nil then version is created by the otherwise creates a version with not nil value. To satisfy the correctness criteria as local opacity, also maintains the version corresponding to each key with mark field as true. It allows the concurrent transactions to lookup from the older version of the marked node and returns the value as not nil. rvl stands for return value list which maintains the information about lookup transaction that has lookups from a particular version. It maintains the timestamp (ts) of rv_method s or transaction in it. vrt stands for version real-time which helps to maintain the real-time order among the transactions. vNext points to the next available version in the version list.

Maintaining the deleted node along with the live (not deleted) node will increase the traversal time to search a particular node in thelist. Consider Fig. 4, where red color depicts the deleted node \(\langle k_1, k_2, k_4 \rangle \) and blue color depicts the live node \(\langle k_9\rangle \). When any method of SF-KOSTM searches the key \(k_9\) then it has to traverse the deleted nodes \(\langle k_1, k_2, k_4 \rangle \) as well before reach to \(k_9\) that increases the traversal time.

This motivated us to modify the lazy-list structure of a node to form a skip list based on red and blue links. We called it as a red-blue lazy-list or rblazy-list . This idea has been explored by Peri et al. in SVOSTMs [6]. rblazy-list maintains two-pointer corresponding to each node such as red link ( ) and blue link ( ). Where points to the live node and points to live node as well as a deleted node. Let us consider the same example as discussed above with this modification, key \(k_9\) is directly searched from the head of the list with the help of as shown in Fig. 5. In this case, traversal time is efficient because any method of SF-KOSTM need not traverse the deleted nodes. To maintain the and in each node we modify the structure of lazy-list as and called it as rblazy-list.

3.3 Working of SF-KOSTM Algorithm

In this subsection, we describe the working of SF-KOSTM algorithm which includes the detail description of SF-KOSTM methods and challenges to make it starvation-free. This description can easily be extended to SF-MVOSTM and SF-MVOSTM-GC as well.

SF-KOSTM invokes , and methods. and work as rv_methods() which lookup the value of key k from shared memory and return it. Whereas and work as upd_methods() that modify the value of k in shared memory. We propose optimistic SF-KOSTM, so, upd_methods() first update the value of k in transaction local log txLog and the actual effect of upd_methods() will be visible after successful . Now, we explain the functionality of each method as follows:

STM_begin(): When a thread \(Th_i\) invokes transaction \(T_i\) for the first time (or first incarnation), assigns a unique timestamp known as current timestamp (cts) using an atomic global counter (gcounter). If \(T_i\) gets aborted then thread \(Th_i\) executes it again with the new incarnation of \(T_i\), say \(T_j\) with the new cts until \(T_i\) commits but retains its initial cts as initial timestamp (its). \(Th_i\) uses its to inform the SF-KOSTM system that whether \(T_i\) is a new invocation or an incarnation. If \(T_i\) is the first incarnation then its and cts are same as \(cts_i\) so, \(Th_i\) maintains \(\langle its_i, cts_i \rangle \). If \(T_i\) gets aborted and retries with \(T_j\) then \(Th_i\) maintains \(\langle it _i, ct _j \rangle \).

By assigning priority to the lowest its transaction (i.e. transaction have been in the system for a longer time) in Single-Version OSTM, Starvation-Freedom can easily be achieved as explained in Sect. 1. The detailed working of Starvation-Free Single-Version OSTM (SF-SVOSTM) is in accompanying technical report [24]. But achieving Starvation-Freedom in finite K-versions OSTM (SF-KOSTM) is challenging. Though the transaction \(T_i\) has lowest its but \(T_i\) may return abort because of finite versions \(T_i\) did not find a correct version to lookup from or overwrite a version. Table 1 shows the key insight to achieve the starvation-freedom in finite K-versions OSTM. Here, we considered two transaction \(T_{10}\) and \(T_{20}\) with cts 10 and 20 that performs STM_lookup() (or l) and STM_insert() (or i) on same key k. We assume that a version of k exists with cts 5, so, STM_lookup() of \(T_{10}\) and \(T_{20}\) find a previous version to lookup and never return abort. Due to the optimistic execution in SF-KOSTM, effect of STM_insert() comes after successful STM_tryC(), so STM_lookup() of a transaction comes before effect of its STM_insert(). Hence, a total of six permutations are possible as defined in Table 1. We can observe from Table 1 that in some cases \(T_{10}\) returns abort. But if \(T_{20}\) gets the lowest its then \(T_{20}\) never returns abort. This ensures that a transaction with lowest its and highest cts will never return abort. But achieving highest cts along with lowest its is a bit difficult because new transactions are keep on coming with higher cts using gcounter. So, to achieve the highest cts, we introduce a new timestamp as working timestamp (wts) which is significantly larger than cts.

maintains the wts for transaction \(T_i\) as \(wts_i\), which is potentially higher timestamp as compare to \(cts_i\). So, we derived,

$$\begin{aligned} wts_i = cts_i + C * (cts_i - its_i); \end{aligned}$$

where C is any constant value greater than 0. When \(T_i\) is issued for the first time then \(wts_i\), \(cts_i\), and \(its_i\) are same. If \(T_i\) gets aborted again and again then drift between the \(cts_i\) and \(wts_i\) will increases. The advantage for maintaining \(wts_i\) is if any transaction keeps getting aborted then its \(wts_i\) will be high and \(its_i\) will be low. Eventually, \(T_i\) will get chance to commit in finite number of steps to achieve starvation-freedom. For simplicity, we use timestamp (ts) i of \(T_i\) as \(wts_i\), i.e., \(\langle wts_i = i\rangle \) for SF-KOSTM.

Table 1. Possible permutations of methods

Observation 1

Any transaction \(T_i\) with lowest \(its_i\) and highest \(wts_i\) will never abort.

Sometimes, the value of wts is significantly larger than cts. So, wts is unable to maintain real-time order between the transactions which violates the correctness of SF-KOSTM. To address this issue SF-KOSTM uses the idea of timestamp ranges [27,28,29] along with \(\langle its_i, cts_i, wts_i \rangle \) for transaction \(T_i\) in . It maintains the transaction lower timestamp limit \((tltl_i)\) and transaction upper timestamp limit \((tutl_i)\) for \(T_i\). Initially, \(\langle its_i, cts_i, wts_i, tltl_i \rangle \) are the same for \(T_i\). \(tutl_i\) would be set as a largest possible value denoted as \(+\infty \) for \(T_i\). After successful execution of \({rv\_methods()}\) or of \(T_i\), \(tltl_i\) gets incremented and \(tutl_i\) gets decrementedFootnote 1 to respect the real-time order among the transactions. initializes the transaction local log \((txLog_i)\) for each transaction \(T_i\) to store the information in it. Whenever a transaction starts it atomically sets its status to be live as a global variable. Transaction status can be \(\langle live, commit, false \rangle \). After successful execution of , \(T_i\) sets its status to be commit. If the status of the transaction is false then it returns abort. For more details of STM_begin () please refer the accompanying technical report [24].

STM_lookup () and STM_delete () as rv_methods(): return the value (val) corresponding to the key k from the shared memory as hash table (ht). We show the high-level overview of the rv_methods() in Algorithm 1. First, it identifies the key k in the transaction local log as \(txLog _{i}\) for transaction \(T_i\). If k exists then it updates the \(txLog_i\) and returns the val at Line 3.

If key k does not exist in the \(txLog_i\) then before identify the location in share memory rv_methods() check the status of \(T_i\) at Line 6. If status of \(T_i\) (or i) is false then \(T_i\) has to abort which says that \(T_i\) is not having the lowest its and highest wts among other concurrent conflicting transactions. So, to propose starvation-freedom in SF-KOSTM other conflicting transactions set the status of \(T_i\) as false and force it to abort.

If the status of \(T_i\) is not false and key k does not exist in the \(txLog_i\) then it identifies the location of key k optimistically (without acquiring the locks similar to the lazy-list [25]) in the shared memory at Line 8. SF-KOSTM maintains the shared memory in the form of a hash table with M buckets as shown in SubSect. 3.2, where each bucket stores the keys in rblazy-list. Each node contains two pointer . So, it identifies the two predecessors (pred) and two current (curr) with respect to each node. First, it identifies the pred and curr for key k in as . After that it identifies the pred and curr for key k in as . If are not marked then . SF-KOSTM maintains the keys are in increasing order. So, the order among the nodes are .

rv_methods() acquire the lock in predefined order on all the identified preds and currs for key k to avoid the deadlock at Line 9 and do the rv_Validation() at Line 10. If is marked or preds are not pointing to identified currs as then it releases the locks from all the preds and currs and identify the new preds and currs for k in shared memory.

figure t

If key k does not exist in the rblazy-list of corresponding bucket \(M_k\) at Line 13 then it creates a new node n with key k as \(\langle key=k, lock=false, mark=true, vl=ver, nNext= \phi \rangle \) at Line 14 and creates a version (ver) for transaction \(T_0\) as \(\langle \)ts = 0, val = nil, rvl = i, vrt = 0, vNext = \(\phi \rangle \) at Line 15. Transaction \(T_i\) creates the version of \(T_0\), so, other concurrent conflicting transaction (say \(T_p\)) with lower timestamp than \(T_i\), i.e., \(\langle p < i\rangle \) can lookup from \(T_0\) version. Thus, \(T_i\) save \(T_p\) to abort while creating a \(T_0\) version and ensures greater concurrency. After that \(T_i\) adds its \(wts _{i}\) in the rvl of \(T_0\) and sets the vrt 0 as the timestamp of \(T_0\) version. Finally, it inserts the node n into \(M_k.rblazy\text {-}list \) such that it is accessible via only at Line 16. rv_methods() releases the locks and update the \(txLog_i\) with key k and value as nil (Line 17). Eventually, it returns the val as nil at Line 18.

If key k exists in the \(M_k.rblazy\text {-}list \) then it identifies the current version \(ver_j\) with ts = j such that j is the largest timestamp smaller (lts) than i at Line 20 and there exists no other version with timestamp p by \(T_p\) on same key k such that \(\langle {j< p < i}\rangle \). If \(ver_j\) is nil at Line 21 then SF-KOSTM returns abort for transaction \(T_i\) because it does not found a version to lookup otherwise it identifies the next version with the help of \(ver_j.vNext\). If next version (\(ver_j.vNext\) as \(ver_k\)) exist then \(T_i\) maintains the \(tutl_i\) with the minimum of \(\langle tutl_i\) \(\vee ver_k.vrt-1\rangle \) at Line 25 and \(tltl_i\) with a maximum of \(\langle tltl_i \vee ver_j.vrt+1 \rangle \) at Line 28 to respect the real-time order among the transactions. If \(tltl_i\) is greater than \(tutl_i\) at Line 30 then transaction \(T_i\) returns abort (fail to maintains real-time order) otherwise it adds the ts of \(T_i\) (\(wts_i\)) in the rvl of \(ver_j\) at Line 32. Finally, it releases the lock and updates the \(txLog_i\) with key k and value as the current version value (\(ver_j.val\)) at Line 33. Eventually, it returns the value as \(ver_j.val\) at Line 35.

STM_insert() and STM_delete() as upd_methods(): Actual effect of and come after successful . They create the version corresponding to the key in shared memory. We show the high level view of in Algorithm 2. First, checks the status of the transaction \(T_i\) at Line 39. If the status of \(T_i\) is false then \(T_i\) returns abort with similar reasoning explained above in rv_methods().

If the status is not false then sort the keys (exist in \(txLog_i\) of \(T_i\)) of in increasing order. It takes the method (\(m_{ij}\)) from \(txLog_i\) one by one and identifies the location of the key k in \(M_k\).rblazy-list as explained above in rv_methods(). After identifying the preds and currs for k it acquire the locks in predefined order to avoid the deadlock at Line 46 and calls tryC_Validation() to validate the methods of \(T_i\).

tryC_Validation() identifies whether the methods of invoking transaction \(T_i\) are able to insert or delete a version corresponding to the keys while ensuring the progress guarantee as starvation-freedom and maintaining the real-time order among the transactions. It does four steps for validation. Step 1: First, it does the rv_Validation() as explained in rv_methods() above. Step 2: If rv_Validation() is successful and key k is exist in the \(M_k.rblazy\text {-}list \) then it identifies the current version \(ver_j\) with ts = j such that j is the largest timestamp smaller (lts) than i. If \(ver_j\) is not exist then SF-KOSTM returns abort for transaction \(T_i\) because it does not found the version to replace. Step 3: If \(ver_j\) exist then \(T_i\) compares \(its_i\) with its of other live transactions present in \(ver_j.rvl\). If \(its_i\) of \(T_i\) is less than the its of such transactions then \(T_i\) sets the status of all those transactions to be false, otherwise, \(T_i\) returns abort. Step 4: To maintain the real-time order, \(T_i\) update the \(tltl_i\) and \(tutl_i\) of it with the help of \(ver_j\) and its next version (\(ver_j.vNext\)) respectively (explained in rv_methods() above). Please find the detailed descriptions of tryC_Validation() in accompanying technical report [24].

If all the steps of the tryC_Validation() is successful then the actual effect of the and will be visible to the shared memory. At Line 53, checks for poValidation(). When two subsequent methods \(\langle m_{ij}, m_{ik}\rangle \) of the same transaction \(T_i\) identify the overlapping location of preds and currs in rblazy-list. Then poValidation() updates the current method \(m_{ik}\) preds and currs with the help of previous method \(m_{ij}\) preds and currs.

If \(m_{ij}\) is and key k is not exist in the \(M_k.rblazy\text {-}list {}\) then it creates the new node n with key k as \(\langle key=k, lock=false, mark=false, vl=ver, nNext= \phi \rangle \) at Line 55. Later, it creates a version (ver) for transaction \(T_0\) and \(T_i\) as \(\langle \) ts=0, val=nil, rvl=i, vrt=0, vNext=i \(\rangle \) and \(\langle ts=i, val=v, rvl= \phi , vrt=i, vNext= \phi \rangle \) at Line 56. The \(T_0\) version created by transaction \(T_i\) to helps other concurrent conflicting transactions (with lower timestamp than \(T_i\)) to lookup from \(T_0\) version. Finally, it inserts the node n into \(M_k.rblazy\text {-}list \) such that it is accessible via as well as at Line 57. If \(m_{ij}\) is and key k exists in the \(M_k.rblazy\text {-}list {}\) then it creates the new version \(ver_i\) as \(\langle ts=i, val=v, rvl= \phi , vrt=i, vNext= \phi \rangle \) corresponding to key k. If the limit of the version reaches to K then SF-KOSTM replaces the oldest version with \((K+1)^{th}\) version which is accessible via as well as at Line 60.

figure aa

If \(m_{ij}\) is and key k exists in the \(M_k.rblazy\text {-}list {}\) then it creates the new version \(ver_i\) as \(\langle ts=i, val=nil, rvl= \phi , vrt=i, vNext= \phi \rangle \) which is accessible via only at Line 63. At last it updates the preds and currs of each \(m_{ij}\) into its \(txLog_i\) to help the upcoming methods of the same transactions in poValidation() at Line 65. Finally, it releases the locks on all the keys in a predefined order and returns commit at Line 67.

Theorem 1

Any legal history H generated by SF-SVOSTM satisfies co-opacity.

Theorem 2

Any valid history H generated by SF-KOSTM satisfies local-opacity.

Theorem 3

SF-SVOSTM and SF-KOSTM ensure starvation-freedom in presence of a fair scheduler that satisfies Assumption 1(bounded-termination) and in the absence of parasitic transactions that satisfies Assumption 2.

Please find the proof of theorems in accompanying technical report [24].

4 Experimental Evaluation

This section represents the experimental analysis of variants of the proposed Starvation-Free Object-based STMs (SF-SVOSTM, SF-MVOSTM, SF-MVOSTM-GC, and SF-KOSTM)Footnote 2 for two data structure hash table (HT-SF-SVOSTM, HT-SF-MVOSTM, HT-SF-MVOSTM-GC and HT-SF-KOSTM) and linked-list (list-SF-SVOSTM, list-SF-MVOSTM, list-SF-MVOSTM-GC and list-SF-KOSTM) implemented in C++. We analyzed that HT-SF-KOSTM and list-SF-KOSTM perform best among all the proposed algorithms. So, we compared our HT-SF-KOSTM with hash table based state-of-the-art STMs HT-KOSTM [20], HT-SVOSTM [6], ESTM [21], RWSTM [7, Chap. 4], HT-MVTO [16] and our list-SF-KOSTM with list based state-of-the-art STMs list-KOSTM [20], list-SVOSTM [6], Trans-list [22], Boosting-list [4], NOrec-list [23], list-MVTO [16], list-KSFTM [9].

Experimental Setup: The system configuration for experiments is 2 socket Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60 GHz with 14 cores per socket and 2 hyper-threads per core, a total of 56 threads. A private 32 KB L1 cache and 256 KB L2 cache is with each core. It has 32 GB RAM with Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS running Operating System. Default scheduling algorithm of Linux with all threads have the same base priority is used in our experiments. This satisfies Assumption 1 (bounded-termination) of the scheduler and we ensure the absence of parasitic transactions for our setup to satisfy Assumption 2.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Performance analysis of SF-KOSTM and state-of-the-art STMs on hash table

Methodology: We have considered three different types of workloads namely, W1 (Lookup Intensive - 5% insert, 5% delete, and 90% lookup), W2 (Mid Intensive - 25% insert, 25% delete, and 50% lookup), and W3 (Update Intensive - 45% insert, 45% delete, and 10% lookup). To analyze the absolute benefit of starvation-freedom, we used a customized application called as the Counter Application (refer the pseudo-code in the technical report [24]) which provides us the flexibility to create a high contention environment where the probability of transactions undergoing starvation on an average is very high. Our high contention environment includes only 30 shared data-items (or keys), number of threads ranging from 50 to 250, each thread spawns upon a transaction, where each transaction performs 10 operations depending upon the workload chosen. To study starvation-freedom of various algorithms, we have used max-time which is the maximum time required by a transaction to finally commit from its first incarnation, which also involves time taken by all its aborted incarnations. We perform each of our experiments 10 times and consider the average of it to avoid the effect of outliers.

Results Analysis: All our results reflect the same ideology as proposed showcasing the benefits of Starvation-Freedom in Multi-Version OSTMs. We started our experiments with hash table data structure of bucket size 5 and compared max-time for a transaction to commit by proposed HT-SF-KOSTM (best among all the proposed algorithms shown in the technical report [24]) with hash table based state-of-the-art STMs. HT-SF-KOSTM achieved an average speedup of 3.9x, 32.18x, 22.67x, 10.8x and 17.1x over HT-KOSTM, HT-SVOSTM, ESTM, RWSTM and HT-MVTO respectively as shown in Fig. 6.

We further considered another data structure linked-list and compared max-time for a transaction to commit by proposed list-SF-KOSTM (best among all the proposed algorithms shown in the technical report [24]) with list based state-of-the-arts STMs. list-SF-KOSTM achieved an average speedup of 2.4x, 10.6x, 7.37x, 36.7x, 9.05x, 14.47x, and 1.43x over list-KOSTM, list-SVOSTM, Trans-list, Boosting-list, NOrec-list, list-MVTO, and list-KSFTM respectively as shown in Fig. 7. We consider the number of versions in the version list K as 5 and value of C as 0.1.

For additional experiments please refer the technical report [24] which shows the performance of HT-SF-KOSTM and list-SF-KOSTM under low contention is slightly lesser than non starvation-free HT-KOSTM and list-KOSTM. It also has plots of abort counts while varying the threads, best value of K and C, stability and memory consumption.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Performance analysis of SF-KOSTM and state-of-the-art STMs on list

5 Conclusion

We proposed a novel Starvation-Free K-Version Object-based STM (SF-KOSTM) which ensure the starvation-freedom while maintaining the latest K-versions corresponding to each key and satisfies the correctness criteria as local-opacity. The value of K can vary from 1 to \(\infty \). When K is equal to 1 then SF-KOSTM boils down to Single-Version Starvation-Free OSTM (SF-SVOSTM). When K is \(\infty \) then SF-KOSTM algorithm maintains unbounded versions corresponding to each key known as Multi-Version Starvation-Free OSTM (SF-MVOSTM). To delete the unused version from the version list of SF-MVOSTM, we developed a separate Garbage Collection (GC) method and proposed SF-MVOSTM-GC. SF-KOSTM provides greater concurrency and higher throughput using higher-level methods. We implemented all the proposed algorithms for hash table and linked-list data structure but it is generic for other data structures as well. Results of SF-KOSTM shows significant performance gain over state-of-the-art STMs.