
1 Introduction

Associative classification (AC) is a supervised learning classification technique which was proposed by Lui et al. [11]. It integrates two important data mining techniques together, association rules mining and classification. Association rules mining aims to find a relationship between data. Classification aims to predict unseen data and assigns a class label. AC focus to find a Class Association Rules (CARs) in form \(itemset \rightarrow c\) where itemset is a set of attribute values, c is a class label. AC has been improved that it produces more accurate than other traditional classifiers [19]. In addition, a CAR is an If-Then rule which is easy to understand by users. Therefore, AC is adapted in many fields i.e. phishing website detection [1, 2, 7], heart disease prediction [9, 16], groundwater detection [8], and detection of low quality information in social networks [20].

Li et al. [10] presented the Classification Based on Multiple Association Rules algorithm (CMAR). The CMAR algorithm generates CARs based on the FP-Growth algorithm. It adopted the Frequent Pattern Tree structure (FP-Tree) to store frequent items and classes. First, it scans a database to find the frequent items and then sorts them in F-list. Each transaction is scanned to create a FP-Tree. The CMAR algorithm divides subset in the FP-Tree to search frequent ruleitems and then add the frequent ruleitems to CR-Tree according to their frequencies. It classifies based on the weighted Chi-square analysis. It prunes unnecessary ruleitems based on confidence, correlation and database coverage. Based on the experimental results, they are shown that the CMAR algorithm is more efficient and scalable than other the CBA and C4.5 algorithms.

Although AC is widely used in many fields and efficient classification, it has to face the generation of a large number of CARs because of association rule mining inheritance. Moreover, some of CARs are unnecessary for classification. Some of algorithms, CBA [11], CAR-Miner [13], PCAR [17] and FCBA [5], attempt to create rules that are effective for classification, but they must also create candidate rules to determine whether the rules can be used for classification. Creating candidate rules spend a lot of computation times and a large number of rules are generated. Hadi et al. [8] have proved that more than 100 million candidate 3-ruleitems are generated from 1,000 frequent 2-ruleitems. Nguyen and Nguyen [13] showed that the number of 4 million candidate ruleitems have been generated when the minimum support threshold is set to 1\(\%\). Furthermore, Abdelhamid et al. [3] reported that the minimal process of candidate generation is still a challenging work because it has effective in regards to training time, I/O overheads and memory usage.

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, called the Efficient Class Association Rule Generation Algorithm (ECARG). The ECARG algorithm is proposed a new method to directly generate a small number of efficient CARs for classification. A dataset is represented in a vertical data format [14] which each ruleitem contains transaction ids. Support and confidence values are easily calculated by using the vertical data format. An efficient CAR is directly found and added to a classifier. Then, transaction ids containing the CAR are not used to find the next CARs so that redundant CARs are not generated. Therefore, the ECARG algorithm early prunes ruleitems during CARs generation process.

The remaining sections of the paper are organized as follows. Section 2 presents related work of AC. Section 3 presents the basic definitions. The proposed algorithm is introduced in Sect. 4. Section 5 discusses the experimental results. The paper is concluded in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

Various algorithms have been proposed for AC. Lui et al. introduced the CBA algorithm which integrated association rule mining and classification. The process of the CBA algorithm is divided into two steps. First, CARs are generated based on the Apriori algorithm [4]. Second, they are sorted and the redundant rules are pruned. The second step is an important process for selecting efficient CARs in a classifier. The CBA algorithm was proved that it produces a lower error rate than C4.5 [15]. Unfortunately, the CBA algorithm has to face the problem of candidate generation due to base on Apriori manner. It finds CARs from all possible candidate rules at each level so that a large number of candidate rules is generated. After associative classification was introduced, many different algorithms were proposed such as CMAR, eMCAC, FACA, PCAR, FCBA and ACPRISM.

Abdelhamid [1] proposed an Enhanced Multi-label Classifiers based Associative Classification (eMCAC) for phishing websites detection. The eMCAC algorithm enhances the MCAC algorithm [12] by applies a vertical data format to represented datasets. The eMCAC algorithm generates multi-label rules that attribute values are connected with more than one class. The support and the confidence and support values for a multi-label rule are calculated based on the average confidence and support values of all classes. The rules in classifier are sorted to ensure that the rules with high confidence and support values are given higher priority. The class is assigned to the test data if attribute values are fully matched with the rule’s antecedent. The accuracy is evaluated and shown that the eMCAC algorithm outperforms CBA, PART, C4.5, jRiP and MCAR.

Hadi et al. [7] proposed the FACA algorithm to detect phishing websites. It applies a Diffset [21] to discover CARs. The FACA algorithm discovers k-ruleitems by extending frequent (k-1)-ruleitems. Then, ruleitems are ranked according to the number of itemset in ruleitem, confidence, support, and occurrence. To predict unseen data, the FACA algorithm utilizes All Exact Match Prediction Method. The method matches unseen data with all CARs in classifier. Next, unseen data is assigned to class label with the highest count. The FACA algorithm outperforms CBA, CMAR, MCAR, and ECAR [6].

Song and Lee introduced Predictability-Based Collective Class Association Rule algorithm (PCAR). The PCAR algorithm uses a cross-validation between test dataset and train dataset to calculate a predictability value of CARs. First, PCAR adapts the Eclat algorithm to discover CARs from a dataset. Next, it calculates an average support of CARs from each fold of testing dataset. Then, CARs are ranked according to predictive value, confidence, support, rule antecedent length and rule occurrences, respectively. Finally, the full-matching method is applied to assigns a class label for unseen data. The PCAR algorithm is compared with C4.5, Ripper, CBA and MCAR on the accuracy and shown that it outperforms the others.

Alwidian et al. proposed the WCBA algorithm to overcome the problem of most associative classification algorithms which determines the importance of rules based on support and confidence values. The WCBA assumes that every attributes are equally important regardless of real-world application. For example, medical work determines information affecting the prediction results. The weight of an attribute is calculated to indicate its importance. In addition, CARs are prior sorted by using the harmonic mean which is an average value between support and confidence. The WCBA algorithm is more significantly accurate than CBA, CMAR, MCAR, FACA, and ECBA. However, the WCBA algorithm generates CARs based on Apriori that scan database many times.

From the previous algorithms, they were proposed for associative classification with high ability of rules for prediction. However, most of the algorithms produce k-ruleitems from (k-1)-ruleitems. They have to calculate support when a new ruleitems is found. To calculate support, they have to scan database with all transactions. Moreover, a huge number of candidate CARs are generated and needed for pruning process to reduce unnecessary CARs. Unlike the previous algorithm, we propose a method to directly generate efficient CARs for prediction so that the pruning and sorting processes do not need in the proposed algorithm. Moreover, a simple set theories, intersection and set different are adapted to calculate easily support, confidence and remove unnecessary ruleitems.

3 Basic Definitions

Let \(A= \{a_1, a_2,... , a_m\}\) is a finite set of all attributes in dataset. \(C= \{c_1, c_2,... , c_n \}\) is a set of classes, g(x) is a set of transactions containing itemset x and |g(x)| is the number of transactions containing x.

Definition 1

An item can be described as an attribute \(a_i\) containing a value \(v_j\),denote as \(\langle ( a_i,v_j )\rangle \).

Definition 2

An itemset is the set of items, denoted as \(( a_{i1},v_{i1} )\rangle , ( a_{i2},v_{i2} ),..., ( a_{ik},v_{ik} )\).

Definition 3

A ruleitem is of the form \(\langle itemset,c_j\rangle \), which represents an association between itemsets and class in dataset, basically it is represented in form \(itemset \rightarrow c_j\).

Definition 4

The length of ruleitem is the number of items, denoted as \(k-ruleitem\).

Definition 5

Absolute support of ruleitem r is the number of transactions containing r, denoted as sup(r). The support of r can be found from Eq. 1.

$$\begin{aligned} sup(r) = |g(r)| \end{aligned}$$

Definition 6

Confidence of ruleitem \(\langle itemset, c_j\rangle \) is the ratio of the number of transactions that contain itemset in \(c_j\) and the number of transaction contain the itemset, and is calculated by Eq. 2

$$\begin{aligned} conf(\langle itemset, c_j\rangle )=\frac{|g(\langle itemset, c_j\rangle )|}{|g(itemset)|}\times 100 \end{aligned}$$

Definition 7

Frequent ruleitem is a ruleitem whose support is not less than the minimum support threshold (minsup).

Definition 8

Class association rule (CAR) is a frequent ruleitem whose confidence is not less than the minimum confidence threshold (minconf).

4 The Proposed Algorithm

In this section, we propose a new algorithm for associative classification. The proposed algorithm includes 4 phases: (1) 1-ruleitem generation, (2) redundant rules removal, (3) ruleitem extension, and (4) default rule creation. Each step will be explained in the subsection with an example. To show an example, we use the weather dataset, as shown in Table 1. The minimum support and confidence thresholds are set to 3 and 90\(\%\), respectively.

Table 1. Weather dataset.

4.1 Efficient 1-Ruleitem Generation

In the first phase, 1-ruleitem is generated on vertical data format which is easy to calculate support and confidence. The vertical data format [14] represents associated transaction ids of 1-ruleitems as shown in Table 2. The set of the transaction ids of 1-ruleitems easily find from \( | g(itemset) \cap g(c_k)| \), which is the support. If the support of 1-ruleitem is less than the minimum support, the 1-ruleitem will be not further extended with other items. The last 2 rows of Table 2 show the support and confidence of ruleitems, respectively.

From Table 1, sunny value in outlook occurs in transaction ids 1, 2, 8, 9 and 11, denoted as \( g(\langle Outlook, Sunny \rangle )=\lbrace 1, 2, 8, 9, 11\rbrace \). Class Yes is in transaction ids 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12, and 13, denoted as \( g(Yes) = \lbrace 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10,\) \( 11, 12, 13 \rbrace \) while class No is in transaction ids 1, 2, 6, 8, and 14, denoted as \( g(No) = \lbrace 1, 2, 6,8, 14 \rbrace \). Transaction ids containing \(\langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle \rightarrow Yes \) is \( g(\langle Outlook, Sunny \rangle ) \cap g(Yes) = \lbrace 1, 2, 8, 9, 11\rbrace \cap \lbrace 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13\rbrace = \lbrace 9, 11\rbrace \), so the supports of \( \langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle \rightarrow Yes \) is 2. Transaction ids containing \(\langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle \rightarrow No \) is \( g(\langle Outlook, Sunny \rangle ) \cap g(No) = \lbrace 1, 2, 8, 9, 11\rbrace \cap \lbrace 1, 2, 6, 8, 14\rbrace = \lbrace 1, 2, 8\rbrace \), so the supports of \( \langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle \rightarrow No \) is 3. We can see that, the rule \(\langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle \rightarrow Yes \) will not be extended because its support is less than the minimum support threshold.

The confidences of the remaining rules are found and easily calculated from \( \frac{\vert g(itemset \rightarrow c_k)\vert }{\vert g(itemset)\vert } \times 100 \). If the confidence of the rule is 100\(\%\), the rule will be added to the classifier. If not, it will be considered to extend in the next phase. For example, the confidence of \( \langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle \rightarrow No \) can easily find from \( \frac{|g(1,2,8)|}{|g(1,2,8,9,11)|} \times 100 = \frac{3}{5} \times 100=60\% \). The confidence of the rule \( \langle Outlook, Sunny \rangle \rightarrow No \) is not 100\(\%\) so it will be extended. While the confidence of \( \langle Outlook, Overcast\rangle \rightarrow Yes \) is \( \frac{|g(3,7,12,13)|}{|g(3,7,12,13)|} \times 100 = \frac{5}{5} \times 100=100\% \) so it is the first CAR adding to the classifier.

Table 2. The rules which passed minimum support threshold (white background cell).

4.2 Redundant Rule Removal

After finding a ruleitem with 100\(\%\) of confidence, the transaction ids containing the ruleitem will be removed to reduce the unnecessary CARs generation. For example, Table 1 we can see that if \(\langle (Outlook,Overcast)\rangle \) is found, the class will be actually Yes. Therefore we do not need to consider any item occurs in the same transaction ids of \(\langle (Outlook,Overcast)\rangle \). To remove unnecessary transaction ids, set difference is adopted. Let \(r_i \) is a CAR with 100\(\%\) of confidence and T is a set of ruleitems in the same class of \(r_i\). For all \(r_j \in T \), the new transaction ids of \(r_j\) is \(g(r_j) = g(r_j) - g(r_i)\) . For example, in Table 2, the CAR \(g(\langle Outlook, Overcast \rangle \rightarrow Yes ) = \lbrace 3, 7, 12, 13\rbrace \) and \(g(\langle Humidity, High \rangle \rightarrow Yes ) = \lbrace 3, 4, 12\rbrace \). The new transaction ids of \(g(\langle Humidity, High \rangle \rightarrow Yes ) = g(\langle Humidity, High \rangle \rightarrow Yes) - g(\langle Outlook, Overcast \rangle \rightarrow Yes ) = \lbrace 3, 4, 12\rbrace - \lbrace 3, 7, 12, 13\rbrace = \lbrace 4\rbrace \). The new transaction ids of all ruleitems are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. The remained transaction ids after generating the first CAR.

4.3 Ruleitem Extension

The ruleitem r with highest confidence will be first considered to extend in breadth first search manner. It will be combined with other ruleitem in the same class until the new rule has 100\(\%\) of confidence. If \(r_i\) is extended with \(r_j\) to be \(r_{new}\) and \( g(r_j) \subseteq g(r_i) \) then \(conf(r_{new}) = 100\%\).

For example, in Table 3, \( g(\langle Humidity, High\rangle \rightarrow No)\) has the highest confidence and the \( g(\langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle \rightarrow No) = \lbrace 1,2,8\rbrace \) is subset of \( g(\langle Humidity, \) \( High\rangle \rightarrow No)= \lbrace 1,2,8,14\rbrace \) so that the new rule \(\, g(\langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle ,\langle Humidity, High\rangle \rightarrow No)\) is found with 100% of confidence. Then \( g(\langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle ,\) \(\langle Humidity, High\rangle \rightarrow No )\) is stopped to extend. For 2-ruleitem extended from \( \langle Outlook, Sunny\rangle \rightarrow No \), there is only one rule with 100\(\%\) of confidence and it is added to the classifier as the second CAR.

After the second CAR is added to the classifier, the transaction ids associated with the CAR will be removed as explained in Sect. 4.2. The remaining transaction ids are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Transaction ids after generating the second CAR.

In Table 4, the rule \(\langle Windy, False \rangle \rightarrow Yes \) has 100\(\%\) of confidence and it is added to classifier as the third CAR and removes associated transaction ids. Finally, there no any ruleitem pass minimum support threshold as shown in Table 5, the CAR generation will be stopped.

Table 5. Transaction ids after generating the third CAR.

4.4 Default Rule Creation

The proposed algorithm continues to build a default CAR for adding to the classifier. In this step, the class that appears the most relevant transaction ids is selected as the default CAR. From Table 5, the remaining transaction ids is relevant to class ‘No’ the most, so that the default class is No. Finally, all CARs in the classifier is shown in Table 6.

Table 6. All CARs.

5 Experimental Setting and Result

All the experiments are performed on a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i3-6100u processor with 8 GB DDR4 main memory, running Microsoft Windows 10. We implemented FACA and ECARG algorithms in java and used the CBA algorithm in WEKA data mining software. We have performed an experiment to evaluate the accuracy and number of CARs. Our algorithm is compared with the CBA and FACA algorithms. In the experiments, the minimum support threshold is set to 2\(\%\) and the minimum confidence threshold is set to 50\(\%\). The thresholds are a set according from [5, 8, 18]. Three algorithms are tested with 13 datasets from UCI Machine Learning Repository. The characteristics of the experimental datasets are shown in Table 7. Table 7 shows the number of attributes (exclude a class label), the number of class labels and the number of instances in each data set.

Table 7. Characteristics of experiment dataset.

The experimental results are shown in Tables 8 and 9. Table 8 reports the accuracy of the CBA, FACA, and ECARG algorithms. It is clear that the ECARG algorithm performs on average well when comparing to the CBA and FACA algorithms. It gives higher accuracy than CBA and FACA by 4.48\(\%\) and 4.22\(\%\) respectively. This gain has been resulted from the methodology to find the most efficient rule in each iteration and eliminate redundant rules simultaneously.

To be more precise, the proposed algorithm gives the highest accuracy in 9 of 13 datasets. We further analyzed the win-tie-lost records. Based on the Table 8, win-tie-lost records of the proposed algorithm against CBA and FACA in term of accuracy are 12-0-1 and 11-0-2, respectively.

Table 8. Accuracies of CAB, FACA and ECARG.

Table 9 shows the average number of CARs from the CBA, FACA and ECARG algorithms using 10-fold cross-validation. The result shows that our algorithm has derived a smaller number of rules than the CBA algorithm. In particular, the ECARG algorithm generates 16 CARs on average against 13 datasets, while the CBA algorithm derives 21 rules on average and the FACA algorithm derives 14 rules on average. We can see that the ECARG algorithm slightly more the average number than the FACA algorithm. However, the ECARG algorithm outperforms the FACA algorithm in term of accuracy rate by 4.22\(\%\) and win over 11 from 13 datasets.

Table 9. The average number of generated rules on UCI datasets.

ECARG discovers rules with 100\(\%\) of confidence to build the classifier since the high confidence demonstrates the high possibility of class occurrences when occurring an itemset. Therefore, it gives high accuracy. While the CBA and FACA algorithms build classifier from CARs which passed the minimum confidence threshold. Some of CARs have low confidences so they may predict incorrect class and then the accuracies of CBA and FACA are lower than that of the proposed algorithm.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed an enhanced associative classification method, namely ECARG. The ECARG algorithm avoids a candidate generation by attempting to select a first general rule with the highest accuracy. It easily generates CARs based on vertical data representation and set difference. Moreover, it early reduces a search space to discover a CAR based on rule correlation. These improvements guarantee small classifiers size that doesn’t overfit the training dataset and maintain their accuracy rate. For this reason, the proposed algorithm different from the traditional algorithms, it no needs sorting and pruning process. The experiments were conducted on 13 UCI datasets and shows that the ECARG algorithm outperformed the CBA and FACA algorithms in term of accuracy. It can gain a higher accuracy rate than the CBA and FACA algorithms by 4.40\(\%\) and 5.63\(\%\) respectively. Our future work, we continue to speed up the ECARG algorithm for finding efficient class association rules.