
1 Introduction

Numerous applications can benefit from the simple software engineering idea of inheritance and overriding. Despite significant interests in modeling these convenient features in database query languages, a fully functional object-oriented (OO) [2] or object-relational (OR) database [4] did not materialize mainly because it was extremely difficult to combine the simplicity and declarativity of SQL-like languages with the power of full object-orientation in a single platform. Serious efforts to craft an OO SQL date back to early to late 90s [5, 7], and no similar efforts can be seen since then. Even in those early efforts, researchers were mainly focused on supporting abstract data types (ADTs). The community then was eager to find a query language that looks and feels like C++. Not surprisingly, the CQL++ [3], or SQL/XNF [7] type database languages basically attest to the reality, although a limited number of research focused on features such as inheritance without much success [5]. The OQL [1] or O\(_2\) [2] languages are complex to say the least, and this explains why they did not become popular.

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to class hierarchy and inheritance modeling with overriding, and object de-referencing, in classical relational database systems without the need for a new algebra based on the conviction that minimally extending SQL to support the urgently needed OO features is prudent. In the remainder of the paper, we mainly use an illustrative example to expose the modeling and query mapping technique we propose without much details for the sake of brevity and for expository purposes. A complete technical discussion on the model, language and query transformation is deferred to a full article we plan to publish elsewhere.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

OR model tables: traditional and abstract relations in class hierarchy.

2 The OR Model

The object relational model, or the OR data model, we propose, has two types of tables – traditional tables (called simply tables) and abstract tables. Tables are defined in standard ways using create table statements. For example, the instance Professors in Fig. 1(a) is declared by the statement

figure a

Professors is a first normal form traditional table declaration, and thus all standard SQL statements can be used on it and query \(q_1\) above returns the entire table in Fig. 1(a). In this statement, tupleID is a special string data type discussed in the context of objects and classes below in more detail.

Objects, Classes and Instances. In contrast, the abstract table People models a class object of type People and a set of instance objects of the same type through the create abstract table declaration below.

figure b

This create abstract table statement specifies an extended first normal form table under the scheme People (TiD, Name, State) with several unique properties. First, the scheme includes a distinguished attribute named TiD. This attribute represents a domain of unique object IDs mandated by the concepts of OO database models. In our model, all objects have an immutable ID, called the OID, and these IDs in OR model are synonymous to the concept of tuple IDs (denoted TiDs) first introduced by Sieg and Sciore [8]. These tuple IDs can be created in several ways. The keywords tupleID(3) auto states that TiD is an automatically generated string type object ID of length three. In OR model, tupleID has a string domain that can have system generated values. Thus, it requires a type declarations and optionally a method for generating it (e.g., auto). In contrast, the declaration

figure c

says the tuple ID is a five character long string supplied by the user which has the format first two characters, followed by a hyphen and then finally has a two digit integer, resulting in a five character unique tuple ID. In this case too, database wise uniqueness is preserved. Furthermore, since these IDs in TiD columns are unique database wide in all abstract and traditional tables, they are candidate keys by default. We call them object keys. However, tupleID, auto and compose features can be used to type any attribute. But the uniqueness is enforced only for the distinguished attribute TiD in ways consistent with the TiD algebra [8].

Figure 1(c) shows an instance of the abstract table People. In our model, all abstract tables have the column TiD (but unlike TiD algebra, not all tables have TiD columns), and thus all tuples in every abstract table have a unique object ID. Observe also that the instance has two partitions. In the top partition, we have the tuple \(\langle \)t-a, \(\bot \), DC\(\rangle \), and in the bottom partition we have tuples {\(\langle \)t-b, Pria, \(\bot \rangle \), \(\langle \)t-c, Aphrodite, TX\(\rangle \)}. The lone tuple with TiD t-a in the top partition is the default value of the class object People as stated in the default values clause in the create abstract table statement. In this tuple, the first \(\bot \) corresponding to the TiD column is replaced by the system generated object ID t-a. This tuple contains the class default values for each column, e.g., State has default class value DC, but Name does not. Finally, the bottom partition contains the instance objects, each of which also has an object ID, e.g., t-b and t-c.

Inheritance and Overriding. The consequence of having a class default value is interesting and far reaching. For example, the query \(q_2\) above now returns the abstract table “view” in Fig. 1(d). We make several important observations. First, this table does not have a class default value tuple, i.e., all the values are null (\(\bot \)) because we have closed the inheritance and the default values are no longer useful. Also note that tuple t-b inherited the default State value DC and replaced the null value. However, since the tuple t-c already has a local value TX, it overrode the value DC and not inherited. This is in the spirit of dynamic inheritance with overriding in OO systems, called non-monotonic inheritance.

Relationships and Aggregation. Being a superset of the relational data model and SQL, the OR model and its query language \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) supports relationships by respecting foreign keys. In the create table declaration below, the references clause declares a foreign key in Works that references the primary key of Departments, indicating Dept can accept null values. In contrast, the aggregates clause (in the sense of SDM [6]), though similar to references, cannot accept null values. Here too, the PiD column references a column in another table, but not necessarily a primary key. Instead, it is an OID or tuple ID column. Note that PiD is not a distinguished column name though it has the tuple ID domain. Thus uniqueness is not maintained by default, but declaring it the primary key enforces uniqueness in traditional sense, not in OO sense.

figure d

The instance table in Fig. 1(b) over the scheme Works(PiD, Dept, Salary) is essentially a relationship between Professors and Department in ER sense. The fundamental difference between aggregates and references is that the objects in the former referenced tables need not be explicitly joined to access their columns as is the case for latter reference types. The query below clarifies this distinction.

figure e

This query returns names of all professors and their chair’s who earn more than $109K with their chair also from the same department. This query will return the table in Fig. 1(m). Had the Professors table been declared as an abstract table, we could have written this query in a much simpler way using OO de-referencing features. Also note that the Department table is not referenced in the where clause yet became accessible via de-referencing.

Class Hierarchies. Similar to classes in OO systems, abstract tables can be organized in table hierarchies. While classes or abstract tablesFootnote 1 can have multiple subclasses, they can only have unique superclasses. Subclasses in OR model inherit properties and their default values, and all key and other integrity constraints, from their superclasses. While integrity constraints and the scheme of a class are inherited monotonically, their class default values are inherited non-monotonically in an overriding fashion based on specificity preference principle.

For example, consider an instance object s-1 in Students class in Fig. 1(e), where Students is a subclass of People in Fig. 1(c). The following create abstract table statement defines the subclass relationship between these two tables.

figure f

Being a subclass of People, not only does Students inherit the scheme of People and the object key, it also introduces two new attributes {SiD, Parent}, a new primary key SiD, and a new default value ID for the inherited attribute State. In this case, all instances of Students (as well as all its subclasses) will inherit, when appropriate, the default value ID for State, and not DC since the local or specific value ID at Students overrides the inherited value for State in People.

Null Closure. In a select query, the relation list in the from clause can be both traditional and abstract tables. Since abstract tables can be subclass of another class table, a long chain of inheritance becomes complicated. Each abstract table has the potential to have inherited values from superclasses at arbitrary height. Since updates in all tables are allowed, a static inheritance of all default values to lower subclasses and instances is not a prudent choice though the approach could make query processing substantially cheaper. But updates in class default values have the potential to invalidate statically inherited values before the update and leave the recovery from the state of erroneous inheritance at jeopardy. We use a process called null closure to dynamically inherit the class default values down to all subclasses and instances in an overriding manner.

3 Mapping \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) to SQL

Implementation of the \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) language is based on a translational semantics of \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) programs to SQL, so that we can understand the semantics in terms of the well known meaning of SQL, and obviate the need for a native \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) implementation, saving effort and cost. The correctness of \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) is then established based on the soundness and completeness properties of SQL relative to the OR data model and its intended semantics. We argue that \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) is sound and complete too by showing that the translation outlined preserves the intended semantics of \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\). In the following sections, we only discuss translation of the \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) specific statements not available in SQL by way of examples.

3.1 Creating Class Tables

The People class table declaration in Sect. 2 is translated as follows. We create two separate tables in SQL for each create abstract table statement to implement class and instance objects in two partitions. The class tables are annotated with subscript c and instance tables with i as follows.

figure g

In the above statements auto is a directive to create a random key that will never be assigned to another TiD column of any tuple. Major database systems like Oracle support similar unique primary key generation. In the insert statement we use the $AutoKey keyword to call a function to generate the OID or the tuple ID, and insert this tuple into \(People_c\) as the class default value. The unique declaration makes TiD a candidate key, but not the primary key of the table. The uniqueness of TiD is ensured by checking a unary system table called UniqueKeys we maintain which logs all TiD values ever assigned and in use in our databases. Note that the statement \(u_1\) above, implements the semantics of the default values declaration in statement \(c_2\) in Sect. 2.

The subclass table Students in Sect. 2 is accomplished by creating the SQL statements below. Note that for aggregation, we required that the Parent cannot have null values, and the referenced Parents object cannot be deleted without deleting the Students object.

figure h

We do not separately discuss the statements such as insert, delete and update, which can be handled trivially. Finally, we enter the subtable relationship specified in the inherits keyword into the system table ClassHierarchy as a pair \(\langle \)Students’, ‘People\(\rangle \) to be able to create the class hierarchy for null closure discussed next. The inherits keyword also prompts the inclusion of the attributes in the superclass People into the current table Students.

3.2 Computing Null Closure and Table View

Prior to processing queries, we first process null closure discussed in Sect. 2 for all directly or implicitly referred abstract tables to ground the tables with inherited values in real time. On analysis of the query in terms of the tables included in the from clauses, and the cross referencing of the de-reference operators with the schemes, a list of abstract tables is created that potentially warrant null closures. A precedence graph of subclass-superclass relationship for each of these tables is constructed using the ClassHierarchy system table and for every table, a maximal scheme is created to list the attributes that all clauses will need. We then proceed to create two sets of views – one for the class tables and one for the instance tables, and we then use only the views corresponding to each instance table in the rewritten queries as follows.

Let us explain the process of using the query that asks list the names of all undergraduate non computer science majors resident in Idaho and their parents’ income such that their parents earn more than $75K and their department chairs are computer science professors. This query can be posed in \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) as the following expression.

figure i

This query assumes that the following DDL statement has already been defined.

figure j

In this query three abstract tables UnderGrads, Departments and Parents, and a traditional table Professors are involved. This information is derived from the database schema definitions, i.e., Major in UnderGrads aggregates Departments where student majors are found. Similarly, Parent aggregates Parents where their Income is listed. The de-reference operators in the query actually give away this information. Finally, Chair in Departments aggregates Professors where we find their department. While UnderGrads and Persons participate in a class hierarchy and require null closure as shown below, Departments does not.

figure k

The above statements only close the nulls in class tables. To truly inherit the default values, we now close the inheritance in all three instance tables as follows.

figure l

The script above completes the steps for computing the null closures and generates three view tables for our query – i.e., \(UnderGrads_{iv}\), \(Parents_{iv}\) and \(Departments_{iv}\).

3.3 Inheritance and Object Traversal in SQL Using Query Rewriting

As a final step, we rewrite the \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) query in Sect. 3.2 as a large join query to accommodate object traversals anticipated by the de-reference operators over the three null closed instance views we have generated and the traditional table:

figure m

In our example database, there are two potential Idaho resident undergraduate students, Abebi and Odelia. However, Abebi’s parent Maria’s income is less than $75K, and her department chair Tanaka is not a computer science professor, and thus does not qualify to be in our response. However, Odelia is a Math major, and her department chair Sharon is a computer science professor and her parent also has income higher than $75K although the parent name is missing. So, \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) appropriately returns the tuple \(\langle \)Odelia, 90K\(\rangle \) as a response.

4 Conclusion

Our goal in this paper was to show that complex objects, class hierarchies, inheritance, overriding and structure traversal can be modeled as a simple extension of SQL. While we did not discuss a complete translation algorithm for brevity, we have presented the overall idea behind the translation of an \(\hbox {SQL}^\mathbf {O}\) database and queries to a semantically equivalent SQL database. We have shown that the two most coveted OO features, namely inheritance with overriding and object traversal, can be captured within relational model based on a translational semantics without the need for an entirely new language or a formal foundation.