
1 Introduction

Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube have become popular channels of communication where people can express different attitudes and opinions [5]. Consequently, a vast volume of reviews and comments has been created in the last years in social networks. Obviously, anyone can express his opinion and related information, which leads to accumulation of a huge amount of unverified information [2]. This issue was widely studied by the NLP community with a view to differentiating between a rumor (or fake news) and a proven information.

Researchers proposed automated or semi-automated approaches which can effectively help in handling and analyzing the tremendous amount of social network data. Recently, there has been much focus on the veracity of the information by studying and proposing algorithms in order to automatically detect rumors in social networks. However, most works analyze and measure the rumor only after its diffusion. The issue is that there is an important gap between its diffusion and its streaming detection. This can lead to a damaging effect on the social or political events of a country or even the world. The speed at which the breaking news is growing on the Internet does not allow enough time to check the information [8]. In order to analyse the rumors, the data are often extracted from Twitter, Facebook or YouTube [3, 18]. In fact, it is easier to spread a rumor in social networks since almost everything could be published.

Unlike most existing works which focus on identifying the rumors when they arise, in this paper, we investigate the content of the fake news in the Arabic world through the information posted on YouTube. The main objective of this work is to crawl Arabic rumors in order to build a corpus that we will share with the international community. We focused on three proven fake news concerning the death of personalities. We selected the death rumors of the following Arab celebrities: the dancer Fifi Abdou, the president Bouteflika and the comedian Adel Imam.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: in Sect. 2, we present related work on rumors analysis and rumors extraction. Then we give an overview of the rumors we collected and the way we categorize them. Thereafter, we give details about the collected corpus in Sect. 3. Several statistical analysis are described in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5, we present some results of machine learning classification algorithms and finally we conclude and outline some possible future works.

2 Related Work

In this section, we provide an overview of research into social media rumours with the focus on two crucial tasks namely, rumors extraction and analysis.

The comparability methods were widely used to identify similar data related to same rumors when the dataset is collected.

Authors in [11] investigated how rumors are arising, spreading in different ways and broadcasting quickly to a large number of audiences. In [9], the authors proposed a statistical approach that uses 3 features extracted from the microblogs, the Hashtags and URLs. They showed the effectiveness of these features in identifying disinformers and those who believe and spread the rumors. They annotated a dataset of 10K tweets collected on 5 different controversial topics.

The authors in [1] proposed methods for assessing the credibility of certain tweets. They analyzed microblog posts and classified them as credible or not credible, based on some features extracted from the tweets. An example of the used feature is the number of retweeting performed by a user. They evaluated their methods subjectively and remarked that credible news are propagated through authors that have previously written a large number of messages.

The authors in [4] suggested determining whether or not a given text is a rumor by using web mining algorithms and linguistic rules. They evaluated their approach on customer reviews which constitutes a good framework of possible disinformation.

In [6], an approach was proposed to capture the temporal evolution of the features of the microblogs based on the time series that model the social context information. The approach showed significant performance and has proven to be able to detect rumors at early stage after their initial broadcast.

Tolosi et al. [15] studied the challenges concerning the detection of the tweets that are likely to become rumors. In their work, the classifier used several features such as the user id, the user profile, the text style and the URL domains. The given classifier achieved an F1-score of 65%.

The authors in [17] introduced a novel approach to detect rumors that takes advantage of the sequential dynamics of publishing information during breakthroughs in social media. They employed Twitter datasets collected from five news stories. The classifier was based on Conditional Random Fields and exploited the context learned in a rumor detection event, which they compared to the rumor detection system at the same time.

3 Corpus

In the following, we will describe the methodology we followed to collect the necessary data for this research work. The Fig. 1 illustrates the overall steps. The details concerning each of them will be given in the next subsections.

3.1 Data Collection

To build the corpus, we harvested the data using the YouTube API which allows to search for all the videos that match certain criteria and retrieve all the related comments. In order to increase our chance to get data in which we get fake news, we selected the topic of Personalities death. In fact, a lot of rumors in Internet concern the death of singers, actors, presidents, etc. That is why, in this work we selected three famous people in the Arab world who are mostly concerned by rumors: Fifi Abdu (an Egyptian dancer), Abdelaziz Bouteflika (the former Algerian president) and Adel Imam (an Egyptian comedian). Obviously, retrieving comments from YouTube by using Hashtags related to these three personalities will capture comments corresponding to rumors and no rumors. Therefore, when these data were collected, we used a set of relevant keywords concerning rumors (Fifi died, Allah yarhemak, True news, Algerian president dies, Bouteflika death, yes death, adel imam dies, Allah yerhamo, Adel die). If any comment contains one of these keywords, it will be considered as a rumor comment and it is saved in a rumor dataset, otherwise, it will be saved in the no-rumor subset. Table 1 shows some statistics of the harvested data, where |C| indicates the number of comments for each topic.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of the approach of collecting the rumors dataset

Table 1. The collected stories related to Fifi abdo, Bouteflika and Adel Imam.

3.2 Data Cleaning

In order to have a relevant analysis and develop a robust classifier, we first need to clean the data. Data cleaning is an important step in major NLP tasks to improve the quality of text data and ensure the reliability of the statistical analysis. Our cleaning step aims to filter the rumors and extract the useful terms. To this end, we removed from the collected data the special characters such as: \( \{ *, @, \%, \& ...\}\). We also removed URL links, words in foreign languages, duplicated comments, etc. Table 2 gives the updated statistics about the collected corpus. It shows that the total size of the dataset has been reduced by around 20% after the cleaning process.

4 Data Analysis

In this section, we will analyze our dataset in order to retrieve some knowledge about the transmission of rumors for the three studied topics. In Fig. 2, we give the distribution of the vocabulary of this dataset in accordance to the three topics.

Table 2. The collected stories related to Fifi abdo, Bouteflika and Adel Imam after the data cleaning step
Fig. 2.
figure 2

Distribution of the vocabulary

We remark that, with this approach of collecting data related to rumors, we harvested more data concerning the death of Fifi Abdo than for the two others even, if the second personality was the President of a country. This is probably due to the fact that the dancer Fifi Abdo interests more people than the President Bouteflika and more than the famous actor Adel Imam.

Tables 3 and 4 show that the Internet users posted more comments on the topic of Fifi Abdo whether rumors or no rumors which confirms that people are more interested by this personality than the two others. In Table 4, we remark that the number of comments about Fifi Abdo which are not supposed to be rumors are twice as much as for the topic President Bouteflika.

Table 3. Statistics corresponding to the rumors dataset.
Fig. 3.
figure 3

Distribution of the rumors

Where |c| represents the number of comments and |W| the number of words.

In Fig. 3, we give the distribution of the rumors through the period of the data collection. Even if this corpus is small, we can mention that a rumor can subsist for several years such as for the one concerning Fifi Abdo or several months such as those concerning Bouteflika or Adel Imam. It would be interesting in a future work, to find the correlation between the spreading of the rumor and external events that induce the rumor.

Table 4. Statistics corresponding to the No rumors dataset

We analyze the collected data to learn and understand what characterizes the messages conveying rumors. In Table 5, we give some samples from the corpus we collected automatically. For each rumor or no rumor sentence, we give its translation. These samples show clearly that the collected data concern rumors. In Table 6, we listed the most significant words corresponding to the dataset of rumors. The most used word is (God). As these are rumors about death, Muslims come back to God and beg forgiveness for the deceased. This explains the existence of this word in a significant way. The words related to the death are in the top list ( ). As these rumors become truths for certain people, some people believe in them and even ask God to be merciful with the dead, which explains why we found the terms: .

Table 5. Some examples of the collected data
Table 6. Most frequent words in the rumor dataset

If we analyze the corpus of no rumors (see Table 7), we also find the reference to the word God. Consequently, in the Arab world, this word could not be discriminating to identify rumor texts. However, we find numerous proper names corresponding to the studied topics: and . Negation terms alone or agglutinated to verbs are present in the top list of words. They invalidate an event, namely the death of the personalities, this is the case of the words: and . We also found the antonym of the word death: , which indicates that the person is alive. The corpus also contains the word lie that indicates that the message or the event we talked about is fake. The above mentioned words seem to be discriminating for these topics.

Table 7. Most frequent words in the non-rumor dataset

5 Classification

In order to test the possibility of discrimination between rumor and no rumor comments, three data classification methods have been conducted in this work: Decision Tree (DT), Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB) and Support Vector Machine (SVM).

The Decision Tree classifier is a supervised machine learning technique where the data is recursively split according to the different attributes of the dataset. The leaves constitute the decisions and the nodes correspond to the area where data are split [10].

The principle of SVM [16] consists in looking for the optimal linear separating hyperplane that separates the data of one class from the other. SVMs aim to define the optimal boundary separating classes in feature space. The best hyperplane is the one that maximizes the distance between classes. The classification of new data is based on which side of the boundary the data is placed. In our case, we picked out a linear kernel for the separation.

Naïve Bayes classifiers are widely used in different applications in natural language processing and particularly in text classification [7, 12, 14] due to their efficiency and their acceptable predictive performance. MNB estimates the conditional probability of a particular term given a class as the relative frequency of the term t in all documents belonging to the class C. To train the MNB classifier, we used 1-gram, 2-gram and 3-gram of words as features supported by a TFIDF vector scores [13].

We performed few experiments and evaluated the classifiers with the most widely used measures in Information retrieval namely, Recall, Precision and Accuracy. Their corresponding formulas are recalled respectively in 1, 2 and 3:

$$\begin{aligned} Recall =\frac{tp}{tp+fn} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Precision =\frac{tp}{tp+fp} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Accuracy =\frac{tp+tn}{tp+tn+fp+fn} \end{aligned}$$

where tp, tn, fp and fn are True PositiveFootnote 1, True NegativeFootnote 2, False PositiveFootnote 3 and False NegativeFootnote 4 respectively.

Table 8. Performance on detecting rumors

In Table 8, we reported the results of the three classifiers. The training was done on 70% of the data and the test on the remaining subset of the corpus. We conducted two kinds of tests. The first one has been done on each rumor topic and the second one, on the mixture of all the topic rumors. We observed that the achieved performance varies depending on the rumor topic and the used classifier. The best accuracy and the best Precision for Fifi Abdo are obtained by the SVM classifier while the best recall is achieved by the decision tree. For the rumors concerning the president Bouteflika, the best results whatever the measure are produced by the decision Tree. For the third rumor topic, the best accuracy and the best precision are achieved by the SVM, while the best recall is the one of the decision tree. When all the rumor topics are mixed, the best results in terms of accuracy and precision are obtained by the SVM and the best recall is achieved by the decision tree. Overall, for this dataset, the best classifier is the SVM one, while the MNB has not succeeded to outperform the other classifiers, in spite of its effectiveness in other classification applications, for any of the topics. This is probably due the fact that the MNB requires the use of more detailed features.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced a new Arabic corpus of fake news that we will make publicly available for research purposes. We detailed the collection process and gave important details about the harvested data on the subject of the death of three Arab celebrities. An exploratory analysis was carried out on the collected fake news to learn some features which characterize the messages conveying rumors such as, the frequent use of certain words. The classification task was performed using three classification methods namely Support Vector Machine (SVM) Decision Tree (DT) and Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB) to test the possibility of discrimination between rumor and no rumor comments. We witnessed that the achieved performance varies depending on the rumor topic and the used classifier. In the future, we look forward investigating the performance of other classification methods and also envisage enlarging our corpus by collecting more examples in various topics and performing a deep analysis on the data. One of our objective is to tackle the issue of detecting the rumors or the source of the rumors as soon as they arise.