1 Introduction

Several kinds of exotic systems composed of three particles with masses of the same order of magnitude and bound via Coulomb interaction, \( p^{ + } \mu^{ - } p^{ + } \), \( d^{ + } \mu^{ - } d^{ + } \), \( p^{ + } \mu^{ - } d^{ + } \) and the positronium negative ion (e e+ e, Ps), have been studied theoretically for many years [1,2,3]. The stability of Ps was first discussed by Wheeler in 1946 [1]. He found out that this system has ground-state energy of \( - 6.96\;{\text{eV}} \) and a mean lifetime of the order of 0.1 ns. After this work, a number of theoretical studies on Ps were performed. For example, the energy and the annihilation rate in vacuum were calculated precisely [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. The resonance states and the photodetachment cross sections of Ps were also studied [9,10,11,12,13].

The first observation of Ps was made by Mills in 1981 [14]. Following this observation, a few groups determined its decay rate [15,16,17]. In 2008, an efficient production method for Ps was developed and new experimental investigations have been accomplished for these ten years [18, 19].

This paper reviews the developments of these experimental investigations.

2 Properties of Ps

Table 1.1 summarises the properties of Ps. Those of positronium (e e+, Ps) are also shown. The Ps properties have been studied only theoretically except for its decay rate. The decay rate has also been obtained experimentally [15,16,17] and compared theoretical values [8].

Table 1.1 Properties of Ps and Ps

3 First Observation of Ps and Measurements of Its Decay Rate

The first observation of Ps was made by Mills [14] in 1981. Slow positrons with energy of 470 eV, produced using a 58Co source and a Cu(111)+S moderator, were transported along a magnetic field to a 3.7 nm thick carbon film. A grid, positively biased at 0.5–4.5 kV, was placed 2.5 mm from the film so that any Ps ions emitted from the downstream side of the film were accelerated. The Ps produced self-annihilated, with its short lifetime, within a few mm from the grid. A Ge detector monitored the annihilation and blue-shifted γ-rays from the on-coming Ps. Small bumps on the tails of the γ-ray peaks due to pair annihilation of positrons indicated the emission of Ps from the carbon film. The Ps formation efficiency was as low as 0.028%. In his paper, the production of high-velocity Ps by the photodetachment of accelerated Ps was discussed.

Mills also measured the decay rate of Ps by changing the acceleration voltages and the distance between the carbon film and the acceleration grid [15]. The obtained decay rate was 2.09(9) ns−1. Its precision has been improved using a stripping-based detection technique, which was originally developed by Mills et al. [22], to 2.086(6) ns−1 [16]. This technique was later combined with an intense slow positron beam from a research reactor in Munich, to give a more precise decay rate value of 2.0875(50) ns−1 [17]. All these values agree with the theoretical values [7, 8].

4 Efficient Production of Ps

When low-energy positrons impinge on metal surfaces, they are thermalized in bulk and a significant fraction of them diffuse back to the surface. The positrons may be spontaneously emitted if the positron work function \( \phi_{ + } \) is negative. They may also be emitted as Ps. The energy required to emit Ps is written as \( \phi_{\text{Ps}} = \phi_{ + } + \phi_{ - } - 6.8\;{\text{eV}} \), where \( \phi_{ - } \) is the electron work function. The values of \( \phi_{\text{Ps}} \) for most metals are negative; hence, Ps atoms are spontaneously emitted. The energy required to emit Ps can be written as \( \phi_{{{\text{Ps}}^{ - } }} = \phi_{ + } + 2\phi_{ - } - 7.13\;{\text{eV}} \). For tungsten, this value is negative and spontaneous emission of Ps is expected [23].

Figure 1.1a shows an experimental setup for the observation of Ps emitted from a tungsten surface. Positrons with energy of 0.1 keV were guided along a magnetic field and impinged on the negatively biased target through a grounded grid. Emitted Ps ions were accelerated and annihilated. The emitted \( \upgamma \)-rays were monitored using a Ge detector. Figure 1.1b shows the obtained \( \upgamma \)-ray energy spectra [18]. After annealing the tungsten, a small bump which indicates Ps emission from the surface appeared. The Ps ions emission efficiency for this experiment was 0.005%, which was lower than that obtained using a carbon film. However, after Cs deposition, the efficiency increased up to 1.25%.

Fig. 1.1
figure 1

Adapted from [18]

a Experimental setup for the observation of Ps emission from a tungsten surface. b Obtained \( \upgamma \)-ray energy spectra.

After the Cs coating, the electron and positron work functions can be written as \( \phi_{ - } - D \) and \( \phi_{ + } + D \), respectively, where D is the effect of Cs coating. The value of D is 3 eV for the Cs coating of 0.2–0.3 monolayer on tungsten. Accordingly the value of \( \phi_{{{\text{Ps}}^{ - } }} \) changes to \( \phi_{{{\text{Ps}}^{ - } }} - D \) due to Cs deposition. This means that Ps emission from Cs coated surfaces is more favourable than from clean surfaces.

The Ps emission efficiency decreased in only half a day because Cs is chemically reactive. We used Na, which is less chemically reactive than Cs, to obtain durability. While the durability of Ps emission has been improved to a few days, the emission efficiency was still as high as that of Cs coated surfaces [24].

5 Observation of Ps Photodetachment

The efficient formation of Ps has enabled the observation of Ps photodetachment [25]. Figure 1.3a shows an experimental setup conducted to observe this phenomenon. In the setup, pulsed slow positrons produced using linac in KEK were transported and impinged on Na-coated tungsten through grounded grids. The produced Ps ions were accelerated and blue-shifted \( \upgamma \)-rays were monitored by two Ge detectors. The Ps ions were irradiated with pulsed photons from Nd YAG laser synchronised with the linac.

The relative amount of para-Ps to ortho-Ps formed from the Ps photodetachment was 1:3. Therefore, a fraction of the Ps ions were converted to ortho-Ps and did not contribute to the Ps Doppler-shifted peak when the photodetachment occurred. Figure 1.3b shows the obtained \( \upgamma \)-ray energy spectra. It is shown that the peak obtained from the annihilation of accelerated Ps decreased by the laser irradiation. This indicates that the Ps photodetachment occurred (Fig. 1.2).

Fig. 1.2
figure 2

Reprinted with permission from [25]. Copyright 2018 by the American Physical Society

a Experimental setup for the observation of Ps photodetachment. b Obtained spectra using (a). Plots of the square (red) and triangle (blue) are the experimental data for laser on and off, respectively.

6 Observation of Ps Shape Resonance

The process of Ps photodetachment can also be observed by detecting produced Ps atoms, which have almost the same velocity as photodetached Ps, with a microchannel plate. This method provides clean data with low background [26].

Using this technique, we observed a peak due to the shape resonance of Ps in a spectrum of photodetachment (Fig. 1.3) [27]. The resonant energy was 5.437(1) eV, which is consistent with the theoretical predictions [10, 11, 13]. Further experiments, e.g. observation of Ps Feshbach resonance, may feasible using this method.

Fig. 1.3
figure 3

Adapted from [27]

The yield of Ps atoms produced in the Ps photodetachment plotted against the photon energy.

Moreover, the Ps atoms produced in the photodetachment of accelerated Ps provided an energy tunable Ps beam [26, 28]. This beam can provide new information on the basic science of Ps and in material science.