
1 Introduction

Separation of control and data planes is not a new idea, but only recently it has obtained high interest from the scientific community and commercial vendors with the popularization of Software Defined Networks (SDN). There have been several contributions to the technology, but it is still under development by the industry and academic community. In combination with other technologies such as Network Function Virtualization (NFV), SDN approach presents a solution to everyday problems existing in traditional networks like scalability and manageability issues. Additionally, it offers alternatives to monitor and control the traffic in the network, providing new possibilities for security applications. However, the de-facto protocol for control-data communication, OpenFlow [42], has been identified as a vulnerable solution [26]. It also presents additional security issues, as we will show in Sect. 3.

SDN definition is comprised of three layers. However, as technology develops, additional elements are required. In [18] Clark et al. propose a Knowledge Plane or KP as an individual entity for the network that aims to maintain a high-level view of the network and help in the operation, management, and improvement. Knowledge Defined Networking (KDN) [44], adds a knowledge plane (KP) to the SDN architecture, intending to integrate behavioral models and reasoning processes oriented to decision making. One of the tools to leverage the KP is Machine Learning.

Machine Learning is a powerful tool to provide cognitive capabilities for identifying security breaches. It has a significant improvement due to the processing and storage capabilities as well as the availability of large datasets. However, SDN is not broadly used in operative networks, though there is an important reference: Google’s B4 [43] is a deployment of SDN over WAN network to connect several data centers. It included a switch design to handle the interconnection with traditional networks and ONIX [30] as the controller. It was proven to be a useful technique for the gradual integration of traditional to SDN infrastructure. The implementation did not present any contribution related to security, except for the use of the Paxos algorithm [33] for fault tolerance. Considering there are no available data on security research in SDN, obtaining realistic datasets for IDS becomes a challenge.

On [50], authors present an overview of the challenges and opportunities to use ML in new technologies such as SDN, however it is not exhaustive in the description or study. Other works such as [19, 32, 49, 61] have shown different ML techniques applicable to SDN anomaly detection but focus on the methods and lack of an analysis from the network security perspective.

In this paper, we present the most recent research (to the best of our knowledge) for network security in an SDN environment using ML techniques. Our motivation is to contribute to the creation of a KP for SDN, focused on security. The study presents the surveyed papers organized per network attacks, in contrast to other surveys related to ML methods used in SDN. It also shows the testbeds and datasets commonly used in the literature.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the methodology used to select and classify the studies. Section 3 presents an overview of the SDN architecture and security issues. Section 4 presents the studies for ML-based techniques for IDS, only with a proposal of the detection model. Section 5 presents studies that include methods to collect data to feed the ML model, as well as mitigation schemes once the anomaly is detected. Section 6 aims to provide additional tools for researches with studies related to security, as well as used datasets and testbeds in the surveyed works. Finally, Sect. 7 concludes the presented survey.

2 Methodology

This survey focuses on the works that use machine learning (ML) including deep learning (DP) techniques to address security issues for software defined networks (SDN). We initially set the period of the publication to be used in the study as five years; however, during the first search within databases, we found valuable literature since the year 2013. Because of this, the publication period covers papers from that year until the beginning of 2019.

To search for papers for our study, we reviewed the IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, and Wiley databases, as well as Google Scholar to expand the scope to other repositories. The key-words used to conduct the study were: “SDN,” “Security,” “Machine learning,” and “Deep learning.” We combined the terms to create different search streams such as: (“SDN security” AND “machine learning”), (“SDN security” AND “deep learning”), OR (“SDN Security”). Only the titles of the studies were considered to select an initial list of 200 papers. Later, we classified the articles into those to be used in the survey and those to be excluded by reviewing the abstract, introduction and conclusion, only.

We selected papers that included all areas of the keywords (SDN, ML/DP, and network security), but also those that presented traffic classification or monitoring, since those methods are useful for securing the network. Out of the selected papers, we classified them into the following categories:

  • Surveys

  • Proposal for framework or security application

  • Experiment of existing tools

Using this classification, we selected a total of 70 papers and excluded out of the initial list. These papers were reviewed in detail, and using them we identified other studies to be included.

3 SDN Architecture and Security

SDN was born out of the need to break the vertical integration of the network equipment. Its premise is to separate the control from the data plane, and the interface between them is OpenFlow (OF) [42] protocol, proposed in 2008, which leveraged its development. It also allows defining network functions (e.g., routing, firewall, load balancing, bandwidth optimization) as software applications that can run on top of the control plane. The architecture has three parts: data plane (composed of switches), the control plane (composed of one or more controllers), and application plane (composed of one or more network applications). Figure 1 shows an SDN architecture.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

SDN Architecture: Data plane, Control plane and Applications plane as its main components

Within SDN, a flow is a set of packets with similar features that go from one endpoint (or group) to another endpoint (or group) in a single direction. Each flow has its entry in the flow table, which is a database within the switches consulted to determine what to do with each packet that arrives at the switch. The flow-tables are created by order of the controller. At the beginning of a transmission (new flow), the switch will receive a packet without an entry on the flow table. The OF protocol sends the “Packet_in” message, from the switch to the controller for analysis and definition of a new flow-table entry. The “Packet_in” is a particular feature that could become a vulnerability to the system. OF also defines the information collection, using a request from the controller that the switch answers with parts of the flow-table along with packet counters.

This new paradigm represents a solution to several problems of traditional networks, such as manageability, configuration, scalability, and security. Under this perspective, a clear advantage for security with SDN is the ability to gather traffic information without additional elements. This is due to the centralized role of the controller, which communicates with the switches in the data plane. Proposals such as [8, 27, 47] take advantage of this ability to implement security functions such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and protection against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) within the network. SDN is, however, a model under development with open research lines and security challenges common to traditional networks, as well as unique to it. Different studies [7, 31, 57] presented analysis to network security from different viewpoints. A common conclusion is that security applications in SDN are still not mature enough for widespread implementation. A non-exhaustive review of SDN security architecture issues is presented below.

Kreutz et al. [31], created one of the firsts attempts to determine the vulnerabilities in SDN architecture. In this survey, the authors presented seven threat vectors: (1) Forged or faked traffic flow; (2) Attacks on vulnerabilities in switches; (3) Attacks on control plane communications; (4) Attacks on and vulnerabilities in controllers; (5) Lack of mechanisms to ensure trust between the controller and management applications; (6) Attacks on and vulnerabilities in administrative stations; and (7) Lack of trusted resources for forensics and remediation. Other studies [56, 71] also used this scheme to analyze SDN security. The paper also proposes the mechanisms required to secure a controller: Replication, Diversity, Self-healing mechanisms, Dynamic device association, Trust between devices and controllers, as well as between controllers and applications, Security domains, Secure components, and Dependable maintenance of software.

The first attack vector was exploited in [58]. Initially, they detect if a given network uses SDN by comparing the response times. If it is SDN, at the beginning of the transmission the response time is longer, since the network has a “flow setup” latency. The times have subtle differences, so the authors present a solution with an SDN scanner. After the confirmation that the network is an SDN, specially crafted traffic is sent to the network to cause data plane resource consumption or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

Moving Target Defense (MTD) is a widespread approach used by several studies. In [17], authors proposed a framework to prevent, detect and mitigate attacks. The research was directed to virtualized environments in the cloud and presented two areas to secure resources. First, the authors studied MTD for network programmability and software vulnerability. Then, traffic engineering was reviewed. The latter allows the provision of different tenants securely. For the former one, a set of countermeasures must be included to enforce after the detection and analysis with an attack graph (AG) based vulnerability analysis.

The same approach was studied in detail in [16]. The authors presented AG techniques to reconfigure the network automatically and used MTD as a countermeasure. However, it does not present information on the attack detection but assumes the intrusion detection already in place. It still needs a phase for attack analysis in which ML could be used.

Few studies present machine learning solutions for the SDN architecture security problems identified by [31]. However, some works suggest the possibility to use it. In [64], authors presented three levels of complexity to use cognition: Reactive reasoning (rule-based reaction), Tactical reasoning (Profiling based on classification with dynamic multi-objective optimization), and Strategical reasoning (Anticipation with online multi-objective optimization). The study proposes to formulate optimization functions related to the security concerns in the network.

On the other hand, in [29] authors presented a framework to provide autonomous response and mitigation against attacks in an SDN/NFV network. The approach is called SARNET and has a transverse loop with five stages: Detect, Analyze, Decide, Respond, and Learn. An essential contribution of the study is the definition of an efficiency estimation that allows measuring the performance of the proposed framework. A group of simulations of different attacks (UDP DDoS attack, CPU utilization attack, Password attack) showed that the efficiency measure helps in selecting the best countermeasure. Within all the loop, it is suitable to use ML, and the authors present it as future research.

As presented, there is not extensive research to secure the SDN architecture using ML. However, SDN architecture can leverage network security since it allows the managers to know, rather than infer, the specific status of the network. OF gives the opportunity to collect statistics and traffic information that could be used to identify anomalies, intruders or configuration failures within the controller, devices or applications.

These abilities present the possible implementation of security applications on top of the SDN architecture. They are also leveraged by the use of Network Function Virtualization (NFV). NFV intends to apply IT virtualization technology for networking functions [15], and the objective is to break the dependence of hardware. In this scenario, security applications can be implemented on commodity devices, and the necessity of specific equipment could be eliminated.

In the following sections, we will discuss the different proposals to use SDN as a mean to improve network security. Our approach is to analyze the use of machine learning to achieve the desired result. As presented in Fig. 2, we classified the papers into Type 1: ML-based intrusion detection Systems in SDN, and Type 2: ML-based intrusion detection Systems in SDN. In the first case, the sub-classification depends on the type of detected attack. In the second case, the sub-classification depends on the data collection method to feed the ML-Model.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Classification of studies in the survey

4 ML-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in SDN

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are one of the most widespread applications for security in SDN. Since OF provides traffic statistics using the messages “StatsRequest” and “StatsResponse,” it becomes a compelling tool to identify anomalies and intruders.

Fundamentals of IDS operations apply equally for traditional and SDN environments. Considering the location of the method IDS techniques can be divided into Network IDS and Host IDS. The former performs intrusion detection by analyzing the overall situation of the network. On the other hand, HIDS is host-based detection that monitors the operation of a particular device.

As detection mechanisms, IDS employ two types of strategies: (1) Traditional, signature-based detection that compares data to an existing database; and (2) Anomaly-based detection, which identifies odd-behaviour traffic, and can make use of ML techniques for better results. Examples of IDS proposals with the traditional approach in SDN are [14, 40, 72]. For instance in [40] of the first attempts to identify anomalies issues leveraging on SDN. The intention was to determine the main security issues related to the cloud computing environment to propose an SDN-based approach that allows the network to react in case of an attack. On the other hand, in [72] the authors proposed a Deep Packet Inspection system for network intrusion detection and prevention using NFV. It was implemented, and it presented reasonable performance. Finally, authors on [14] proposed to detect and mitigate anomalies in SDN, with a statistical approach for detection. A definition of a “normal traffic” profile is the base for the statistical analysis.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Features to select in network traffic

At the packet level, the information can be statistical for the network and related to packet size, variance, root mean square. It is useful to characterize traffic in the network, for example with the Hurst parameter H, used to measure the self-similarity and burstiness (the burstier the traffic, the higher H) [37]. Flow and connection level features are most commonly used in SDN, as we will show below. Examples of each level are presented in Fig. 3.

In the sections below, we will present the surveyed papers and a summary in Table 1.

4.1 General Anomaly Detection

Some studies propose general anomaly detection with ML. For example, in [21, 22], authors present IDS with deep learning techniques applied to SDN environments. Both studies implemented the IDS as a component of the control plane, instead of deployment as an application. The location allows interacting directly through the network hence protect the controller itself. In [21], they presented a general SDN environment with unsupervised learning. The approach is to use an autoencoder, which has two phases (encoder + decoder) to detect and minimize the reconstruction error for each test sample. The development library was Tensorflow although it is not clear what was the used dataset. The second study presents a secure framework for IoT based on SDN with a brief review of the security in SDN architecture, but also presents a ML-based IDS. It uses deep learning with a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM). For simulation, the authors focused on the detection model with Tensorflow, and the dataset used was KDD99. The proposed algorithm showed 94% of accuracy.

Authors in [60] present a proposal for both IDS and an action triggered by it: Moving Target Defense. They created a simulated network to obtain data for the training (about 40,000 packets). For the architecture, they presented a neuro-evolutionary model as a light-weight detector that allows real-time operation. To achieve it, they developed two distinctive detectors, one per each type of attack to identify: DDoS and worm. To combine the detectors, authors use Neuro-evolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT), an approach to neuro-evolution with crossover context.

4.2 Specific Network Scenarios

There are also proposals for specific network scenarios. That is the case of [73] that presents the implementation of ML-based IDS in optical SDN, and [55] that proposes an scenario of Intelligent Transport Networks. The study in [73] starts by surveying the attacks in control plane and categorize them into unauthorized access, data leakage, data modification, denial of service, and security policy misuse. Since the scenario is optical networks, anomaly detection must consider features related to optical links. Examples are average bandwidth usage, frequent source and destination nodes, average route length, and modulation formats. The possible attacks in this type of network include light-path creation, modification, and deletion (all directed to the link-data layer of the OSI model in optical networks). The first detection methods are point-anomaly-based, as a data instance represented by a point is outside a common region of normal behavior. It uses an algorithm created by the authors to calculate a probability. The second is a sequence-anomaly based method where anomalies occur together as a sequence and use an improved cumulative sum approach. For testing, the authors use NSFNET topology with an owned dataset, and the results present an average detection accuracy of 85%.

On the other hand, [55] presents the cross-fire attack in ITS. The attack consists of a large number of compromised nodes that generate coordinated and low-intensity traffic to disconnect victims (hosts or links) from the network. A ML approach is used to classify the coordinated attacks using three deep learning algorithms: (1) Artificial Neural Networks (ANN); (2) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN); and (3) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. The authors created a testbed in mininet [65] to generate a dataset of their own, with increased traffic for the compromised nodes. They later used this dataset to train and test the model. The results proved the efficiency of the proposal with a slight reduction of performance when the speed of the vehicles increases. A highlight from the study is that it presents the training time and it is about 100 seconds for each algorithm. The short time allows the system to be re-trained as necessary.

4.3 Login Attack

From the surveyed papers, we only found one that addresses login attacks in [46]. The proposal includes defining security rules on the SDN controller to identify and block that type of threat. The study presents the feasibility with the use of four ML techniques: C4.5, BayesNet (BN), Decision Table (DT), and Naive-Bayes (NB). The intention is to give the network the ability to act against a chain of attacks from multiple IP addresses used by each attacker. The used features for the models are attacker IP, attacked host, number of attempts in an attack, and timestamp. The study shows that even a small probability of attack should not be ignored and security rules on the SDN controller must be accordingly modified. For experimentation, the “long tail” dataset was used [23].

4.4 DoS, Probe, U2R and R2L

The studies presented in this section address four kinds of attacks: DoS, Probe, User to Root (U2R), and Remote to local (R2L). The common characteristic between all of them is the dataset used: NSL-KDD [13] that classifies the attacks in the aforementioned categories.

In [62], authors proposed the use of deep neural networks to detect anomalies based on six flow-based features regarded as suitable for SDN: duration, protocol_type, src_bytes, dst_bytes, count and srv_count. The authors trained and tested the model, and compared their proposal with other algorithms such as J48, Naive Bayes (NB), NB Tree, Random Forest (RF), Random Tree (RT), Multi-layer Perceptron, and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The paper states the potential of deep learning for the flow-based anomaly detection system. Authors also argue that ML is not fully developed.

In [35], an study of nine ML classifiers with supervised machine learning approaches is presented. They perform tests for accuracy, false alarm rate, precision, recall, f1-measure, the area under the curve (ROC), execution time and Mc Nemar’s test. The tests were made with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction with NN, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), DT, RF, Linear SVM, K Nearest-Neighbour (KNN), NB, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), AdaBoost, RUSBoost, LogitBoost, and BaggingTrees. The results showed that DT, bagging and boosting approaches had better performance than the rest. The selected features were a subset of the features of the dataset, excluding content features.

The same authors proposed in [34] a 5-level hybrid classification system for IDS inspired in the work presented in [9], in a not-SDN network. The paper aims to use flow-statistics provided by the controller to develop a NIDS. The classification methods used are the kNN in the first level, ELM for the second level, and Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machine (H-ELM) for the rest. Each level detects a type of attack using the same features selected in [62]. The system was implemented as a module of POX controller instead of a function of the application plane, for scalability purposes. The approach for selecting these features is the easiness to get them directly from the controller. The results presented showed improved accuracy, compared to other techniques.

Authors in [53] also place their IDS in the control plane. The technique is a meta-heuristic Bayesian network to classify traffic, and the dataset is NSL-KDD. The proposed process includes a phase of feature selection and extraction to optimize the classifier that consists of the fitness evaluation of the extracted features. It is later fed to the Bayesian classifier. The proposed algorithm is compared with seven other approaches and showed the best overall efficiency for the performance measures with a total of 82.99%.

4.5 Distributed Denial of Service Attacks

Although several of the previous studies consider DoS attacks, they are presented as part of a greater range. In this section, we present studies that investigate specifically DDoS attacks for two reasons. The first one is that a large section of studies for IDS focuses on DDoS attacks. Secondly, with the perspective of the Internet of Things (IoT) and recent threats such as Mirai botnet [28] it is worth to consider the attack individually.

In [68], authors present a specific application for anomaly detection using SDN as a solution to solve scalability challenges. The scenario is a Wireless SDN enable E-Health system. The main feature of this type of network is the massive machine-type communications (mMTC) in which human interaction is minimal. The ML technique used is contrastive pessimistic likelihood estimation (CPLE) for semi-supervised operation with offline training. The intention is to perform online testing to allow running localized detection within the devices to avoid the need to frequently collect network traffics at the controller to update the anomaly detection model. The features used for the classifications are the same defined by [62].

In [11], authors provided an overview of the use of ML for IDS in SDN. The study investigates five ML techniques to mitigate intrusion and DDoS attacks (Neural networks, support vector machine, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, Bayesian networks, and decision tree). The authors theoretically analyzed each method and generated a comparison scheme that presents the pros and cons of the techniques. The paper serves as an initial review to select the best approach, according to the needs of the system. However, it does not proposes or test any model.

An analysis of SVM and comparison with other techniques for DDoS detection in SDN is presented in [27]. The paper briefly discussed the types of DDoS attacks and security threats to the controller in SDN. Later, the paper gave four SMV methods and the system description. The 1999 and 1998 DARPA datasets were used for training and testing (about 50/50 ratio), and the technique was compared with RBF, Naive Bayes, Bagging, J48, and Random Forest methods. Accuracy was highest for the proposed SMV with 95%.

In [70], the authors proposed a learning algorithm based on Support Vector Classifier (SVC), leveraged on an Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3) decision tree for feature selection. The model was evaluated in a software testbed with three main components (1) Open vSwitch as a virtual switch, (2) Ryu as the controller, and (3) sFlow Toolkit for data collection. The used dataset is KDD-Cup 1999.

A Dirichlet Process Mixture Model is used in [6], to mitigate DNS-based DDoS attack. Authors used an owned dataset created from the technique to generate them presented in [59].

In [52], authors present an IDS system to identify DDoS attacks. They compare three methods: Naive Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN BEST), and Support vector machine (SVM) with an accuracy of 97%, 83%, and 83%, respectively. The features considered as inputs are the number of Packets, Protocol, Delay, Bandwidth, Source IP, and Destination IP. For testing, they use an owned dataset.

In [24], authors present a proposal to improve resiliency in an SDN network, by detecting DoS attacks, specifically SYN flood attack. For classification, the study shows three different techniques: DT, SVM, and NB. The results presented over 99% accuracy, recall, and precision for DT. Dataset KDD 99 is used in the study with the features source IP address, destination IP address, source port, destination port, and protocol. They are later reduced using PCA.

Authors in [48] present an approach to detect and classify DDoS attacks in a cloud environment. For it, they use a two-stage ensemble learning scheme with multivariate Gaussian and Bayesian techniques. The employed features are src_ip, dst_ip, no_of_packets, spoof_dst_ip, blacklist_ip. Although the study is composed of complementary elements to the ML technique, it does not directly try to secure and SDN. Instead, it defines the steps to protect the cloud infrastructure (Virtual machines, orchestrators, etc.).

The previous works were the application of ML techniques for IDS. However, they do not consider implementation issues within the network. In Sect. 5, we present a set of works classified as “frameworks,” since they include considerations such as collection and mitigation methods.

4.6 Techniques Comparison

Considering the broad spectrum of cyber-security attacks is noteworthy to have just six specific attacks (DoS, DDoS, Probe, U2R, R2L and login). Even though SDN is an innovative paradigm, we could expect every type of known attack used against an SDN. Also, the research community should prepare to deal with new adapted attacks. It is essential to review how to adapt current techniques to detect, mitigate and prevent different attacks in SDN. Several of the attacks already are recognized using ML techniques applied to them in traditional networks.

Table 1. ML techniques proposals for anomaly detection in SDN

Table 1 shows that ML techniques used are very diverse. Most of the papers (9 out of 16) use a single ML technique. The others use at least two methods with one of two approaches: comparison between techniques or combination of them to improve the anomaly detection. Artificial Neural Networks were used in 50% (RBM, NEAT, Generic NN, KNN, ANN, CNN). Another common approach in the reviewed papers is the use of Support Vector Machines. Several articles also presented a Naive Bayes method. However, it was only part of a comparison to other techniques.

Finally, considering feature selection, we found it very diverse. However, in [62] the authors presented a set of six features that were used in four studies, regarded as suitable for SDN. On the other cases, the technique or definition of the features to be included in the ML model was independently selected.

5 IDS Frameworks for SDN

The implementation of the ML techniques for IDS needs to consider articulation with the network environment. That is, define how to collect the data for analysis, as well as mechanisms to activate in case of anomaly detection. For collection, we found three main sources of data to feed the ML model: (1) Statistic collection with OF methods [8, 36, 38], (2) Getting a copy of the flow table from the switches [45], and (3) With packet-in messages [20, 63, 67].

Regarding the mitigation, the typical method is to define a module at the control plane (next to the controller) or a dedicated application in the application plane that affects the OF tables of the switches.

In the paragraphs below, we will present the frameworks found in the survey and their main considerations, in contrast to the previous section (studies of the single ML model). The studies are organized regarding the collection method.

5.1 Frameworks Description

Authors in [8] present a system that applies Machine Learning (ML) classification algorithms to detect DDoS attacks. They also propose two defense mechanism for specific SDN attacks: miss-behavior attack and new-flow attack. The first refers to the attack directed to a target using an existing, validated flow. The second exploits the packet-in vulnerability to create a DoS attack. Both are statistical-analysis based. Regarding the DDoS detection mechanism, the system uses a ranker algorithm, a genetic algorithm, and a greedy algorithm for feature selection and Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) for classification. The achieved accuracy is 99.40%.

OF statistics are also used in [38] with a 5G scenario implemented with SDN. The study presents Random Forest classifier for feature selection and combines k-means++ with Adaboost for flow classification. The former creates two clusters, which most probably represent the normal and abnormal instances and the later further partition the anomaly clusters into four main classes of attacks. The techniques are part of a complete architecture for ML-based IDS within the SDN scheme. It includes modules in each plane of SDN to allow the collection of data and mitigation action. The ML techniques used are varied and does not evaluate the classification algorithms, but the combination of them with the feature selection techniques. The combinations in the study are RF-KA, RF-GDBT, RF-DT, RF-SVM, Tree-KA, Fisher-KA, and ReliefF-KA. The study presents an analysis of these combinations in an environment that balance the attacks (over-sample the minority intrusion such as R2L, and under-sample the majority intrusions such as DDoS). For evaluation, the study uses KDD-Cup 1999 [66]. Two relevant conclusions from the study are: (1) Feature selection is critical for better accuracy and lower false rate; and (2) The sampling technique could improve the detection accuracy of minority intrusions dramatically while maintains a reasonable detection rate of the majority ones.

In [36], authors present a framework to use ML for IDS. They propose a NIDS over SDN architecture in which the packets from the switches are captured on a computer with many network cards that act as OpenFlow vSwitch. It sends the Ethernet packet to a Feature Extractor module that analyzes them and extracts 25 features, depending on the transport protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP). Later the C4.5 algorithm classifies packets for malicious activity. For testing, the authors used the 1999 Darpa dataset [39], and they showed detection of DoS and Probe attacks at high precision. They also proposed and tested a network topology to generate real traffic.

The second type of collection method is to obtain flows from the data plane, using the forwarding.l2_learning Method provided by POX. The technique is used by [45] in combination with an unsupervised RBM algorithm with 92% accuracy. The training method is based on Contrastive Divergence (CD), and the features used for the model are flow-level, and connection-level: total number of packets transmitted (ToP), the ratio of source and destination bytes (RoSD), and connection duration time (CT).

Another technique to collect data is the use of packet-in messages of OF. The method is proposed as part of the framework DaMask in [67]. Even though it is presented as DDoS detection, the study does not present the ML detection technique. According to that, the architecture could be implemented in other types of attacks. The primary goal is to apply DaMask to a cloud computing environment from an enterprise view, which is inherently different than a network. The identified differences are: (1) Control of the computational resources are out of hands of the defender (provider’s responsibility); (2) Fast and straightforward resource allocation generates constant topology changes to adapt to; and (3) Network resources are shared with all other users of the cloud, which requires separation mechanisms not considered in traditional DDoS. To answer the requirements, the authors created a three-layer framework (one per each plane in SDN). The system has two main modules (attack detection and attack mitigation) at the application level. For feature selection, they used the Chow–Liu algorithm, and the attack detection is made with a graphical model. The testing was done with the UNB ISCX [59] dataset. As a result of the evaluation, the authors concluded the proposed framework requires little effort from the provider for implementation.

Packet-in detection as a collection method is also used in [20], in combination with a neural network for detection of DDoS attacks. The solution consists of four mechanisms: attack detection trigger, attack detection, attack traceback, and attack mitigation. The study of the detection trigger (when to start the detection process) and traceback (find the source of the attack) are differentiators for this proposal. Similarly to other proposals, [63, 67] the authors selected an abnormal detection of packet-in messages as a trigger to start the detection mechanism (Backpropagation neural network BPNN). It has one input layer (five neurons), one hidden layer (ten neurons) and one output layer (one neuron). On the other hand, the backtracking mechanism seeks for the path followed by the malicious flow by marking the switches, which allows identifying the source. The mitigation method creates new flow entries with the highest priority to drop the traffic directed to the target, and use OpenFlow modification message to clean the flow tables. The study presents the results based on the performance of the detection trigger but not the BPNN classification.

Finally, authors in [63] also use packet-in detection as a collection method and present a Gated Recurrent Unit Recurrent Neural Network as part of a framework for IDS. The detector is implemented as part of the control plane, next to the controller. For this case, the feature srv_count is changed for the dst_host_same_src_port_rate, although they used the same features and dataset of their previous work [62]. The proposal presented low processing impact on the controller and a detection rate of 89%.

5.2 Frameworks Comparison

In Table 2 we present the surveyed frameworks. Only seven (7) out of the studied papers, presented a complete framework to implement in a network. The elements identified in these papers to classify them as frameworks are the description of collection and mitigation methods. They are applied before and after the detection mechanism and provide a clear architecture to deploy the solution in a functioning network.

We identify three types of collection methods: OF statistics, database copy with forwarding.l2-learning command, and packet-in. All of the methods are based on OF possibilities. However, there is diversity in SDN implementation, and it is essential to define other alternatives for other scenarios. An appealing option is sFlow [4], a monitoring tool for packet sampling with an analysis module.

Table 2. Framework proposals to use ML in anomaly detection in SDN

For mitigation, papers [36, 45] do not provide a proposal. Frameworks [8, 20, 38, 63] base their technique on the use of OF, with table modification on the data plane. The proposals consider an additional module in the controller to handle the changes.

However, the proposal in [67], DaMask, presents an architecture in which the mitigation is located on the application layer of SDN. That approach would allow some flexibility for the deployment of the design.

6 Complementary Proposals, Datasets and Testbeds

To identify open research problems, as well as the primary tools, we present in this section other ML studies related to security, datasets used from the surveyed studies and used testbeds in the cases a network simulation or emulation was created, that is only for the frameworks.

6.1 Other ML Studies Related to Security

Additional to the use of ML for IDS, we identify other studies to consider. On the first place, we recognize the issue related to adversarial machine learning, which was addressed by Nguyen in [49]. The author presented a cyber kill-chain directed to attack machine learning models. The study provides an analysis of the current use of ML in SDN security as well as attacks directed to ML models such as equation-solving, model inversion, pathfinding, and others. It then presents the cyber kill chain, composed of seven steps: (1) Recon; (2) Weaponization; (3) Delivery; (4) Exploitation; (5) Installation; (6) Command and control; and (7) Action. The paper concludes with four recommendations to use ML in network security: (1) Invest time and effort in the threat models while designing ML solutions; (2) Make the ML model auditable; (3) Follow a secure development process; and (4) Produce an initial operational cost model.

An open, available implementation of ML techniques for IDS is [1]. Authors in [41] perform tests on the platform and concluded that the ML algorithm a large training dataset to reduce the false positives. They also present the possibility to create poisoning attacks to cause miss-classifications.

Additionally, it is important to identify tools that could be used in the analysis of traffic. Studies such as [10, 12, 25, 54, 69] present ML-based traffic classifiers to identify applications or flow features in different SDN scenarios. Although the proposals are not specific for security, they might leverage the implementation of security applications.

6.2 Datasets and Testbeds

Regarding datasets, from Tables 2 and 1, we identify a total of six public datasets used on the studies. In Table 3 we present the available datasets (items 1 to 6) and also a type that was created by the researches (item 7). The last two columns of the table indicate how many studies use a particular dataset for Type 1 studies (Sects. 4.1 to 4.5), and the second represents Type 2 studies (frameworks presented in Sect. 5).

Table 3. Datasets used for ML-based IDS in SDN

It is noteworthy that most of the studies use similar datasets, which could cause the same bias issues in the models. Twelve studies use the KDD-Cup 1999 and NSL-KDD datasets that are 20 and 10 years old respectively. Even though they are used extensively in the research community, it is crucial to consider that attacks become more and more sophisticated every day. Besides the owned datasets, LongTail is the newest, but a single study uses it.

Regarding the datasets generated by the authors (classified as owned), standard tools are Mininet, Scapy [5], Distributed Internet TrafficGenerator (D-ITG) and the DDoS attack tool TFN2K.

A common approach for creating datasets is to use the guide provided in [59]. The study presents a systematic approach to develop datasets although it is not focused on SDN.

A more modern methodology is presented in [51]. The paper describes a controlled environment to experiment and create datasets for training supervised ML components and validate supervised and unsupervised solutions. The intention is to fill two gaps: (1) The need for threat data generation; and (2) Lack of new datasets to design, train and validate ML models, instead of the old, overused dataset. That is the case of the NSL-KDD. The proposal is an application of NFV/SDN than ML. It presents, however, the possibility to obtain data to be used in these type of systems.

Table 4. Testbeds used for ML-based IDS in SDN

On the other hand, for testing of the complete frameworks, the most common tools was Mininet. Authors also used Open VSwitch [3], and Cbench [2] for emulation, as well as network implementation in the case of [36]. Authors in [36], used public cloud environment AWS EC2 in combination of an emulated private cloud.

We present the description of each testbed in Table 4.

7 Conclusion

We present the state of the art of ML-based SDN security proposals. The classification into ML techniques and frameworks allows identifying that very few attacks are being studied in this context. Considering the broad spectrum of cyber-security, there should be more work on different kind of attacks. Additionally, most of the proposals do not include collection techniques to feed the ML model, or mitigation methods to act after detection. There is a need to define specific schemes to implement the ML techniques in SDN. We also identify the need to use updated and SDN-specific datasets that allow creating models to fit actual networks and current attacks. Finally, we present the typical testbeds for the proposals that include network implementation, where there is no implementation on any operative network. This survey allows scholars to find out new research directions that address open problems in SDN security at different levels. There are also opportunities to involve ML techniques to solve such problems.

We also show in this paper that the use of ML techniques in SDN scenarios is an interesting topic for the research community. However, some aspects receive little attention and could be studied further. One key finding is related to the absence of enough open datasets that can be used to compare new methods. From the networking perspective, there is a lack of a comprehensive attack detection that considers a broad spectrum.

As future work, we want to extend the analysis of the ML techniques used in the reviewed papers with a more detailed study.