
1 Introduction

Performance and stability issues are a common reason why software needs refactoring. However, due to the variety of possible causes for performance and stability issues, finding appropriate refactorings is a complicated task. To tackle this problem, antipattern detection as well as measurement-based performance engineering have been proposed. Antipattern detection is a static analysis that aims at detecting code flaws and violations against good practice [22]. While antipattern detection often succeeds in detecting critical code sections that cause performance bottlenecks, it tends to yield a great number of proposed refactorings of which only a very small fraction can be considered relevant for performance. To resolve all proposed issues is therefore neither efficient nor feasible. Additionally, a bad performing piece of code that gets only rarely called usually is not the cause of severe performance problems. Measurement-based performance engineering relies on dynamic analysis techniques that are applied when the program under development is running [37]. Those analyses generate huge amounts of heterogeneous data like response times, function call durations, stack traces, memory footprints or hardware counters. To find the important chunks of information that help solving performance issues takes time and also requires skill and experience. Hence, manually searching for an appropriate refactoring is an expensive task.

This paper is an extended version of [25]. There, we have presented a novel approach for the automated selection of refactorings that are promising candidates to improve performance. In this paper, we provide the following extensions compared to [25]: First, we discuss not only performance, but also antipatterns and refactorings that concern the stability of a program. Second, we have added a more extensive discussion of the antipatterns considered in our rating tool, and justified the decision for the antipattern detection tool PMD [6]. Third, we have added a section about the implementation of our rating tool. Fourth and finally, we have added a more detailed discussion of our experimental results. The key idea of our approach is to use both static and dynamic analyses and combine the results to generate a heuristics that determines those refactorings that are most promising with respect to performance. The major contributions are twofold: First, to quantify the expected effect of a refactoring, we present a novel rating function that incorporates the analysis data from both static and dynamic analysis, and thus enables us to heuristically assess the effectiveness of concrete refactorings. The output is a list of proposed refactorings sorted by their potential to yield a strong positive effect on performance, together with a list of refactorings that may improve stability. The reasoning behind our heuristics is to assess which portions of source code get executed frequently, such that a refactoring there pays off more than anywhere else. We combine this with a factor that provides an estimate for the general effectiveness of a given refactoring, independent of its position in the code. Second, we present an evaluation of the general effectiveness of a given set of refactorings that are generally assumed to improve performance, independent of their use in a concrete program. To achieve this, we have implemented micro benchmarks and measured their effectiveness with respect to the execution time and memory consumption. We use the results from our micro benchmarks together with static and dynamic code properties in our ranking function to provide a heuristics that automatically assesses the expected effect of a concrete refactoring in a given program.

To demonstrate the practical applicability of our approach, we present the results from two experiments. In the first experiment, we have intentionally manipulated a given example program such that it contains typical antipatterns and investigate the impact on performance and how high the rule violations are rated by our heuristics. In the second experiment, we apply our rating function to a given program, implement the top rated refactorings and examine the performance improvement.

The rest of this paper is structured as follows: In Sect. 2, we introduce the preliminaries that are necessary to understand the remainder of this paper. In Sect. 3, we discuss related work. In Sect. 4, we present our approach for the automated selection of refactorings. In Sect. 5, we briefly discuss our implementation of the rating tool and micro benchmarks, and we present micro benchmark results as well as our case studies and experimental results. We conclude in Sect. 6.

2 Background

In this section, we introduce the preliminaries that are necessary to understand the remainder of this paper, namely software performance, stability, antipatterns and refactorings.

2.1 Performance

In the field of software, the notion of performance comprises multiple run time aspects [30], all of them classified as non-functional properties. In this paper, we focus on execution time as measure for performance. In a complex software system with multiple components, execution times of single services sum up to the overall execution time.

Performance plays an important role in every software. This is not necessarily apparent as long as the performance is sufficient, e.g. due to modern CPUs, high speed connections or efficient operating systems. From a users perspective, sufficient performance often is taken for granted and is barely noticed, but a lack of performance jeopardizes the success of an application as users become frustrated and search for alternatives. In the case of simulation software, performance sets boundaries to the level of detail or other functional aspects of a simulation because too complex calculations might literally never finish.

To measure the execution time of a software technically no more than a subtraction of two timestamps is necessary. However, a lack of accuracy of the hardware or operating system that takes the timestamps may be a problem. Because it is not possible to increase the time measurement accuracy a common work-around is the utilization of performance benchmarks.

2.2 Stability

The term software stability refers to either absence of failures or consistency of source code over time [10, 31]. In this paper, we use the former definition and when speaking of a stable software we think of a program that does not crash or erroneously abort user actions, that does not require restarts due to increasing memory consumption or illegal states, and that can handle any possible input in a reasonable manner. A lack of stability results from bugs or design flaws in any part of the software system.

Stability plays a comparatively important role as performance and is likewise taken for granted by users. A software that frequently crashes and perhaps even looses data is frustrating and can cause great damage. Therefore, an unreliable software should not be used in a production environment.

To measure the stability of software is a difficult task especially in complex programs. Common metrics are the number of failures in a time period and time between failures [24]. The technical measurements is complicated since the most appropriate time unit is CPU time, which is hard to take at an arbitrary moment when a failure occurs. Furthermore, to carry out a measurement, the software under test must be used for a representative time under realistic conditions in order to obtain valid statistics. However, there exist methods that we can make use of to detect potential threats to stability in the source code of a program.

2.3 Software Antipatterns

Software design patterns describe good solutions to recurring problems in an abstract and reusable way. A software antipattern is very similar, only that it describes a bad, unfavored solution [21]. The motivation to write those down is to prevent their use and to provide appropriate refactorings into better designs. An example for an antipattern described in [32] is The Ramp, where tasks have an increasing execution time due to a growing list that has to be searched but is never cleaned up.

figure a

Performance antipatterns are the class of patterns that lead to bad performance. As an example for a performance antipattern in the programming language Java, consider Listing 1.1. In this example, strings are concatenated with the ‘+’ operator. The reason why using the + operator as shown is considered an antipattern is based on the internal implementation in Java. The + operator is natively overloaded for String, although in Java operator overloading in general is not possible. However, this piece of syntactic sugar brings along a disadvantage concerning performance. Because objects of String are immutable, the additional characters cannot simply be appended. Instead, internally a Java StringBuilder object is allocated, concatenates the strings in its char buffer and returns the new immutable string. If such procedure is repeated in a loop as shown in Listing 1.1, each iteration allocates and dismisses a StringBuilder and an intermediate string. It is veiled from the programmer that there lies an inefficiency in the simple + syntax. The example demonstrates the low degree of complexity of the antipatterns we deal with. Refactorings for this kind of antipattern are often relatively simple as well. Also, they are mostly predetermined and barely a subject to situational alternation.

2.4 Software Refactorings

A software refactoring is a change in source code that keeps the external behavior of a software unaffected but yet improves the internal design or other non-functional properties [13]. Examples for refactorings are splitting up large classes into multiple units, increasing encapsulation of classes or replacing inefficient operations. Refactoring is a structured process with specified steps and a defined goal. For many situations there is a refactoring that describes a sequence of steps and things to take care of in order to achieve a certain goal, which is better code. Due to the structured procedure, refactorings are an elegant way of improving software, in contrast to uncoordinatedly changing something in the code.

A refactoring may be a large scale operation that affects several units and takes much effort to fully implement. In this paper, we focus on micro refactorings [26], which affect only a few lines of code and are realizable in a short time or even automatically. Concerning performance, micro refactorings can have noticeable benefits, especially in often called functions or inside frequently executed loops. Therefore, micro refactorings have the potential of an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

The proposed performance refactoring for the example in Listing 1.1 is to allocate only one StringBuilder outside the loop and use it instead of the + operator, such that no temporary objects accumulate.

3 Related Work

In [33, 34], the authors present approaches to automatically detect software design patterns based on static information extracted from Java bytecode. The model uses a directed graph representation of the class diagram and utilizes matrices to calculate similarities between modeled design patterns and the software. The approach is extended to distinguish between design patterns with a similar structure in [34]. By taking the version history into account the source code before the introduction of the design pattern is inspected for code smells. Depending on the formerly present smells the correct design pattern is determined. However, they focus on the detection of classical design patterns [14] and are not concerned with their effect on performance. It is also possible to detect patterns in source code with formal methods as suggested in [36]. There, the authors examine class relations in a formal concept analysis to detect repeating patterns without the need of prior pattern knowledge. The analysis is expensive, though, and is not feasible for a large code base. Additionally, the impact of the detected patterns on performance is not considered.

According to the survey on design pattern detection presented in [29], the majority of published approaches combines structural and behavioral analyses of the software. Although behavioral analyses are not necessarily implemented as dynamic analyses, for example, the approach introduced in [20] uses static and dynamic analyses similar to how we use them: The static analysis provides a set of design pattern candidates, which is narrowed down in a dynamic analysis. For each design pattern they prepare a set of rules concerning the interaction of classes and discard every candidate that violates any of the rules. Slightly different is the approach of building call graphs during the dynamic analysis as presented in [35]. The authors search both abstract syntax graphs and call graphs for design patterns and rate each candidate. The combination of both ratings helps to determine actual design patterns. Although both approaches combine static and dynamic analyses, they again only detect patterns and are not concerned with their effect on performance.

In [4], the authors detect design patterns in a graph representation according to a meta model specifically designed for this purpose. They develop a domain specific language that allows precise definitions of patterns with inheritance between them to ease the creation of variants. They achieve a high detection precision but again, they are not concerned with the effect on performance.

An approach to detect performance antipatterns and suggest refactorings is proposed in [1, 2]. However, they work on software architectural models, and propose refactorings within the model, possibly even before the software is implemented, while we focus on implementations.

In [7], the authors achieve a rating of performance antipatterns based on their so called guiltiness. The algorithm that calculates the guiltiness requires a complete set of antipatterns and the set of performance requirements for the system as input. Each antipattern and requirement is associated to one or more system entities, e.g. a processor. Depending on to what extend a requirement is not fulfilled the associated system entities spread the guilt among all their associated antipatterns while taking into account the antipattern’s estimated impact on the respective system entity. Although this approach succeeds in selecting the most effective performance antipatterns, it requires an expensive modeling step to capture the component model, as the software needs to be transformed into a Palladio Component Model (PCM) [3] to carry out the antipattern detection and a performance assessment, which is necessary to estimate an antipattern’s impact.

In [8], the authors propose assembly code optimization by means of static antipattern detection and dynamic value profiling. They use a knowledge database for assembly antipatterns that have shown bad performance in micro benchmarks and attempt to find those with a static analyzer. The dynamic analysis benefits from very low instrumentation cost on the assembly level and captures data like cache miss rate. Although this approach is closely related to ours in many ways, e.g. the focus on micro refactorings, it utilizes the dynamic analysis as independent addition instead of combining its yield with the results from static analyses, and it does not target a high-level programming language, which is often preferrable for software evolution and maintenance.

In [23], the authors present a machine learning system that examines execution traces of the software under test and calculates new input values for the next execution that are most promising to uncover a performance bottleneck. Finally, an analysis of the captured execution traces is carried out and a ranked list with presumed performance bottlenecks is compiled. Even though in our approach we utilize very different techniques, the result, namely an ordered list of specific performance issues, is similar. However, they do not automatically propose a solution to the detected performance issue.

In [11], the authors use supervised learning to train a model that finds antipatterns and rates their severity. This relieves them from the necessity to formalize the antipatterns in order to perform the detection. However, they rely on external detection algorithms to support the generation of training data, which is tedious work. Additionally, they do not focus on performance and therefore propose no measure to determine the impact of antipatterns on performance.

To the best of our knowledge, no existing approach enables the automatic selection of refactorings that are most promising to increase performance.

4 Automated Selection of Refactorings

Static code analyses for antipattern detection issue too many alleged defects in a not prioritized fashion, rendering the information hard to work with efficiently. Dynamic software analyses, on the other hand, yield a lot of heterogeneous data which is not easy to interpret and will not directly lead to a refactoring proposition in the source code. Apparently, both techniques have their individual disadvantages.

To overcome these problems, we propose an approach for the automated selection of refactorings that utilizes software properties determined by both static code analyses and dynamic software analyses. By combining the best out of both worlds into one heuristics, we compile a list of concrete refactorings sorted by their assessed potential to improve performance and stability.

Our key idea is that with the help of dynamically retrieved runtime information we rank statically detected antipatterns by their importance regarding the expected impact on performance and stability. By connecting runtime data with specific antipatterns in the code, we derive a precise recommendation which refactorings are most promising to improve the performance and stability.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Automated selection approach [25].

Figure 1 shows our overall approach. In the top left, a static analysis takes the software source code and a set of antipattern detection rules as input to produce an unordered list of antipatterns, e.g. the undesired use of the ‘+’ operator. In the bottom left, a dynamic analysis examines the software while it is executed in its runtime environment consuming some input data. Various performance measures are the output of this process, e.g. the execution time. In the final step, we introduce a rating function, which uses the dynamic performance measures together with a factor that measures the general effectiveness of a given refactoring to assign a severity value to each statically detected antipattern. As a result, we get an ordered list where the top entries represent the antipatterns along with their proposed refactorings that have the highest potential of improving performance. Thus, there is no more need to manually handle neither the performance measures nor the huge amount of antipatterns. Instead, it is possible to deal with the most promising refactorings and defer the revision of the others.

Concerning stability antipatterns, making up a meaningful order by means of dynamic analysis results is hardly possible. The certainty that a specific antipattern may cause severe stability issues does not necessarily mean that a specific occurrence causes any harm. None of the available measures seems appropriate to make a profound and reliable assessment of severity. Additionally, stability is not measurable like performance. It is much harder to say if an improvement set in after a couple of refactorings, in order to evaluate the quality of an antipattern selection process. Values like downtime of a server application or failure rate cannot easily be measured in a micro benchmark. For these reasons, we separate stability antipatterns from the others and put them into an individual list where no particular order is assumed.

To realize our goal of automatically selecting refactorings, there are multiple challenges to face. The large amount of static detection rules has to be checked for those which may have a positive effect on performance or stability. The many different available runtime parameters have to be evaluated in consultation with an experienced performance engineer in order to find those that point to potential performance leaks. Finally, we aim at defining a parameterized rating function that is capable of melting all information into one value to allow sorting between the statically detected antipatterns.

4.1 Assumptions and Requirements

Our approach is applicable to all kinds of programming languages for which the corresponding static and dynamic analyses are available. There are, however, differences in how complicated it is to obtain runtime information and how many sophisticated tools there are for a certain technology. Thus, for practical reasons, we decide to tailor our approach to the widely used programming language Java.

Our approach relies on finding antipatterns with a static analysis and therefore is limited to what can be found this way. To be able to analyze even large code bases we are restricted to detection tools that are very fast. Characteristic for antipatterns found by those tools is that they are relatively simple and often concern only a single operation that is empirically known to be less efficient than some other operation, e.g. the + operator that concatenates strings. Significant savings are expected especially if antipatterns occur in loops or frequently called functions. Note that more complex causes for performance issues, like memory leaks, inefficient or unnecessarily large database requests or too frequent remote service calls, are hardly detectable by a static analyses in a fail-safe fashion. Expensive techniques, e.g. symbolic execution, would be required, but they still cover only a small part of the considered domain. Additionally, a high rate of false positives must be prevented because the acceptance of a tool and the confidence in its well-functioning would diminish rapidly.

Considering this, we expect our approach to work best for applications where the same source code is executed very often and thus the achievable performance improvement of refactoring antipatterns is high. This decisive criterion is assumed to hold for large business applications, e.g. server software or micro services that get thousands of similar request a second. Nevertheless, our approach works for other software as well, just with smaller performance gains.

Note that for the static antipattern detection, we require access to the source code, while for the dynamic analysis a runtime environment, and realistic input data must be available.

4.2 Rating Criteria

We aim at ordering the detected performance antipatterns according to their severity, i.e., their potential of improving performance. To achieve this, we determine some rating criteria. Those may be either static properties, e.g., the location in the source code where an antipattern is detected together with its loop depth, or properties that can be obtained through dynamic analysis, e.g., the execution time and frequency of the surrounding method.

Static Properties. The core of our static analysis is the static antipattern detection, which provides a list of antipatterns together with their location in the code. As an additional static property we use the loop depth at the corresponding program location as a rating criterion, i.e. within how many layers of loops a specific antipattern is nested. We choose this property because source code within loops has the potential of being executed very often. If an antipattern represents an inefficiency, the many repeated executions give it a higher impact on performance and therefore it is more important to refactor.

Note that we do not use the actual amount of executions of a loop or the nesting depth of a given antipattern. To determine the actual amount of executions of a loop for arbitrary inputs is an undecidable problem, thus we cannot use this information as rating criterion. How deep an antipattern is nested in arbitrary control flow structures, i.e., the nesting depth, is easy to determine. One could argue that source code within, e.g., an if-statement is executed less often. However, we have no evidence that control flow structures other than loops form a reliable correlation that can be used as basis for a rating.

Runtime Properties. An important runtime property is the total execution time of a method. It is defined as the sum of all execution times of a method in a given program run. Therefore, it gives an impression on how much time the program spends in a specific method. The time spent in subroutines is counted towards the respective subroutine but not the calling method. Thereby, we get a correlation between the time spent and a very limited number of code lines. A high total execution time indicates that either some very expensive operations are performed or the number of executions must be high, e.g. due to a loop. In the second case an antipattern in this method has a higher impact on performance.

Another interesting property is the call count, i.e. how often a method is called during runtime. Using the same reasoning as above, we consider antipatterns in frequently called methods to have a higher impact on performance.

The third runtime property is the memory consumption of a method. To capture the memory consumption of a given method in Java, we use the suspension count. As Java is a memory-managed language, the garbage collector suspends the currently executed method from time to time. The suspension count tells how often the garbage collector suspended a certain method to perform a collection. We choose this property as indicator for high memory consumption with the reasoning that if a method suffers suspensions disproportionately often, it probably allocates a lot of memory. The claimed correlation is based on the assumption that a garbage collection takes place whenever all memory is used up, which statistically happens more often in allocation intensive methods. Although different implementations of garbage collectors behave very differently in many ways, the assumption that more suspensions by the garbage collector indicate a higher memory consumption presumably holds. Note that for many other languages there exist profiling tools like Google’s gperftools for C or the Memory Profiler for Python, which report the memory consumption of each method in a given program. Our rating function can easily be adapted to include these measures instead of the suspension count.

A runtime property that we leave out is the increase of execution time under increasing load. If a method takes significantly more time just because the system is under load, this indicates that the method contains some operation that impairs the performance. Often, the problem is about waiting time that is spent e.g. for synchronization between multiple threads [16]. We still do not consider this property for two reasons. First, none of our antipatterns causes waiting times. Second, measuring the increase of execution time under increasing load in a completely automated fashion is very complicated, e.g., because a dedicated testing environment for the measured software is required. For the same reasons we do not utilize synchronization and waiting times. Neither do we consider the API breakdown, because the information which component takes the most time is not detailed enough to form a connection with specific antipattern occurrences.

Antipattern Properties. As a further important rating criterion, we use the properties of the antipattern itself. We expect some antipatterns to bring high performance gains through refactoring while others yield only small improvements. To assess the general effectiveness of a given set of refactorings, we have implemented a micro benchmark for each class of antipattern and its refactored counterpart in a before-afterwards fashion (cf. Sect. 5). In doing so, we evaluate the effectiveness of each refactoring and thus can derive meaningful weights for our rating function.

Note that we have the choice to utilize either the relative improvement after the refactoring or the absolute improvement. As we are mostly interested in a positive effect on the performance of the whole software it makes sense to consider the absolute gain. The relative improvement is only of limited meaning because an operation that takes quasi no time has few saving potential even if it can be made faster by a factor of 50. Therefore, we select the absolute effectiveness of refactorings as rating criterion.

4.3 Rating Function

Our final goal is to provide a heuristics for the prioritization and selection of antipatterns regarding their negative impact on performance for a given program. To achieve this, we present a novel rating function that can be used as a heuristics to estimate the severity of a detected antipattern in terms of the expected effect of refactoring the antipattern on performance. Note that our rating function does not rank stability antipatterns, but adds the corresponding refactorings to the recommended refactorings in an unsorted list. Our rating function is based on the various criteria discussed above and forms the heart of innovation in our approach as it actually combines the statically and dynamically obtained data.

We define our rating function, which determines the expected effectiveness of refactoring a given antipattern AP, as follows:

figure b

where \(exec\) is the total execution time, \(susp\) the suspension count, \(calls\) the call count, \(loop\) the loop depth, \(f_{t,AP}\) an antipattern time factor and \(f_{m,AP}\) an antipattern memory factor. The antipattern time and memory factors \(f_{t,AP}\) and \(f_{m,AP}\) capture the general effectiveness of refactoring the antipattern AP. We have determined these factors using micro benchmarks. The idea behind this is as follows: If the execution time of a single piece of code only consisting of a given antipattern can be reduced by a factor of 10 using the proposed refactoring for this antipattern, we assess the general effectiveness of this refactorings to have a time factor of \(f_{t,AP} = 10\). If, for the same experiment, the memory consumption is reduced to 50%, the memory factor of this refactoring is \(f_{m,AP} = 2\). We describe our micro benchmarks to determine the time and memory factors for a given set of antipatterns in Sect. 5 and present the resulting factors in Table 3. To fine-tune our rating function, we introduce the weighting factors \(b\) and \(\beta \), where \(b\) weights the relative relevance of the loop depth compared to the call count, and \(\beta \) the relative relevance of memory consumption compared to the execution time. The user can use these factors to adjust the rating function to her need, emphasizing the importance of the loop depth compared to the call count by raising \(b\), or putting additional importance on memory consumption compared to the execution time by increasing \(\beta \).

The ratio behind our rating function is to identify antipatterns that are at locations in the source code that are executed very often. Refactorings at those locations have a larger potential of improving performance than elsewhere and should receive a higher rating. If, e.g., the execution time of a method is high, it is probable that this method is either called very often or contains a loop with many runs. If an antipattern is located in such a method with a high call count, we assume that it is executed often. Consequently, in this case the term \(exec \cdot calls\) becomes large and leads to a higher rating. If on the other hand the call count is low but the antipattern lives within a loop, we likewise assume many executions. This time the term \(exec \cdot loop\) becomes large and again leads to a higher rating. When merged together under the premise that either of the two cases should result in a higher rating, we get the term \(exec \cdot (calls + b \cdot loop)\) in the rating function. The weighting factor \(b\) can be used to normalize the loop depth with respect to the call count (the loop depth is typically between 0 and 4, while the call count has much larger numbers), and to express a domain- or application-specific relevance of loop depth and call count. In applications or domains where the loop depth is not expected to significantly influence the performance, \(b\) can be reduced, and vice versa. The antipattern time factor \(f_{t,AP}\) gives an estimate for the general impact of the antipattern on execution time and is therefore multiplied. Altogether, this yields the first summand of the rating function.

The derivation of the second summand is very similar. For methods that get frequently suspended for garbage collection we assume a higher memory consumption. This leads to the term \(susp \cdot (calls + b \cdot loop)\). We again multiply with the antipattern memory factor \(f_{m,AP}\) to take the general impact of the antipattern on memory consumption into account. A particularity of the suspension count is that for most methods it simply is zero, since overall garbage collection kicks in relatively seldom. Because we do not want to zero out the whole impact on memory, we add the constant one and get \((susp + 1)\).

Finally, we put together the two terms, each representing an independent indication of a high impact on performance. Since execution times can easily grow large while the suspension count keeps low, the weighting factor \(\beta \) should be used to align the magnitude. In addition, the software developer can increase \(\beta \) to search for refactorings that are promising to reduce the memory consumption, and decrease \(\beta \) to focus on refactorings that are promising to reduce the overall execution time. Note that in \((\beta \cdot susp + 1)\) the constant one is not scaled by \(\beta \). The reasoning is that in case of zero suspensions the summand should have little influence and only break the tie between otherwise similarly rated antipatterns. If scaled, the second summand could grow significantly large, although the suspension count is zero and there actually is no evidence for a high memory consumption.

4.4 Weight Determination

To normalize the loop depth with respect to the call count and the memory suspensions with respect to the execution time, we determine initial values of the weighting factors \(b\) and \(\beta \). As mentioned above, they can be adjusted to fine-tune the ranking function to certain domains or to a desired performance goal.

The weighting factor \(b\) defines the relation between call count and loop depth. To scale the loop depth range of 0 to 4 such that it matches the magnitude of call counts common for the current antipattern selection process, we choose

$$\begin{aligned} b = \frac{1}{N_m} \sum _{methods} calls \end{aligned}$$

with \(N_m\) as the number of methods. In other words, we choose \(b\) such that it equals the average call count of a method. In our experiments, the call count average is a multiple of the median. Thus, the loop depth has an adequate effect on the antipatterns rating but the extreme call counts still surpass the loop depth in effect. Note that \(b\) has to be calculated once in an antipattern selection process.

The weighting factor \(\beta \) defines the relation between execution time and suspension count:

$$ \beta = \alpha \cdot \frac{\sum \limits _{methods}exec}{ \sum \limits _{methods} susp} $$

In other words, \(\beta \) equals the total execution time divided by the total suspension count. The idea is to calculate the average of how much time corresponds to one suspension and scale the suspension count accordingly. The factor \(\alpha \) can be used to reduce the suspension counts influence because it is suspected to be less reliable and accurate than the execution time, as the numbers generally are very low and a proper statistical distribution sets in very late. In our experiments, we use \(\alpha = 0.2\). The weighting factor \(\beta \) has to be calculated once per antipattern selection process.

4.5 Selection of Detection Tools and Rules

In this subsection, we justify our decision for the tool we use for the antipattern detection and how we select the detection rules.

As stated above, the common tools for static analysis of Java source code that are available for selection are PMD, Checkstyle and FindBugs [22]. They are freely accessible and come each with a predefined list of detection rules.

An important difference between the tools are their respective lists of predefined rules. To get an overview, we thoroughly inspected the several hundred rules with their descriptions and examples. Finally, we come to the conclusion that PMD is suited best for our purpose. Compared to the others, it has the most rules for performance antipatterns and a fair amount of stability rules.

Checkstyle has a stronger focus on coding style and an overall smaller set of rules. It offers hardly any performance or stability antipattern detection rule that PMD does not offer. Therefore its additional use would not be very beneficial for our cause.

FindBugs does not work with source code but with Java byte code and therefore requires Java class files to operate. Its focus mostly is, like the name suggests, finding bugs and not detecting performance antipatterns. Regardless, it has a rules section dedicated to performance. But still, those rules do not add much new to what we get from PMD. Moreover, the mentioned rules concern only very specific inefficiencies and we estimate the potential to really improve performance to be relatively low.

Based on the inspection of all PMD rules we compose two subsets. One set focuses on performance and the other on stability. This first selection is performed only on the textual documentation of the rules [27]. It is notable that most of the more than 150 rules do not concern performance or stability issues. However, there actually is one category called Optimization. But not all performance relevant rules are in there. In particular, the category String and StringBuffer also contains some important rules. In Table 1 all selected rules are listed.

Table 1. Selected PMD detection rules.

5 Evaluation

We have implemented our approach in Java. We perform the static code analysis with PMD [6], which uses detection rules to find patterns in the source code. Compared to other tools like Checkstyle [5] and FindBugs [28], PMD has more rules for performance antipatterns and thus is best suited for our approach. For the recording of runtime properties, we use the monitoring tool Dynatrace AppMon [9]. It is widely used in practice and provides all the dynamic properties we need.

In this section, we first present our micro benchmarks and experimental evaluation of the general effectiveness of a given set of refactorings independent of a concrete program. Then, we demonstrate two experiments we have conducted in order to evaluate our approach for the automated selection of refactorings that are promising to have a high impact on the performance of a given program. As a case study, we use STATE, a SystemC to Timed Automata Transformation Engine written in Java and developed at TU Berlin [17,18,19]. Although this is not the class of software our approach is designed for and thus the performance gain is small, the obtained findings demonstrate the practical applicability of our approach. Furthermore, we show some example output and give a first impression of the potential of our approach.

We carried out all experiments on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2620M CPU @ 2.7 GHZ, 2 Core with 8 GB RAM running the Microsoft Windows 10 Pro operating system. We use the Oracle JVM version 8.

5.1 Micro Benchmarks

We have implemented micro benchmarks to determine the general effectiveness of a given set of antipatterns independent of a concrete program. We measure the effectiveness in terms of time and memory factors \(f_{t,AP}\) and \(f_{m,AP}\), which represent the relative severity of the various antipatterns. Since we are interested in the relative effectiveness of performance refactorings, only the relation between the performance of code containing the antipattern and code containing the refactored version is important and the absolute results do not matter.

Challenges of Java Micro Benchmarks. Micro benchmarks are not easy to design, especially in a language like Java. There are some general pitfalls and some that stem from how Java and its virtual machine work [15].

The first thing to go wrong is that something completely different is measured than what was intended. A naive example is a benchmark to measure some arithmetical operation that writes each result to the console. What impacts the performance in such a setting is mostly the output and not the actual arithmetics. To avoid this, we put only the absolutely necessary operations into the measurement code.

The accuracy of the CPU clock is by far not high enough to capture times in the magnitude of CPU cycles. Thus, we nest the operations we want to measure into a simple, repeating loop. The repetition count must be high enough to reach overall computation times where the accuracy is sufficiently good.

A Java specific pitfall is the just-in-time compiler (JIT compiler), which automatically compiles frequently executed portions of the program while leaving the rest for interpretation as usual. This can corrupt a measurement because half of the executions are interpreted and the other half compiled. We encounter this challenge with a so called warm-up. This means that we run the benchmark code 20000 times before the actual measurement is started. This guarantees that the JIT compiler translates the benchmark code and we measure only the compiled version.

Another general difficulty is the compiler optimization in benchmarks. As the executed code does not fulfill any contentual purpose the compiler may find out and optimize it away, rendering the whole benchmark useless. To solve this problem, we always return a number that in some way contains values involved in the measured code. Like this, we avoid optimization with a negligible overhead.

The garbage collection in Java is another mechanism we take into account with our micro benchmark design. If, for example, a garbage collection is performed during a benchmark the execution time increases significantly. Hence, before each measurement, we demand a garbage collection to happen to achieve similar starting conditions. Actually, the JVM cannot be forced to carry out a garbage collection but according to our experiments it always obeys. Thus, if a garbage collection takes place, it is because so much memory was consumed.

When taking a measurement, the result is subject to deviations. Therefore, we repeat the measurement several times. In a series there probably are outliers, e.g., due to some irregular background process on the machine that executes the benchmarks. For this reason we discard the extreme values and take the average over the remaining as final outcome.

Micro Benchmark Implementation. We have implemented the micro benchmarks as an Apache Tomcat servlet [12]. This allows a user friendly control in the web browser through a simple HTML interface. To cover all PMD performance rules, we have implemented 20 benchmark pairs, each consisting of one benchmark for the antipattern and one for its refactored version. The core of each benchmark is a specific function that executes an antipattern or its refactored counterpart in a loop with a certain repetition count \(N\), in our case \(N = 100000\). Around this benchmark function the measurement process is built up. One benchmark measurement consists of two parts of which the first measures memory consumption and the second measures execution time.

For the memory consumption, we take the difference in heap size of the JVM before and after the benchmark function. Because in Java garbage collection can happen at any time, it has to be considered for the measurement, otherwise the alleged memory consumption even may become negative. To solve this problem, we use a callback function, which is triggered by each garbage collection run and which records how much space got cleared. We use this to calculate the memory consumption as follows:

figure c

We repeated this process 50 times before taking the average, which we consider the true memory consumption. First experiments showed that the callback function does not reliably execute timely before the measurement in which it was triggered is over. Therefore, after every measurement we schedule a wait of (100 ms) to catch late coming garbage collections and assign the numbers to the appropriate measurement.

For the execution time measurement, we take the difference in the system time before and after the benchmark function. To achieve a reliable value we calculate an average over 50 measurements, where we discard the lowest and highest four values beforehand. In order to accomplish an even more reliable result we calculate such an average for ten different cases, where in each case the repetition count is modified according to \(repCount = i \cdot N\) with \(i = 1, 2, ..., 10\). In doing so, we get a series of supposedly equidistant execution time averages. We calculate the distance between every two successive results, which represents the increase in time for another \(N\) runs. Over these distances we take the average and finally consider it the true execution time of \(N\) runs of the benchmarked antipattern or its refactored counterpart. The deviation of the minimal distance and the maximal distance from the average indicate the quality of the measurement, with a low deviation confirming the outcome.

Results and Interpretation. The results from our micro benchmarks are shown in Table 3. Note that benchmarks marked with * were executed with \(N = 1000\) due to long execution times. The table comprises short, descriptive names for the benchmarks and the corresponding average times and the average memory consumptions as described above. The time factor describes by what factor the execution time changed in the refactored version compared to the antipattern, with a high value indicating that the refactoring is effective. The time saving describes the absolute gain in execution time achieved by the refactoring. Analogously, the values are calculated for memory consumption.

The time factors are in a range of 0.8 to 21497.92, i.e., some refactorings even have a negative impact while others are incredibly effective. The time savings are in a range of −0.16 to 4275.11 ms per 100k repetitions and it is notable that a high factor does not necessarily appear together with a high absolute saving. Regarding memory consumption, the factor range is 0.21 to 10086.67 and the savings range is −0.09 to 198.17 MB per 100k repetitions. For those pairs where the refactored version consumes no memory the factor becomes NaN.

The results fit well with the expectations we had based on the antipattern description. For example, we now have evidence that performing arithmetics with the short type takes additional execution time due to the internal type casts but saves memory. In conclusion, we are very confident that our effort to design good benchmarks payed off by providing useful results that we can use in the rating function to distinguish between more or less severe antipatterns.

The measurements taken with the micro benchmarks are not only good for determining the antipattern factors used in the rating function. They have a value in themselves because the effectiveness of refactoring the antipatterns gets quantified in a relative and an absolute way. The results show that there are several refactorings that reduce execution time or memory consumption by large factors. At the same time, we get an overview of how much can be saved through refactoring this kind of antipatterns. While for some the savings are close to zero, for others they are multiple seconds per 100k calls. Those values suggest that in general our approach of refactoring this kind of statically detectable antipatterns has some effect, as long as not every occurrence is considered but only systematically selected ones. The results from our micro benchmarks also provide a valuable insight to the general effectiveness of performance refactorings and can be used by further research on antipatterns and performance refactorings.

5.2 Rating Tool Chain

As preparation for the rating tool, we have configured the data sources, namely PMD and Dynatrace AppMon, to capture the required data. We have explored the output formats of the data sources in order to finally design and implement the rating tool itself.

The rating tool that we have implemented is the core component of the rating tool chain. It comprises routines to read all data required for the rating function from PMD, Dynatrace AppMon and the benchmarks. It uses a data model that we have designed to represent the collected information in a consistent way, finally applies the rating function, sorts the antipatterns according to their severity and writes an output file with the most important information.

Configure and Operate PMD. A XML file is required to configure PMD to use a certain set of detection rules. Therefore, we have composed such a file containing all rules selected according to Sect. 4.5. When executed, PMD analyses the requested source code and writes an output XML file. It contains a violation element for each detected antipattern with information about the affected code lines, the violated rule and which class and method it occurred in.

Implement Loop Depth Detection. We use the loop depth in the rating formula. An easy way to reliably identify the loop depth is traversing an abstract syntax tree (AST), especially easier than parsing the pure source code. Fortunately, PMD internally uses an AST and even offers an API to hook into its traversal. The API is originally meant to enable writing custom detection rules but can be misused for our purpose of compiling a list containing all the loops.

Hence, we have implemented a custom PMD rule that detects loop depth. In order to store the information and because the rating tool works with XML anyway, we have enabled the custom PMD rule to write another XML file. We have designed the loop depth file to contain method elements which contain loop elements that hold all required data. PMD constructs an AST for each compilation unit separately. This brings up the problem of when to finalize the loop depth file, i.e. to close the last XML element, flush the data and close the file handle because we never know if a next unit follows or not. As a work-around we have introduced an empty file with a name such that it gets sorted to the last position by the file system. When coming across, it triggers the loop depth rule to finalize the XML file.

Configure and Operate Dynatrace AppMon. The setup of Dynatrace AppMon involves some configuration in the client which we do not be explained in detail. The placement of the Java agent that collects data in the software under test simply requires including a specific argument in the launch call. The rest is taken care of automatically.

In Dynatrace AppMon there are so called dashboards where the user can arrange various information to be displayed. For those dashboards a REST API is offered through which the information is made accessible. Consequently, we have arranged a dashboard containing all the required data and have prepared a REST request that makes Dynatrace AppMon write that data into another XML file. The generated XML file contains the method call count, the total execution time and the suspension count for all recorded methods.

Usually, Dynatrace AppMon aims for very little overhead but it also can be configured to record many to all method calls for the cost of performance. In our development environment we record every method call to quickly build up an extensive data set, but in a production environment it is important that the monitoring overhead does not grow too large. Hence, in production it is not feasible to record the full method call information but only a small part of it. Still, if the monitoring is carried out for a longer time, sufficiently detailed values emerge.

Implement the Rating Tool. For the core part of our implementation we have chosen Java as programming language because this whole story already takes place in the Java world. We have not bothered to put some shiny little GUI together and rely on the command line. The required invocation arguments are the XML files with the analysis data.

The data model that we use to bring all information together consists of three classes. On highest level there is SourceFile, where the file path and the contained methods are stored. In the middle, there is Method where call count, execution time and suspension count are stored. Additionally, a list of antipatterns found inside the method is maintained. The third class is Antipattern and represents exactly one occurrence of an antipattern. The violated detection rule, the source code line and the loop depth are stored there. After the severity has been calculated, it is kept there as well.

As the input data comes from different sources, the information is not encoded in a uniform manner. For example does the Dynatrace AppMon output not contain the source files where the listed methods are implemented, although it contains most other information considering the methods. Therefore, the corresponding source files are extracted from the PMD output. On the other hand, the loop depth XML only contains the source files and tells from where to where the loops reach.

The largest part of the rating tool takes care of importing the information from XML files and populating the internal data structures. The actual application of the rating function is handled in only 23 lines of code, including the sorting of antipatterns by severity. The results are written as simple text format, where the top most entry represents the top rated antipattern.

5.3 Experimental Evaluation

We have evaluated our approach with the software STATE [17, 19] in version STATE-2.1. It is licensed as open source under the GNU General Public License version 3 and consists of approx. 30,000 lines of code in 285 classes. We chose one of the shipped examples from STATE to do our measurements, namely b_transport.

Experiment 1: Antipattern Injection. In our first experiment, we have injected some antipatterns in the source code of STATE, measured their impact on performance and evaluated how they get rated by our ranking tool. To achieve this, we have duplicated the STATE source code. Then, in one copy we have manipulated two methods by replacing all occurrences of StringBuilder with the less efficient + operator. In this process, we have altered about 60 lines of code and replaced in total 49 calls to append. The rest of the source code remains unchanged.

Our expectation is that the manipulated copy runs slower, i.e. the measured execution times are increased. We base this expectation on the benchmark results where the string concatenation antipattern showed strong impact on performance. Another expectation is that the introduced antipatterns get ranked high in a follow up analysis of the manipulated copy, because they were injected into a prominent method and have large antipattern factors.

Table 2. Experiments with STATE [25].

The upper two rows of Table 2 show the execution times of the original STATE version compared to the worsened version where we have injected antipatterns. The average execution time of the original STATE software is 2232.47 ms. The average execution time of the worsened version with antipatterns injected is 2242.03 ms, resulting in an absolute difference of 9.56 ms. Thus, the refactoring of the injected antipatterns, i.e. the restoration of the original state, achieves a performance improvement of 0.428%. The subsequent rating tool analysis reveals that the injected antipatterns are found by our tool. The 24 occurrences appear among the 26 top rated antipatterns.

According to our expectation, the STATE version with antipatterns injected shows worse performance than the original. The execution time difference of about half a percent is small, but we have to keep in mind that STATE has very different characteristics to a large-scale server software or micro service, where our approach is supposed to exploit its full potential. Considering this, half a percent is already a good result, especially in relation to the very low effort it takes to implement some simple, local refactorings.

Table 3. Micro benchmarks for antipatterns [25].

Experiment 2: Performance Refactorings. In our second experiment, we have performed a preliminary analysis of STATE with the rating tool and subsequently refactored the top rated antipatterns. Afterwards, we measured if the performance was improved by the refactorings. With our approach, we get a list of detected antipatterns sorted according to their assigned ratings. Figure 2 shows the first five lines of the output file slightly shortened. The large number in square brackets is the rating assigned to the antipattern. The other information helps to comprehend the rating and to find the antipattern in the source code.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Extract of rating tool results for STATE [25].

In our experiment, we have implemented the proposed refactorings for 17 of the top rated 19 antipatterns. Two antipatterns remain untreated. One is an unavoidable object instantiation inside a loop and the other would require a StringBuilder to prepend text, which it is not intended for. Apart from the 17 refactorings the source code remains unchanged.

Our expectation is that the refactored version runs faster than the original, i.e. the measured execution times are reduced. Although the analyzed software is not in our target domain of large-scale server software, this experiment shows exactly how our approach is meant to be used in practice.

The last row of Table 2 shows the results for our second experiment. The average execution time of the refactored version of STATE is 2218.07 ms. Compared to the original version, this results in a difference of 14.40 ms. Thus, the refactoring of the 17 top rated antipatterns achieves an overall performance improvement of 0.645%.

Overall, we can see our expectation satisfied, since the refactored version effectively executes faster than the original STATE. Again, slightly more than half a percent is a small performance improvement but the same argumentation as above holds and we still consider the result a success. It shows that the rating tool succeeds in proposing refactorings that improve performance and suggests that its application on a server software or micro service can yield great performance gains with a small refactoring effort.

5.4 Added Values of Automated Refactoring Selection

In order to justify a technique that basically combines two well-known techniques, we aim at giving evidence that it is in some way superior to just using the others. In fact, with two experiments we have shown that our approach adds additional value to the static and dynamic analysis.

Using solely PMD detects many antipatterns but the vast majority of them does not need be taken care of. A PMD analysis of the STATE source code that already only considers the performance antipatterns selected in the course of this paper yields 843 issues. Of those, only 339 received a rating greater than zero and promise a positive effect on performance through refactoring at all. But even that number is high and resolving all issues means a significant effort with a questionable cost-benefit ratio. In contrast, refactoring 17 of the highest rated antipatterns is an easy task and very promising at the same time. Hence, by using solely PMD either lots of unimportant refactorings are implemented, which is mostly squandered effort, or they are ignored all together, which wastes a good opportunity to improve performance.

Dynatrace AppMon On the other hand, using solely Dynatrace AppMon to capture runtime properties leaves one with a bunch of information without any concrete instruction on what to do. Experience in the topic may help to follow unwritten heuristics to find spots where improvements can be realized. But additional to the required, extensive know-how the process of investigation takes precious time. Furthermore, it is crucial that after locating a suspicious method the occurrence of an antipattern is recognized and detected with the eye. Hence, by using solely Dynatrace AppMon one is dependent on an experienced performance engineer who has the time and capability to manually search for conspicuous runtime data and antipatterns in the source code.

Dynatrace AppMon certainly is a very sophisticated monitoring and analysis tool which provides many opportunities of using broad data to manually find performance issues. However, many projects do not have access to this commercial software. But even tools with much less functional scope, where manual performance tweaking may be very hard, can provide data appropriate to our approach. Thus, with the automated selection of refactorings we enable projects with no budget for performance engineering to relatively easy achieve a measurable boost.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed a novel approach to combine static and dynamic software analyses to automatically select refactorings that improve the performance and stability of a given program. Our major contributions are twofold: First, we have presented a rating function for antipatterns, which assesses their respective potential to improve performance and stability through refactoring based on both static and dynamic properties. Second, we have implemented micro benchmarks that assess the general effectiveness of a given set of performance antipatterns independent of a specific program. Our benchmarks clearly show that the antipatterns actually have an effect on performance, although the effects vary. Due to the mostly small savings, in the majority of cases a refactoring is only reasonable if the antipattern is executed frequently, e.g. in a loop or frequently called method. This illustrates the importance of a feasible approach to select the most effective refactorings in a given program.

We have implemented our approach for the automated selection of refactorings that are most promising to improve the performance and stability of a given program using PMD [6] for static code analyses and Dynatrace AppMon [9] for dynamic software analysis to capture performance measures. The result is a list of recommended refactorings ordered by effectiveness.

We have demonstrated the practical applicability of our approach with a sample software that consists of 30,000 lines of code. Although our approach works best for large scale server software, it still yields some improvement for our much smaller case study from a totally different domain. We therefore assess the potential in a large scale server software as high, especially due to the good cost-benefit ratio.

Our approach enables us to select only the most important antipatterns out of the huge amount of antipatterns that are typically provided by static antipattern detection tools. At the same time, it drastically reduces the cost of interpreting data delivered by dynamic analyses. Due to the automated interpretation and the precisely recommended refactorings, little expertise is required.

In future work, we plan to carry out a field experiment in which we improve the performance of a large scale server software. Furthermore, we plan to investigate more complex refactorings. As this is the intended area of application, an evaluation of the yielded benefits from such a field experiment will greatly show the true potential of the approach and where tweaks still are necessary. The currently included static analysis only detects single operations for which there are more efficient alternatives. This is on a very small scale and therefore requires a great many of repetitions to become effective. A future task is to extend the static analysis with sophisticated techniques already found in the literature, e.g. symbolic execution. This will be very beneficial since more antipatterns become detectable in the static analysis, especially such that have a larger potential for improvement per execution.