
1 Introduction

The C++ programming language is a strongly typed, compiled, multiparadigm programming language supporting procedural, object-oriented, generative and (partially) functional programming styles. Its root goes back to the procedural C programming language [17] extending it with essential object-oriented features, like classes, inheritance and runtime polymorphism inherited from Simula67 [38]. Soon generic programming, implemented via templates became fundamental part of the language [8]. The Standard Template Library (STL), part of the standard C++ library, is still the prime example for the generic paradigm [37].

Functional programming features [11] were barely represented in the earlier versions of the C++ language. One of the existing elements was the pointer to function originated in the C language. A pointer to a function allows the programmers to represent algorithms as data; store them in variables, pass them as parameters or returning them from functions. The applications using pointers to functions are restricted in both semantical power and syntactical ease.

Pointers to member functions also exist in C++. As member functions are bound to classes, the type of such a pointer includes information about the class itself. However, the implementation is tricky as the same pointer can point either to a non-virtual member function (represented as an “ordinary” function pointer) or to a virtual function (effectively an offset in the virtual table).

Besides pointers to functions C++ programmers can use functors as functional programming elements as predicates, comparisons or other kind of executable code to pass to standard algorithms as parameters. Functors are classes with function call (parenthesis) operator defined, and they behave like higher order functions: they can be instantiated (with constructor parameters if necessary), and can be called via the function call operator. Although functors are not necessarily pure as they may have state (separate for each instantiations), they are fundamental tools for implementing functional elements, like currying, binding, etc.

In many cases functors are syntactically interchangeable with pointers to functions, e.g. when passing them as template parameters to STL algorithms.

Despite all the restrictions, syntactical and semantical issues, early attempts were made to implement complex libraries to achieve functional programming in the C++ language [7, 18]. Most notable, FC++ [20, 21] has implemented lazy lists, Currying and function composition among other functional features. The following works on functional features in C++ also targeted template metaprogramming [32, 33].

As functional programming becomes more and more popular – not only as powerful programming languages, but also as formalism to specify semantics [19, 47] – further language elements supporting functional style have come into prominence [25]. The lambda expressions have been added to C++ first as a library for more direct support for functional programming [15, 16]. Lambda expressions provide an easy-to-use definition of unnamed function objects – closures [14]. To eliminate the shortcomings of a library-based implementation, the C++11 standard introduced native lambda support. Lambda functions are directly translated to C++ functors, where the function call operator is defined as const member function. C++14 further enhanced the usability of lambda captures with generalized lambdas, and with the possibility of using initialization expressions in the capture [13].

Despite all these achievements towards programming in functional style, C++ is not and never will be a (pure) functional programming language. As it is neither a pure object-oriented nor a procedural language. C++ is essentially a multiparadigm programming language: it does not prefer a single programming style over the others. One can write (a part of) a C++ program using the set of features from one or more paradigms according the problem to solve [5]. Moreover, these paradigms are necessary collaborating to each other. STL containers and algorithms with iterators form a generic library. In the same time, containers are implemented as (templated) classes with features of object-oriented programming, e.g. separation of interface and implementation, public methods and operators, etc. (Virtual functions, however, are mostly avoided for efficiency reasons except in some i/o related details.) On the lower end of the abstraction hierarchy, member functions are implemented in a procedural way.

Functional programming interweaves this hierarchy. STL algorithms are often parameterized with lambdas or functors representing predicates and comparators. Although no language rule forbids them having states, most experts suggest to implement predicates and comparators as pure functions since algorithms may copy them.

The STL itself suggests a functional approach: instead of writing loops and conditional statements, the programmer is encouraged to use algorithms, like std::for_each and std::remove_if. When the highly composable ranges will be incorporated to C++17 or later [28] they will add an additional support to this style. As explained in [26], the range comprehensions are in fact, monads.

The design goals of C++ according to Stroustrup include type safety, resource safety, performance, predictability, readability and the ease of learning the language [40]. These goals were achieved in different language versions to different extents.

Resource safety can be achieved only by the thoughtful process of the programmer using the appropriate language elements. C++ is not automatically garbage collected. (Although the standard allows using garbage collection, everyday C++ implementations usually avoid it). The programmer, however, can use smart pointers, like std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr (part of the standard since C++11) to control heap allocated memory. What is different in C++ from other usual object-oriented languages is that the notion of resource is far more general than just memory: every user defined feature can be handled as resource and controlled by the Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) method: resources can be allocated by constructors and will be (and usually shall be) disposed by a destructor. Special care should be paid to copying objects (either by copy over existing objects or initializing newly created ones) using assignment operators and copy contructors.

One of the major distinctive feature of C++ is the ability to map large variety of semantic concepts to compiler checked syntactical notations. Let us investigate the code snippet written in ANSI C on Listing 1. The program crashes for obvious reasons: we opened input.txt for read-only, but later we try to write into it. In the C language, the concept whether a file has been opened for read-only, write-only or read-write is not mapped to the language syntax at all; therefore, the compiler is unable to check the correctness of the usage (and it does not even attempt to do it). If we fail to use the files properly, we won’t get diagnostic messages (like warnings) about it, our program compiles and (likely) crashes at runtime.

figure a

In the C++ standard library, however, there are separate (abstract) types for read-only and write-only streams. Read-write streams in fact are inherited from both bases. Real resources (e.g. files and stringstreams, i.e. streams working over in-memory character strings) are represented by objects belonging to derived classes inherited from either the input or the output base classes.

As input and output operations are defined in the respective base classes, improper usage of streams cause compile time errors, as seen on Listing 2. Although, the diagnostic message caused by the improper usage is a bit diffuse, the first lines point to the exact problem. Again, the essence of the solution was that the library mapped the concepts of opening a stream either for reading or writing into the appropriate C++ types and, thus, the compiler is able to detect the mismatch as type error.

figure b

The concept of immutability is handled in a very similar way. The type of a (mutable) variable of type X is different from the type of an immutable variable of the same type X. Although, such distinction is not unusual in other programming languages, the generality and completeness of the mapping are what makes C++ solution special. We are speaking about a language, where multiple aliases of the same memory area (in form of pointers, references) are usual, and where objects of user defined classes are expected to behave the very same way as built-in types do.

This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we survey the various ways we can define immutable objects in C++. We analyse const correctness, the set of complex rules allowing C++ to catch constant violations at compile time in Sect. 3. Here we will also discuss how constness works in STL and how the programmer can make exceptions of constness via const_cast or mutables. The constexpr objects and functions became official part of C++ since version C++11, and were substantially extended in C++14. We overview their possibilities in Sect. 4. Lambdas, their usage and whether and how they are pure functions are explained in Sect. 5. Template metaprograms discussed in Sect. 6 are pure functional language elements forming a compile time Turing complete sublanguage of C++. All such elements are immutable of necessity. The paper concludes in Sect. 7.

2 Immutable Elements in C++

In this section we first survey the elementary immutable objects in C++. Then we will see how we can express immutability for more complex constructs.

2.1 Preprocessor Macros

The C++ preprocessor runs as the first step of the compiler. The preprocessor executes trigraph replacement, line splicing, tokenization, comment replacement, and finally: macro expansion and directive handling. In this last step, identifiers defined as macros are replaced by their defined values. Naturally, many of such macros are defined as literals, and; therefore, they are immutable as we will see in the next subsection.

2.2 String Literals

String literals are sequences of characters surrounded by double quotes (and optionally prefixed since C++11). By the C++11 standard [12], a string literal is an lvalue, a notion which are usually connected to modifiable memory location. String literals however are strictly read-only character arrays with static lifetime. In many environments, the compiler may place such literals to read-only storage. Any attempt to modify such string literals results in undefined behaviour. Moreover, compilers are allowed to re-use the storage of string literals for other equal or overlapping literals. Most of the modern compilers do this, but remember: this is not mandatory, actual compilers may choose different implementations.

figure c

Both string literals in the code example in Listing 3 have type const char[6] (one extra character is allocated for the terminating zero character of the string) which is converted to a pointer to constconst char *. We will see in Sect. 3.1 that normally pointers to const are not converted to pointers to non-consts. Here the exceptional rule is explained by the reverse compatibility requirement with millions of lines of legacy C code, where such assignments were legal and frequent [9]. At least the compiler warns us that this usage is deprecated in modern C++.

String literals must not be confused with named character arrays, which can be initialized by string literals and all their elements are mutable (unless they are declared as constant arrays). In Listing 4 arr1 and arr2 are two separate mutable character arrays of type char[6] placed strictly into different memory areas. The arrays are initialized by the same sequence of characters. The second notion is just a simplification to denote character array initialization list.

figure d

Naturally both arr1 and arr2 are mutable, so we can modify any of the array elements (although setting/removing the zero character may confuse some string-related standard library functions). The arr3 is declared as const, therefore, that array is immutable.

2.3 Named Constants

A const object is an object of type const T or a non-mutable subobject of such an object. Such named const objects have some less known properties. They may appear, for example, as case labels in switch statements, and they may serve as the size of static arrays.

figure e

In Listing 5, c1 and c2 are initialized with constant expressions (constants whose values can be computed by the compiler at compile time). Such constant objects can serve as case labels or as the size in an array declaration. (Since C++11 variable sized arrays are allowed, but only for objects with automatic life time, like non-static local variables.) Object c3, however, must not be used, as it is initialized with a runtime value coming from a non-constexpr function f as a return value. In all other aspects c1, c2, and c3 have the same behaviour. Similar situations with constexpr function will be discussed in Sect. 4.

The compiler tries to optimize the const objects. Here the compiler may decide not to allocate memory for object c1, but should allocate memory for c2 and c3. The reason, why c3 requires memory is obvious: it is initialized at runtime, therefore the compiler cannot replace all of its occurrences with its value. The situation with object c2 is a bit more interesting: its address is used to initialize a pointer (a pointer to const). Since pointers must point to legal memory locations by the C++ standard, the compiler must store c2 in such a location.

2.4 Static Const Members

In object-oriented programming, we try to organize our code in classes. Objects are instantiations of such classes. The names of types, methods and data belonging to a certain class are expressed as members of that class. For immutables this is the same.

Immutable values, which are the same for all objects of a given class, are declared as static const in the class declaration. We may think of them as global constants nested into the namespace of the class. Static members of a class have a static lifetime, i.e. they are initialized before the start of the main function and destructed after the main function successfully finished. For elementary types this means that the initialization is done by the compiler. For those types having non-trivial constructor functions (like most of the standard containers) the constructor is called before starting the main function.

Static members are not subobjects of their class. Similar to other static members, static constants should also be defined to tell the compiler which source is responsible to store the static member. In this definition, static consts should be initialized either implicitly, having a default constructor or explicitly with an initializer expression. For integral and enumeration types (like bool, char, or long the initialization can be placed inside class definition. According the One Definition Rule (ODR) initialization should happen in exactly one of the places as seen on Listing 6.

figure f

Static consts are immutables with the same value for all objects of the class. There are situations where a member should be immutable for the lifetime of the object but having a different value for different objects.

(Non-static) const members represent such subobjects. Unlike their static counterparts, such constant members are subobjects, i.e. they are part of the object. In Listing 7, each object of class Y has its own (possibly different) immutable value, initialized by the constructor.

figure g

Object-level constants are immutable, but their values can be different in different objects. Hence, they must be stored in every object. Since C++11 we can initialize non-static data members – the meaning is the same as the use of the initializer list in the constructor as seen in Listing 7.

3 Const Correctness

In the previous chapter we had a survey of the immutable C++ objects. However, in C++ objects may be accessed via aliases: pointers, references. To catch possible violations of constness at compile time C++ provides a complex set of const-correctness rules. In the following we enumerate these rules.

3.1 Non-class Types

While C++ objects are mutable by default (with the exceptions we discussed in the previous section), const qualified objects are immutable. Any attempt to write to them causes compile time error. The const qualifier is part of the object’s type: hence on Listing 8 the type of ci is const int.

figure h
figure i

In C++ we use the address-of (&) operator to create a pointer value pointing to an object. We can access and modify mutable objects via pointers. The problem is that in most cases it is impossible to determine at compile time where a pointer points to at runtime. If ordinary pointers to type T could point to objects of type const T, then it would introduce a Trojan horse to modify immutable objects as we see on Listing 9.

In order to avoid this issue, C++ forbids the assignment of pointers to const-qualified objects to ordinary pointers. We can say that the type of const T* is not convertible to T*, as we see on Listing 10.

figure j

Since pointers are fundamental in various situations in C++ including many use cases of the standard library, the language provides a way to set pointers to immutable objects. An object with type of pointer to const T can store a pointer value to an immutable object of type T, it can be dereferenced, but the dereferenced value is immutable. To keep const correctness, pointers to const values cannot be assigned to pointers to mutable objects. We must not “lose” constness.

This rule is not symmetric: we can still assign addresses of mutable objects to pointers to const variables. In that case, the pointed (originally mutable) object is handled as immutable when accessed via the pointer to const, see Listing 11.

figure k

There are different conventions to define a pointer to const. Some programmers prefer to use the const T * order, while others emphasize the immutability of the pointed location to move the const keyword between the type name and the * declarator in form of T const *. Both versions are supported by the literature and have the same meaning as long as we use the const keyword on the left side of the * declarator as on Listing 12.

figure l

To declare a pointer itself as immutable (pointing either to a mutable or an immutable object) we use the const keyword on the right side of the * declarator. In this way, in the next example we declare ptr1, ptr2 and ptr3 as a const pointer to mutable object, a non-const pointer to immutable object and a const pointer to immutable object, respectively.

Note, that const (immutable) objects (like ptr1 and ptr3) must be initialized when defined.

3.2 Constness of Class Types

The rules discussed in the previous Subsect. 3.1 create a set of compile time guidelines to ensure that objects defined as consts won’t be modified during runtime. However, these rules are not yet complete when we consider class types.

Consider the Date class on Listing 13 which encapsulates three int data members and provides related access methods representing a (very simplified) data class.

figure m

The rules discussed in Subsect. 3.1 stand here too. Any attempt to modify a const object causes a compile error on Listing 14. The major difference between elementary types and classes is that elementary objects can be modified only by assignment (via the objects themselves, or via references or pointers denoting them), classes, however, can be also modified by member functions. How should the compiler handle the method calls?

figure n

It is obvious, that myBirthday.set(2015,7,10) violates the seemingly complete set of const correctness rules. But how can the compiler make difference between methods allowed and forbidden for immutable objects?

The naïve approach to check the body of the methods fails for various reasons; the definition of the method can be in a different source file, the method can call other methods, etc. C++ has chosen a more syntax-driven approach: we should explicitly mark methods callable on immutable objects as const methods as part of their signature. Non-const methods cannot be applied to const objects regardless whether they attempt to modify their objects or not.

figure o

In the code snippet on Listing 15, the compiler allows the call of getYear on the immutable object myBirthday, since it is declared as a const method, but emits diagnostics for the call of set.

The this parameter, passed as the hidden first argument for all non-static methods is used to check the call. The this parameter of a const method is declared as pointer to const, whereas in a non-const method it is a pure pointer to the class. As the address of an immutable object is obviously a pointer to const, such an address can be passed to const methods. Otherwise, const methods can not be applied to non-const objects based on the required const to non-const conversion. On the other hand, since a non-const this argument can be converted to pointer to const, const methods are callable on non-immutable objects.

On the other hand, the compiler must not “trust” on whether the programmer denoted the constness in the correct way for the const methods. Here the situation is also covered by the rules we learned in Subsect. 3.1. Data members in member functions are accessed via the this pointer. As the this parameter for such methods is implicitly declared as pointer to const, all modifications via this are marked as errors by the compiler. Similarly, the calls of non-const methods from const methods yield errors.

The invisible this parameter can also be used for overloading. This pattern on Listing 16 is frequently used for access operators, which should be used both for reading const objects and for modifying mutables.

figure p

Only non-static member functions can be declared as const methods. Static member functions and namespace functions should be declared as constexpr to express their “pure” behaviour. We will discuss constexpr in Sect. 4.

3.3 Mutable

There are certain situations where we want to modify subobjects inside const objects. Consider the Point class on Listing 17 with objects accessed concurrently from multiple threads. To read consistent x and y pairs of coordinates, the method getXY(int &x, int &y) locks the object. For this purpose, we place a mutex object as a class member. Naturally, getXY is declared as a const method as it is just reading the object.

figure q

Unfortunately, the code above does not compile. Locking and unlocking obviously are changing the state of the mutex object, i.e. they are non-const methods. As we learned in Sect. 3.2, we normally cannot alter an object’s (or its particular subobject’s) state (like the mutex m in our example) using a const member function.

To make an exception from the rule, we can declare the mutex m as mutable. Mutable means that the (sub)object can be altered even when it is part of a const object or when accessed from a const member function.

figure r

Mutables are exceptional objects, and we should use them only in exceptional cases. Such situations include among others managing internal states, like a cache or counters, and also managing mutexes, like in our example on Listing 18.

3.4 Constant Correctness in STL

The Standard Template Library (STL) is an essential part of the C++ language. The success of the STL is based on its flexibility and extensibility. Programmers can re-use standard containers and algorithms connecting them by iterators instead of writing specific code for each individual problem [4, 27]. STL makes the programmer’s work faster, safer and more predictable [29]. Naturally, the STL should support the const correct programming [22].

Consider the usual implementation of the find STL algorithm on Listing 19.

figure s

When we apply the algorithm to an immutable array, e.g. to a const array of integers on Listing 20, the iterator will be deduced to the same type as the first two parameters, i.e. to a pointer to const. Thus, const correctness stands.

figure t

For STL containers, the situation is a bit different as instead of pointers iterators and const_iterators are used to walk through container elements and to refer to them. Dereferencing (applying the star operator for) an iterator results in a left value reference to the value_type of the container. Dereferencing a const_iterator results in a non-writable const reference. The type const_iterator is not a const iterator which would mean an immutable iterator. However, a const_iterator, is a mutable object, e.g. one can modify it and can walk through the container, but the referred objects are handled as immutables as seen on Listing 21.

figure u

The iterator and const_iterator values are generated by the begin and end methods of the containers. Since C++11 the std namespace begin and end functions are also available. Namespace functions provide the iterators in a unique and non-intrusive way for STL containers and classical C-style arrays. The trick here is the overloading on constness: const variations of the begin and end methods are the methods callable on constant containers and they return const_iterator.

C++11 provides more advanced type deduction with the auto keyword. Its motivation was mainly to shorten iterator and const_iterator declarations. However, it is a frequent situation when we want to apply a const_iterator to an originally non constant container. This will not work with auto and begin or end methods, as the auto declaration deduces the type from the initializer expression, which is the return value of the begin and end methods, i.e. an iterator in case of a non-const container [23].

figure v

To enforce the return of const_iterator type even for non-const containers, new methods cbegin and cend were introduced in the C++11 standard, see Listing 22. Similar namespace methods exist as cbegin, cend, and crbegin, and crend for iterators and reverse iterators. For some mysterious reason, namespace functions returning const_reverse_iterator were missing in C++11, and the issue has been fixed only in C++14.

3.5 Casting Const Away

Based on the C/C++ philosophy that the ultimate control belongs to the programmer, there is an explicit cast to converting const objects to non-const ones. However, as all other cast operations, it should be used with extra care to avoid undefined behaviour. The basic rule is that we can cast away constness of pointers to objects and lvalues.

Even when the compiler allows us to cast constness away, the result may be surprising. In the example on Listing 23, we declare a variable const, then we modify it via const_cast and a non-const pointer.

figure w

There are a few cases when we cannot avoid the use of const_cast. One example is when a member function modifying the object’s state should be defined as a constant member function. Suppose, we have a tree data structure to store elements ordered by some key values. We might provide a member function to balance the tree. Calling such balance member function from insert, which is a non-const member function itself, is fine. However, when we want balance to be available as a standalone API method, we should decide about its constness. Strictly by C++ terms, balance is not a constant method as it is modifying the object’s data. However, from the viewpoint of the user, the method behaves like a const: no new element has been inserted, the order of the elements remains the same. It is tempting to declare balance as const member function and simply cast the constness of the this pointer away to make class members modifiable.

Although, the scenario above is possible in technical terms, there are strong arguments against it. Using const_cast is extremely dangerous for objects that were originally declared as const (see Listing 23). Whenever it is possible, use mutable objects instead. Declaring a member function as const tells the user that this function can be used in a multithreaded environment in a safe way. That is not true in the example above (except that we use some very aggressive locking inside balance, which may ruin the performance).

4 Constexpr

Compile-time expressions, i.e. expressions that can be evaluated at translation time, always had a specific role in the C++ language. Such expressions can be used to define an array size, a case label or a non-type template argument. On the other hand, the compiler environment is enforced to compute these expressions; C++ template metaprogramming is largely based on this fact. The phrase translation time usually means compile time but may include link time activity as well [36].

Interesting enough, by the C++ standard, the value of an expression computed at translation time is not necessary equal to the value of the same expression computed at runtime [50]. Let us see the example on Listing 24 quoted from the standard. The size of the character array must be compiled at translation time, but the value of the integer variable size can be evaluated at runtime. In such cases their values may differ.

figure x

In classical C++03 constant expressions are restricted to the use of literals, built-in operators, and macros. They must not contain functions or operators of any kind, even when their return value could be trivially computed from the compile-time given arguments as we see on Listing 25.

figure y

C++11 makes constant expressions more manageable introducing constexpr functions and expressions. The idea is to make translation time constant computation more expressive and thus partially replacing unmanageable macro and template metaprogramming elements.

4.1 Constexpr Functions

C++11 introduced constexpr functions, functions that can be computed at translation time when all their parameters are known. As initially this feature was planned as a minor feature to replace hard to maintain macros and small template metaprograms, it had a minimalist design. The body of a constexpr function was restricted to a single return statement. Constexpr member functions also were implicitly constant member functions.

As the new feature was a success, constexpr rules have been relaxed. Constexpr functions since C++14 may contain declarations, sequences, and control statements similar to “normal” functions as demonstrated on Listing 26. The rules also have been changed in the way that non-static constexpr member functions are not const member functions any more.

figure z

Even in C++14 there are serious restrictions on constexpr functions. They must not contain asm definitions, goto statements, try blocks, and must not declare static or thread local variables. Member constexpr functions must not be virtual. These rules ensure compile time computability. Other C++ rules, e.g overloading, work as usual.

Rules for constexpr functions are also designed to avoid side effects as we experience on Listing 27. The safe rule is to access only variables which have life time started inside the constexpr expression.

figure aa

Sometimes there is a thin line between what can be constexpr and what can not. On the Listing 28 a ternary operator defines the value of member m. When the constructor parameter is true, the value of m can be computed at translation time. Otherwise, the initialization depends on a run-time value, so the compiler flags an error.

figure ab

One of the advantages of constexpr functions over template metaprograms is that template metaprograms can only emulate floating point numbers, usually with a pair of integer, while constexpr functions can work with native floating point types.

4.2 Constexpr Objects

Constexpr objects are constant objects having values that are known (or computable) at translation time. We can apply the constexpr keyword both for variables and for variable templates as seen on Listing 29.

figure ac

Not only objects of built-in types can be specified as constexpr objects, but also objects from those class types which can be safely constructed at translation time. Such types are called literal types. Literal types must not include any component which would indicate runtime activity, e.g. a virtual base. Scalar types, reference types, the void, and arrays of literal types are considered as literal types. Also classes with non-static members of (non-volatile) literal types, constexpr member functions, constexpr constructor and with trivial destructor are literal types [49].

figure ad

On the Listing 30 we created a literal type representing a circle with a given radius set by the constructor, inspired by [3]. Member functions are defined to compute the perimeter and the area of the object as well as a non-const member function magnify to change the radius by a ratio. The namespace function create returns a new circle created by the first argument applying the second argument as magnifying ratio.

In the example we created a literal type Circle with a single attribute radius initialized by the only constructor. The constexpr getter methods perim and area are declared const since in C++14 non-static constexpr member functions are no longer implicit const member functions.

The magnify function is a constexpr but non-const member, as it changes the object’s attribute value. Obviously, such a member cannot be applied to a constexpr object, but can be used for non-const objects, like the local c2 object inside the create namespace function. Declaring magnify as constexpr guarantees, that all the constexpr restrictions are hold, therefore, the function can be safely called from the constexpr function create.

The local variable c2 of Circle type is not defined constexpr inside the create function – we will modify it in the next line. We are allowed to create non-const local variables in constexpr functions. The important aspect here is that the lifetime of c2 starts inside the constexpr function.

In the main function all objects can be defined as constexpr. Such objects can be placed into ROM if the environment supports that. The constructors of these objects will run at translation time.

Constexpr functions and methods can be called with non-constexpr arguments. In such situations, they will be executed at run-time. Allowing to call constexpr functions at run-time avoid code duplication. However, the restrictions for these functions as described in this section still hold.

Constexpr functions are “running” at translation time, therefore, their inspection is extremely hard. The usual method is to inject a runtime argument, and debug the function at runtime. Proper constexpr debuggers are yet to be implemented.

5 Lambda Expressions

The Standard Template Library (STL) is a major component of the standard C++ library. In STL containers implement various data structures, and algorithms present numerous activities over them in form of namespace functions. To provide a smooth, generic connection between these two components, algorithms access the containers via iterators [4, 27].

STL supports functional style programming as it replaces the necessity of the iteration over containers with the use of predefined algorithms, like remove_if or for_each. Such algorithms are frequently parameterized by some callable objects. The predicate in remove_if and the repeated activity for for_each are provided as a callable parameter for these algorithms. In its most primitive form, such a callable object is a pointer to function.

However, these functions often require access to the local variables in the scope of the algorithms, e.g. the predicate for the remove_if may depend on the values of local variables in the call site. Ordinary C++ functions have no access to the context of the call site. To bridge the problem, a functor – a class with function call operator – can be defined and used instead of the function pointer. Function objects (instances of functor classes) can be created and the mentioned local variables are either copied into or referenced by its attributes. These objects are passed to the STL algorithms as parameters and can be called inside the algorithms. The procedure, however, requires a significant amount of boiler-plate code as we see on Listing 31.

figure ae

The idea to provide an easy-to-use definition of unnamed function objects – so called closures – which are capable of accessing (capturing) the variables in the call context led to the notion of lambda expressions. Lambdas have been introduced to C++ first as a user library in Boost.Lambda [16, 48]. From C++11 they are part of the core language. Since then, lambdas are widely used as parameters in the Standard Template Library algorithms, functions executed by std::thread, and various other places.

Lambda expressions in C++ can be associated with equivalent functor classes and function objects. The runtime object created from the lambda expression is called closure and is assignable and callable. Its type, the closure class is unnamed. Nevertheless, we can refer to it by using the C++11 decltype expression. On Listing 32 we see the equivalent program snippet to Listing 31. Here we are using lambda expression to remove elements from the vector. The expressive power of the lambda solution over the functor is well worth observing.

figure af

We can understand the lambda construction by comparing it to the equivalent functor on Listing 31. The lambda expression starts with the [ ] lambda introducer. The optional captured variables x and y represent the data members of the functor class initialized by the x and y variables of the calling context respectively. The parameter and the function body of the lambda expression form the function call operator of the functor defined as a constant member. It can contain multiple statements. The return type is automatically deduced by the corresponding C++ language rules. When that type is not suitable, the required return type can be denoted explicitly [15].

5.1 Capture

The major advantage of a lambda over a functor is that the lambda can access the calling context using captured variables. These variables can be captured either by value or by reference. Default capture is by value: that is, the captured variables are copied into the closure object when it is created. As a consequence, further changes of the original variables captured by value are invisible in the lambda expression. We can imagine it as the capture by value creates a “snapshot” of the calling context.

When variables are captured by reference, the closure initializes references to the original storage. The lambda expression thus always sees the actual value of the captured variables. Capturing variables by reference is denoted by the & symbol.

On Listing 33, the filter function removes all elements from vector v which have a value between x and y. The parameters x and y of the function are captured by value, while the local variable cnt is captured by reference. Therefore, this latter variable can be modified from the lambda expression, and at the end of the function cnt contains the number of the elements removed.

figure ag

Lambda expressions are equivalent with constant function call operators on the closure type. Any attempt from the lambda expression to modify the captured x and y will result in an error. Interesting enough, the lambda expression is allowed to modify the variables captured by reference. This has the same behaviour as we can experience with traditional classes: constant member functions can make modifications via reference members.

We can allow the modification of the copies of the variables captured by value. We indicate non-constness of the lambda function with the mutable keyword before the body of the lambda expression. However, the modifications affect only the copies, the original variables remain unchanged.

figure ah

We can capture multiple values without enlisting them individually. The [=] sign means capturing all variables by value and [&] means capturing all by reference. We can mix values and reference captures, like [=,&cnt]. Naturally, when using the = or & notion, only the variables actually used in the lambda expression will be stored/referred. Global variables or static members are not captured, but can be used as usual.

5.2 Capturing this Pointer

The this pointer is not captured by default, it should be captured explicitly by value or by using the [=] notation. Capturing this is a necessary and sufficient requirement to access members of a class. In Listing 34 the lambda inside the print member function should capture this to access the data member s.

Capturing pointers and particularly capturing this can be dangerous. If the pointed memory area is destroyed but the pointer to it still holds in the closure object, calling the lambda can be fatal. In the example on Listing 35 the closure captures the this pointer and then it is stored in a std::function object. Later it is activated twice: once when the pointed object is still alive, and the second time after the object is destroyed. That second call will likely cause runtime error.

figure ai

In C++17, there will be possible to capture the enclosing object by value, instead of capturing the this pointer.

5.3 Constant Initialization by Lambda

One of the special use cases of the lambda expressions are the initializations of constant objects. Constants must be initialized and later they must not be assigned to. In some cases, the initialization value heavily depends on the calling context and should be computed by complex calculations. The usual way to do this is to execute the necessary computations in a separate function and to initialize the constant object by the return value of that function. However, this solution has a number of drawbacks. The code of the function will be separated from the object to be initialized. Using the actual environment of the initialization requires to pass a possible large number of parameters to the function.

It would be somehow useful to handle the variable as non-const for a while, and make it immutable only after we calculated its “final” value. Although, this is not possible literally, we can simulate it by lambda.

figure aj

On Listing 36 we are going to initialize the constant ci variable. Instead of initializing it by a function, we define a lambda expression right in the place of initialization capturing the whole context. In this lambda first we define a non-const variable with the same name as the const to be initialized. This “shadow” variable will be used to calculate the initializer value. The body of the lambda expression looks like and acts like the continuation of the original function. Once we calculated the required value, we close the lambda expression and immediately call it, thus, initializing the constant by its return value.

This method is usually more readable and manageable than the alternatives.

5.4 Generic Lambdas

Lambda expressions in C++11 were not generic: i.e. we had to apply various tricks to handle lambdas in templated environment. In C++14, however, we can write generic lambda expression, which works in a polymorphic way, similarly to a template functor [43]. To express generality we use the auto keyword at parameter declaration. Advanced C++14 return type deduction is also applied on the example on the Listing 37.

figure ak

5.5 Generalized Lambda Capture

As we have seen earlier, lambdas can capture variables in the environment either by value or by reference. The first will copy them into the closure object, the second will initialize a reference inside the closure object to the captured variable outside. Capture by reference can be dangerous, especially when the closure object lives longer than the captured variable. In the same time, not all variables can be captured by value. Since C++11 move-only types exist: types that cannot be copied only just moved. Objects from such types like std::unique_ptr, std::thread and many iostream-related types cannot be copied, thus we cannot capture them by value as it would apply the copy semantics.

To handle these types in a safe way from lambda expressions we should move them into the closure object. For old-style functors, the solution would be trivial, we could move the objects into the closure using the initializer list of the constructor. (However, you must not forget to use the std::move right-value cast operator.) To provide the same functionality for lambda expressions, C++14 presents generalized lambda capture, or init capture. An init capture behaves as if it declares and explicitly captures a variable declared as auto and initialized by the initialization expression. However, no real new variable is constructed: e.g. no additional copy and destruction operations will be executed.

figure al

In Listing 38 variable x is captured by reference, the unique_ptr up is moved into the data member of the closure object and an int type data member is created and initialized to 1. The program prints 43. It is also important to notice, that the heap area allocated by make_unique and initialized to 42 is already destroyed when we reach the output calls, as its ownership was moved from the up pointer to the closure’s data member which has been destructed at the end of the execution of the lambda expression.

6 C++ Template Metaprogramming

In [30] we explored C++ template metaprogramming as functional programming in a great detail. Thus, in this section we just briefly recap the generic idea and discuss immutability.

Templates are key language elements of C++ enabling algorithms and data structures to be parametrized by types or constants without performance penalties at runtime [39]. This abstraction is essential when using general algorithms, such as finding an element in a data structure, sorting, or defining data structures like vector or set. The generic features of these templates (like the behaviour of the algorithms or the layout of the data structures) are the same, only the actual type parameter is different. The abstraction over the type parameter – often called parametric polymorphism [6] – emphasizes that this variability is supported by compile-type template parameters. Reusable components – containers and algorithms – are implemented in C++ mostly using templates. The Standard Template Library (STL), an essential part of the C++ standard, is the most notable example [22, 27].

Templates are code skeletons with placeholders for one or more type parameters. In order to use a template it has to be instantiated. This can be initiated either implicitly, when a template is referred with actual type parameters or explicitly. During instantiation the template parameters are substituted with the actual arguments and new code is generated. Thus, a different code segment is generated when a template is instantiated with different type parameters.

There are certain cases when a template with a specific type parameter requires a special behaviour, that is different from the generic one. Such “exceptions” can be specified using template specializations. During the instantiation of a template the compiler uses the most specialized version of that template.

Templates can refer to other templates (even recursively) thus complex chains of template instantiations can be created. This mechanism enables us to write smart template codes affecting the compilation process. To demonstrate this capability of C++ templates Erwin Unruh wrote a sample program [42]. The program, when compiled, emitted a list of prime numbers as part of the error messages. This way Unruh demonstrated that with cleverly designed templates it is possible to execute a desired algorithm at compile time. This compile-time programming is called C++ Template Metaprogramming (TMP) [1].

figure am

The classical example on Listing 39 demonstrates how to compute the value of factorial at compile time. We can see that the implementation uses recursion at compile-time. The static constant value, Factorial<5>::value is referred to inside the main function, thus the compiler is enforced to compute it. The instantiation process of the class Factorial<5> begins. Inside the Factorial template, Factorial<N-1>::value is referred. The compiler now is forced to instantiate Factorial<4>, then to instantiate Factorial<3>, etc. The Factorial template class is instantiated several times recursively. The recursion stops when Factorial<1> is referred to, since there is a specialization for that argument. At the end, the compiler generates five classes and Factorial<5>::value is calculated at compile time.

Similarly, one can use control branches using template specialization. In the example on Listing 40 example we declare the variable i to be of type int or long depending on whether the size of the long type is greater then the size of int.

figure an

As template metaprograms are “executed” by the compiler, they fundamentally differ from usual runtime programs. Compilers among other actions evaluate constant values, deduce types and declare variables – all of these are immutable actions. Once a constant value has been computed, a type has been decided, a variable has been declared then they remain the same. There is no such thing as assignment in template metaprograms. In this way C++ template metaprograms are similar to the pure functional programming languages with referential transparency [30]. However, one can still write control-structures, using specializations. Loops are implemented using recursive templates, terminated by specializations. Control branches are based on partial or full specializations.

Having recursion and branching with pattern matching we have a complete programming language – executing programs at compile time. C++ templates have been proven to form a Turing complete sublanguage of C++ at compile time [44]. Template metaprograms are used intensively to implement active libraries [45], expression templates [46], DSL integrations [34], parser generation [41], target of translation of functional programming systems [35] or even for type safe hosting of SQL queries [10].

We can use data structures at compile time. For example the list structure used by most functional programming languages can be implemented by a class, NullType, representing the empty list and a template class, Typelist, representing the list constructor [2]. One can represent any list by using the constructor recursively. These classes can be implemented and used in Listing 41:

figure ao

Preprocessor macros make the use of typelists more handy (on Listing 42):

figure ap

The most commonly used data types are implemented by the Boost.MPL library in an efficient way and with an easy to use syntax, without having to use the preprocessor for creating lists. The above list can be created using boost::mpl::list as shown in Listing 43.

figure aq

The similarities between template metaprogramming and the functional paradigm are obvious. Static constants have the same role in template metaprograms as ordinary values have in the runtime ones. Template metaprogramming uses symbolic names (typenames, typedefs) instead of variables. Specific classes are used to replace runtime functions.

To bring C++ metaprogramming from an ad-hoc approach to a more structured form, Czarnecki and Eisenecker defined the term template metafunction as a special template class [6]. The template metafunction is the unit to encapsulate compile time computations in a standard way. The arguments of the metafunction are the template parameters of the class, the value of the function is a nested type of the template. The name of this nested type has been standardised by Boost.MPL, and it is called type. To evaluate a metafunction we provide actual parameters for the arguments, and we refer to the nested type as the value.

The possibility of writing compile-time metaprograms in C++ was not intentionally designed. Therefore, C++ compilers are not focused on template metaprograms as primary targets. The syntax of the metaprograms is far from trivial, and in most cases it is hard to understand. Debugging and profiling template metaprograms, although now supported by various tools [24, 31], are still challenging.

7 Summary

More than 35 years after it has been created, the C++ programming language has still among the most important and frequently used mainstream programming languages. One of the reasons of its vitality is that C++ has successfully addressed challenges that have emerged from time to time. The RAII idiom and its consequences, like smart pointers, handled resource safety issues, generative programming and the STL created a complex, fully comprehensive, still effective and easy to use standard library. Lately, the new memory model and the multithreading library addressed the emerging request for supporting concurrent programming.

Not independently from concurrent programming, we experience a growing enthusiasm for functional programming and its toolset. Historically C++ was not rich in language elements directly supporting the functional paradigm. In this paper we attempted the summarize those classical and new language elements that provide support for one of the major characteristics of functional paradigm: immutable programming. Immutability or referential transparency requires that objects must not change their value during runtime.

Although there is no direct support for immutable data types in C++, various existing language features can be used to achieve immutability. Constants, and const-correctness rules have been used in C++ from the beginning. STL supports and always supported constant correctness. Lambda functions, introduced to C++11, have a pure behaviour by default. Constant expressions, especially their extended form since C++14, provide a feasible way to implement immutable objects and pure functions. Template metaprograms are referentially transparent by nature, and compile time data structures, like typelists, are immutable. In the upcoming C++17 version constexpr lambdas, folding expressions will enhance the functional toolset of C++.

With this rich set of available language features, one can safely implement in modern C++ immutable data structures, pure functions and all the other means of functional programming.