
1 Introduction

In the last decade, RDF, the standardized data model that, along with other technologies, like RDFS, and SPARQL, grounds the vision of the Semantic Web, was affected by a wide range of data management problems. The main reason for that is the current scale of Big Data intensive applications, which generates very large datasets and need to efficiently store massive RDF graphs that goes beyond the processing capacities of existing RDF storage systems operating on a single node. This scenario includes innovations in the frontier of Semantic Web research fields. For example, semantic technologies can enhance the storage of moving object trajectories [6], generating huge datasets about traffic, people behaviour and citizen routine. The scale of this kind of domain raises the need for new triplestores that can, for instance, take advantage of NoSQL databases to store and access large volumes of RDF data.

This paper presents WA-RDF, a triplestore composed of a middleware and multiple NoSQL databases. Our middleware includes a novel RDF data partitioning approach with a fragmentation strategy that maps pieces of an RDF graph into NoSQL databases with different data models. We consider a workload-aware partitioning approach based on the ideas from Estocada [1] to develop a multiformat RDF storage that takes into account the query workload to decide which NoSQL data model is the best fit for each incoming RDF fragment.

The main contributions of this paper are: (i) a workload-aware RDF data partitioning approach based on the current graph structure and, mainly, on the typical application queries; (ii) a query processing mechanism that takes advantage of the partitioning approach to define efficient query planning to access RDF data; (iii) a set of experiments that evaluate our solution against three baselines (Rainbow [2], ScalaRDF [4] and S2RDF [8]) by considering the NoSQL databases MongoDB and Neo4J. Our strong point is the ability to process queries over large RDF graphs stored on multiple NoSQL database servers with a subtle amount data joining cost. The experimental evaluation shows that our middleware scales well.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains the background and related work. Sections 3 and 4 detail the WA-RDF approach. Section 5 reports the experimental evaluation and Sect. 6 concludes the paper.

2 Background and Related Work

The most important pillars of this work are the Semantic Web and the NoSQL databases movement.

Currently, the Semantic Web is defined mainly in terms of well-established standards for expressing shared meaning, defined by WWW Consortium (W3C)Footnote 1, like Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL). RDF is expressed by triples that define a relationship between two resources. RDF triples can be modeled as graphs, where the resources, called subject and object, are vertexes, and the relationship, called predicate, is a directed edge from the subject to the object. SPARQL is a query language for searching and retrieving RDF information. The most important part of a SPARQL query is the triple pattern, which defines the RDF subject, predicate and object to be searched. Moreover, sets of triple patterns define Basic Graph Patterns (BGP), being each BGP a function that transforms the RDF datasets into the answer of a SPARQL query in the form of RDF triples. Traditionally, SPARQL queries can be categorized into star, chain and complex queries [8]. These query shapes depend on the location of the variables in the triple patterns, which can heavily influence the query performance [8].

There are many works that employs NoSQL systems for scalable RDF data management [5]. Among the recent works, we highlight Rainbow [2] (a polyglot NoSQL-based triplestore), ScalaRDF [4] (an in-memory solution) and S2RDF [8] (a scalable query processor). Rainbow is a distributed triplestore that uses the HBase columnar database and the Redis key-value database (K/V) as distributed storages to speed up query processing. Based on a previous analysis of the dataset and the expected workload, it decides on which NoSQL database the RDF data will be maintained. ScalaRDF introduces a distributed in-memory triple store that uses Redis as a fault-tolerant and distributed RDF store. Additionally, S2RDF proposes a Spark-based SPARQL query processor that offers very fast response time for star queries by extending the vertical partitioning. Their partition scheme uses the Apache ParquetFootnote 2 columnar format to store the triples excluding unnecessary data from query processing. In order to reduce the intermediate results, S2RDF maintains statistics about the size of the dataset tables and places the subqueries corresponding to the smallest tables at the beginning of a joining in order to reduce the intermediate result size.

WA-RDF represents an advance on the state-of-the-art in sense that it is the first triplestore that considers the typical workload to decide which is the best NoSQL database to store an RDF triple.


WA-RDF is a workload-aware middleware for storing and querying RDF data in multiple NoSQL database nodes. Its inspiration comes from Estocada, which argues that a mixed-model layer, relying on a set of diverse and heterogeneous data stores, can provide performance advantages for the applications using this layer. However, Estocada is neither a workload-aware approach nor a storage solution for RDF data. Another idea we borrowed from Estocada is a fragment-based storage that is entirely transparent to the client applications. It means that the data flow in WA-RDF is most of the time in the format of fragments. Figure 1 gives an overview of the WA-RDF architecture.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

WA-RDF architecture

An RDF-based application issues store or query requests to WA-RDF, which is normally deployed into multiple dedicated physical nodes. When an RDF-based Application submits a store request for a triple to the Fragmenter/Mapper component, WA-RDF expands this triple to a fragment \(F_{RDFi}\) and maps \(F_{RDFi}\) to the target NoSQL database(s). This process is performed by the Dataset Characterizer, which is the main component of our middleware. During a triple storage, it decides on translating \(F_{RDFi}\) to a NoSQL document or graph database (or both) according to the usual query workload, and indexes it with the aid of the Indexer component. Once \(F_{RDFi}\) is created, the Partitioner registers this fragment into the Dictionary repository - supported by a NoSQL columnar database - and stores it in the NoSQL databases.

When an RDF-based Application submits a SPARQL query request, the Query Evaluator component decomposes this query into subqueries and reports to the Dataset Characterizer about them. In the following, the Query Evaluator verifies, with the aid of the Dictionary, the partitions on which the triples for the query are potentially located. Based on this information, it checks which triples are available in the Near Cache (a data structure in the main memory of the server) and the Remote Cache (a remote NoSQL key/value database), and sends the SPARQL subqueries for the missing triples to the Query Processor component that, in turn, translates them to graph and/or document NoSQL database queries. Finally, the Query Processor sends back the query results to the Query Evaluator that translates them back to RDF triples with the aid of the Dictionary, and returns the result to the RDF-based Application.

The main purpose of WA-RDF is to store large RDF graphs. In such a scenario, the number of RDF triples can easily surpass the performance capacity (e.g., disk, memory, CPU) of a single server. When it occurs, WA-RDF distributes the RDF fragments among potentially many NoSQL nodes. A fragment is our smallest grain of distribution, i.e., during the partitioning process we deal with fragments instead of triples. Nevertheless, a query can eventually access data in multiple partitions, forcing WA-RDF to join data from different partitions. Since a join operation is very costly, we try to avoid join processes by replicating fragments that are potentially part of a join. In short, whenever the typical workload for a fragment spans more than one partition, our partitioning scheme replicates the boundary fragments of the partition. Boundary fragments have triples that are connected to triples present in other partitions.

WA-RDF also provides an RDF indexing strategy. In this context, a traditional approach is to build indexes for the full set of permutations of each triple component (subject (S), predicate (P) and object (O)). Although this method has been designed to accelerate joins by some orders of magnitude, the overhead with large index space limits its scalability and makes it heavyweight. Hence, we developed a hashmap index with subject and object keys following the patterns S-PO and O-PS. In WA-RDF, the Indexer component is responsible to manage these indexes. It is accessed in two situations: (i) during the fragment creation; and (ii) to process queries with one triple pattern.

WA-RDF is an evolution of Rendezvous [7]. In this version, all the NoSQL databases are employed. Also, as stated before, a graph database replaced the columnar database for triple storage, and the dictionary uses now a columnar database as the main storage.

4 The Workload-Aware Approach

A workload-aware approach is the cornerstone of WA-RDF. Based on it, WA-RDF decides where to place each triple, which influences mapping, partitioning and querying strategies. In order to be aware of the typical workload, WA-RDF registers information about the triple patterns of each incoming SPARQL query. We consider triple patterns because they determine BGPs that define the query shape (star, chain or complex). For instance, in the SPARQL query , the triple pattern is . WA-RDF registers historical information about the queries into two hashmaps, as shown in the example of Figs. 2(iii) and 3(iii) for the RDF graph (i) of both figures. One hashmap registers all the chain-shaped queries indexed by the predicate, and the other one all the star-shaped queries indexed by the subject. For example, Fig. 2 (iii) shows that a typical star query around C containing the triple patterns and , and Fig. 3(iii) shows a chain query starting on p1 containing the triple patterns .

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Star fragmentation strategy

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Chain fragmentation strategy

4.1 Storage: Fragmentation and Partitioning

When a new RDF triple \(t_{new}\) = (spo) is inserted through WA-RDF, the hashmaps are checked to decide if \(t_{new}\) is more frequent on star or chain-shaped queries. Algorithm 1 shows the workload-based triple storage procedure. The input parameter is \(t_{new}\), and it generates an RDF fragment f that is stored in one or more partitions. In Figs. 2(ii) and 3(ii), for instance, we have two new triples and , respectively. An RDF fragment represents an expansion of \(t_{new}\) (called core triple) with all of its neighbors according to a n-hop replication horizon managed by WA-RDF. The n-hop is used to avoid frequent joins by wisely expanding the core triple to include its neighbors until a maximal distance n. The value n is calculated as the mode of the number of triple patterns in the queries related to \(t_{new}\). For star queries, it is the most frequent diameter of the queries. For chain queries, it is the most frequent length of the queries. For example, the diameter mode for the triple is 1 according to the frequent star-shaped query in the index of Fig. 2(iii).

figure a

Back to Algorithm 1, if \(t_{new}\) does not exists (line 1), a new RDF fragment f is generated (line 2) and it initially holds the core triple (line 3). Next, the core triple is indexed in an SPO and OPS fashion (lines 4 and 5) in order to reduce response time of queries without joins and facilitate the query expansion. From line 6 to line 11, Algorithm 1 obtains the shapes and the n-hop size for the core triple. The n-hop size is defined as the size in terms of triple patterns of the biggest query in the typical workload for the core triple. It initially finds the shapes and registers them in the fragment f (line 6). If neither the predicate nor the subject exist in the chain and star hashmaps, respectively (no shape is found), it defaults to a star-shaped query with one triple n-hop size (hop = 1) (line 7). Otherwise, it determines the hop based on the found shapes (lines 8 to 11). In line 12, \(t_{new}\) is expanded to the n-hop size. f.triples is an array with up to 2 positions: one for the chain fragment and another one for the star fragment. In the example of Fig. 2, the new triple is expanded to the RDF fragment in the left of Fig. 2(iv), and the new triple to the RDF fragment in the top of Fig. 3(iv).

Formally, an RDF Fragment is a set \(F_{RDFi} = \{t_{RDF}\}\) of RDF triples \(t_{RDF}\) = (spo) whose content may overlap with other fragment \(F_{RDFj}\). After the document or graph fragment is created, WA-RDF distributes it among potentially NoSQL nodes (line 13). A NoSQL node can store one or more partitions. We discuss RDF data partitioning further on in this section.

It is important to observe here that a core triple can generate two RDF fragments (graph and document). It happens when the subject of this core triple is in the star hashmap and its predicate is in the chain hashmap at the same time. If an RDF fragment is translated to a document fragment, we have a mapping to a JSON document and it is stored into a NoSQL document database. If an RDF fragment is translated to a graph fragment, we have a mapping to a NoSQL graph database.

A document fragment is a tuple \(f_{df} = (k_d, A)\) where \(f_{df}.k_d\) is the JSON document key and \(f_{df}.A = \{(k_\alpha : v)\}\) is a set of attributes, being \(k_\alpha \) the attribute key and v a value whose domain can be atomic, a list, a set or a tuple. In short, the core triple \(t_{core}\) in the RDF fragment \(F_{RDFi}\) is mapped to a document whose key is \(t_{core}.s\), and each outgoing predicate from the subject becomes a document attribute with a key \(t_{core}.p\). If \(F_{RDFi}\) is 1-hop, the attribute value of each outgoing predicate is the object \(t_{core}.o\) reached from it. Otherwise, the predicate value is an inner document that maintains the target object as the inner document key, and its outgoing predicates as attributes. If any of these outgoing predicates is, in turn, an n-hop, n > 1, the generation of other inner documents proceeds recursively. Figure 2(iv) illustrates an RDF fragment (left) and its corresponding document fragment (right).

A graph fragment is a triple \(f_{gf} = (s_gf, T, o_gf)\) where \(s_gf\) is a vertex representing the first subject of a chain, \(o_gf\) is a vertex representing the last object of a chain, and T = {\(t_{n}\)} denotes an edge that holds a set of triples as property, i.e., the intermediary triples between \(s_gf\) and \(o_gf\), including the object of the first triple and the subject of the last triple. A graph fragment summarizes a chain of triples by transforming this chain into a triple where the subject of the first triple and the object of the last triple are mapped to two vertexes, and the edge between these two vertexes is created with a property that maintains all the triples of the chain. In Fig. 3(iv) we see an RDF fragment (top) and a graph fragment obtained from it (bottom).

We now explain the partitioning strategy of WA-RDF. Given the RDF graph of Fig. 4 (the resulting graph after the storage of the triples and into the graph of Figs. 2(i) and 3(i)), the fragments are stored in document partitions (for instance, \(P_1\)) and/or in graph partitions (for instance, \(P_2\) and \(P_3\)). In WA-RDF, a fragment is the finest unit for a partition. As defined in the following, a partition is a set of fragments stored into the same physical NoSQL node, and a fragment can be replicated in multiple partitions.

An RDF Partition \(P_{m}\) of an RDF graph G, such that G \(\subseteq {P_{1}\,\cup \,P_{2}\,\cup \,...P_{n}}\), is a set of RDF fragments \(P_{m} = \{F_{RDFi}\}\), being not required that \(P_{m}\,\cap \,P_{t}\) = \(\emptyset \), for m \(\ne \) t. Also, given SP = \(\{P_1, P_2, ..., P_n\}\) the set of RDF partitions, the partition boundary \(B_{P_{i}}\) of a partition \(P_{i} \subset SP\) is the set of RDF fragments \(B_{P_{i}} = Fb_{P_{1}}\,\cup \,Fb_{P_{2}} ...\,\cup \,Fb_{P_{n}}\), where \(Fb_{P_{k}} \subset P_k\) for any k. Each \(Fb_{P_{i}} \in B_{P_{i}}\) has one or more RDF triples \(t_i{F_{P_{i}}} = (s_i, p_i, o_i)\) where \(o_i=s_j\), being \(s_j\) the subject of any other triple \(t_j{F_{P_{j}}}\) of a partition \(P_{j}\) where \(t_j{F_{P_{j}}} = (s_j, p_j, o_j)\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Fragment partitioning

The Dictionary shown in Fig. 4 registers each fragment location. It holds three hashsets for each partition to keep track of the RDF elements stored in each partition (represented in the tables P1 Fragments and P2 Fragments), so during a query request we can avoid accessing unnecessary partitions that cannot answer this query. If a WA-RDF node manages more than one partition of a NoSQL database type, in face of a new core triple we have to decide which is the best partition to store its fragments. For doing so, WA-RDF finds out the typical workload for the triples that belong to the fragment generated by the core triple. With this information, we can query the partition sets in the Dictionary to verify in which partition this fragment can be more useful (this is represented by the line 13 of Algorithm 1) in sense that joins outside the fragment can be answered within a single partition. In Fig. 4, the size n = 1 for boundary replication repeats the fragment with core triple in partitions P1 and P2.

Algorithm 2 presents an overview of the query planning and partition processes. The input is the set of triple patterns from the query and the output is the result set R. If the query has only one triple pattern, the result is retrieved from SPO and OPS indexes (lines 1 and 2). Otherwise, Algorithm 2 looks for the shapes of the query to define its execution plan. Firstly (lines 4 to 6), WA-RDF loads the triple patterns into two multilevel hash tables mhtSPO and mhtOPS in order to speedup the further steps. Then, it looks for S-S star shapes (lines 11 to 14), O-O star shapes (lines 15 to 18) and chains (lines 20 to 26). The star shapes are identified when a subject has more than 2 entries in the mhtSPO (line 11), or an object have more than 2 entries on the mhtOPS (line 15). In this case, it expands the star shape with all the entries from the multilevel hash tables, registers the results in the star hashmap and add it to the query execution plan stored into the set stars that will be later translated to the document database query language (line 28). The triple patterns that do not define star shapes are expanded to chains (line 20). If the expanded chain has size 1 (i.e., the triple pattern itself), the indexes are accessed to get the result triples (line 22 and 23). Otherwise, the expanded chain is registered in the chain hashmap and added to the query execution plan stored into the set chains, which is later translated to the graph database query language (line 29). Finally, with the aid of the Dictionary, after the stars and chains sets are processed by the document and graph databases, the algorithm returns the result set R (line 30).

figure b

4.2 Query Processing

From a performance point of view, the most important task accomplished by WA-RDF is the query processing. The queries analyzed by the Query Evaluator component are processed by the Query Processor component, which determines the best way to read data from the NoSQL databases.

The Query Processor usually has many options to process a query. Even so, its main strategy is to foster the early execution of triples with low selectivity to reduce the number of intermediate results and, consequently, to boost the query performance. Our work focuses on selectivity estimation of single BGPs based on statistics of the queried data.

Suppose, for example, the query Q in the following. It could be decomposed into BGPs that define star queries where and are the star shape centers, or BGPs that define chain queries that starts in , follows to and then goes to other nodes. However, during the query processing we have to decide if the process first execute one of the star or chain queries, as there are dependencies between the queries.

figure c

Suppose, for example, that the star-shaped BGP potentially returns 100 triples and the chain-shaped BGP returns only 10 triples. In this case, we would process first the chain-shaped BGP.

In short, the selectivity estimation is the number of triples that is returned for each BGP. This number depends on the shape of the query. For star shapes, it is calculated by the number of times that the center of the star (subject or object) is present in the Dictionary. For chain shapes, it is calculated as how many times the predicates of the chain are presented in the chain.

The selectivity is the input for the query translation processes accomplished by the Query Processor component into the target databases. The star queries (O-O or S-S joins) are converted to queries over NoSQL document databases. For instance, the star queries Q1 (O-O) and Q2 (S-S) in the following are converted to the access methods D1 and D2, respectively (MongoDB NoSQL database syntax). The $exists function of MongoDB filters the JSON documents that have all the predicates of each query. In D2, we also filter by the subject M.

figure d

The chain queries are converted to queries over NoSQL graph databases. For example, given the query Q3 in the following, with O-S joins, WA-RDF translates it to the set of query G1 according to the CypherFootnote 3 query language of the Neo4J NoSQL database.

figure e

The processing of joins occurs when a query as a whole cannot be executed on a single partition. In this case, it needs to be decomposed into a set of subqueries, being each subquery evaluated separately and joined at the WA-RDF node.

For example, if we consider the graph of Fig. 4, the query Q4 in the following is not able to be completed only querying the partitions P1 or P2 alone. In this case, the Query Processor divides it into subqueries SQ5 and SQ6, issues it to the partitions P1 and P2, respectively, and joins the result sets by matching the predicate p9 (the connection between P1 and P2).

figure f

As explained before, a complex query is a combination of the star and chain patterns, potentially connected by simple queries. Query Q5 in the following is an example, where the BGP is a chain pattern, the BGP is a simple query, and the BGP is a star pattern. In this case, the decomposition process works as follows: (i) it first sorts the triple patterns by subject and object; (ii) if it is identified a subset with two or more patterns with the same subject or object, it is considered a star subquery, like the subquery P1 in the following. Then, chains are identified in the remaining query patterns, i.e., (iii) for each triple pattern, we navigate from object to subject creating chains, and we pick up the longest chain and consider this a chain subquery, like subquery P2.

figure g

We repeat step (iii) until there are no more chains, or there are only simple patterns, like the subquery P3. Each star and chain subquery is processed separately, and the join of the results (along with the simple patterns) is performed at the WA-RDF node. In case of ambiguity, i.e., a pattern that is presented in more than one query type, we consider the following priority: (1) subject-based star query; (2) object-based star query; (3) the longest chain query; and (4) simple queries. The star queries are processed with high priority for two reasons: star queries are most common, and the MongoDB translation permits that we query mostly the document keys, what lets queries over documents much faster when compared to queries over graphs.

5 Experimental Evaluation

This section presents an evaluation of the proposed approach. The considered dataset comes from the Lehigh University Benchmark (LUBM) [3], which features an ontology for an University domain, synthetic RDF data, and 14 extensional queries representing a variety of properties. In our experiments, we generate a dataset with 4000 universities. The dataset size is around 100 GB and contains around 500 million triples. Regarding query complexity, we have 12 queries with joins, all of them having at least one star join, and 6 of them also having at least one chain join.

We ran experiments for data insertion and data querying to evaluate the performance and scalability of WA-RDF. WA-RDF was developed using Apache Jena version 3.2.0 with Java 1.8, and we use MongoDB 3.4.3 and Neo4J 3.2.5 as the document and graph NoSQL databases, respectively, on considering their maturity as representatives of these NoSQL data models. All the nodes are Amazon m3.xlarge spot instancesFootnote 4 with 7.5 GB of memory and \(1\times 32\) SSD capacity. For all the experiments, the nodes represent the number of MongoDB + Neo4J servers, always with half of each database. We also create one partition for each server, and the WA-RDF servers were installed alone in each node. All the queries were issued from a server in the same network, so the latency between the client and WA-RDF was inexpressive.

We reproduce the query processing strategies of Rainbow and ScalaRDF because we could not find the implementation of these baselines in public repositories. To test S2RDF, we use the version found in GitHubFootnote 5, with small changes in the source code so we could use LUBM. The machines we use to run Rainbow, ScalaRDF and S2RDF are similar to the m3.xlarge of WA-RDF. We considered only one processing server for Rainbow and ScalaRDF, and we deployed an Apache Spark cluster with one master and 3 workers for S2RDF (the same size of our WA-RDF installation). The baselines were chosen because they hold different strategies: Rainbow also applies multiple databases by using Redis as a cache, ScalaRDF use a native storage along with Redis, and S2RDF uses Apache Spark.

Table 1 details the ingestion response time for three different triples. LUBM is a synthetic benchmark based on the educational domain, creating a model and data simulating a university with students, courses and professors. We first ran the queries Q1 to Q5 to provide workload information to WA-RDF and, in the following, we inserted the fragments F1 to F3. The queries and the fragments are available at Appendix A. F1 presents the insertion of a university. As shown in Table 1, the fragmentation is faster and only MongoDB was used. F2 presents the insertion of a Department in the University of F1. During F2 processing, the fragmentation phase is slower because the triples are expanded to include the University and, as the relation ub:subOrganizationOf is part of the chain in query Q5, it is added to Neo4J. F3 inserts a professor that is also a chair of the department inserted before. It generates fragments for MongoDB and Neo4J so the fragmentation and partitioning tasks are slower than the other ones.

Table 1. Detailed ingestion time (ms)
Table 2. Detailed query response time (ms)

Table 2 details the querying response time for five different triples. The queries used here were proposed by Guo et al. [3]. For sake of simplicity, we discuss only a simple, a star, a chain and two complex queries, instead of all the queries available in LUBM. Q1 is the most basic query, and it is solved directed by the WA-RDF OPS index. Q2 is a small star-shape query around X that causes an access to MongoDB. Q3 is composed of two stars connected by Y. It takes more time to generate the result set because some triples have to be cleaned. Q4 is a big star composed of five BGPs. However, it is very fast to be processed by WA-RDF because we can solve it with only one MongoDB access. Q5 is a complex query that is decomposed into two stars and a chain . It touches Neo4J and avoids multiple calls to MongoDB. As shown in Table 2, WA-RDF is specially interesting for complex queries like Q4 and Q5.

6 Conclusion

This paper presents WA-RDF, a workload-aware RDF partitioning and querying approach for RDF data stored into NoSQL databases. We based it on a middleware that can, according to the typical shape of SPARQL queries, define RDF fragments and store them into the document and graph NoSQL databases. Our experiments show that WA-RDF outperformed three recent baselines in terms of large queries (Q4 and Q5). For most of the other ones, we ran under the average of the baselines executions. However, there is still room for improvements regarding data ingestion time and storage size.

In general, WA-RDF is a contribution to the problem of efficient management of RDF data persisted into NoSQL databases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that deals with RDF data fragmentation, partitioning and efficient query processing (including optimization issues to deal with intermediate results) for massive RDF graphs stored in multiple NoSQL databases. Even so, we have some future works in mind. First of all, we are considering the development of an algorithm for triples compression. The lack of this feature lets WA-RDF uses exponentially more storage space as the n-hop horizon grows. Moreover, we intend to consider update and delete operations and cluster capabilities in the WA-RDF server. With these improvements, we aim at comparing it again with the related work. Finally, we intend to evaluate WA-RDF against other benchmarks, like the Waterloo SPARQL Diversity Test Suite (WatDiv).