1 Introduction

Multi-counter automata are finite state automata equipped with multiple counters which can be incremented, decremented, and tested for zero. It is well known that general one-way deterministic two-counter automata are computationally universal, that is, they can simulate Turing machines [17]. However, the latter simulation may need an unbounded amount of space. Hence, deterministic space-bounded as well as time-bounded multi-counter automata have been considered in [7] where, in particular, the case when the available time is restricted to realtime is studied. The authors establish in this case an infinite and strict counter hierarchy as well as positive and negative closure results. The generalization to multi-counter automata that may work nondeterministically as well as may use two-way motion on the input tape has been done in [8]. Since one-counter automata can be seen as a special case of pushdown automata, multi-counter automata may be considered a special case of multi-pushdown automata introduced in [6].

A recently introduced restriction to pushdown automata which turned out to provide nice closure properties and decidability questions is the requirement to work in an input-driven way. This means that input-driven pushdown automata are ordinary pushdown automata where the actions on the pushdown store are dictated by the input symbols. In particular, if an input symbol forces the machine to pop a symbol from the empty pushdown store, the computation continues with empty pushdown store. This variant of pushdown automata has originally been introduced in 1980 by Mehlhorn [16] and further investigations have been done in 1985 by von Braunmühl and Verbeek [5]. The results of both papers comprise the equivalence of nondeterministic and deterministic models and the proof that the membership problem is solvable in logarithmic space. The model has been revisited under the name of visibly pushdown automata in 2004 [1]. Complexity results on the model are summarized in the survey [18]. An input-driven variant of one-counter automata has been introduced in [2] and two recent papers [9, 12] examine algebraic and logical aspects of input-driven counter automata. The above-mentioned generalization to multi-pushdown automata in terms of input-driven devices is described in [15] where several additional restrictions are put on the general model in order to obtain manageable models with positive closure properties and decidable questions. Finally, we mention that the computational power of input-driven automata using the storage medium of a stack and a queue, respectively, have been investigated in [3, 13].

In this paper, we will introduce and investigate the model of input-driven multi-counter automata which are basically the input-driven variant of the realtime multi-counter automata discussed in [7]. It should be noted that this model is different from the model of “input-driven pushdown automata with counters” recently introduced by Ibarra [11]. This model is basically an input-driven pushdown automaton with additional reversal-bounded counters (see also [10]), where the input symbols govern the behavior on the pushdown store, but not necessarily on the counters. In contrast, our model has a counter update function which solely depends on the input alphabet. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we introduce the necessary notations on multi-counter automata and their input-driven versions. In Sect. 3 we study the computational capacity of input-driven multi-counter automata and their relation to the language families of the Chomsky hierarchy. Then, a hierarchy on the number of counters is established that interestingly depends on the size of the input alphabet. This means that every alphabet size n determines a bound f(n) such that k counters with \(1 \le k < f(n)\) are less powerful that \(k+1\) counters, but any number of counters larger than f(n) is as powerful as f(n) counters. Sections 4 and 5 are devoted to investigating the closure properties of and decidability questions for input-driven multi-counter automata. The main result in the latter section is that already two input-driven counters are sufficient to obtain that all usually studied decidability questions are undecidable, whereas all but one of the questions is decidable for input-driven one-counter automata.

2 Preliminaries

Let \(\varSigma ^*\) denote the set of all words over the finite alphabet \(\varSigma \). The empty word is denoted by \(\lambda \) and the reversal of a word w by \(w^R\). For the length of w we write |w|. We use \(\subseteq \) for inclusions and \(\subset \) for strict inclusions.

Let \(k \ge 0\) be a natural number. A (one-way) deterministic k-counter automaton \((\text {DCA}(k))\) is a finite automaton having a single read-only input tape. In addition, it is equipped with k counters. At the outset of a computation the counter automaton is in the designated initial state, the counters are set to zero, and the head of the input tape scans the leftmost input symbol. Dependent on the current state, the currently scanned input symbol, and the information whether the counters are zero or not, the counter automaton changes its state, increases or decreases the counters or leaves the counters unchanged, and moves the input head one square to the right. The automata have no extra output tape but the states are partitioned into accepting and rejecting states.

A counter automaton is called input-driven if the input symbols currently read define the next action on the counters. To this end, we assume that each input symbol is associated with actions to be applied to the counters. Let \(\varSigma \) be the input alphabet. Then \({{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}}:\varSigma \rightarrow \{-1,0,1\}^k\) gives these actions, where the ith component \({{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}}(x)_i\) of \({{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}}(x)\), for \(1\le i\le k\) and \(x\in \varSigma \), is added to the current value of counter i. The subtraction is in natural numbers, that is, decreasing a counter value 0 gives counter value 0. This behavior is in line with the definition of input-driven pushdown automata that may pop from the empty pushdown store leaving the pushdown store empty. For any \(x\ge 0\) we define the function \({{\,\mathrm{sg}\,}}(0)={{\,\mathrm{\bot }\,}}\) and \({{\,\mathrm{sg}\,}}(x)=+\) for \(x\ge 1\).

An input-driven counter automaton with \(k\ge 0\) counters \((\text {IDCA}(k))\) is a system \(M=\langle Q, \varSigma ,k, q_0, F, {{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}},\delta \rangle \), where Q is the finite set of internal states, \(\varSigma \) is the finite set of input symbols, \(k\ge 0\) is the number of counters, \(q_0 \in Q\) is the initial state, \(F\subseteq Q\) is the set of accepting states, \({{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}}:\varSigma \rightarrow \{-1,0,1\}^k\) is the counter update function, and \(\delta :Q \times \varSigma \times \{+,{{\,\mathrm{\bot }\,}}\}^k \rightarrow Q\) is the partial transition function that determines the successor state dependent on the current state, the current input symbol, and the current statuses of the counters (\(+\) indicates a positive value and \({{\,\mathrm{\bot }\,}}\) a zero).

A configuration of an \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) \(M=\langle Q, \varSigma ,k, q_0, F,{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}},\delta \rangle \) is a \((k+2)\)-tuple \((q,w, c_1, c_2,\dots , c_k)\), where \(q\in Q\) is the current state, \(w\in \varSigma ^*\) is the unread part of the input, and \(c_i\ge 0\) is the current value of counter i, \(1\le i\le k\). The initial configuration for input w is set to \((q_0, w, 0, 0, \dots , 0)\). During the course of its computation, M runs through a sequence of configurations. One step from a configuration to its successor configuration is denoted by \(\vdash \). Let \(q,q'\in Q\), \(a \in \varSigma \), \(w \in \varSigma ^*\), and \(c_i\ge 0\), \(1\le i\le k\). We set

$$ (q,aw,c_1, c_2,\dots , c_k) \vdash (q',w,c_1+{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}}(a)_1, c_2+{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}}(a)_2,\dots , c_k+{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}}(a)_k) $$

if and only if \(\delta (q,a, {{\,\mathrm{sg}\,}}(c_1), {{\,\mathrm{sg}\,}}(c_2),\dots ,{{\,\mathrm{sg}\,}}(c_k)) = q'\) (recall that the subtraction is in natural numbers). As usual, we define the reflexive and transitive closure of \(\vdash \) by \(\vdash ^*\).

The language accepted by the \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) M is the set L(M) of words for which there exists some computation beginning in the initial configuration and halting in a configuration in which the whole input is read and an accepting state is entered. Formally:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} L(M) = \{\,w \in \varSigma ^* \mid (q_0, w, 0, 0, \dots , 0) \vdash ^* (q, \lambda , c_1,c_2,\dots ,c_k)\qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \\ \text { with } q \in F, c_i\ge 0 \text { for } 1\le i\le k\,\}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

So, an input-driven k-counter automaton is a realtime device since it cannot perform stationary moves. It halts within n steps on inputs of length n. For each counter \(C_i\), the definitions imply the partition of the input alphabet into the sets \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\), \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_R\), and \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) that control the actions increase or drive (D), decrease or reverse (R), and leave unchanged or neutral (N) of counter \(C_i\). Such a partition is called a signature.

The family of all languages which can be accepted by some device \(\mathsf {X}\) is denoted by \(\mathscr {L}(\mathsf {X})\).

To clarify our notion we continue with an example.

Example 1

The language \(L=\{abb\bar{a}^{3}\bar{b}\bar{b}a^5bb\bar{a}^{7}\bar{b}\bar{b}\cdots a^{4n+1}b\mid n\ge 0\}\) is non-semilinear and accepted by the \(\text {IDCA}(2)\) \(M=\langle Q, \varSigma ,2, q_0, F,{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}},\delta \rangle \) with state set \(Q=\{ q_0,q_1,q_2,q_3,q_4\}\), final states \(F=\{ q_2\}\), counter update function defined by \(\alpha (a)=(-1,1)\), \(\alpha (b)=(0,1)\), \(\alpha (\bar{a})=(1,-1)\), \(\alpha (\bar{b})=(1,0)\), and transition function

figure a

The \(\text {IDCA}(2)\) M uses its second counter to store the number of consecutive a’s. The following two b’s are used to increment the counter by two in order to match the number of \(\bar{a}\)’s in the following block. The comparison is made by decreasing the second counter on \(\bar{a}\)’s. Simultaneously, the first counter is increased to store the number of \(\bar{a}\)’s for the verification of the next block length. The addition of two is done while reading two symbols \(\bar{b}\)’s. Similarly the length of an \(\bar{a}\) block is compared with the length of the following a block. These comparisons are done alternately.

The correct format of the input is checked in the states.

Finally, the total length of an accepted input is \((2n+2)^2-2\) and, thus, the language is not semilinear. \(\blacksquare \)

3 Computational Capacity

We start the investigation of the computational capacity of input-driven counter automata by considerations on unary languages. Example 1 shows that even two counters are sufficient to push the power of input-driven counter automata beyond the edge of semilinearity and, thus, context-freeness. However, to this end non-unary witness languages have to be used. In fact, for unary languages any number of counters does not help to accept a non-regular language.

Proposition 2

Any unary language accepted by some \(\text {IDCA}\) is regular.


Let \(M=\langle Q, \{a\},k, q_0, F,{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}},\delta \rangle \) be an \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) accepting a unary language \(L(M)\subseteq a^*\). If \(k=0\), then M is a finite automaton and the accepted language is regular. If \(k>0\), the signature of any counter \(C_i\), \(1\le i\le k\), consists of one singleton and two empty sets. If \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) or \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) is non-empty then M will never increase counter \(C_i\) from its initial value zero. So, counter \(C_i\) is useless and can be omitted. If \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) is non-empty then counter \(C_i\) is never decreased to zero once it has been increased to one. This fact can be remembered in the state such that counter \(C_i\) can be omitted in this case either. In this way all counters can be omitted and we end up in a finite automaton that accepts L(M).    \(\square \)

Clearly, any regular language is accepted by some \(\text {IDCA}(0)\). So, for any \(k\ge 0\) the family of unary languages accepted by \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) coincides with the family of regular languages. Moreover, any \(\text {IDCA}\) can be simulated by a deterministic linear bounded automaton in a straightforward way. This implies that the family of languages accepted by \(\text {IDCA}\) is included in the family of deterministic context-sensitive languages. The inclusion is even strict, since the (deterministic) (linear) context-free language \(\{\,a^n\texttt {\$}a^n\mid n\ge 0\,\}\) is not accepted by any \(\text {IDCA}\).

Lemma 3

Language \(L=\{\,a^n\texttt {\$}a^n\mid n\ge 0\,\}\) is not accepted by any \(\text {IDCA}\).


Contrarily assume that there is some \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) \(M=\langle Q, \varSigma ,k, q_0, F,{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}},\delta \rangle \) that accepts L.

We give evidence that the counters cannot help. Let \(C_i\), \(1\le i\le k\), be a counter. If \(a\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) or \(a\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) then M will increase counter \(C_i\) at most once on reading the \(\texttt {\$}\). This fact can be remembered in the state and counter \(C_i\) can be omitted.

If \(a\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) and \(n\ge 2\) then counter \(C_i\) is never decreased to zero once two a’s have been read from the input. This fact can be remembered in the state as well such that counter \(C_i\) can be omitted in this case either.

In this way all counters can be omitted and we end up in a finite automaton that accepts L. This is a contradiction since L is not regular.    \(\square \)

The next corollary summarizes the relationships with the linguistic families of the Chomsky hierarchy.

Corollary 4

Let \(k\ge 1\) be an integer. Then the family of regular languages is strictly included in \(\mathscr {L}(\text {IDCA}(k))\) which, in turn, is strictly included in the family of deterministic context-sensitive languages.

For \(k \ge 2\), the family \(\mathscr {L}(\text {IDCA}(k))\) is incomparable with the family of (deterministic) (linear) context-free languages.

Next, we turn to examine the power of the number of counters.

Lemma 5

Let \(\varSigma \) be an m-symbol alphabet and \(k=3^m-2^{m+1}+1\). Then any \(\text {IDCA}(k+i)\), \(i\ge 1\), can be simulated by an \(\text {IDCA}(k)\).


Let \(i\ge 1\) and \(M=\langle Q, \varSigma ,k+i, q_0, F,{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}},\delta \rangle \) be an \(\text {IDCA}(k+i)\).

The proof of Proposition 2 revealed that a counter whose signature does not associate an increase and a decrease operation with some alphabet symbol can safely be omitted. So, any useful signature has non-empty sets \(\varSigma _R\) and \(\varSigma _D\). There are \(3^m\) different signatures of \(\varSigma \). From these, \(2^{m}\) signatures have an empty set \(\varSigma _R\). Another \(2^{m}\) signatures have an empty set \(\varSigma _D\). Moreover, there is exactly one signature with both sets \(\varSigma _R\) and \(\varSigma _D\) empty. Therefore, there are at most \(3^m-2^{m+1}+1\) different useful signatures.

Clearly, if two counters of M have the same signature, one of them can be omitted. The same is true for a counter with a useless signature. We conclude that at least i counters can be removed from M without affecting the language accepted.    \(\square \)

In particular, Lemma 5 shows that any counter hierarchy for \(\text {IDCA}\) necessarily collapses at a level that is solely determined by the alphabet size. Next, we turn to show that, in fact, these hierarchies exist.

Theorem 6

Let \(m\ge 2\) be an integer. For \(1 < k \le 3^m-2^{m+1}+1\), the family of languages accepted by \(\text {IDCA}(k-1)\) over an alphabet of size m is strictly included in the family of languages accepted by \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) over an alphabet of size m.


Let \(\varSigma =\{a_1,a_2,\dots , a_m\}\) be some alphabet of size \(m\ge 2\). The proof of Lemma 5 showed that there are \(k_{max}=3^m-2^{m+1}+1\) different useful signatures \(S_i=\big (\varSigma ^{(i)}_D,\varSigma ^{(i)}_R,\varSigma ^{(i)}_N\big )\), \(1\le i\le k_{max}\). For each signature \(S_i\) language \(L_i\subseteq \varSigma ^*\) is defined as

$$ L_i=\{\,w_1w_2w_3 \mid w_1\in \big (\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\big )^+, w_2\in \big (\varSigma ^{(i)}_N\big )^*, w_3\in \big (\varSigma ^{(i)}_R\big )^+, |w_3|=|w_1|+1\,\}. $$

First, we show that, for any subset \(I=\{i_1,i_2,\dots ,i_k\}\subseteq \{1,2,\dots ,k_{max}\}\), language \(L_I = \bigcup _{i\in I} (L_i)^+\) is accepted by some \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) M. To this end, the counter update function \({{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}}\) of M associates signature \(S_{i_j}\) with counter \(C_j\), for \(i_j\in I\). In this way, when starting with counter value zero, for any input factor \(w_1w_2w_3\) from \(L_{i_j}\), counter \(C_j\) is incremented to \(|w_1|\) while M processes the prefix \(w_1\) of the factor. On \(w_2\) the value of counter \(C_j\) is unchanged. Since \(|w_3|=|w_1|+1\), counter \(C_j\) is decremented to value zero for the first time when only one input symbol of the factor is left. The next transition of M on counter value zero drives M into an accepting state while the value of counter \(C_j\) remains zero. Therefore, M accepts if the input has been processed entirely. Otherwise it repeats the process for the next input factor from \(L_{i_j}\). Moreover, since \(\Big (\big (\varSigma ^{(i_j)}_D\big )^+\big (\varSigma ^{(i_j)}_N\big )^*\big (\varSigma ^{(i_j)}_R\big )^+\Big )^+\) is regular, M can determine in its states whether the input has the format of all words in \((L_{i_j})^+\). Since M has as many counters as languages are joined to \(L_I\), an input can be accepted if and only if it belongs to \(L_I\).

Second, we show that, for any subset \(I=\{i_1,i_2,\dots ,i_k\}\subseteq \{1,2,\dots ,k_{max}\}\), language \(L_I\) is not accepted by any \(\text {IDCA}(k-1)\). In contrast to the assertion assume that there is some subset \(I=\{i_1,i_2,\dots ,i_k\}\) and some \(\text {IDCA}(k-1)\) \(M=\langle Q, \varSigma ,k-1, q_0, F,{{\,\mathrm{\alpha }\,}},\delta \rangle \) that accepts \(L_I\). Since \(L_I\) is the union of k languages which in turn are defined by k signatures, but M has only \(k-1\) counters, there is at least one of the joined languages, say \((L_j)^+\), whose underlying signature \(S_j=\big (\varSigma ^{(j)}_D,\varSigma ^{(j)}_R,\varSigma ^{(j)}_N\big )\) does not appear as the signature of any of the counters.

In order to obtain a contradiction, we next turn to construct an input word \(\varphi \in (L_j)^+\) that fools all counters of M simultaneously. To this end, let

$$ \varSigma ^{(j)}_D=\{x_1,x_2,\dots , x_p\}, \varSigma ^{(j)}_N=\{y_1,y_2,\dots , y_q\}, \text { and } \varSigma ^{(j)}_R=\{z_1,z_2,\dots , z_r\}. $$

The word \(\varphi \) is the concatenation of r words \(u_1,u_2,\dots , u_r\) from \(L_j\) that are as follows. Let \(c > r+2\) be a fixed constant. Then

$$ u_i =(x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^c z_i^{c\cdot p+1}, \text { for } 1\le i\le r-1. $$

So, the length of \(u_i\) is \(2\cdot c\cdot p+1\). Now we set \(c_r = (r-1)(2\cdot c\cdot p+1)+p+|Q|\) and \(s= (p+1)\cdot c_r\), and define

$$ u_r=(x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^{c_r} y_1^{2\cdot s} y_2^{2^2\cdot s} \cdots y_q^{2^q\cdot s} z_r^{c_r\cdot p+1}. $$

Next we determine how the counters of M evolve on input \(\varphi =u_1u_2\cdots u_r\) that belongs to L(M). To this end, we distinguish three cases dependent on the signatures of the counters.

Case 1. Let \(\varSigma ^{(j)}_N \not \subseteq \varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) for some counter \(C_i\).

To determine how counter \(C_i\) evolves on input \(\varphi \) we consider the greatest index \(\ell \) from \(\{1,2,\dots ,q\}\) such that \(y_{\ell }\notin \varSigma ^{(i)}_N\).

The length of the prefix of \(\varphi \) up to but not including the factor \(y_\ell ^{2^\ell \cdot s}\) from \(u_r\) is \( (r-1)(2\cdot c\cdot p+1)+ c_r\cdot p + 2\cdot s + 2^2\cdot s +\cdots + 2^{\ell -1}\cdot s < s+ 2\cdot s + 2^2\cdot s +\cdots + 2^{\ell -1}\cdot s = (2^{\ell }-1)\cdot s\). Therefore, after processing the prefix, the value of counter \(C_i\) is at most \((2^{\ell }-1)\cdot s\).

If \(y_\ell \in \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) then the value of counter \(C_i\) is decremented to zero after processing the following factor \(y_\ell ^{2^\ell \cdot s}\). Furthermore, since \(\ell \) has been chosen to be the greatest index, the value of counter \(C_i\) remains zero until the first symbol \(z_r\) appears in the input. Dependent on whether \(z_r\) belongs to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) or \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_N\cup \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) the value of counter \(C_i\) increases on the remaining input suffix \(z_r^{c_r\cdot p+1}\) or remains zero. In both cases the status of counter \(C_i\) does not change on the last \(c_r\cdot p\) input symbols.

If \(y_\ell \in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) then the value of counter \(C_i\) is at least \(2^\ell \cdot s\) after processing the following factor \(y_\ell ^{2^\ell \cdot s}\). Furthermore, since \(\ell \) has been chosen to be the greatest index, the value of counter \(C_i\) does not change until the first symbol \(z_r\) appears in the input. Moreover, since \(c_r\cdot p+1< 2^\ell \cdot s\) the status of counter \(C_i\) does not change on the last \(c_r\cdot p\) input symbols.

Case 2. Let \(\varSigma ^{(j)}_N \subseteq \varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) and \(\varSigma ^{(j)}_D \not \subseteq \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) for some counter \(C_i\).

The length of the prefix \(u_1u_2\cdots u_{r-1}\) of \(\varphi \) is \((r-1)(2\cdot c\cdot p+1)\). Therefore, after processing the prefix, the value of counter \(C_i\) is at most \((r-1)(2\cdot c\cdot p+1)\). Since there is at least one symbol from \(\{x_1,x_2,\dots , x_p\}\) that does not belong to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\), the value of counter \(C_i\) increases by at most \(c_r\cdot (p-1)\) on processing the following factor \((x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^{c_r}\). This gives a counter value of at most \( (r-1)(2\cdot c\cdot p+1)+c_r\cdot (p-1) = c_r-p-|Q| +c_r\cdot p- c_r = c_r\cdot p-p-|Q|\).

Dependent on whether \(z_r\) belongs to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\cup \varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) or \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) the value of counter \(C_i\) increases or remains unchanged, or decreases by \(c_r\cdot p+1\) on the remaining input suffix \(z_r^{c_r\cdot p+1}\). In the former case, clearly, the status of counter \(C_i\) does not change on the last \(c_r\cdot p\) input symbols. In the latter case the counter is decreased to zero after processing at most \(c_r\cdot p-p-|Q|\) input symbols \(z_r\). So, the status of counter \(C_i\) does not change on the last \(p+|Q|+1\) input symbols.

Case 3. Let \(\varSigma ^{(j)}_N \subseteq \varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) and \(\varSigma ^{(j)}_D \subseteq \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) for some counter \(C_i\).

In this case we know that at least one of the inclusions is strict and obtain \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_R \subset \varSigma ^{(j)}_R\). Let \(\ell \) be the greatest index from \(\{1,2,\dots ,r\}\) such that \(z_{\ell }\notin \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\).

Since counter \(C_i\) increases on all input factors \(x_1x_2\cdots x_p\) by p, after processing the prefix \((x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^c\) of \(u_\ell \) if \(\ell <r\) or \((x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^{c_r}\) of \(u_r\) if \(\ell =r\), the counter value is at least \(c\cdot p\) in the former and at least \(c_r\cdot p\) in the latter case. Since \(z_{\ell }\notin \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\), the value does not decrease on suffix \(z_\ell ^{c\cdot p+1}\) of \(u_\ell \) if \(\ell <r\) or \(z_\ell ^{c_r\cdot p+1}\) of \(u_r\) if \(\ell =r\).

If \(\ell =r\) this implies immediately that the status of counter \(C_i\) does not change on the last \(c_r\cdot p\) input symbols.

If \(\ell <r\), the value of counter \(C_i\) is at least \(c\cdot p\) after processing factor \(u_\ell \) of \(\varphi \). The value increases by \(c\cdot p\) and subsequently possibly decreases by \(c\cdot p+1\) on each of the remaining \(r-\ell -1\) factors \(u_{\ell +1}, u_{\ell +2},\dots , u_{r-\ell -1}\). Finally, on the prefix \((x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^{c_r}\) of \(u_r\) it increases by \(c_r\cdot p\). At that time its value is at least \(c\cdot p - (r-\ell -1) + c_r\cdot p\). Recall that \(p,r\ge 1\) since \(S_j\) is useful. Since \(\varSigma ^{(j)}_N \subseteq \varSigma ^{(i)}_N\), it decreases by at most \(c_r\cdot p+1\) on the remaining input suffix. By \(c\cdot p - (r-\ell -1) + c_r\cdot p> c\cdot p-r + c_r\cdot p> (r+2)\cdot p-r+ c_r\cdot p > 2+c_r\cdot p\) we conclude that counter \(C_i\) is not decremented to zero on the suffix and, thus, the status of counter \(C_i\) does not change on the last \(c_r\cdot p\) input symbols. This concludes Case 3.

Cases 1 to 3 show that the status of all counters of M at least do not change on the last \(p+|Q|\ge 1+|Q|\) input symbols. Since these input symbols are all the same, that is, they are \(z_r\), automaton M enters some state at least twice when processing this suffix. Let \(z_r^n\) with \(1\le n\le |Q|\) drive M from some state q to state q when processing this suffix. Define \(\varphi '\) to be the word \(\varphi \) with n symbols \(z_r\) chopped off. Since \(\varphi \) is accepted we conclude that \(\varphi '\) is accepted as well. However, \(\varphi '\) does not belong to \((L_j)^+\).

Since \(L(M)=L_I\), it remains to be shown that \(\varphi '\) does not belong to any of the languages \((L_i)^+\) with \(i\in I=\{i_1,i_2,\dots ,i_k\}\) and \(i\ne j\).

Assume there is such an i such that \(\varphi '\in (L_i)^+\). We consider the structure of all words in \((L_i)^+\). It follows that \(x_1\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) and \(z_r\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\).

Case 1. Let there be some \(x_t\in \{x_2,x_3,\dots , x_p\}\) that does not belong to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\). Since the symbol after \(x_p\) is \(x_1\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) this implies that a prefix of \(x_1x_2\cdots x_p\) belongs to \((L_i)^+\). If this prefix is proper, the prefix \((x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^2\) of \(\varphi '\) shows that \(\varphi '\) cannot belong to \((L_i)^+\). Therefore, the prefix is not proper and we conclude that the word \(x_1x_2\cdots x_p\) itself belongs to \((L_i)^+\). However, in this case the prefix \((x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^cz_1^{c\cdot p+1}x_1x_2\cdots x_p\) of \(\varphi '\) implies that \(\varphi '\) is in a wrong format if \(z_1\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) and cannot belong to \((L_i)^+\) if \(z_1\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\cup \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\).

Case 2. We have \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\supseteq \varSigma ^{(j)}_D\). Since all symbols \(z\in \{z_1,z_2,\dots , z_{r-1}\}\) have predecessor symbol \(x_p\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) and successor symbol \(x_1\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) in \(\varphi '\), they must belong either to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) or to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\).

If there is some \(1\le t< r-1\) such that \(z_t\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) and \(z_{t+1}\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) then the number \(c\cdot p+1\) of symbols \(z_{t+1}\) does not match one plus the number of symbols from \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\) appearing directly before the \(z_{t+1}\). So, \(\varphi '\) does not belong to \((L_i)^+\) in this case. We conclude that if there is some \(z_t\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_D\), for \(1\le t\le r-1\), then all \(z\in \{z_t,z_{t+1},\dots , z_{r-1}\}\) belong to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\). Since in the suffix \(u_r\) of \(\varphi '\) there are less than \(c_r\cdot p+1\) symbols \(z_r\in \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) but \(c_r\cdot p\) symbols from \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\), at least one of the symbols from \(\{y_1,y_2,\dots , y_q\}\) must belong to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_R\) in order to make \(\varphi '\) belong to \((L_i)^+\). Since any y from \(\{y_1,y_2,\dots , y_q\}\) appears more frequently than the length of its prefix from \(\varphi '\), the word \(\varphi '\) does not belong to \((L_i)^+\) in this case as well. So, we have \(\{z_1,z_2,\dots , z_{r-1}\}\subseteq \varSigma ^{(i)}_R\).

Case 3. We have \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_D\supseteq \varSigma ^{(j)}_D\) and \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_R\supseteq \varSigma ^{(j)}_R\). So, the prefix \(u_1u_2\cdots u_{r-1}\) of \(\varphi '\) belongs to \((L_i)^+\). Now, if there is some \(y_t\in \{y_1,y_2,\dots , y_q\}\) that does not belong to \(\varSigma ^{(i)}_N\) then a straightforward calculation shows that the suffix \( (x_1x_2\cdots x_p)^{c_r} y_1^{2\cdot s} y_2^{2^2\cdot s} \cdots y_q^{2^q\cdot s} z_r^{c_r\cdot p+1-n} \) does not belong to \((L_i)^+\). So, \(\varphi '\) does not belong to \((L_i)^+\) either. This concludes Case 3.

Cases 1 to 3 show that in any case \(\varphi '\) does not belong to \((L_i)^+\). The contradiction implies that \(\varphi '\) does not belong to \(L_I\) which in turn is a contradiction to the assumption that \(L_I\) is accepted by M.    \(\square \)

Table 1. Closure properties of the language families discussed. Symbols \(\cup _c\), \(\cap _c\), and \(\cdot _c\) denote union, intersection, and concatenation with compatible signatures. Such operations are not defined for non-input-driven devices and are marked with ‘—’.

4 Closure Properties

Here we are interested in the closure properties of the language families accepted by input-driven counter automata. However, the results for ordinary k-counter automata are complemented by deriving closure under complementation which, in turn, yields non-closure under intersection. The results are summarized in Table 1.

We say that two signatures \(\varSigma =\varSigma _D\cup \varSigma _R\cup \varSigma _N\) and \(\hat{\varSigma }=\hat{\varSigma }_D\cup \hat{\varSigma }_R\cup \hat{\varSigma }_N\) are compatible if the symbols shared by both alphabets have the same effect on the counters. That is, if \( \bigcup _{j\in \{D,R,N\}} (\varSigma _j \setminus \hat{\varSigma }_j) \cap \hat{\varSigma }\) and \(\bigcup _{j\in \{D,R,N\}} (\hat{\varSigma }_j \setminus \varSigma _j) \cap \varSigma \) are empty. Two input-driven counter automata M and \(M'\) have compatible signatures, if for any counter of M there is a counter of \(M'\) with compatible signature, and vice versa.

Since the devices under consideration are deterministic and are working in realtime, the closure of the accepted language families under complementation can be derived.

Proposition 7

Let \(k\ge 0\). The families of languages accepted by \(\text {DCA}(k)\), \(\text {IDCA}(k)\), and \(\text {IDCA}\) are closed under complementation.

The property of working input-driven suggests to consider closure properties for the cases where the languages are accepted by devices having compatible signatures.

Proposition 8

Let \(k\ge 0\). The family of languages accepted by \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) is closed under union and intersection with compatible signatures.

If we drop the restriction of compatible signatures then multi-counter automata accept language families that are still closed under union and intersection.

Proposition 9

The family of languages accepted by \(\text {IDCA}\) is closed under union and intersection.

We conclude the investigation of closures under Boolean operations by stressing that the restriction to compatible signatures is a serious one. If we drop that restriction for a fixed number of counters, the positive closure property gets lost.

Proposition 10

Let \(k\ge 1\). The family of languages accepted by \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) is neither closed under union nor under intersection.

We conclude the section with the investigation of the closure properties under the operations concatenation, iteration, reversal, and length-preserving homomorphism. We use \(\{a^m b^n\mid 0\le n\le m\}\), which may leave an unbounded amount of garbage in the counters, as basic witness language to show the non-closures.

Proposition 11

Let \(k\ge 1\). The families of languages accepted by \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) and \(\text {IDCA}\) are not closed under concatenation with compatible signatures, iteration, reversal, and length-preserving homomorphism.

5 Decidability Problems

In this section we turn to explore the decidability problems of emptiness, finiteness, universality, inclusion, equivalence, and regularity for \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) with \(k \ge 0\) counters. Since \(\text {IDCA}(0)\) are deterministic finite automata, all decidability questions mentioned are decidable. If \(k=1\), we obtain one-counter machines which are special cases of deterministic pushdown automata. Since emptiness, finiteness, universality, equivalence, and regularity is decidable for such automata, we obtain these decidability results for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\) as well. Finally, the decidability of inclusion for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\) with compatible signatures is shown in [14]. However, it is shown in [14] as well that the inclusion problem for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\) becomes undecidable if the signatures are not necessarily compatible.

The complexity of the equivalence problem for \(\text {DCA}(1)\) is known to be NL-complete [4]. So, it is in NL for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\) as well. Moreover, since the emptiness problem for deterministic finite automata is already NL-hard, and the emptiness problem easily reduces to the equivalence problem, the latter is NL-complete for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\).

The inclusion problem for deterministic input-driven pushdown automata with compatible signatures is P-complete [18]. From the NL-hardness of the equivalence problem for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\) the NL-hardness of the inclusion problem follows. The constructions for the closure under complementation and intersection together with the fact that the emptiness problem for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\) is in NL yields an NL algorithm for the inclusion problem for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\). So, the inclusion problem for \(\text {IDCA}(1)\) is NL-complete.

Now, we consider the case of \(\text {IDCA}\) with at least two counters. It turns out that in this case undecidability results can be obtained, since it is possible to utilize the undecidability of the halting problem for two-counter machines shown by Minsky [17].

Theorem 12

Let \(k\ge 2\) and M be an \(\text {IDCA}(k)\). Then it is undecidable whether or not L(M) is empty as well as whether or not L(M) is finite.

The closure under complementation relates the questions of emptiness and universality, whereas inclusion and equivalence questions can be reduced to universality questions.

Corollary 13

Let \(k\ge 2\) and M be an \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) over some input alphabet \(\varSigma \). Then it is undecidable whether or not \(L(M)=\varSigma ^*\).


Due to Proposition 7 it is possible for an \(\text {IDCA}(2)\) M to construct an \(\text {IDCA}(2)\) \(M'\) accepting the complement \(\overline{L(M)}\). Hence, the question of whether \(L(M)=\varSigma ^*\) is equivalent to \(L(M')=\overline{L(M)}=\emptyset \). Since the latter question is undecidable due to Theorem 12 we obtain the claim of the theorem.    \(\square \)

Corollary 14

Let \(k\ge 2\) and M and \(M'\) be two \(\text {IDCA}(k)\) with compatible signatures. Then it is neither decidable whether or not \(L(M) \subseteq L(M')\) nor whether or not \(L(M) = L(M')\).

Finally, we obtain that the regularity problem is undecidable as well.

Theorem 15

Let \(k\ge 2\) and M be an \(\text {IDCA}(k)\). Then it is undecidable whether or not M accepts a regular language.

The undecidability results obtained obviously hold also for the stronger variants of \(\text {IDCA}\) as well as for the corresponding non-input-driven counter machines.