1 Introduction

Membrane systems, introduced in [15], are biologically inspired models of computation: their operation imitates in a sense the functioning of living cells. The computation proceeds in distinct regions, called membranes or compartments. The compartments allow computation with multisets: they accomplish transformations of their contained multisets by various evolution (multiset rewriting) rules. Several variants of P systems have been introduced and studied, see the monograph [16] for a thorough introduction, or the handbook [17] for a summary of notions and results of the area.

In the original symbol object model, the compartments are organized in a tree like structure. Each membrane except for the outermost one, the skin membrane, have a unique parent membrane, the parent-child relationship depicts the connection when one membrane (the parent) contains the other membrane (the child). The rules account for the distributed computational processes in the compartments. In this basic model, the lefthand side of a rule is a multiset of objects inside one of the regions and the righthand side of a rule is a multiset of objects labelled with target indications here, out and \(in_j\) indicating the positions the elements should be placed before the next computational step begins. Usually, computation in a region takes place in a maximally parallel manner, this means that a computational step in a region is understood as the simultaneous application of a multiset of rules which is maximal, that is, it cannot be augmented by any applicable rule. The membrane system waits for each of its compartments to finish its maximally parallel computational process, then the objects labelled with the target indications are moved to their correct places and a new computational step of the P system can begin. Objects with target indication here remain in the region, objects with out move to the parent region, objects with \(in_j\) enter the jth child region of the given compartment. The computation proceeds until no rule can be applied in any of the regions. The result is usually formed by the objects of a designated region, the output region, after the computation having come to a halt.

The structure of a membrane system can be represented in various ways, cell-like membrane systems have a membrane structure which can be described by a tree. Systems with graph-like membrane structures called tissue-like P systems were also considered, where the connection between the membranes are established by edges forming the communication routes. Here we study variants of tissue-like systems called generalized P systems (see [3]).

The question of how to define dynamically changing membrane structures using topological spaces, and how the underlying topologies influence the behaviour of P systems was already examined in [4, 5]. Multiset approximation spaces were defined in [7, 8], which made it possible to talk about lower and upper approximations of the contents of membranes of a P system. This led to various notions of membrane borders, and notions of closeness of membranes. Restricting the interaction to membranes that are close to each other, or permitting only rules that manipulate multisets which are on the boundaries of the membranes can affect the computational strength of the membrane system. The study of this area was initiated in [9], where also an intention to model chemical stability played an important role. The results in [9] were formulated for the so-called symport/antiport P systems, but the investigations were also continued for so called generalized P systems in [2]. In the present paper we also study generalized P systems, but we do not rely on any notion of closeness of membranes. Instead, we focus on the notion of clear observability. We consider lower approximations and boundaries of compartments, and restrict the applicability of the rules accordingly. It will turn out that the use of boundary rules, that is, rules which can only manipulate objects on the boundaries of compartments, results in an increase of the computational power of certain variants of generalized P systems to the level of the power of Turing machines. On the other hand, if we restrict rule applications only to rules that manipulate multisets which lie in the inner approximations of the membranes (inner rules), this restriction is not enough to provide Turing completeness.

The main contributions of the paper are of two kinds: the introduction of the above described variants of generalized P systems with associated multiset approximation spaces, and the presented results about their computational power.

In the following, we first recall the necessary definitions, then take up the examination of the two variants of generalized P systems with dynamically changing communication structure based on multiset approximation spaces. As maximal parallel rule application makes already the basic model of generalized P systems computationally complete, we study the weaker, unsynchronized variants. We first show that generalized P systems with inner rules can be simulated by simple place-transition Petri nets, thus, their computational power is less than that of Turing machines. Then we consider systems with boundary rules and show that they are able to simulate so called register machines, which demonstrates that their computational power is the same as the power of Turing machines. Finally, the paper ends with a few concluding remarks.

2 Preliminaries

Let \(\mathbb {N}\) and \(\mathbb {N}_{>0}\) be the set of non-negative integers and the set of positive integers, respectively, and let O be a finite nonempty set (the set of object). A multiset M over O is a pair \(M=(O,f)\), where \(f:O\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) is a mapping which gives the multiplicity of each object \(a\in O\). The set \(\mathrm {supp}(M)=\{a\in O \mid f(a) > 0\}\) is called the support of M. If \(\mathrm {supp}(M)=\emptyset \), then M is the empty multiset. If \(a\in \mathrm {supp}(M)\), then \(a\in M\), and \(a\in ^n M\) if \(f(a)=n\).

Let \(M_1=(O,f_1), M_2=(O,f_2)\). Then \((M_1\sqcap M_2)=(O,f)\) where \(f(a)=\mathrm {min}\{f_1(a),f_2(a)\}\); \((M_1\sqcup M_2)=(O,f')\), where \(f'(a)=\mathrm {max}\{f_1(a),f_2(a)\}\); \((M_1\oplus M_2)=(O,f'')\), where \(f''(a)=f_1(a)+f_2(a)\); \((M_1\ominus M_2)=(O,f''')\) where \( f'''(a)=\mathrm {max}{\{f_1(a)-f_2(a),0\}}\); and \(M_1\sqsubseteq M_2\), if \(f_1(a)\le f_2(a)\) for all \(a\in O\).

For any \(n\in \mathbb N\), n-times addition of M, denoted by \(\oplus _n M\), is given by the following inductive definition:

  • \(\oplus _0 M=\emptyset \);

  • \(\oplus _1 M=M\);

  • \(\oplus _{n+1}M=(\oplus _n M)\oplus M\).

Let \(M_1\ne \emptyset , M_2\) be two multisets. For any \(n\in \mathbb N\), \(M_1\sqsubseteq ^n M_2\), if \(\oplus _n M_1\sqsubseteq M_2\) but \(\oplus _{n+1} M_1\not \sqsubseteq M_2\).

The number of copies of objects in a finite multiset \(M=(O,f)\) is its cardinality: \(\mathrm {card}(M)= \varSigma _{a\in \mathrm {supp}(M)} f(a)\). Such an M can be represented by any string w over O for which \(\vert w \vert = \mathrm {card}(M)\), and \(\vert w\vert _a = f(a)\) where \(\vert w \vert \) denotes the length of the string w, and \(\vert w \vert _a\) denotes the number of occurrences of symbol a in w.

We define the \(\mathcal {MS}^n(O)\), \(n\in \mathbb {N}\), to be the set of all multisets \(M=(O,f)\) over O such that \(f(a)\le n\) for all \(a\in O\), and we let \(\mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)=\bigcup _{n\ge 0}\mathcal {MS}^n(O)\).

2.1 Generalized P Systems

Now we present the notion of generalized P systems, variants of tissue P systems introduced in [3].

An \(n+3\)-tuple \(\varPi =(O, w_1,w_2,\dots , w_n, R, i_o)\) is a generalized P system of degree \(n\ge 1\), where

  • O is a finite set of objects;

  • \(w_i\in \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\), \(1\le i \le n\), is a finite multiset of objects, the initial contents of the ith region of \(\varPi \);

  • R is a finite set of transformation rules of the form \((x_1,\alpha _1)\ldots (x_k,\alpha _k)\rightarrow (y_1,\beta _1)\ldots (y_l,\beta _l)\), where \(x_i, y_j \in \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\), and \(1\le \alpha _i,\beta _j\le n\) indicate labels of the regions of the system for all \(1\le i, j \le n\);

  • \(1\le i_o \le n\) is the label of output compartment.

The rules of a generalized P system can be considered to model interactions of objects simultaneously affecting several regions of the membrane system. Thus, the links between participating compartments are defined dynamically, through the applicability of the rules by the functioning of the system.

Given a generalized P system \(\varPi \) as above, a configuration of \(\varPi \) is an n-tuple \(c=(u_1, u_2,\dots , u_n)\) with \(u_i\in MS ^{<\infty }(O)\), \(1\le i\le n\), and \(c_0=(w_1,w_2, \dots , w_n)\) is called its initial configuration. The multisets \(u_1,u_2,\dots ,u_n\) are the contents of the corresponding compartments \(1,2,\dots ,n\), in configuration c.

A generalized P system changes its configurations by applying its rules. In the basic setting, a rule \(r\in R\), is applicable to a configuration c, if and only if \(x_i\) is a submultiset of \(u_{\alpha _i}\) for all \(1 \le i \le k\). As a result of applying r to c, each multiset \(x_i\) is removed from the region \(u_{\alpha _i}\), \(1 \le i \le k\), and each multiset \(y_j\) is added to the region \(u_{\beta _j}\), \(1 \le j \le l\).

The configuration \(c'=(v_1, \dots , v_n)\) of \(\varPi \) is obtained directly from the configuration \(c=(u_1, \dots , u_n)\) by applying the rules in the unsynchronized manner, if there is a multiset \(R'\) of rules from R, such that all of them are simultaneously applicable to different copies of objects in configuration c, and the configuration \(c'\) is the result of the application of the rules in \(R'\). The configuration \(c'\) is obtained from c by applying the rules in the maximally parallel manner, if we add the additional requirement that the set \(R'\) is maximal, that is, for any \(r\in R\), the rules in the rule multiset \(\{r \}\oplus R'\) are not simultaneously applicable to c.

A sequence of configurations \(c_0,c_1,\dots \) of \(\varPi \) is called a computation if each configuration in the sequence is obtained directly from the previous one, starting from the initial configuration. Computations halt if no rule can be applied, the result of a halting computation is the number of objects that are present in the output compartment (compartment \(i_o\)) in the halting configuration.

2.2 Multiset Approximation Spaces

There are different ways of set approximations originating in rough set theory proposed in the early 1980’s, [11, 12]. The theory and its different generalizations uses different kinds of indiscernibility relations to provide lower and upper approximations of sets. An indiscernibility relation on a given set of objects is given by a set of base sets by which lower and upper approximations can be constructed for any set. This way of set approximation was generalized to partial set approximation in [7], giving the possibility to embed available knowledge into an approximation space. The lower and upper approximations also rely on base sets which can be thought of as representants of the available knowledge. Having the concepts of lower and upper approximations, we can also introduce the concept of boundary as the difference between these two.

As membrane systems can be represented by multisets, in order to use the above described concepts in membrane systems theory, we need to generalize the set approximation framework for multisets. With the membrane structure as a background, an underlying multiset approximation space can be defined. The nature of this space is basically determined by its constituents, to a certain extent, independently of the membrane structure. The notion of multiset approximation spaces has been introduced in [7] (see also [8] for more details). Multiset approximations also rely on a set of base multisets given beforehand. By creating the lower and upper approximations using the usual approximation technique, the boundaries of multisets (boundaries of membrane regions) can also be defined, and we will make use of this feature in subsequent parts of the paper.

A multiset approximation space over a finite alphabet O consists of the following:

  • A domain: in our case it is \(\mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\), the set of finite multisets over some finite set O. The elements of the domain are approximated using the approximation space.

  • A base system: \(\mathfrak {B}\subseteq \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\), a nonempty set of finite base multisets providing the basis for the approximation process.

  • The approximation functions: \(\mathsf {l,u,b}:\mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O) \rightarrow \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\) determining the lower and upper approximations (and the boundaries) of multisets of the domain.

A multiset approximation space is a quintuple \((O, \mathfrak B, \mathsf {l, u, b}) \) where O is a finite set, \(\mathfrak {B}\subseteq \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\) is a base system (a set of base multisets), and \(\mathsf {b,u,l}:\mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\rightarrow \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\) are the approximation functions generated by \(\mathfrak {B}\).

For any multiset \(M=(O,f)\in \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\), we define the lower approximation function:

$$\mathsf {l}(M)=\bigsqcup \{\oplus _n B \mid B\in \mathfrak {B},\ B\sqsubseteq M, \text {and}\ B\sqsubseteq ^n M\},$$

the boundary function:

$$\mathsf {b}(M)=\bigsqcup \{\oplus _n B \mid B\in \mathfrak {B}, \text { and } B\sqcap (M\ominus \mathsf {l}(M))\sqsubseteq ^n M \ominus \mathsf {l}(M)\},$$

and the upper approximation function:

$$\mathsf {u}(M)=\mathsf {l}(M)\sqcup \mathsf {b}(M).$$

In addition, we also define \(\mathsf {b^e}(M)=\mathsf {b}(M)\ominus M\) as the external part of the boundary of M, and \(\mathsf {b^i}(M)=\mathsf {b}(M)\sqcap M\), the internal part of the boundary of M.

Intuitively, we can think of the lower approximation of the multiset M as the collection of elements that can be covered by the base multisets in such a way that the covering is inside M completely. If we also cover those elements of M that are left out of the lower approximation, then the union of the covering base sets contains M, thus, it can be thought of as the upper approximation of M, while the difference between the upper and the lower approximations of M is the boundary.

3 Regulating Rule Application in the Multiset Approximation Framework

In [2] we considered P systems with dynamical structure where the dynamic character of the membrane system was encoded in the reformulation of the region structure regarding a closeness property defined among the membranes based on the actual configuration of the system. Here we examine questions that arise when we require that in order for a rule to be applicable, the multisets on its lefthand side must conform to certain properties defined in the multiset approximation framework associated to the system. We discuss the following two approaches: first we require that a rule to be applied should only work with the lower approximations of the compartments’ contents. The second approach demands that the multisets on the lefthand sides of the rules should come from the boundaries of the respective compartments.

Conforming the requirement of clear observability when dealing with rough sets, first we stipulate in the following definition that a rule should be applicable in a P system only if the multisets on its lefthand side come from the inner approximations of the containing regions, this means that we are absolutely sure that the rule application affects elements of the corresponding regions. The second requirement, on the other hand, corresponds to a system where rule application can only alter those elements about which our knowledge is vague, so the configuration changes of these systems might be thought of as steps in the direction of reducing vagueness, obtaining more and more determinate knowledge about the objects distributed in the membranes.

We formalize these notions in the following definition.

Definition 1

Let \(\varPi =(O, \mathfrak {B}, w_1,w_2,\dots ,w_n, R, i_o)\) where \(\mathfrak B\subseteq \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O) \) is a base system and \((O,w_1,w_2,\dots ,w_n, R, i_o)\) is a generalized P system.

We call \(\varPi \) a generalized P system with an associated multiset approximation space and inner rules, if the applicability of a rule \(r=(x_1,\alpha _1)\ldots (x_k,\alpha _k)\rightarrow (y_1,\beta _1)\ldots (y_l,\beta _l)\in R\) in a configuration \(c=(u_1,\ldots , u_n)\) is defined by the requirement that \(x_i\) is a submultiset of \(\mathsf l(u_{\alpha _i})\), the inner approximation of the respective region, \(1\le i \le k\). If \(r\in R\) is applicable to c in this sense, then we call r an inner rule (with respect to c).

We call \(\varPi \) a generalized P system with an associated multiset approximation space and boundary rules, if the applicability of a rule \(r=(x_1,\alpha _1)\ldots (x_k,\alpha _k)\rightarrow (y_1,\beta _1)\ldots (y_l,\beta _l)\in R\) in a configuration \(c=(u_1,\ldots , u_n)\) is defined by the requirement that \(x_i\) is a submultiset of \(\mathsf {b^i}(u_{\alpha _i})\), the internal part of the boundary of the respective region, \(1\le i \le k\). If \(r\in R\) is applicable to c in this sense, then we call r a boundary rule (with respect to c).

Example 1

Assume that \(C=(w_1,w_2)\) is a configuration of \(\varPi \), a generalized P system with an associated multiset approximation space for \(w_1=a^3b^3c^2\) and base sets \(B_1=a^2\), \(B_2=bc\). Further, let \(r_1=(ab^2,1)\rightarrow (c,1)(d^3,2)\) and \(r_2=(ab,1)\rightarrow (e^2,1)\) be to rules of \(\varPi \).

If \(\varPi \) is a system with inner rules, then both rules are applicable in C, as \(B_1\sqcup \oplus _2B_2=a^2b^2c^2\) is the lower approximation of \(w_1\).

If \(\varPi \) is a system with boundary rules, then only the rule \(r_2\) is applicable in C, as \(a^2bc\) is the boundary of \(w_1\) with inner part ab.

We claim that the use of inner rules do not add much to the computational strength of the P system in the sense that in the non-synchronized mode a generalized P system with an associated multiset approximation space and inner rules is not Turing complete. To show this, we construct a simple place-transition Petri net that simulates the P system in question. This is sufficient, because Petri nets in this simple setting are strictly weaker in computational power than Turing machines, see for example [13, 14]. The idea of the proof is similar to that of Theorem 2 in [2], the construction of the Petri net, however, is different.

A place-transition Petri net [13] is a quintuple \(U=(P,T,F,V,m_0)\) such that P, T are finite sets with \(P\cap T=\emptyset \), \(P\cup T\ne \emptyset \), the sets of places and transitions, respectively. The set \(F\subseteq (P\times T)\cup (T\times P)\), is a set of “arcs” connecting places and transitions, the flow relation of U. The function \(V:F\rightarrow \mathbb {N}_{>0}\) determines the multiplicity (the weight) of the arcs, and \(m_0:P\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) is a function called the initial marking. In general, a marking is a function \(m:P\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) associating nonnegative integers (the number of tokens) to the places of the net. Moreover, for every transition \(t\in T\), there is a place \(p\in P\) such that \(f=(p,t)\in F\) and \(V(f)\ne 0\).

Let \(x\in P\cup T\). The pre- and postsets of x, denoted by \({}^{\bullet }x\) and \(x^{\bullet }\), respectively, are defined as \({}^{\bullet }x=\{y\;|\;(y,x)\in F\}\) and \({x}^{\bullet }=\{y\;|\;(x,y)\in F\}\).

For each transition \(t\in T\), we define two markings, \(t^-,t^+: P\rightarrow \mathbb N\) as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{lll} t^-(p)&{}=&{}\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} V(p,t),&{} \text{ if } (p,t)\in F,\\ 0&{} \text{ otherwise }, \end{array} \right. \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{lll} t^+(p)&{}=&{}\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} V(t,p),&{} \text{ if } (t,p)\in F,\\ 0&{} \text{ otherwise }. \end{array} \right. \end{array} $$

A transition \(t\in T\) is said to be enabled if \(t^-(p)\le m(p)\) for all \(p\in {}^{\bullet }t\). Let \(\vartriangle t(p)=t^+(p)-t^-(p)\) for \(p\in P\), and let us define the firing of a transition as follows. A transition \(t\in T\) can fire in m (notation: \(m \longrightarrow ^t\)) if t is enabled in m. After the firing of t, the Petri net obtains a new marking \(m':P\rightarrow \mathbb N\), where \(m'(p)= m(p)\, + \vartriangle t(p)\) for all \(p\in P\) (notation: \(m\longrightarrow ^{t}m'\)).

Petri nets can be considered as computing devices: Starting with the initial marking, going through a series of configuration changes by the firing of a series of transitions, we might obtain a marking where no transitions are enabled. This final marking is the result of the Petri net computation.

Theorem 1

For any generalized P system with an associated multiset approximation space and inner rules, \(\varPi \), there is a place-transition Petri net N, such that N generates the same set of numbers as \(\varPi \) in the unsynchronized manner of rule application.


Let \(\varPi =(O,\mathfrak {B}, w^0_1,w^0_2,\dots , w^0_n, R, i_o)\) be a generalized P system with an associated multiset approximation space and inner rules, let the underlying set of base sets be \(\mathfrak B=\{B_i\;|\;1\le i\le m\}\), and let \(x\in \mathcal {MS}^{<\infty }(O)\) be arbitrary. Then there exists an \(h_x\in \mathbb {N}\) such that, for any subset \(\{B_1,\ldots ,B_s\}\subseteq \mathfrak B\), either \(x\sqsubseteq \oplus _{h_x}B_1\sqcup \ldots \sqcup \oplus _{h_x}B_s\) or x cannot be covered by the union of sums of \(\{B_1,\ldots ,B_s\}\) at all. In fact, if \(x=a_1^{j_1}a_2^{j_2}\ldots a_t^{j_t}\), then it is enough to choose \(h_x=max\{j_1,\ldots ,j_t\}\).

Assume that \(r=(x_1,\alpha _1)\ldots (x_k,\alpha _k)\rightarrow (y_1,\beta _1)\ldots (y_l,\beta _l)\in R\), and let \(h_r=\mathrm {max}\{h_{x_1},\ldots ,h_{x_k}\}\) (which is a positive integer number). Let us denote with \(\mathfrak H(r)\) the set of all tuples \(H=(H_1,\ldots ,H_k)\), such that \(H_j=\oplus _{h^j_1}B^j_1\sqcup \ldots \sqcup \oplus _{h^j_{n_j}}B^j_{n_j}\) with \(h^j_t\le h_r\) and \(x_j\sqsubseteq H_j\) \((1\le j\le k)\). Since \(x_i\sqsubseteq \mathsf {l}(u_{\alpha _i})\) if and only if there exists a \(H_i\sqsubseteq u_{\alpha _i}\) such that \(x_i\sqsubseteq H_i\), in order to check the applicability of r in a configuration \((u_{\alpha _1},\ldots ,u_{\alpha _n})\), it is enough to check whether there exists an \(H\in \mathfrak H(r)\), such that \(H_i\sqsubseteq u_{\alpha _i}\) for every element of \(H,\ 1\le i\le k\). We construct the Petri net which makes sure that \(x_i\sqsubseteq \mathsf {l}(u_{\alpha _i})\) and simulates the rule application at the same time.

Let us define the Petri net \(N=(P,T,F,V,m_0) \) with \( P=O\times \{1,\ldots , n\}\cup \{p_{ini}\}. \) A place \((a,j)\in P\) represents the number of objects \(a\in O\) inside the jth membrane at every step of the computational sequence, so let us set \(m_0(p)=w^0_j(a)\) for every place \(p=(a,j)\in O\times \{1,\ldots , n\}\), and let also \(m_0(p_{ini})=1\).

The net N consists of subnets for each pair \((r,H)\in RH=\{(r,H)\mid r\in R, H\in \mathfrak H(r)\}\). These subnets are responsible for the simulation of the effect of r together with checking the condition that r is an inner rule. The place \(p_{ini}\) makes sure that only one of the subnets can operate at a time, hence the simulation of the rule executions are mutually exclusive.

Let \( T=\{t_{\delta }\mid \delta \in RH\} \) with \(\delta =(r,H_1,\ldots , H_k)\in RH\), and let r be denoted as \(r=(x_1,\alpha _1)\ldots (x_k,\alpha _k)\rightarrow (y_1,\beta _1)\ldots (y_l,\beta _l)\). Then, for \(1\le j\le k\),

$$ p=(a,\alpha _j)\in {}^\bullet t_{\delta }\cap t_{\delta }^{\bullet } \text{ if } \text{ and } \text{ only } \text{ if } a\in H_{j}. $$

For \(p=(a,\beta _q)\), \(1\le q\le l\), we have

$$ p=(a,\beta _q)\in {}^\bullet t_{\delta }\cap t_{\delta }^{\bullet } \text{ if } \text{ and } \text{ only } \text{ if } \beta _q=\alpha _j $$

for some \(1\le j\le k\) and \(a\in H_{j}\). Otherwise, \(p=(a,\beta _q)\in t_{\delta }^{\bullet }\). In addition, \(p_{ini}\in {}^\bullet t_{\delta }\cap t_{\delta }^{\bullet }\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Assume that \(w^0_1=a^3b^3c^2\), \(w^0_2=d\), \(r=(ab^2,1)\rightarrow (c,1)(d^3,2)\) and let \(B_1=a^2\), \(B_2=bc\) be base sets. Then, for \(H=(H_1)\in \mathfrak H(r)\), \(H_1=B_1\sqcup \oplus _2B_2=a^2b^2c^2\) are appropriate. The figure on the left shows the arcs pointing to transition \(t_{(r,H)}\) together with their weights, the figure on the right shows the arcs going out from transition \(t_{(r,H)}\) together with their weights. (The arcs with zero weight are not indicated explicitly.)

Let \(p=(a,\alpha _j)\) with \(1\le j\le k\), and let \(t_{\delta }\in T\), \(\delta \in RH\), then the weights of the arcs are computed as \(V(p,t_\delta )=H_j(a)\), that is, we check whether \(H_j(a)\le u_{\alpha _j}(a)\). Additionally, if \(\alpha _j\ne \beta _q\) (\(q\in \{1,\ldots ,l\}\)), then we have \(V(t_\delta ,p)=H_j(a)-x_{\alpha _j}(a)\), so that the necessary amount of tokens (those which correspond to the objects in \(H_j\ominus x_j\)) are returned to \(p=(a,\alpha _j)\). This way the Petri net transition decreases the number of tokens in p only by \(x_{j}(a)\). When \(\alpha _j=\beta _q\) for some \(q\in \{1,\ldots ,l\}\), then \(V(t_\delta ,p)=H_j(a)-x_{j}(a)+y_{q}(a)\), that is, the righthand side of the rule returns further tokens to \(u_{\alpha _j}\).

For \(p=(a,\beta _q)\), \(1\le q\le l\), if \(\beta _q=\alpha _j\) for some \(1\le j\le k\), then the situation is as above. Otherwise, if \(\beta _q\ne \alpha _j\) for any \(1\le j\le k\), then \(V(p,t_\delta )=0\) and \(V(t_\delta ,p)=y_{\beta _q}(a)\). Furthermore, \(V(p_{ini},t_{\delta })=V(t_{\delta },p_{ini})=1\).

To summarize the idea of the construction above, the places of the Petri net represent the objects in the different compartments of the P system. For every r, we are able to identify the union of the finite sums of the base sets that must be examined in order to decide whether the multisets \(x_1,\ldots ,x_k\) appearing on the lefthand side of the rule are in the inner approximation of \(u_{\alpha _i}\), that is, for every \(x_i\) we confine ourselves to \((B^i_1,\ldots \), \(B^i_{k_i})\in \mathfrak H(x_i)\), \(1\le i\le k\), such that \(x_i\sqsubseteq \oplus _{h^i_1}B^i_1\sqcup \ldots \sqcup \oplus _{h^i_{k_i}} B^i_{k_i}\) and \(h^j_t\le h_r\), where \(h_r\in \mathbb {N}\) is determined by r. Let \(H=(H_1,\ldots ,H_k)\in \mathfrak H(r)\) be a tuple of such multiset unions. To render r applicable and inner, we have to check whether \(H_i\sqsubseteq u_{\alpha _i}\). For each pair \(\delta =(r,H)\), where \(r=(x_1,\alpha _1)\ldots (x_k,\alpha _k)\rightarrow (y_1,\beta _1)\ldots (y_l,\beta _l)\in R\) and \(H=(H_1,\ldots ,H_k)\in \mathfrak H(r)\) is a tuple of elements of \(\mathfrak B\) with \(x_i\sqsubseteq H_i\), we define a subnet consisting of all the places of N and a transition \(t_{\delta }\) together with the corresponding arcs. This subnet simulates an application of r while the conditions on H ensure that r is an inner rule. The whole process is controlled by the place \(p_{ini}\). Each of the subnets is connected with \(p_{ini}\) in such a manner that only one subnet is able to operate at a time. Figure 1 illustrates the structure of one such a subnet that constitutes the whole Petri net N.

The Petri net halts if and only if the membrane system halts, and the number of objects in the output membrane are indicated by the number of tokens in the corresponding places.

As we have already mentioned, the expressive power of place-transition Petri nets are less than that of Turing machines, so we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 1

Generalized membrane systems with multiset approximation spaces and inner rules using the unsynchronized manner of rule application are strictly weaker in computational power than Turing machines, that is, they are not computationally complete.

Now we continue with the investigation of the case of boundary rules. We show that generalized P systems with boundary rules generate any recursively enumerable set of numbers. We do this by demonstrating how these systems simulate the computations of register machines, a computational model equivalent in power to Turing machines.

A register machine is a construct \(W=(m, H, l_0,l_h,\mathrm {Inst})\), where m is the number of registers, H is the set of instruction labels, \(l_0\) is the start label, \(l_h\) is the halting label, and \(\mathrm {Inst}\) is the set of instructions. Each label from H labels only one instruction from \(\mathrm {Inst}\). There are several types of instructions which can be used. For \(l_i,l_j,l_k\in H\) and \(r\in \{1,\ldots ,m\}\) we have:

  • \(l_i: (\mathtt{nADD}(r), l_j,l_k)\) - nondeterministic add: Add 1 to register r and then go to one of the instructions with labels \(l_j\) or \(l_k\), nondeterministically chosen.

  • \(l_i: (\mathtt{ADD}(r), l_j)\) - deterministic add: Add 1 to register r and then go to the instruction with label \(l_j\).

  • \(l_{i}: (\mathtt{CHECKSUB}(r), l_{j}, l_k)\) - zero check and subtract: If register r is empty, then go to the instruction with label \(l_j\), if r is non-empty, then subtract one from it and go to the instruction with label \(l_{k}\).

  • \(l_{h}: \mathtt{HALT}\) - halt: Stop the machine.

Register machines compute sets of numbers by starting their computation with empty registers and proceeding by applying instructions in the order indicated by the labels, beginning with the instruction \(l_0\). If the machine reaches the halt instruction \(l_h: \mathtt{HALT}\), then its work is finished, and the number stored in the first register is said to be the result of the computation. Note that the computed sets of numbers can be infinite, due to the nondeterminism in choosing the continuation of the computation in the case of nondeterministic add instructions, \(l_i:(\mathtt {nADD}(r),l_j,l_k)\).

We would like to add here, that register machines can also be defined as deterministic computing devices (without the nondeterministic add instructions). In this case they compute functions of input values placed initially in (some of) the registers. They are able to compute all functions which are Turing computable (see, for example [10]), if they have at least two registers. By providing the machine with the nondeterministic add instruction, as above, we obtain a device which generates sets of numbers starting from a unique initial configuration. Since any recursively enumerable set can be obtained as the range of a Turing computable function on the set of non-negative integers, register machines defined this way are able to generate any recursively enumerable set of numbers.

Theorem 2

Generalized P systems with associated multiset approximation spaces and boundary rules generate any recursively enumerable set of numbers, even in the unsynchronized manner of rule application.


Let L be a recursively enumerable set of numbers, and consider the register machine \(W=(m,H,l_0,l_h, \mathrm {Inst})\) generating L. We construct a generalized P system with an associated multiset approximation space and boundary rules, such that it also generates L in the sense that the generated numbers correspond to the multiplicity of a certain object in the output region when the computation halts. Let \(\varPi =(O, \mathfrak {B}, w_1,w_2, w_3, R, 2)\) with

$$\begin{aligned} O= & {} \{l,l'\mid l\in H\}\cup \{a_r,a_r'\mid 1\le r\le m\}\cup \{b_1,b_2, c\}, \\ \mathfrak {B}= & {} \{a_ra_r'\mid 1\le r\le m\}\cup \{l_hb_1\mid l_h:\mathtt {HALT}\} \cup \{b_2c,lc\mid l\in H\}, \\ w_1= & {} l_0b_1, \ w_2=\emptyset ,\ w_3=\emptyset , \\ R= & {} R_{Add}\cup R_{CheckSub}\cup R_{Ex}, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} R_{Add}= & {} \{ (l_i,1)\rightarrow (l_j,1)(a_r,2), (l_i,1)\rightarrow (l_k,1)(a_r,2) \mid \text{ for } \text{ all } \\&\ \ l_i:(\mathtt {nADD}(r), l_j,l_k)\in \mathrm {Inst}\} \cup \\&\{(l_i,1)\rightarrow (l_j,1)(a_r,2)\mid \text{ for } \text{ all } l_i:(\mathtt {ADD}(r), l_j)\in \mathrm {Inst}\}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \\&\\R_{CheckSub}= & {} \{ (l_i,1)\rightarrow (l_j',1)(a_r',2), (l_j',1)(a_r',2)\rightarrow (l_j,1), \\&\ \ (l_i,1)(a_r,2)\rightarrow (l_k,1) \mid \text{ for } \text{ all } l_i:(\mathtt {CHECKSUB}(r), l_j,l_k)\in \mathrm {Inst}\}, \\&\\ R_{Ex}= & {} \{(b_1,1)\rightarrow (b_2,3), (b_2,3)\rightarrow (b_1,1)\}. \end{aligned}$$

To see how \(\varPi \) simulates the computations of W, consider its initial configuration \((l_0b_1,\emptyset ,\emptyset )\): it corresponds to the initial configuration of W, as the first region contains \(l_0\), the label of the instruction that has to be executed next, and the number of occurrences of \(a_r,\ 1\le r\le m\), in the second region are 0, corresponding to the fact that all registers are initially empty.

Notice that as long as \(l_h\) is not present, it is possible to exchange \(b_1\) in the first region with \(b_2\) in the third (and back), since both symbols are in the boundary of the respective regions, so one of the rules of \(R_{Ex}\) is always applicable. When \(l_h\) appears in the first region, then after \(b_1\) also appears there, they are “removed” from the boundary of the region (as \(l_hb_1\in \mathfrak B\) is a base multiset of the multiset approximation space), and after this happens, no rule of R is applicable. From these considerations we can see that \(\varPi \) reaches a halting configuration only if the label of the halting instruction, \(l_h\) appears.

Let us consider the case when the generalized P system \(\varPi \) is in the configuration \((l_i\delta _1w_{1,in},ww_{2,in},\delta _2)\) with \(w(a_r)=k_r,\ 1\le r\le m\), corresponding to a situation when W is going to execute instruction \(l_i\), and the contents of register r is \(k_r\ge 0,\ 1\le r\le m\). The symbols \(\delta _1,\delta _2\) are used to denote either \(b_1\) or \(b_2\), their exact meaning is not important, as they do not interfere with the simulation process until \(l_h\) appears. The submultisets \(w_{1,in}\) and \(w_{2,in}\) denote those elements of the first two regions that are not on the region boundary. By looking at the rules of \(\varPi \), we might notice that as long as the object \(l_h\) is not present, all elements of the first region are on the boundary, thus, we might omit the submultiset \(w_{1,in}\) from the above notation, having the configuration \((l_i\delta _1,ww_{2,in},\delta _2)\). Note also, that \(w_{2,in}=(a_ra_r')^i\) for some \(i\ge 0\).

If \(l_i\) is the label of an add, or nondeterministic add instruction, then the rule simulating the instruction \(l_i:(\mathtt {nADD}(r),l_j,l_k)\) is applicable, yielding the configuration \((l'\delta _1,wa_rw_{2,in},\delta _2)\) with \(l'\in \{l_j,l_k\}\) (or the configuration \((l_j\delta _1, wa_r,\delta _2)\) if \(l_i:(\mathtt {ADD}(r),l_j)\) is simulated). In any of these cases, we get a configuration \((l\delta _1,wa_r,\delta _2)\) where l corresponds to the instruction that has to be executed next, while the second region contains one more object \(a_r\), that is, the number stored in register r was incremented, as required by the simulated add instructions.

Suppose now, that \(\varPi \) is in a configuration \((l_i\delta _1,ww_{2,in},\delta _2)\) and the instruction to be executed is \(l_i:(\mathtt {CHECKSUB}(r),l_j,l_k)\). By applying the rules in \(R_{CheckSub}\) we might obtain \((l_j'\delta _1,wa_r'w_{2,in},\delta _2)\). If \(w(a_r)=0\), we get \((l_j\delta _1,ww_{2,in},\delta _2)\) after the next step, or if \(w(a_r)>0\), then as \(a_ra_r'\in \mathfrak {B}\) is a base multiset, one copy of \(a_r\) and \(a_r'\) is removed from the boundary, so we have \((l_j'\delta _1,w'w'_{2,in},\delta _2)\) where \(a_rw'=w\) and \(w_{2,in}'=a_ra_r'w_{2,in}\). In this case \(l_j'\) cannot be changed any more, and due to the rules in \(R_{Ex}\), the computation can never reach a halting configuration. On the other hand, if \(w(a_r)>0\), then applying the rule \((l_i,1)(a_r,2)\rightarrow (l_k,1) \), we get \((l_k\delta _1,w'w_{2,in},\delta _2)\) with \(w'a_r=w\), thus the checking and subtracting instruction of W is correctly simulated by the system \(\varPi \).

The simulation is finished when the object \(l_h\) appears in the first region. The only rules that are applicable are the rules of \(R_{Ex}\), but when \(b_1\) also appears in the first region, the computation halts, because \(l_hb_1\) is a base multiset, so all these objects disappear from the region boundary.

After halting, the result of the computation is the number of \(a_1\) objects in the second region, as they correspond to the contents of the first register (the output register) of the register machine W.

4 Concluding Remarks

We have used multiset approximation spaces to restrict the applicability of multiset evolution rules of generalized P systems. This way we incorporated some additional “dynamics” into the system, as not only the presence or absence of elements, but also the underlying approximation spaces have a role in determining the applicability of the rules.

It turned out that restricting the operation of the rules to the boundaries of compartments increases the computational power of generalized P systems, as they are able to generate any recursively enumerable sets of numbers even in the unsynchronized manner of rule application. We have shown this by demonstrating that they are able to simulate register machines, a computational model equivalent in power to the model of Turing machines. On the other hand, a similar restriction allowing the rules to manipulate only elements of the lower approximation of the compartments of the system does not result in a similar increase of the computational power, as the resulting systems can be simulated by simple place-transition Petri nets, a model which is known to be weaker in computational power than the model of Turing machines.

As a final remark, we would like to add some thoughts on a related model called P systems with anti-matter [1, 6]. In P systems with anti-matter, objects have complementary “anti objects”, and when they are both present, they annihilate (disappear). In this paper we considered boundary rules which cannot be applied to objects that are not on the boundary: when all the elements of a base multiset are present in a region, they “disappear” from the scope of boundary rules. This effect is similar to the effect of annihilation rules, although not exactly the same. The difference can be seen from a simple example: let two base multisets be \(ab,ac\in \mathfrak B\). The fact that they form base multisets is not directly modeled by the annihilation rules \(ab\rightarrow \varepsilon , bc\rightarrow \varepsilon \) (as used in the case of P systems with anti-matter), because of the following. If a region contains ab, then these are “invisible” for the boundary rules, but they are not annihilated, as can be seen when an object c enters the region. As bc is also a base multiset, c immediately “disappears” by becoming part of the inner, lower approximation part of the region contents. As we see, the relationship of boundary rules and anti-matter is not as simple as it might look, but it definitely seems to be an interesting topic for further investigations.