
1 Introduction

Model checking is a formal verification technique that looks for specified behavioral patterns in a discrete-state system by exploring its state space. Even though we can sometimes avoid the full exploration of the state space, the huge number of reachable states in non-trivial systems tend to limit the applicability of model checking. Concurrent, asynchronous systems are especially problematic for approaches based on a total ordering of events, because the interleaving of the behavior of independent components can easily cause a combinatoric explosion.

This problem has been tackled in many ways, one of which is symbolic model checking with decision diagrams. Decision diagrams can efficiently encode large state spaces by exploiting the regularities between states. Furthermore, the symbolic encoding of states and transitions enables the efficient computation of next states by working with sets of states and relations. Even though this technique was a great step forward [2], simpler exploration strategies like breadth-first search suffered from the large size of intermediate decision diagrams.

Decision diagrams have an interesting property: their size is not proportional to the number of encoded states. In fact, after some point, adding more states will reduce the size of the diagram because more and more regularities will be introduced. This is what the saturation algorithm, first introduced in [3], exploits.

To saturate means to fill completely. The main idea of the algorithm is to saturate smaller parts of a decision diagram before moving on to larger parts. Specifically, saturation processes decision diagrams in a bottom-up fashion, exploring the state space starting with transitions that do not require any component whose state variable is higher in a variable ordering than the processed level – transitions that are local on the currently processed variables. This is often possible because in concurrent systems, transitions usually affect only a small number of the components. With this strategy, saturation can keep all subdiagrams empirically small.

The saturation algorithm initially required the Kronecker condition of the transition relation, but this restriction was removed when [10] introduced matrix-diagrams and [5] did the same with decision diagrams with 2 levels per variable.

Efficient saturation-based model checking for computational-tree logic (CTL) has been introduced in [12]. The main novelty was the introduction of constrained saturation, which provides an efficient way to handle constraints on the state space. Constrained saturation takes a set of states – the constraint – and performs state space exploration without leaving the constraint. With the modified algorithm, it is possible to avoid intersecting the transition relations with the constraint, which preserves the locality of transitions and the beneficial properties of saturation.

Building on constrained saturation, [11] introduced further extensions to support the verification of linear temporal logic (LTL) and [8] proposed a new approach for the model checking of prioritized Petri nets. Both of them proposed ways to preserve locality for a transition relation that is composed of simple transitions and additional constraints (such as synchronization between the system and the property automaton or enabledness based on priorities).

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for saturation that generalizes the attempts of preserving locality in the approaches above. We introduce conditional locality to relax the original notion of locality and automatically handle transition relations that previously required a form of constrained saturation to process efficiently (such as [8, 11]). In addition to generalizing a family of algorithms, using conditional locality can increase the saturation effect, which is intuitively associated with better performance. We investigate this effect in the context of Petri nets, where we empirically show that the generalized saturation algorithm (GSA) can be orders of magnitude faster than the original saturation algorithm (presented in detail in [4]) and is virtually never slower.

The main motivation of conditional locality is to compute fixed points even more locally. Saturation ignores variables that are independent of the processed events to avoid computing the fixed point for each of their valuations. With conditional locality, we can ignore even those variables that are not written but read by an event (because they will not change), but compute the fixed point as many times as the value of those variables would cause a different result. The intuition is that the resulting nodes will be part of the final decision diagram more often than those created by the original saturation algorithm, leading to less intermediate nodes and therefore improved performance.

The most important related work is [10], where the authors propose a method to split a transition relation such that the resulting relations are as local as possible. The key idea is to extract relations which do not depend on the variables higher in the variable ordering and therefore the method works well when the transition relation is a “sum” of such a relation and another one (i.e. \(\mathcal {R} = \mathcal {R}_1 \cup \mathcal {R}_2\)). Our approach also handles the cases when the relation is the result of “removing” certain cases from a transition that normally does not depend on a variable (i.e. \(\mathcal {R} = \mathcal {R}_1 \setminus \mathcal {R}_2\)). Another work that is similar in spirit is [9], where the dependencies of high-level transitions on state variables are more fine-grained than dependent and independent, which enables a more compact encoding and more efficient update of the transition relation. Our approach also refines this dependency relation to relax the notion of locality.

The key novelties introduced in this paper are the following: (1) the introduction of conditional locality to relax the original notion of locality; (2) the generalization of a family of saturation-based algorithms using conditional locality; and (3) an empirical demonstration of the efficiency of the proposed approach on Petri nets. The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the formalisms and notations used in the rest of the paper. Section 3 introduces conditional locality and the generalized saturation algorithm. The empirical evaluation on Petri nets is in Sect. 4. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper.

2 Background

In this section we summarize the theoretical background of our work and introduce the necessary notations. First, we briefly present Petri nets in Sect. 2.1, then we introduce partitioned transition systems in Sect. 2.2. Building on the latter, we define locality in Sect. 2.3, then formalize multi-valued decision diagrams for encoding states (Sect. 2.4) and abstract next-state diagrams for encoding transition relations (Sect. 2.5). Finally, we present the saturation and constrained saturation algorithms in Sect. 2.6.

2.1 Petri Nets

Petri nets are a widely used formalism to model concurrent, asynchronous systems. The formal definition of a Petri net (including inhibitor arcs) is as follows (see Fig. 1 for an illustration of the notations).

Definition 1

(Petri net). A Petri net is a tuple \(PN = ( P, T, W, M_0 )\) where:

  • \(P\) is the set of places (defining state variables);

  • \(T\) is the set of transitions (defining behavior) such that \(P\cap T= \emptyset \);

  • \(W= W^-\sqcup W^+\sqcup W^\circ \) is a multiset of three types of arcs (the weight function), where \(W^-, W^\circ : P\times T\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) and \(W^+: T\times P\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) are the set of input arcs, inhibitor arcs and output arcs, respectively;

  • \(M_0 : P\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) is the initial marking, i.e. the number of tokens on each place.

The three types of weight functions describe the structure of the Petri net: there is an input or output arc between a place p and a transition t iff \(W^-(p, t) > 0\) or \(W^+(t, p) > 0\), respectively, and there is an inhibitor arc iff \(W^\circ (p, t) < \infty \).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Petri net model of 3 concurrent processes locking (\(t_i^l\)) and unlocking (\(t_i^u\)) a mutually exclusive resource. Examples for the interpretations of the various notations introduced in Sects. 2.12.3 and 3.1 are given on the right.

The state of a Petri net is defined by the current marking \(M: P\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\). The dynamic behavior of a Petri net is described as follows. A transition t is enabled iff \(\forall p \in P: M(p) \in \big [W^-(p, t), W^\circ (p, t) \big )\). Any enabled transition t may fire non-deterministically, creating the new marking \(M^\prime \) of the Petri as follows: \(\forall p \in P: M^\prime (p) = M(p) - W^-(p, t) + W^+(t, p)\). We denote the firing of transition t in marking \(M\) resulting in \(M^\prime \) with \(M\xrightarrow {t} M^\prime \). A marking \(M_i\) is reachable from the initial marking if there exists a sequence of markings such that \(M_0 \xrightarrow {t_1} M_1 \xrightarrow {t_2} \cdots \xrightarrow {t_i} M_i\). The set of reachable markings (i.e. the state space of the Petri net) is denoted by \(\mathcal {S}_r\). This work assumes \(\mathcal {S}_r\) to be finite.

2.2 Partitioned Transition Systems

A generic model for saturation is usually called a partitioned transition system (PTS), where high-level events (causing transitions) and their dependencies on state variables are preserved to partition the low-level next-state relations and localize the effect of transitions [4]. In decision diagram-based model checking, such models usually come with a user-specified variable ordering.

Definition 2

(Variable ordering). A variable ordering over variables \(V\) (\(|V| = K\)) is a total ordering of elements of \(V\) that defines a sequence. The variable in position k of the sequence is denoted by \(x_{k}\). We will say that \(x_{1}\) is the lowest and \(x_{K}\) is the highest in the ordering. We will use the notations \(V_{\le k} = \{x_{1}, \ldots , x_{k}\}\) and \(V_{>k} = \{x_{k + 1}, \ldots , x_{K}\}\) for sets of variables constituting a prefix or suffix (respectively) of the sequence.

With a specified variable ordering, the formal definition of a PTS is as follows (again see Fig. 1 for an illustration on the example model).

Definition 3

(Partitioned Transition System). A partitioned transition system is a tuple \(M= ( V, D, S^0, \mathcal {E}, \mathcal {N})\) where:

  • \(V= \{x_{1}, \ldots , x_{K}\}\) is the finite set of variables with an arbitrary but well-defined variable ordering;

  • \(D\) is the domain function such that \(D(x_{k}) \subseteq \mathbb {N}\) for all \(x_{k} \in V\);

  • \(S^0\subseteq \hat{S}\) is the set of initial states, where \(\hat{S}= \prod _{x\in V} D(x)\) is the potential state space (the shape of which is unaffected by the chosen variable ordering);

  • \(\mathcal {E}\) is the set of high-level events, specifying groups of individual transitions;

  • \(\mathcal {N}\subseteq \hat{S}\times \hat{S}\) is the transition relation partitioned by \(\mathcal {E}\) such that \(\mathcal {N}= \bigcup _{\alpha \in \mathcal {E}} \mathcal {N}_\alpha \). We often use \(\mathcal {N}\) as a function returning the “next states”: \(\mathcal {N}(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}) = \{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime | (\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ) \in \mathcal {N}\}\) and \(\mathcal {N}(S) = \bigcup _{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\in S} \mathcal {N}(\varvec{\mathrm {s}})\).

A (concrete) state of the system is a vector \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\in \hat{S}\), where each variable \(x_{k}\) has a value from the corresponding domain: \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}[k] \in D(x_{k})\). A partial state over variables \(X\) is a vector assigning a specific value to variables in \(X\) and \(\top \) (undefined) to those in \(V\setminus X\). Sets of partial states are denoted by \({S}_{(X)}\) and when significant, a single partial state is denoted by \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(X)}\). A partial state \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(X)}\) matches a concrete state \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\) if \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}[k] = {\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(X)}[k]\) for every \(x_{k} \in X\), denoted by \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\in \mathcal {M}({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(X)})\).

2.3 Locality

Exploiting the information preserved in a PTS, we can define different relationships between an event and a variable (illustrated in Fig. 1).

Definition 4

(Locally read-only). An event \(\alpha \) is locally read-only on variable \(x_{k}\) if for any \((\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ) \in \mathcal {N}_\alpha \) we have that \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}[k] = \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime [k]\). Informally, the value of \(x\) is never modified by the transitions of event \(\alpha \).

While the locally read-only property guarantees that the value of the variable will not change, the event can still depend on the information stored in the variable. The following property forbids this as well.

Definition 5

(Locally invariant). An event \(\alpha \) is locally invariant on variable \(x_{k}\) if it is locally read-only and for any \((\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ) \in \mathcal {N}_\alpha \) and \(v\in D(x_{k})\) we also have \(({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{[x_{k} \leftarrow v]}, {\varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime }_{[x_{k} \leftarrow v]}) \in \mathcal {N}_\alpha \), where \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{[x_{k} \leftarrow v]}\) is a state where the value of variable \(x_{k}\) is \(v\), but all other variables have the same value as in \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\). Informally, the value of \(x\) does not affect the outcome of event \(\alpha \).

With the help of local invariance, we can now define locality, the central notion of the saturation algorithm.

Definition 6

(Locality). An event \(\alpha \in \mathcal {E}\) is said to be local over variables \(X\subseteq V\) if it is locally invariant on variables in \(V\setminus X\). If \(X\) is minimal (i.e. the event is dependent on variables in \(X\)) then we say that \(X\) is the set of supporting variables of \(\alpha \): \( Supp (\alpha ) = X\). The variable with the highest index among the supporting variables (according to a variable order) is the top variable (\(\textit{Top}(\alpha )\)) of \(\alpha \). We use \(\mathcal {E}_k = \{\alpha \ |\ \textit{Top}(\alpha ) = x_{k}\}\) and \(\mathcal {N}_{k} = \bigcup _{\alpha \in \mathcal {E}_k} \mathcal {N}_\alpha \) to denote events and their next-state relations whose top variable is the \(x_{k}\).

The next-state relation of an event \(\alpha \) local on variables \( Supp (\alpha ) = X\) can be defined over partial states \({S}_{(X)}\), because no other information is required to compute its image. This enables a compact representation and clever iteration strategies like saturation.

2.4 State Space Encoded in Multi-valued Decision Diagrams

Saturation works with different types of decision diagrams. This paper addresses the version that uses multi-valued decision diagrams to encode the state space.Footnote 1

Definition 7

(Multi-valued decision diagram). An ordered quasi-reduced multi-valued decision diagram (MDD) over a set of variables \(V\) (\(|V| = K\)), a variable ordering and domains \(D\) is a tuple \((\mathcal {V}, \textit{lvl}, \textit{children})\) where:

  • \(\mathcal {V}= \bigcup _{k=0}^{K}\mathcal {V}_k\) is the set of nodes, where items of \(\mathcal {V}_0\) are the terminal nodes \(\mathbf {1}\) and \(\mathbf {0}\), the rest (\(\mathcal {V}_{>0} = \mathcal {V}\setminus \mathcal {V}_0\)) are internal nodes (\(\mathcal {V}_i \cap \mathcal {V}_j = \emptyset \) if \(i \ne j\));

  • \(\textit{lvl}: \mathcal {V}\rightarrow \{0,1,\dots ,K\}\) assigns non-negative level numbers to each node, associating them with variables according to the variable ordering (nodes in \(\mathcal {V}_k = \{n \in \mathcal {V}\ |\ \textit{lvl}(n) = k\}\) belong to variable \(x_{k}\) for \(1 \le k \le K\) and are terminal nodes for \(k = 0\));

  • \(\textit{children}: \mathcal {V}_{>0} \times \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathcal {V}\) defines edges between nodes labeled with elements of \(\mathbb {N}\) (denoted by \(n[i] = \textit{children}(n, i)\), n[i] is left-associative), such that for each node \(n \in \mathcal {V}_k\) (\(k > 0\)) and value \(i \in D(x_{k}) : \textit{lvl}(n[i]) = \textit{lvl}(n) - 1\) or \(n[i] = \mathbf {0}\); as well as \(n[i] = \mathbf {0}\) if \(i \notin D(x_{k})\);

  • for every pair of nodes \(n, m \in \mathcal {V}_{>0}\), if for all \(i \in \mathbb {N}: n[i] = m[i]\), then \(n = m\).

An MDD node \(n\in \mathcal {V}_k\) encodes a set of partial states \(S(n) = {S}_{(V_{\le k})}\) over variables \(V_{\le k}\) such that for each \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\in {S}_{(V_{\le k})}\) the value of \(n[\varvec{\mathrm {s}}[k]]\cdots [\varvec{\mathrm {s}}[k]]\) (recursively indexing \(n\) with components of \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\)) is \(\mathbf {1}\) and for all \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\notin {S}_{(V_{\le k})}\) it is \(\mathbf {0}\).

There are efficient recursive algorithms that compute the result of set operations directly on MDDs (e.g. union is described in [4]).

An interesting property of MDDs is that the number of nodes does not grow proportionally with the size of the encoded set. In fact, the size of an MDD can decrease when adding new states because of the exploited regularities. This phenomenon can be observed on Fig. 4, where each MDD from left to right encodes one more state, but has either 3 internal nodes or 5. Also note that the right-most MDD encodes the state space of the Petri net from Fig. 1.

2.5 Next-State Representations

We have introduced a generalization of next-state representations compatible with saturation in [8] – we will build on this notion heavily in the generalization of saturation variants.

Definition 8

(Abstract next-state diagram). An abstract next-state diagram over a set of variables \(V\) (\(|V| = K\)) and corresponding domains \(D\) is a tuple \((\mathcal {D}, \textit{lvl}, \textit{next})\)

  • \(\mathcal {D}= \sqcup _{i=0}^K\mathcal {D}_i\) is the set of next-state descriptors (NS descriptor or descriptor for short), where items of \(\mathcal {D}_0\) are the terminal identity \(\mathbf {1}\) and the terminal empty \(\mathbf {0}\) descriptors, the rest (\(\mathcal {D}_{>0} = \mathcal {D}\setminus \mathcal {D}_0\)) are non-terminal descriptors;

  • \(\textit{lvl}: \mathcal {D}\rightarrow \{0, 1, \ldots , K\}\) assigns non-negative level numbers to each descriptor, associating them with variables (descriptors in \(\mathcal {D}_k = \{d \in \mathcal {D}\ |\ \textit{lvl}(d) = k\}\) belong to variable \(x_{k}\) for \(1 \le k \le K\) and are terminal nodes for \(k = 0\));

  • \(\textit{next}: \mathcal {D}\times \mathbb {N}\times \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathcal {D}\) is the indexing function that given a descriptor d and a pair of “before” and “after” variable values returns another descriptor \(d^\prime \) such that \(\textit{lvl}(d^\prime ) = \textit{lvl}(d) - 1\) or \(d^\prime = \mathbf {0}\). Also denoted by \(d[v, v^\prime ] = d^\prime \Leftrightarrow ( d, v, v^\prime , d^\prime ) \in \textit{next}\) (with \(d, d^\prime \in \mathcal {D}\), \(v, v^\prime \in \mathbb {N}\), \(d[v, v^\prime ]\) is left-associative) and \(d[\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ] = d[v_K, v_K^\prime ]\cdots [v_1, v_1^\prime ]\). We require for any \(v, v^\prime , v^{\prime \prime } \in \mathbb {N}\) and \(v\ne v^{\prime }\) that \(\mathbf {1}[v, v] = \mathbf {1}\), \(\mathbf {1}[v, v^\prime ] = \mathbf {0}\), and \(\mathbf {0}[v, v^{\prime \prime }] = \mathbf {0}\).

The abstract NS descriptor \(d \in \mathcal {D}_k\) encodes the relation \(\mathcal {N}(d) \subseteq \mathbb {N}^K\times \mathbb {N}^K\) iff for all \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime \in \mathbb {N}^K\) the following holds:

$$\begin{aligned} \big ((\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ) \in \mathcal {N}(d) \Leftrightarrow d[\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ] = \mathbf {1}\big ) \wedge \big (( \varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ) \notin \mathcal {N}(d) \Leftrightarrow d[\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ] = \mathbf {0}\big ) \end{aligned}$$

Decision diagram-based representations such as MDDs with 2K levels or matrix decision diagrams naturally implement abstract next-state diagrams – descriptors are nodes of the diagram, the identity descriptor is the terminal one node (\(\mathbf {1}\)), the empty descriptor is the terminal zero node (\(\mathbf {0}\)) and the indexing is the same (in case of MDDs with 2K levels \(d[x, x^\prime ]\) is implemented by \(d[x][x^\prime ]\)). The main difference between these representations and abstract next-state diagrams is that the latter are abstract – they can have any representation as long as it can be mapped to the definition and they can be compared for equality.

In case of Petri nets, the simplest representation is the weight function of the net. Given a Petri net with \(K= |P|\) places each constituting a separate state variable (\(p_k\) denoting the kth variable in the ordering encoding the number of tokens on place \(p \in P\)), a mapping to an abstract next-state diagram for every transition \(t \in T\) is as follows.

  • The set of descriptors is \(\mathcal {D}_i = \mathbb {N}\times \mathbb {N}\times \mathbb {N}\times \mathcal {D}_{i-1}\) for \(1 \le i \le K\), i.e. tuples of the input weight, inhibitor weight and output weight for \(p_i\) and the descriptor of for the next place if the transition is enabled with respect to \(p_i\) (\(\mathcal {D}_0 = \{\mathbf {1}, \mathbf {0}\}\)).

  • For the \(\textit{next}\) function, if \(d = (v^-, v^\circ , v^+, d^\prime )\), the result of indexing d[ij] is \(d^\prime \) if \(v^- \le i < v^\circ \) and \(j = i - v^- + v^+\) and \(\mathbf {0}\) otherwise.

  • For each transition t the corresponding descriptor is defined recursively: \(d_0 = \mathbf {1}\) and \(d_i = \big (W^-(p_i, t), W^\circ (p_i, t), W^+(p_i, t), d_{i-1}\big )\).

Figure 2d illustrates the NS descriptors of transitions \(t_i^l\) of the example Petri net. A descriptor \(d = (v^-, v^\circ , v^+, d^\prime )\) is denoted by a node with \((v^-, v^\circ , v^+)\) and \(d^\prime \) is denoted by an arrow from d. Descriptors can be shared between transitions.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Pseudocode of constrained saturation and NS descriptors.

2.6 Saturation

Saturation is a symbolic state space generation algorithm working on decision diagrams [4]. Formally, given a PTS \(M\), its goal is to compute the set of states \(S\) that are reachable from the initial states \(S^0\) through transitions in \(\mathcal {N}\): \(S= S^0\cup \mathcal {N}(S^0) \cup \mathcal {N}\big (\mathcal {N}(S^0)\big ) \cdots = \mathcal {N}^*(S^0)\), where \(\mathcal {N}^*\) is the reflexive and transitive closure of \(\mathcal {N}\). This is equivalent to computing the least fixed point \(S= S\cup \mathcal {N}(S)\) that contains \(S^0\). The main strength of saturation is a recursive computation of this fixed point, which is based on the following definitions.

Definition 9

(Saturated state space). Given a partitioned transition system \(M\), a set of (partial) states \({S}_{(X)}\) over variables \(X\) is saturated iff \({S}_{(X)} = {S}_{(X)} \cup \mathcal {N}_{X}({S}_{(X)})\), where \(\mathcal {N}_{X} = \bigcup _{\alpha | Supp (\alpha ) \subseteq X} \mathcal {N}_\alpha \).

A saturated state space is a fixed point of \(\mathcal {N}_{X}\). In model checking, the goal of state-space exploration is to find a least fixed point \(S= S\cup \mathcal {N}(S)\) that contains the initial states \(S^0\). Saturation computes this fixed point recursively based on the structure of a decision diagram.

Definition 10

(Saturated node). Given a partitioned transition system \(M\), an MDD node \(n\) on level \(\textit{lvl}(n) = k\) is saturated iff it encodes a set of (partial) states \(S(n)\) that is saturated. Equivalently, the node is saturated iff all of its children \(n[i]\) are saturated and \(S(n) = S(n) \cup \mathcal {N}_{k}(S(n))\), where \(\mathcal {N}_{k} = \bigcup _{\alpha | \textit{Top}(\alpha ) = x_{k}} \mathcal {N}_\alpha \) for \(1 \le k \le K\) and \(\mathcal {N}_{0} = \emptyset \).

As suggested by the definition, locality is mainly used to compute a \(\textit{Top}\) value for each event, which is the lowest level on which fixed point computation involving the event can happen. By definition, the terminal nodes \(\mathbf {1}\) and \(\mathbf {0}\) are saturated because they do not have child nodes and \(\mathcal {N}_{0}\) is empty. The saturation algorithm is then easily defined as a recursive algorithm that given a node \(n\) computes the least fixed point \(S(n_s) = S(n_s) \cup \mathcal {N}_{k}(S(n_s))\) that contains \(S(n)\), making sure that child nodes are always saturated by recursion. When applied on a node encoding the set of initial states, the result will be a node encoding the states reachable through transitions in \(\mathcal {N}\).

The motivation of this decision diagram-driven strategy comes from the observation that larger sets may often be encoded in smaller MDDs. By exploring as many variations in the lower variables as possible, intermediate diagrams may be much smaller than in traditional BFS and chaining BFS strategies (also described in [4]). Another intuition is that in an MDD encoding the set of reachable states, all nodes are by definition saturated – therefore it is impractical to create nodes which have unsaturated child nodes. In other words, a saturated node has a chance of being in the final MDD, while an unsaturated one has not.

The Constrained Saturation Algorithm. The constrained saturation algorithm has been introduced in [12] to limit the exploration inside the boundaries of a predefined set of states (the constraint). Even though this is possible with the original algorithm by removing transitions in \(\mathcal {N}\) that end in states not inside the constraint, it would damage the locality of events by making them dependent on additional variables (the event has to decide whether it is leaving the constraint or not). Constrained saturation avoids this by traversing an MDD representation of the constraint along with the MDD of the state space, and deciding the enabledness of events when firing them.

Formally, given a constraint set \(C\), the goal of constrained saturation is to compute the least fixed point \(S= S\cup \big (\mathcal {N}(S) \cap C\big )\) that contains the initial states inside the constraint \(S^0\cap C\). Definitions 9 and 10 are modified as follows.

Definition 11

(Saturated state space with constraint). Given a partitioned transition system \(M\) and a constraint \(C\), a set of (partial) states \({S}_{(X)}\) over variables \(X\) is saturated iff \({S}_{(X)} = {S}_{(X)} \cup \big (\mathcal {N}_{X}({S}_{(X)}) \cap C\big )\), where \(\mathcal {N}_{X} = \bigcup _{\alpha | Supp (\alpha ) \subseteq X} \mathcal {N}_\alpha \).

Definition 12

(Saturated node with constraint). Given a partitioned transition system \(M\) and a constraint node \(n_c\) (\(S(n_c) = C\)), an MDD node \(n\) on level \(\textit{lvl}(n) = k\) is saturated iff it encodes a set of (partial) states \(S(n)\) that is saturated with respect to constraint \(C\). Equivalently, the node is saturated iff all of its children \(n[i]\) are saturated with respect to constraint node \(n_c[i]\), and \(S(n) = S(n) \cup \big (\mathcal {N}_{k}(S(n)) \cap C\big )\), where \(\mathcal {N}_{k} = \bigcup _{\alpha | \textit{Top}(\alpha ) = x_{k}} \mathcal {N}_\alpha \) for \(1 \le k \le K\) and \(\mathcal {N}_{0} = \emptyset \).

The recursive computation of \(\mathcal {N}_{k}(S(n)) \cap C\) is done by simultaneously traversing \(n\) with the source states, the descriptor d of \(\mathcal {N}_{k}\) with source and target states, and \(n_c\) with target states. Note that \(n_c\) does not encode the partial state determined by the path through which recursion reached the current node, but “remembers” just enough to decide if the transition is allowed based only on the rest of the state.

Figures 2a–c present the pseudocode of the constrained saturation algorithm. To retrieve the pseudocode of the original saturation algorithm, one should assume that at any point \(c \ne \mathbf {0}\) and \(c[i] \ne \mathbf {0}\) for any i. The pseudocode also contains a stub for the procedure that serves for the on-thy-fly update of the transition relations whenever new states are found (as described in [4] and enhanced in [9]).

The procedure starts by checking the terminal cases. Line 2 checks if the same problem has already been solved. Caching – as in all operations on decision diagrams – is crucial to have optimal performance. If there is no matching entry in the cache, the algorithm recursively saturates the children of the input node n, calling for every encountered local state. The resulting node is checked for uniqueness in line 7 and is replaced by an already existing node if necessary (to preserve MDD canonicity). In line 8, we get the NS descriptors for each event belonging to the current level, then iteratively apply them again and again in lines 9–14 until no more states are discovered – a fixed point is reached. This version of the iteration is called chaining and is discussed in [4].

The result of firing an event on a set of states is computed by and . The only differences between them are that also saturates the resulting node before returning it and also caches it – is called as part of a saturation process so this is not necessary. The common parts (3–7 in and 4–8 in ) compute the resulting node by recursively processing their child nodes. It is important to note that the arguments of the recursive call are n[i], c[j] and d[ij], that is, n is traversed along the source state and c is traversed along the target state. The recursive saturation of the result node in in line 10 ensures that child nodes of the currently saturated node always stay saturated during the fixed point computation in accordance with Definitions 10 and 12.

3 The Generalized Saturation Algorithm

As we could see, the motivation of the constrained saturation algorithm (and all of its variants like those in [8, 11]) is to handle a modified transition relation without losing locality. This paper generalizes these attempts by introducing the notion of conditional locality, a concept that expresses the most important consideration of all kinds of saturation: computing fixed points as locally (i.e. low in the decision diagram) as possible. This intuition has been discussed in Sect. 2.6, and the conclusion – that saturated nodes have a chance of being in the final MDD – can be used to improve the definitions to enhance this effect even further, which we do in the generalized saturation algorithm (GSA).

3.1 Conditional Locality

The concept of locality enables the saturation algorithm to ignore the value of variables outside the support of the currently processed event because it does not depend on them in any way. The result is that a fixed point can be calculated over partial states, which has to be computed only once regardless of the number of matching concrete states. The main motivation of conditional locality is to ignore even those variables that are not written but read by an event and compute the fixed point over even shorter partial states, but as many times as the value of those variables would cause a different result. The intuition is that the resulting nodes will be part of the final MDD more often than those created by the original saturation algorithm, leading to less intermediate nodes and therefore improved performance. Concepts are again illustrated in Fig. 1.

Definition 13

(Conditional locality). An event \(\alpha \in \mathcal {E}\) is said to be conditionally local over variables \(X\) and with respect to condition variables \(Y\) (\(X\cap Y= \emptyset \)) iff it is local over \(X\cup Y\) and locally read-only on variables in \(Y\). If \(Y\) is maximal and \(X\cup Y= Supp (\alpha )\), then we call \(Y= Guard (\alpha )\) the guard variables and \(X= Supp _{c}(\alpha )\) the conditional support of \(\alpha \). The variable with the highest index among the conditionally supporting variables (according to a variable order) is the conditional top variable (\(\textit{Top}_c(\alpha )\)) of \(\alpha \).

The (full) next-state relation of a PTS can be automatically repartitioned based on conditional locality. The resulting partitions (events) will either be locally read-only on a variable or will always change its value (behaviors like “test-and-set” may combine these and be read-only sometimes but change the value other times – in this case, we can split the next-state relation). A special case of this repartitioning is built into the GSA as described in Sect. 3.2.

The following definition of conditionally saturated state spaces and MDD nodes can be considered as relaxations of Definitions 9 and 10 based on conditional locality.

Definition 14

(Conditionally saturated state space). Given a partitioned transition system \(M\), a set of (partial) states \({S}_{(X)}\) over variables \(X\) is conditionally saturated with respect to the partial state \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(Y)}\) (\(Y\subseteq V\setminus X\)) iff \(S^\prime = S^\prime \cup \mathcal {N}_{X}(S^\prime )\), where \(S^\prime = \{{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(Y)}\} \times {S}_{(X)}\) and \(\mathcal {N}_{X} = \bigcup _{\alpha | Supp _{c}(\alpha ) \subseteq X, Guard (\alpha ) \subseteq X\cup Y} \mathcal {N}_\alpha \).

Note that a set of (partial) states \({S}_{(X)}\) over variables \(X\) that is conditionally saturated with respect to a zero-length state \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(\emptyset )}\) is also saturated over \(X\), therefore the goal is the same as before: generate a minimal, conditionally saturated set of states \(S\) with respect to \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(\emptyset )}\) that contains the initial states \(S^0\).

Definition 15

(Conditionally saturated node). Given a partitioned transition system \(M\), an MDD node \(n\) on level \(\textit{lvl}(n) = k\) is conditionally saturated with respect to the partial state \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})}\) iff it encodes a set of (partial) states \(S(n)\) that is conditionally saturated with respect to \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})}\).

The equivalent definition in terms of child nodes is now phrased as a theorem.

Theorem 1

(Conditionally saturated node – recursive definition). Given a partitioned transition system \(M\), an MDD node \(n\) on level \(\textit{lvl}(n) = k\) is conditionally saturated with respect to the partial state \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})}\) iff (1) all of its children \(n[i]\) are conditionally saturated with respect to \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k-1})}\), \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k-1})} \in \mathcal {M}({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})})\) and \({{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k-1})}[k] = i}\); and (2) \(S^\prime = S^\prime \cup \mathcal {N}_{k}(S^\prime )\), where \(S^\prime = \{{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})}\} \times S(n)\) and \(\mathcal {N}_{k} = \bigcup _{\alpha | \textit{Top}_c(\alpha ) = x_{k}} \mathcal {N}_\alpha \) for \(1 \le k \le K\) and \(\mathcal {N}_{0} = \emptyset \).


We prove only that a node described in the theorem encodes a conditionally saturated set of states. To prove the fixed point, we have to show that for any state \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}\in \{{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})}\} \times S(n)\) we have \(\mathcal {N}_{V_{\le k}}(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}) \subseteq \{{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})}\} \times S(n)\). Note that \(\mathcal {N}_{V_{\le k}} = \bigcup _{i=0}^k \mathcal {N}_k\) because if \( Supp _{c}(\alpha ) \subseteq V_{\le k}\) then \(\textit{Top}_c(\alpha ) \le k\) and \( Guard (\alpha ) \subseteq V_{\le k} \cup V_{>k} = V\) always holds. Assume there is a state \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime \in \mathcal {N}_{V_{\le k}}(\varvec{\mathrm {s}})\) that is not in \(\{{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})}\} \times S(n)\). We know that \((\varvec{\mathrm {s}}, \varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime ) \in \mathcal {N}_l\) for some \(l \le k\). If \(l = k\) then we have a direct contradiction with the second requirement of the theorem. If \(l < k\), then \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime [k] = \varvec{\mathrm {s}}[k] = i\), because the transition cannot change the value of \(x_{k}\). Because the first requirement of the theorem says that \(n[i]\) is conditionally saturated with respect to \({\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k-1})}\) as defined above, and \(\mathcal {N}_l \subseteq \mathcal {N}_{V_{\le k-1}}\), it follows that \(\varvec{\mathrm {s}}^\prime \) must be in \(\{{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k-1})}\} \times S(n[i]) \subseteq \{{\varvec{\mathrm {s}}}_{(V_{>k})}\} \times S(n)\).

Based on Theorem 1 and the observation after Definition 14, the set of reachable states is encoded as a conditionally saturated MDD node on level \(K\).

The key difference compared to Definitions 9 and 10 is the inclusion of a partial state with respect to which we can define a fixed point. Because we consider the repartitioned events that are now conditionally local, the partial state can be used to bind their guard variables, which will specify their effect on the variables in their conditional support. Since the guard variables are not changed when executing the transitions, we can compute a fixed point on only those variables that are in the conditional support of the event.

Even though the definition uses a partial state to define the fixed point, it is generally enough to traverse the NS descriptors just like the constraint in constrained saturation: whenever we navigate to \(n[i]\), we should also navigate through d[ii]. The resulting descriptor will characterize all the partial states that cause the same behavior in the rest of the transitions.

3.2 Detailed Description of the GSA

The pseudocode for the GSA is presented in Fig. 3. The inputs are an MDD node n encoding the initial states \(S^0\) of a PTS, and a NS descriptor d representing the whole next-state relation \(\mathcal {N}\). Since the algorithm will automatically partition the next-state relation based on conditional locality, d can be an union of all \(d_\alpha \) (descriptors for events).

Sometimes, computing the full next-state relation is not practical, either because of its cost (e.g. we have to change representation) or because we want to use chaining in the fixed point computation. An advantage of abstract next-state diagrams is the ability to represent operations in a lazy manner. For example, the union of two descriptors may be represented by extending the set of descriptors \(\mathcal {D}\) with elements of \(\mathcal {D}\times \mathcal {D}\times \{ union \}\) (\(\textit{lvl}((d_1, d_2, union )) = \textit{lvl}(d_1) = \textit{lvl}(d_2)\)) and extending \(\textit{next}\) such that \((d_1, d_2, union )[i, j]\) is: \(\mathbf {1}\) if \(d_1\) or \(d_2\) is \(\mathbf {1}\); \(d_1\) if \(d_2\) is \(\mathbf {0}\); \(d_2\) if \(d_1\) is \(\mathbf {0}\); and \((d_1[i, j], d_2[i, j], union )\) otherwise. The lazy descriptor \((d_1, d_2, union )\) will not be equivalent to any non-lazy descriptor (even if they encode the same relation), but will be equivalent to \((d_1, d_2, union )\) or \((d_2, d_1, union )\), which is not optimal cache-wise but is often better than pre-computing the union. This approach can be generalized to more than two operands.

Compared to (constrained) saturation in Figs. 2a–c, the main differences and points of interest are listed below. In :

  • Next-state descriptors are not retrieved for each level, but are a parameter.

  • Recursive saturation of child nodes in line 7 passes d[ii] as the NS descriptor to use on the lower level \(k-1\), which encodes a set of transitions that do not modify the variable associated to this level (and any above), therefore they are conditionally local over \(V_{\le k-1}\) with respect to the partial state specified by the procedures currently on the call stack.

  • Cache lookup in line 3 considers d instead of the partial state specified by the call stack because every partial state leading to d would produce the same result.

  • In the fixed-point iteration in line 10 the procedure is used to retrieve the operands of a lazy union descriptor to support chaining. It may be implemented in any other way as long as the returned set of descriptors cover the relation encoded by the descriptor passed as argument.

  • In lines 6 and 9, the procedure supports on-the-fly next-state relation building by providing a hook for replacing parts of d.

In :

  • There are two descriptors: \(d_s\) for recursive saturation and \(d_f\) to fire.

  • In the loop computing local successors in line 4 we omit locally read-only transitions (\(i \ne j\)), because they will be processed by recursive saturation.

  • In the recursive firing in line 5, \(d_s\) is indexed by [yy] because (like in constrained saturation) the resulting node will be \(n^\prime [y]\) (and therefore \(d_s[y, y]\) describes the conditionally local transitions), while \(d_f\) is indexed as usual.

In :

  • Cache lookup in line 3 considers both next-state descriptors.

  • In the loop computing local successors in line 5 we now consider every transition even if they are read-only, (on some level above they changed a variable).

  • Recursive saturation in line 9 will use \(d_s\) (which is still conditionally local).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Pseudocode of the GSA.

3.3 Constrained Saturation as an Instance of the GSA

With the automatic partitioning offered by the GSA, next-state relations that motivated the introduction of constrained saturation and its variants can now be directly encoded into the transition relation without any cost. This is because a constraint is a guard, therefore it can cause an event only to become read-only on a variable instead of independent, but will still never write it. Adding a constraint will never raise the conditional top variable of events, but it can raise their unconditional top variable in many cases, which is associated with degraded performance.

Indeed, the handling of \(d_s\) in the GSA is very similar to the handling of the constraint node – we could say that our algorithm uses the next-state relation itself as a constraint. Combining this with the flexibility of abstract NS descriptors (lazy descriptors in particular), we get the properties of constrained saturation enhanced with every difference between the original saturation algorithm and the GSA (see Sect. 3.4).

We illustrate the usage of abstract NS descriptors for variants of constrained saturation with the kind of constraint used in the original constrained saturation algorithm [12].

Definition 16

(Constrained next-state descriptor). Given a NS descriptor d and a constraint node c, the constrained next-state descriptor \(d_c\) describing \(\mathcal {N}(d_c) = \mathcal {N}(d) \setminus \big (\mathbb {N}^K\times S(c)\big )\) is a tuple \(d_c = (d, c)\) with \(\textit{lvl}(d_c) = \textit{lvl}(d) = \textit{lvl}(c)\), and \(d_c[i, j]\) is: \(\mathbf {0}\) if \(d[i, j] = \mathbf {0}\) or \(c[j] = \mathbf {0}\); and \((d[i, j], c[j])\) otherwise.

3.4 Discussion

To estimate the efficiency of the algorithm, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the different modifications. First and foremost it is important to note that if \(\textit{Top}_c(\alpha ) = \textit{Top}(\alpha )\) for every event \(\alpha \), then the GSA degrades to the original saturation algorithm from [4] or the corresponding constrained saturation algorithm from [8, 11, 12] with no difference in the iteration strategy and the virtually zero overhead of handling the next-state relation as a parameter. In every other case, there may be a complex interplay between the advantages and disadvantages discussed below.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A (degraded) run of saturation on the example model: \(n_3\) encodes \(S^0\), \(n_4 = n_3 \cup \mathcal {N}_{t_3^l}(n_3)\), \(n_7 = n_4 \cup \mathcal {N}_{t_1^l}(n_4)\), the state space is \(n_9 = n_7 \cup \mathcal {N}_{t_2^l}(n_7)\). Note that \(t_i^u\) does not reach new states.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

A run of the GSA on the example model: \(n_3\) encodes \(S^0\), \(n_4\) is the saturated \(n_1\) (after firing \(t_1^l\)), \(n_5\) is the saturated \(n_2\) (after firing \(t_2^l\)) and \(n_6\) is the state space.

An advantage of using conditional locality is that \(\textit{Top}_c(\alpha ) \le \textit{Top}(\alpha )\), i.e. we can potentially use event \(\alpha \) when saturating a node on a lower level, which is intuitively better because it raises the chance that the resulting node will be part of the final diagram. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the MDDs that are created while exploring the state space of the example Petri net model from Fig. 1 with saturation and the GSA. Saturation is degraded to a chaining version of BFS because every transition that can yield a new state is dependent on all variables. In the unfortunate case of firing \(t_3^l\), \(t_1^l\) and \(t_2^l\) in this order, the number of created nodes will be 9 compared to the 6 nodes created by the GSA, which can still exploit the read-only dependencies.

A direct price of this is the diversification of cache entries. By repartitioning the events, we may introduce a lot more next-state relations to process, and it is not evident if their smaller size and the enhanced saturation effect can compensate this. Furthermore, by keeping track of \(d_s\) (the descriptor to saturate with), we spoil the cache of saturation due to the following.

Whenever we navigate through d[ii], we remember something from i in the context of the next-state relation, yielding a potentially large number of different descriptors to saturate with. The original saturation algorithm saturates each MDD node only once, because it uses the same next-state relation every time. In the GSA, we saturate every pair of different MDD node and NS descriptor, so the diversity of descriptors can be a crucial factor. In the extreme case, when at least one event remembers every value along the path (for example because it copies them to other variables below), caching can degrade to the point where everything will need to be computed from scratch.

The other extreme is when each event remembers only one thing from the values bound above: whether it is enabled or not (e.g. when variables are compared to constants in guard expressions). Fortunately, this is the case with Petri nets: each transition will check variables locally and decide whether it is still enabled or not. This means that given a descriptor d representing transitions in T, the number of possible successors for d[ii] will be \(O(|T|)\) (n values can partition \(\mathbb {N}\) into \(n+1\) partitions, each transition may contribute 2 values – one for an input arc and one for an inhibitor arc), but this number will also be limited by the number of non-zero child nodes of the saturated MDD node.

Given the facts that transitions of Petri nets are inherently conditionally local without repartitioning, and many nets are bounded (often safe), model checking of Petri net models with the GSA can be expected to yield favorable results. In fact, the experiment presented in Sect. 4 shows that the GSA is superior to the original saturation algorithm on every model that we analyzed.

For other types of models, we have yet to investigate the efficiency of the algorithm and the balance of benefits and overhead. It might be the case that we have to refine the read-only dependency into “local” and “global” evaluation (depending on whether we have to remember the value of the variable or can evaluate it immediately) and use conditional locality only with the “local” case. We also have to note that the efficient update of the next-state descriptors is not trivial and subject to future work.

4 Evaluation

In this section, we present the results of our experiments performed on a large set of Petri net models.

4.1 Research Questions

We have two main research questions about the GSA, both comparing it to the original saturation algorithm (SA) from [4] (results should apply to constrained saturation as well). Both questions will be answered by measuring the relevant metrics for each algorithm and comparing the results for each benchmark model.

We expect that (1) the GSA will be identical to the SA when conditional locality cannot be exploited; as well as in other cases (2) the GSA will create less MDD nodes than the SA and (3) in these cases it will be faster than the SA.

4.2 The Benchmark

We have implemented both the original saturation algorithm and the GSA in Java. Both variants used the same libraries for MDDs and next-state descriptors, and their source code differs only in the points discussed in Sect. 3.2.

We used the latest set of 743 available models from the Model Checking Contest 2018 [7], excluding only the Glycolytic and Pentose Phosphate Pathways (G-PPP) model with a parameter of 10–1000000000 (because the initial marking cannot be represented on 32-bit signed integers). We generated a variable ordering for each model using the sloan algorithm recommended by [1], and a modified sloan algorithm where we omitted read-only dependencies when building the dependency graph (motivated by the notion of conditional locality). We ran state space exploration 3 times on each model with each ordering, measuring several metrics of the algorithms. We will report the median of the running time of the algorithms (excluding the time of loading the model) and the total number of MDD nodes created during each run, as well as the size of the state space and the final MDD for each model and each ordering.

Measurements were conducted on a bare-metal server machine rented from the Oracle Cloud (BM.Standard.E2.64), with 64 cores and 512 GB of RAM, running Ubuntu 18.04 and Java 11. Three processes were run simultaneously, each with a maximum Java heap size of 100 GB and stack size of 512 MB. No process has run out of memory and the combined CPU utilization never exceeded 70%. Timeout was 20 min (including loading the model and writing results).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Main results of the experiment: running times and total number of created nodes with sloan ordering (top row) and modified sloan ordering (bottom row).

4.3 Results

The main results of the experiments can be seen in Fig. 6. Every point represents a model (dashes on the side means a timeout), classified into two groups: “simply local” if none of the events had a read-only top variable and “conditionally local” otherwise. In the “simply local” group we expected no difference because the GSA should degrade into the original saturation algorithm, which was supported by the results. In the other group we were optimistic about the balance of advantages and disadvantages as discussed in Sect. 3.4, but the results were even better than what we expected. As the plots show, a significant part of the “conditionally local” models are below the reference diagonal, meaning that the GSA were often orders of magnitudes faster.

With the sloan ordering, 274 models were in the “conditionally local” group and the GSA was at least twice as fast as the SA in 53 cases. With the modified ordering, these numbers are 69 out of 298. In one case (SmallOperatingSystem-MT0256DC0128), the SA managed to finish just in time while the GSA exceeded the timeout (scaling was similar for smaller instances). Models where the GSA finished successfully but the SA exceeded the timeout with the sloan ordering include instances of CloudDeployment, DiscoveryGPU, DLCround, DLCshifumi, EGFr, Eratosthenes, MAPKbis, Peterson and Raft; and with the modified ordering also AirplaneLD, BART, Dekker, FlexibleBarrier, NeoElection, ParamProductionCell, Philosopher, Ring and SharedMemory. Analyzing these models in detail may provide insights about when the GSA is especially efficient.

Looking at the plots about the number of created MDD nodes (i.e. the size of the unique table) reveals that our expectations about less intermediate diagrams were correct and this probably has direct influence on the execution time. Even though not visible in Fig. 6, interactive data analysis revealed that the model instances are more-or-less located at the same point on the execution time and node count plots. The collected data also suggests a linear relationship between the number of created nodes and the execution time, but this is rather a lower bound than a general prediction.

As an auxiliary result and without any illustration, we also report that out of the 117 cases when the sloan ordering and the modified ordering were different and we have data about the final MDD size, the modified sloan ordering produced smaller final MDDs 69 times and larger MDDs 39 times. This motivates further work on variable orderings like in [1]. We have also compared the SA with sloan ordering and the GSA with the modified sloan ordering to find that the GSA with the modified sloan ordering was better in 78 cases and worse in 16 cases (considering only at least a factor of 2 in both cases).

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we have formally introduced the generalized saturation algorithm (GSA), a new saturation algorithm enhanced with the notion of conditional locality. We have shown that the GSA generalizes a family of constrained saturation variants and discussed the effects of using conditional locality. We have empirically evaluated our approach on Petri nets from the Model Checking Contest to find that the GSA has virtually no overhead compared to the original saturation algorithm, but can outperform it by orders of magnitude when conditional locality can be exploited.

We have made theoretical considerations and prepared the algorithm to be compatible with a wide range of next-state representations as well as the on-the-fly update approach described in [4]. The GSA seems to be superior to the original saturation algorithm on Petri net models, but its efficiency over more general classes of models is yet to be explored.