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Effects of Salinity and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) on Root Growth Development and Productivity of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.), a Promising Salt-Tolerant Crop, Under Mediterranean Conditions

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Handbook of Halophytes


Chia is an ancient crop from Central America which has been recently rediscovered as a source of plant omega-3 fatty acids and nutraceuticals. Field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of water salinity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on root growth and productivity of chia under Mediterranean conditions. The experiments conducted at two sites (Aliartos and Agrinio, Greece) during 2016 were laid out in a split-plot design with three replicates and three main plots (irrigation water salinity treatments: 0.5, 10, and 20 mM NaCl) and two sub-plots (AMF-inoculated and AMF-non-inoculated plants). Mean weight diameter of soil aggregates, total porosity, organic matter, and total nitrogen content of the soil decreased with the increase of NaCl concentration in irrigation water. Root length density and root mass density were decreased with the increasing rates of applied NaCl in drip irrigation water. The total dry weight and seed yield were also negatively affected by water salinity, and the lowest values (3647–3876 and 679–805 kg ha−1 for biomass and seed yield, respectively) were found in the plants irrigated with irrigation water containing 20 mM NaCl. AMF colonization in chia plants grown in saline environment was shown to increase biomass yield, seed yield, and nitrogen uptake. Despite the negative effects of irrigation water salinity treatments, plants were able to complete their life cycles under salt-stressed conditions under all treatments. The unique nutritive quality of chia and its outstanding tolerance to chloride salinity make this species a promising halophyte candidate for saline agriculture.

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Bilalis, D.J., Roussis, I., Kakabouki, I., Karydogianni, S. (2020). Effects of Salinity and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) on Root Growth Development and Productivity of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.), a Promising Salt-Tolerant Crop, Under Mediterranean Conditions. In: Grigore, MN. (eds) Handbook of Halophytes. Springer, Cham.

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