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In Vitro Systems of Selected Eryngium Species (E. planum, E. campestre, E. maritimum, and E. alpinum) for Studying Production of Desired Secondary Metabolites (Phenolic Acids, Flavonoids, Triterpenoid Saponins, and Essential Oil)

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Plant Cell and Tissue Differentiation and Secondary Metabolites

Part of the book series: Reference Series in Phytochemistry ((RSP))

  • 163 Accesses


There are four Eryngium species native to Poland, namely, E. planum and E. campestre – rare taxa, E. maritimum and E. alpinum – endangered and protected taxa belonging to the subfamily Saniculoideae of Apiaceae family. The phytochemical investigations revealed the presence of various groups of bioactive compounds, that is, triterpenoid saponins, phenolic acids, flavonoids, coumarin derivatives, the essential oil, polyacetylenes, phytosterols, and ecdysteroids. Plant in vitro cultures of those rare and endangered species as well as biotechnological methods of application may provide biomass with the enhanced accumulation of desired secondary metabolites without collecting plants from natural sites. Protocols of micropropagation with genome size stability confirmation and different types of cultures – organ, callus, and cell suspension cultures – were developed with the intent to achieve constant, uniform, and renewable biomass with the higher accumulation of polyphenols and triterpenoid saponins. Both soil-grown plants and in vitro systems were analyzed for the presence and content of main secondary metabolites. It was shown that in vitro-derived plantlets also showed biological activities. The phytochemical and biological studies of Eryngium species show their potential as valuable medicinal plants.

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2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid


2,2′-Azinobis-3-ethylbenzotiazo-line-6-sulfonic acid








Caffeic acid


Chlorogenic acid




Dry weight


Half maximal effective concentration








Gibberellic acid


Gas chromatography


Gas chromatography-flame ionization-mass spectrometer


Gas chromatography-mass spectrometer


High performance liquid chromatography


High performance liquid chromatography – diode-array detector


Indole-3-acetic acid


Indole-3-butyric acid


Half maximal inhibitory concentration




Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer


Methyl jasmonate


Minimal inhibitory concentration


Murashige and Skoog medium


Naphthaleneacetic acid


Nuclear magnetic resonance


Rosmarinic acid


Total antioxidant capacity


Thiobarbituric acid


Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography


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Kikowska, M., Thiem, B. (2020). In Vitro Systems of Selected Eryngium Species (E. planum, E. campestre, E. maritimum, and E. alpinum) for Studying Production of Desired Secondary Metabolites (Phenolic Acids, Flavonoids, Triterpenoid Saponins, and Essential Oil). In: Ramawat, K., Ekiert, H., Goyal, S. (eds) Plant Cell and Tissue Differentiation and Secondary Metabolites. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-11253-0

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-11253-0

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Chemistry and Mat. ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials ScienceReference Module Chemistry, Materials and Physics

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    ) for Studying Production of Desired Secondary Metabolites (Phenolic Acids, Flavonoids, Triterpenoid Saponins, and Essential Oil)
    17 January 2020


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    ) for Studying Production of Desired Secondary Metabolites (Phenolic Acids, Flavonoids, Triterpenoid Saponins, and Essential Oil)
    11 December 2019
