
1 Introduction

Due to the low computational complexity and ease of implementation of the least mean square Algorithm (LMS), it is widely used in signal processing, system identification, acoustic echo cancellation, blind equalization, and so on [1]. However, the output of the LMS filter is not only sensitive to the amount of scaling of the input [2, 3], but also degrades under non-Gaussian noise [4,5,6].

Therefore, the least mean fourth (LMF) algorithm [7, 8], least mean p-norm algorithm (LMP) [9], and recursive least p-norm algorithm (RLP) [10] based on the gradient algorithm are proposed to improve the performance degradation under non-Gaussian noise. Recently, a more robust adaptive algorithm from the information theoretic (IT) has been proposed by Principle and et al, where the algorithm includes entropy [11], mutual information [12], and correntropy [13]. Due to its simplicity and robustness to non-Gaussian environments, the maximum correntropy criterion (MCC) [14] and the minimum error entropy (MEE) [15] have been paid attention in recent years. Although the performance of MCC and MEE is similar, the computational complexity of MEE is relatively high compared to MCC.

Recently, MCC has been used as an adaptive criterion for non-gaussian signal processing in [4]. At the same time, the tracking analysis and steady-state mean square error analysis of MCC were proposed in [16, 17]. The steady-state error of the MCC algorithm depends mainly on the step size, and its convergence speed is mainly based on step length and kernel width. When the step length is fixed, the contradiction between convergence speed and steady-state mean square error can be overcome by changing the kernel width. In [18], Weihua Wang et al. proposed a switch width based on maximum correntropy. In [19], Yicong He et al. proposed a new adaptive algorithm based on generalized correntropy, using generalized Gaussian density instead of traditional width. When the width is certain, the step length is inversely proportional to the misalignment. In [20], Ren Wang et al. proposed a variable step maximum correntropy adaptive filter. In [21], the convex combination is introduced into an MCC-based adaptive filter, so that the combination filter simultaneously gets the fast convergence speed of the filter with large step size as well as the low misadjustment of the filter with small step size. However, in the convex combination of maximum correntropy criterion (CMCC) filter, the tracking and convergence performance of the combined filter are reduced. Therefore, an improved convex combination filter based on maximum correntropy criterion (ICMCC) is presented in this paper. Compared with the CMCC, ICMCC not only has fast convergence speed and low misalignment, but also can track the optimal value fast in any weight coefficient changes.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. we review briefly MCC-based algorithms in Sect. 2. Then, ICMCC, adding weight transfer algorithm to enhance convergence rate, is proposed in Sect. 3. The simulation results are given in Sect. 4, and the conclusion is presented in Sect. 5.

2 MCC-Based Algorithms

Correntropy is a measure of local similarity between two random variables, and can also be used as a cost function in adaptive filtering [22]. Considered X and Y two random variables, the correntropy is [23]

$$\begin{aligned} v(X,Y)=E[k(X,Y)]=\int k(X,Y)\,dF_{XY}F(x,y), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\kappa (\cdot ,\cdot )\) is a shift-invariant Mercer kernel, and \(F_{XY}\) denotes the joint distribution function of (XY). The most widely used kernel in correntropy is the Gaussian kernel

$$\begin{aligned} k(X,Y)=G_\sigma (e)= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi }\sigma }exp(\frac{-e^2}{2\sigma ^2}), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma \) is the kernel width, and \(e=x-y\). The MCC algorithm finds the optimal value by maximizing the correntropy.

According to the stochastic gradient principle of adaptive algorithm, the updating equation of weight coefficient based on maximum correntropy is [21]

$$\begin{aligned} w[k]=w[k-1]+\lambda \exp (\frac{-e[k]^2}{2\sigma ^2})e[k]X[k], \end{aligned}$$

where \(\lambda \) is the step size and X[k] is the input at the moment k.

3 Improvement of MCC-Based Adaptive Filter

CMCC adaptive filtering algorithm is the latest development based on the maximum correntropy criterion in the contradiction between convergence speed and misalignment. This method combines two adaptive filters by convex combination, thus obtaining the fast convergence speed of large step and the low offset of small step length. But this method has a major challenge, that is, the tracking ability of the combinational filter is reduced. In this part, we first introduce the CMCC algorithm, and then extend the method to arbitrary number adaptive filters through the maximization of the correntropy of the combined filter to improve the tracking ability and convergence speed of the combined filter.

3.1 CMCC Algorithm

The implementation of the CMCC first requires two filters with different step sizes, and then the two filters update their own weights according to their own criteria and errors. However, the update criterion of the mixing coefficient is to maximize the correntropy of combined filter. The combination weight of CMCC can be expressed as [25]

$$\begin{aligned} w[k]=v[k]w_1[k]+(1-v[k])w_2[k], \end{aligned}$$

where the mixing coefficient v[k] can be denoted as \(v[k]=sgm{\alpha [k]}=1/(1+e^{-\alpha [k]})\). \(w_1[k]\) and \(w_2[k]\) are the weights of large step and small step respectively, and they are expressed as \(w_i[k]= w_i[k-1]+\lambda _i\exp (\frac{-e_i[k]^2}{2\sigma ^2})e_i[k]X[k], i=1,2\). And \(e_i[k]=d[k]-y_i[k], i=1,2\) is the error incurred by the component adaptive filter. Similarly, the combined filter output can be obtained and expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} y[k]=v[k]y_1[k]+(1-v[k])y_2[k], \end{aligned}$$

where \(y_1[k]=X^\mathrm {T}w_1[k]\) and \(y_2[k]=X^\mathrm {T}w_2[k]\) represent the output of a large step filter and a small step filter, respectively. The parameter \(\alpha [k]\) is used to indirectly adjust the mixing coefficient, and updated by gradient algorithm that maximizes the correntropy of the combined filter, that is [21]:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \alpha [k+1]&=\alpha [k]+\mu _{\alpha }\sigma ^2 \frac{\partial {\exp (\frac{-e^2[k]}{2\sigma ^2})}}{\partial {\alpha [k]}}\\&=\alpha [k]+\mu _{\alpha }v[k](1-v[k])(y_1[k]-y_2[k])\exp (\frac{-e^2[k]}{2\sigma ^2})e[k], \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mu _{\alpha } \) represents the step size of the parameter \(\alpha [k] \). In order to ensure that the adaptive speed of the combined filter is faster than that of the large step filter, \(\mu _{\alpha } \) must be larger than \(\mu _1\). In order to prevent the v[k] from approaching 0 or 1, the range of \(\alpha [k]\) is limited to \([-4,4]\) [25].

Following [20], when the fast filter is significantly better than the slow filter, we can accelerate the convergence performance of the algorithm by the following formula. The modified small step filter can be expressed as [21]

$$\begin{aligned} w_2[k]=\beta {w_2[k-1]}+\lambda _2\exp (\frac{-e_2^2[k]}{2\sigma ^2})e_2[k]x[k]+(1-\beta )w_1[k], \end{aligned}$$

where \(\beta \) is the transfer coefficient.

3.2 ICMCC Algorithm

In order to improve the disadvantage of poor tracking performance of CMCC, this paper makes a convex combination of arbitrary number filters with different steps and obtains the ICMCC algorithm. When the number of L adaptive filters based on MCC is combined, the weight of the combined filter is obtained as follows [25]:

$$\begin{aligned} w_{eq}[k]=\sum _{i=1}^{L}v_i[k]w_i[k], \end{aligned}$$

where \(w_i[k]\) represents the weight of the component filter whose the step size is denoted by \(\mu _i\) (\(\mu _1>\mu _2>\cdot \cdot \cdot \mu _L \)). Each filter updates its weight based on its own error and can be expressed as \(w_i[k]= w_i[k-1]+\lambda _i\exp (\frac{-e_i[k]^2}{2\sigma ^2})e_i[k]X[k], i=1,2\cdot \cdot \cdot L\). \(v_i[k]\) is the mixing coefficient and satisfies \(\sum _{i=1}^{L}v_i[k]=1\).

In the case of combining arbitrary number of filters, the L auxiliary parameters \(\alpha _i[k]\) were updated with stochastic positive gradient method to adjust the L mixing parameters. We use softmax activation function to define the relationship between \(v_i[k]\) and \(\alpha _i[k]\) to ensure the stability of \(v_i[k]\). \(v_i[k]\) can be expressed as [25]

$$\begin{aligned} v_i[k]=\frac{\exp (\alpha _i[k])}{\sum _{j=1}^{L}\exp (\alpha _j[k])}, \end{aligned}$$

By multiplying both sides of formula (8) by \(X^T[k]\), it is concluded that the output of ICMCC filter is a convex combination of all filter outputs.

$$\begin{aligned} y_{eq}[k]=\sum _{i=1}^{L}v_i[k]y_i[k], \end{aligned}$$

where \(y_i[k]=X^\mathrm {T}w_i[k],i=1,2\cdot \cdot \cdot L\) is the component filter output.

As for the CMCC filter, the parameter \(\alpha _i[k]\) is updated using MCC rules to maximize the overall correntropy

$$\begin{aligned} \alpha _i[k+1]=\alpha _i[k]+\mu _{\alpha }v_i[k](y_i[k]-y_{eq}[k])\exp (\frac{-e^2[k]}{2\sigma ^2})e[k]. \end{aligned}$$

In (11), We must qualify \(\mu _{\alpha }\) larger than the step size of any component filter. To prevent the ICMCC algorithm from stopping, we usually limit \(|v_i[k]|<0.95\). Since \(v_i[k]\) is regulated by \(\alpha _i[k]\), the range of \(\alpha _i[k]\) is \(|\alpha _i[k]|\le 0.5\ln (19(L-1))\).

figure a

In order to increase the tracking performance of the combined filter, we can determine whether to accelerate by calculating the ratio of the estimated correntropy of each component filter to the estimated correntropy of the combined filter. The estimated correntropy of the component filter and the combined filter are

$$\begin{aligned} cor(e_i[k])=0.98cor(e_i[k-1])+0.02\exp (\frac{-e_i^2[k]}{2\sigma ^2}), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} cor(e[k])=0.98cor(e[k-1])+0.02\exp (\frac{-e^2[k]}{2\sigma ^2}). \end{aligned}$$

When \(\gamma \ge {cor(e^2[k])}/{cor(e_i^2[k])}, \gamma >1\), we transfer a certain proportion of the combined filter to component filters that are worse than the combined filter. The modified adaption rule for \(w_i[k]\) becomes

$$\begin{aligned} w_i[k]=\beta {w_i[k-1]}+\mu _i\exp (\frac{-e_i^2[k]}{2\sigma ^2})e_i[k]x[k]+(1-\beta )w_{eq}[k], \end{aligned}$$

where \(\beta \) is the transfer coefficient. The condition for using Eq. (14) is that the large step size filter is significantly better than the small step size. Through a large number of experiments, \(\gamma \) and \(\beta \) were selected to be 2 and 0.8 respectively, to achieve the best transfer effect. The closer the choice of \(\beta \) is to 1, the more likely it is that the convex combination filter does not have a transfer coefficient. The pseudocodes of the proposed ICMCC are presented in Algorithm 1.

4 Simulation Results in System Identification Scenarios

In this section, we simulate the non-stationary system identification under non-Gaussian noise to verify the tracking performance of CMCC and ICMCC, and quantify each algorithm by normalized mean square deviation (NMSD) calculation which is expressed as \(NMSD=10\log _{10}{(\parallel {w_i-w_0}\parallel _2)}/{(\parallel {w_0}\parallel _2)}\).

The length of the unknown system is 10, which is the same length as the adaptive filter, and the input signal is a Gaussian signal with zero-mean and unit power. At the output of the plant we add measurement noise N[k], we give four different distributions for measurement noise including (1) uniform noise, where the uniform noise is distributed over [−1, 1]; (2) Laplace noise, where the probability density function of Laplace noise is \(p(n)={1}/{\pi (1+n^2)}\); (3) binary noise, where the binary noise is either -1 or 1 (each with probability 0.5); (4) mixed Gaussian noise, where the mixed Gaussian noise is \(N[k]=(1-\theta )N(\zeta _1,\delta _1^2)+(\theta )N(\zeta _2,\delta _2^2)\) (\(\zeta _i\) and \(\delta _i^2\) represent mean and variance, respectively). In this paper, the parameter is set to (0, 0, 0.001, 10, 0.1).

For the sake of simplicity, \(L= 4\) MCC filters with step sizes \(\mu _1 =0.1\), \(\mu _2 =0.03\), \(\mu _3 =0.01\) and \(\mu _4 =0.002\) are considered as component filters. Simultaneously, the two steps in the CMCC algorithm are selected as \(\mu _1 =0.1\) and \(\mu _4 =0.002\). The step size \(\mu _{\alpha } \) of the parameter \(\alpha [k]\) is fixed at 30. The initial value of unknown system is random values between −1 and 1, and the random-walk model introduces different rate of change of weight vectors. The random-walk model can express as:

$$\begin{aligned} w_0[k+1]=w_0[k]+q[k], \end{aligned}$$

where q[k] is an i.i.d. vector, with autocorrelation matrix \(Q=E\{q[k]q^T[k]\}\). Tr(Q) is a measure of the speed of the weight vector. In this paper, we consider that q[k] is an independent Gaussian distribution.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Comparison of the convergence curve of a ICMCC filter and a CMCC filter with uniform noise.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Comparison of the convergence curve of a ICMCC filter and a CMCC filter with Laplace noise.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparison of the convergence curve of a ICMCC filter and a CMCC filter with binary noise.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Comparison of the convergence curve of a ICMCC filter and a CMCC filter with mixed Gaussian noise.

In order to better embody the tracking performance of ICMCC, we choose \(Tr(Q_1)=10^{-6}\) and \(Tr(Q_2)=10^{-7}\) two different speed of change for weighting coefficients in \(5000<k<10000\) and \(15000<k<20000\) respectively. From Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4, when \(k<5000\), the adaptive filter of \(\mu _1\) has the fastest convergence speed but the highest amount of offset; \(\mu _4\)’s adaptive filter has the lowest amount of offset, but the slowest convergence rate. Although the CMCC adaptive filter has a fast convergence rate and a slow offset amount, the tracking performance is not as good as that of the ICMCC. When \(5000<k<10000\) and \(15000<k<20000\), since the two weight coefficients of \(Tr(Q_1)\) and \(Tr(Q_2)\) are added to change the speed, the optimal value of the weight coefficient changes. Compared to the CMCC, the ICMCC not only quickly tracks the optimal value, but also maintains a lower amount of misalignment. In summary, ICMCC gathers fast convergence speed, low misalignment and good tracking ability.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Evolution of the mixing coefficients \(v_1(i), v_2(i), v_3(i)\) and \(v_4(i)\)

Simultaneously, we can study the tracking ability of ICMCC from four variations of the mixing coefficients. As shown in Fig. 5, the change process of the ICMCC four mixed parameters is indicated. We can see that in \(5000<k<10000\) and \(15000<k<20000\), ICMCC will use the hybrid coefficient adaptive filter to select the optimal performance as the primary role. Therefore, ICMCC shows the same performance as the optimal partial filter at any given moment. Therefore, ICMCC has good tracking performance and tracks a variety of changes.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, arbitrary number convex combination technique is employed to improve the tracking performance of CMCC filters. The improved algorithm not only has fast convergence speed and low offset, but also can track a variety of weight vector changes. Compared with the original CMCC algorithm, the improved algorithm is more suitable for system identification scenarios with non-Gaussian noises and abrupt change. The proposed adaptive filter can be applied to signal processing, system identification, noise cancellation, automatic equalization, echo cancellation and antenna array beamforming.