
1 Introduction

Spanish is the third language most used on the InternetFootnote 1. However, the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for this language did not follow the same trend. In particular, this research gap can be observed in Spanish sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis allows us to perform an automated analysis of millions of reviews. Its basic task, called polarity detection, targets at determining whether a given opinion is positive, negative or neutral. This area has been widely researched since 2002 [16]. In fact, it is one of the most active research areas in NLP, data mining and social media analytics [27].

Polarity detection has been addressed as a text classification problem thus, can be approached by supervised and unsupervised learning methods [29]. In the unsupervised approach, a vocabulary of positive and negative words is constructed so as to polarity is inferred according to the similarity between vocabulary and opinionated words. The second approach is based on machine learning, training data and labelled reviews are used to define a classifier [16]. This last approach relies heavily on feature engineering. However, recent learning representation paradigms perform these tasks automatically [15]. In this context, Machine Learning has recently become the dominant approach for sentiment analysis, due to availability of data, better models and hardware resources [28].

In this paper we adopt a Deep Learning approach for sentiment analysis. In particular we aim at performing automated classification of short texts in Spanish. This is challenging because of the limited contextual information that they normally contain.

To do so, sentence words are mapped to word embeddings. Distributional approaches such as word embeddings have proven useful to model context in several NLP tasks [18]. Three kinds of word representations (Word2vec [18], Glove [24], Fastext [3]) have been considered. This setting, which is novel for Spanish sentiment analysis, can be useful in several domains.

The Deep Learning architecture proposed is composed by a Convolutional Neural Network [14], a Recurrent Neural Network [12] and a final dense layer. In order to avoid overfitting, besides traditional dropout schemes, we rely on data augmentation. Data augmentation is useful for low resources languages such as Spanish.

Those design choices allow us to obtain results comparable to state-of-the-art approaches over the InterTASS 2017 dataset, in terms of accuracy. The dataset was proposed in the TASS workshop at SEPLN. In the last six years, this workshop has been the main source for Spanish sentiment analysis datasets and proposals [17].

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews preliminaries on sentiment analysis and neural networks. Our proposal is presented in Sect. 3. Results are described in Sect. 4. Related work is presented in Sect. 5. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes the paper.

2 Preliminary

2.1 Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining) is an active research area in natural language processing [28]. Sentiment classification is a fundamental and extensively studied area in sentiment analysis. It targets at determining the sentiment polarity (positive or negative) of a sentence (or a document) based on its textual content [27]. Polarity classification tasks have usually based on two main approaches [4]: a supervised approach, which applies machine learning algorithms in order to train a polarity classifier using a labelled corpus; an unsupervised approach, semantic lexicon-based, which integrates linguistic resources in a model in order to identify the polarity of the opinions.

Since the performance of a machine learner heavily depends on the choices of data representation, many studies devote to building powerful feature extractor with domain expert and careful engineering [20].

As stated by Liu [16], sentiment analysis has been researched at three levels: (i) Document level: The task at this level is to classify whether a whole opinion document expresses a positive or negative sentiment [22]; (ii) Sentence level: The task at this level goes to the sentences and determines whether each sentence expressed a positive, negative, or neutral opinion. Neutral usually means no opinion; (iii) Entity and Aspect level [22]: Both the document level and the sentence level analyses do not discover what exactly people liked and did not like. Aspect level performs finer-grained analysis.

2.2 Deep Neural Networks

Several deep neural network approaches have been successfully applied to sentiment analysis in the last years [31]. However, these results have been mostly obtained for English Language [17]. The related work section further describes, several attempts to apply deep learning algorithms for Spanish sentiment analysis. In this section we only focus on word representations, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), which are the main building blocks of our proposal.

Word Representations (Word2vec, Glove, Fastext). Nowadays, word representations are paramount for sentiment analysis [31]. In order to model text words as features within a machine learning framework, a common approach is to encode words as discrete atomic symbols. These encodings are arbitrary and provide no useful information to the system regarding the relationships that may exist between the individual symbols [28]. The discrete representation has some problems such as missing new words. This representation also requires human labor to create and adapt. It is also hard to compute accurate word similarity and is quite subjective. To cope with these problems, the distributional similarity based representations propose to represent a word by means of its neighbors, its context [27].

Word2vec [18] is a particularly computationally-efficient predictive model for learning word embeddings from raw text. Take a vector with several hundred dimensions where each word is represented by a distribution of weights across those elements [2, 7]. Thus, instead of a one-to-one mapping between an element in the vector and a word, the representation of a word is spread across all the elements in the vector.

In contrast to Word2vec, Glove [24] seeks to make explicit what Word2vec does implicitly: encoding meaning as vector offsets in an embedding space. In Glove, it is stated that the ratio of the co-occurrence probabilities of two words (rather than their co-occurrence probabilities themselves) is what contains information and so look to encode this information as vector differences.

In Fastext [3] instead of directly learning a vector representation for a word, a representation for each character n-gram is learned. In this sense, each word is represented as a bag of character n-grams, thus the overall word embedding is a sum of these characters n-grams. The advantage of Fastext is that generates better embeddings for rare and out-of-corpus words. By using different n-grams Fastext explores key structural components of words.

Convolutional Neural Networks. While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been primarily applied to image processing, they have also been used for NLP tasks [14].

In the image context [15], given a raw input (2D arrays of pixel intensities) several convolutional layers allow us to capture features images at several abstraction levels. In this context, a discrete convolution takes a filter matrix and multiply its values element-wise with the original matrix, then sum them up. To get the full convolution we do this for each element by sliding the filter over the whole matrix.

The convolved map feature denotes a level of abstraction obtained after the convolution operations (there are also ReLU activation, Pooling and Softmax layers). CNN exploits the property that many natural signals are compositional hierarchies: higher-level features are obtained by composing lower-level ones. In images, local combinations of edges form motifs, motifs assemble into parts, and parts from objects [15]. All this learning representation is performed in an unsupervised manner. The amount of filters and convolutional layers denote how rich features and abstraction levels we wish to obtain from images.

Conversely, if we wish to apply CNNs in natural language tasks several changes are needed [14]. Texts are tokenized and must be encoded as numbers — input numerical variables are usual in neural networks algorithms. In the last five years, word embeddings representations (but also character and paragraph) have been preferred. This is due to semantical/syntactical similarity is better expressed in a distributed manner [18].

A sentence can be represented as a matrix. Thus, the sentence length denotes the number of rows and the word embedding dimension denotes the number of columns. This allows us to perform discrete convolutions as in the image case (2D input matrix). However, one must be careful when defining filter sizes, which usually have the same width as word embeddings [14].

Instead of working with 2D representation, we may also work with 1D representation, i.e., to concatenate several word embeddings in a long vector and then apply several convolution layers.

Recurrent Neural Networks. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) [8] are a kind of neural network that makes it possible to model long-distance dependencies among variables. Therefore, RNN are best suited for tasks that involve sequential inputs such as speech and language [15]. RNNs process an input sequence one element at a time, maintaining in their hidden units a state vector that implicitly contains information about the history of all the past elements of the sequence. To do so, a connection is added that references the previously hidden states \(h_{t-1}\) when computing hidden state h, formally [21]:

$$\begin{aligned} h_t = tanh(W_{xh}x_t+W_{hh}h_{t-1}+b_h) \end{aligned}$$

\(h_t=0\) when the initial step is \(t=0\). The only difference from the hidden layer in a standard neural network is the addition of the connection \(W_{hh}h_{t-1}\) from the hidden state at time step \(t-1\) connecting to that at time step t. As this is a recursive equation that use \(h_{t-1}\) from the previous time step.

In the context of Sentiment Analysis, an opinionated sentence is a sequence of words. Thus, RNNs are suitable for modeling this input [12]. Similar to CNNs, input is given as words (character) embeddings which can be learned during training or may also be pre-trained (Glove, Word2vec, Fastext).

Each word is mapped to a word embedding which is the input at every time step of the RNN. The maximum sequence length denotes the length of the recurrent neural network. Rach hidden state models the dependence among a current word and all the precedent words. Usually, the final hidden state, which ideally denotes all the encoded sentence, is connected to a dense layer so as to perform sentiment classification [12].

RNNs are very powerful dynamic systems, but training them has proved to be problematic because the backpropagated gradients either grow or shrink at each time step. Thus, over many time steps they typical explode or vanish. A sequence of words comprise a sequence of RNNs cells. This cells can have some gate mechanism in order to avoid gradient vanishing longer sequences. In this setting Long Short Term Memory Cells (LSTM) or Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) are common choices [21].

3 Proposal

The aim of this paper is to explore several Deep Learning algorithms possibilities in order to perform sentiment analysis. The focus is to tackle polarity detection in Spanish Tweets. In this sense, some models were tested. Details of these experiments are given in Sect. 4.

In this section, we present our best pipeline for Spanish sentiment analysis of short texts. Basically, it is composed by Word embeddings, CNN and RNN models. The pipeline is showed in Fig. 1. A concise description is given as follows.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Pipeline of our proposal: Word Embeddings+CNN+RNN.

(i) Basic pre-processing is performed as the focus is given to data augmentation; (ii) The input is a sequence of words — a short opinionated sentence. These words are mapped to three pre-trained Spanish word embeddings (Word2vec, Glove, Fastext); (iii) The three channels are the input to a 3D Convolutional Neural Network. After several convolutional and max pooling layers we obtain a feature vector of a given length; (iv)The feature vector obtained from the CNN is mapped to a sequence and passed to a RNN. It is a simple RNN model, with LSTM cells; (v) The final hidden state of the RNN is completely connected to a dense layer.

Further details about these design choices are given as follows.

3.1 Data Augmentation

In general a few pre-processing steps are performed over raw data. Since we have few training examples in Spanish and Deep Learning techniques are susceptible to overfitting, we would rather focus on data augmentation. We propose a novel approach for data augmentation. Basically, we identify nouns, adjectives and verbs on sentences by performing Part-Of-Speech taggingFootnote 2. By doing so, we emphasize tokens that are prone to be opinionated words. Then, more examples are created by combining bigrams and trigrams from the former tokens. In addition, we augment data based on word synonyms [31]. Opinionated words are replaced by synonyms. Overall, this process allowed us to obtain better generalization results.

3.2 Word Embeddings Choice

One of the main contributions of this paper was to find the best word embedding setting. We have trained Word2vec and Glove embedding on Spanish corpus and we have used a pre-trained Fastext embedding. At the end, empirical tests allowed us to decide for using these three mappings as channels in our CNN building block. None of the previous works for Spanish Sentiment Analysis had used three embedding channels in CNNs before.

3.3 CNN Architecture

Our CNN architecture is based on Kim’s work [14]. Since three word embeddings are used, then the first convolutional layer receives a 3D input. Filters have the same width as embeddings dimension, and we perform convolutions from 1 to 5 words. The pooling layer allows us control the desired feature vector obtained.

3.4 RNN Architecture

The RNN receives a CNN vector as input, and LSTMs cells are defined accordingly. The last hidden state is fully connected to a dense layer which allows us to define a classifier [12].

4 Experiments

Experiments were performed using Deep Learning algorithms. CNNs and RNNs were tested separately. Our best result was obtained by composing word embeddings, CNNs and RNNs. We first describe the benchmark dataset used. Then, accuracy results are showed.

4.1 Dataset

The dataset used to perform comparisons was InterTASS, which is a collection of Spanish Tweets, used in TASS at SEPLN workshop in 2017 [17]. We have used this dataset since it is the most recent benchmark that allows us to compare among Deep Learning approaches for Spanish sentiment analysis. The dataset is further detailed in Table 1.

Table 1. InterTASS dataset (TASS 2017)

4.2 Results

We have implemented several deep neural networks models and the dataset InterTASS 2017 was used for training. For this implementation we use TensorflowFootnote 3. In order to find the best hyper parameters, we have used a ten-fold cross validation process. The test set has only been used to report results. In Table 2 we report results in terms of accuracy.

A first attempt was to test several RNNs models (many-to-one architecture, single layer, multilayer, bidirectional). The reported model, RNN in Table 2, has a many-to-one architecture. The input is a sequence of words and the output is the resulting polarity. There is only a hidden layer, and the input is a pre-trained sequence of Word2vec embeddings. A second attempt was to test several CNN models, i.e., 1D CNN, 2D CNN and 3D CNNs, until 4 convolutional/pooling layers. The reported model, CNN in Table 2, is a 3D CNN. Thus, the input received three channels of pre-trained word embeddings. It had only three layers: a convolutional, a pooling and a dense layer. It is worth noting that our best result was obtained by the model described in Sect. 3 (CNN+RNN in Table 2). This is a combination of a 3D CNN and a many-to-one RNN. A 3D CNN architecture whose outputs where mapped to a sequence of LSTM cells. Our data augmentation scheme was also used in order to avoid overfitting.

Table 2. Deep Learning approaches results on InterTASS dataset (TASS 2017)

In Table 3, we compare our best model (CNN+RNN) with the state-of-the-art InterTASS 2017 results, in terms of accuracy. It is worth noting that our approach is comparable to the other approaches. In addition, our proposal is the only top result using a Deep Learning approach.

Table 3. State-of-the-art results on InterTASS dataset (TASS 2017)

5 Related Work

There is a plethora of related works for sentiment analysis but, we are only interested in contributions for the Spanish language. Arguably one of the most complete Spanish sentiment analysis systems was proposed by Brooke et al. [5], which had a linguistically approach. That approach integrated linguistic resources in a model to decide about polarity opinions [29]. However, recent successful approaches for Spanish polarity classification have been mostly based on machine learning [9].

In the last six years, the TASS at SEPLN Workshop has been the main source for Spanish sentiment analysis datasets and proposals [10, 17]. Benchmarks for both the polarity detection task and aspect-based sentiment analysis task have been proposed in several editions of this Workshop (Spanish Tweets have been emphasized).

Recently, deep learning approaches emerge as powerful computational models that discover intricate semantic representations of texts automatically from data without feature engineering. These approaches have improved the state-of-the-art in many sentiment analysis tasks including sentiment classification of sentences/documents, sentiment extraction and sentiment lexicon learning [27]. However, these results have been mostly obtained for English Language. Due to our proposal is based on Deep Learning, the related work that follows emphasizes these kinds of algorithms.

Arguably, the first approach using Deep Learning techniques for Spanish Sentiment Analysis was proposed in the TASS at SEPLN workshop in 2015 [30]. The authors presented one architecture that was composed by a RNN layer (LSTMs cells), a dense layer and a Sigmoid function as output. The performance over the general dataset was poor, 0.60 in terms of accuracy (the best result was 0.69 in TASS 2015).

The first Convolutional Neural Network approach for Spanish Sentiment Analysis was described in [26]. However, the CNN model proposed for sentiment analysis was mostly based on Kim’s work [14]. It was comprised by only a single convolutional layer, followed by a max-pooling layer and a Softmax classifier as final layer. Word embeddings were used in three ways: a learned word embedding from scratch, and two pre-trained Word2vec models. In terms of accuracy they obtained 0.64, which was far from the best result (0.72 was the best result in TASS 2016 [10]).

Another CNN approach for Spanish Sentiment Analysis was presented by Paredes et al. [23]. First, a preprocessing step (tokenization and normalization) was performed which was followed by a Word2vec embedding. Then, the model was comprised of a 2D convolutional layer, a max pooling and a final Softmax layer, i.e., it is also similar to Kim’s work [14]. It was reported an F-measure of 0.887 over a non public Twitter corpus of 10000 tweets.

Most of the Deep Learning approaches for Spanish sentiment analysis have been presented in TASS 2017 [17]. For instance, Rosa et al. [25] used word embeddings within two approaches, SVM (with manually crafted features) and Convolutional Neural Networks. Pre-trained Word2vec, Glove and fastext embeddings were used. Unlike our approach, these embeddings were used separately. In fact, the best results of this paper were obtained using Word2vec. When CNN was employed, unidimensional convolutions were performed. Several convolutional layers were tested. The best model had three convolutional layers, using 2, 3 and 4 word filters. However, their best results were obtained when combined with SVM and CNN, using simply a decision rule based on both probability results. Interesting results were obtained, 0.596 in terms of accuracy, for the InterTASS dataset (the best accuracy result was 0.608 for TASS 2017 [17]).

Garcia-Vega et al. [11] used word embeddings with shallow classifiers. Recurrent neural networks with LSTM nodes and a dense layer were also tested. Two kinds of experiments were performed using word embeddings and TFIDF values as inputs. Both experiments obtained poor results (0.333 and 0.404 in terms of accuracy for the InterTASS dataset in 2017).

Araque et al. [1] explored recurrent neural networks in two ways (i) a set of LSTM cells whose input were word embeddings, (ii) a combination of input word vector and polarity values obtained from a sentiment lexicon. As usual, a last dense layer with a Softmax function was used as final output. While interesting, experimental results showed that the best performance was obtained by the second model, LSTM + Lexicon + dense. In terms of accuracy they obtained 0.562. This value is far from the TASS 2017 top results.

In the last years, the best results were obtained for the group ELiRF [13]. In TASS 2017, they obtained the second best result for the InterTSS task, 0.607, in terms of accuracy (The first place presented an ensemble approach [6]). It is worth noting that ELiRF best results were obtained using a Multilayer perceptron with word embeddings as inputs. This MLP had two layers with ReLu activation functions. A Second approach used a stack of CNN and LSTM models, using pre-trained word embeddings. The architecture was composed by one convolutional layer, 64 LSTM cel and a fully connected MLP, with ReLU activation functions. This last architecture had a poor performance (0.436 in terms of Accuracy).

6 Conclusion

Despite being one of the three most used languages at Internet, Spanish has had few resources developed for natural language processing tasks. For instance, unlike English sentiment analysis, Deep Learning approaches were unable to obtain state-of-the-art results on Spanish benchmark datasets in the past. The aim of this work was to demonstrate that Deep Learning is the best choice for Spanish Twitter sentiment analysis. Our experimental results have showed that a combination of data augmentation, at least three kinds of word embeddings, a 3D Convolutional Neural Network, followed by a Recurrent Neural Network allows us to obtain results comparable to state-of-the-art approaches over the InterTASS 2017 benchmark. In addition, this setup could be easily adapted to other domains.