
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Suppose a user has a trustworthy program and attempts to boot it in a system state. The system state comprises the contents of all processor and I/O registers and primary memories of a chipset and peripheral device controllers at a particular time; e.g., before boot. If any malicious software (malware) can execute instructions anywhere in system state, the user wants to discover the presence of malware with high probability. This goal has not been achieved to date. System components that are not directly addressable by CPU instructions or by trusted hardware modules enable malware to become persistent; i.e., to survive in non-volatile memories of system states despite repeated power cycles, secure-, and trusted-boot operations [1], and to infect the rest of the system state. For example, persistent malware has been found in the firmware of peripheral controllers [2,3,4,5], network interface cards [3, 6, 7], disk controllers [8,9,10,11], routers and firewalls [11], as well as that of removable devices [12]. A remote adversary can retain long-term control of a user’s system via persistent malware.

Suppose that the user attempts to initialize the system state to content that she chooses; e.g., she includes a small I/O program for loading a trustworthy microhypervisor or microkernel later, initializes the primary memory to chosen values, and reflashes device-controller firmware to malware-free code. Furthermore, her chosen content may also satisfy some security invariants; e.g., the system is disconnected from the Internet, and it has the configuration expected by the microhypervisor. Now the user wants to verify that the system, which may have been infected by malware and hence is untrusted, has been initialized to the content chosen and hence known by the user.

Root of trust (RoT) establishment on an untrusted system assures that a system state comprises all and only content chosen by, and known to, the user, and the user’s code begins execution in that state. All implies that no content is missing, and only implies that no extra content exists. If a system state is initialized to content that satisfies security invariants and RoT establishment succeeds, a user’s code begins execution in a secure initial state. Then trustworthy OS and application programs booted in a secure initial state can extend this state to include secondary storage. If RoT establishment fails, unaccounted content, such as malware, exists. Hence, RoT establishment is sufficient for (and stronger than) assuring malware freedom and necessary for all access control models and cryptographic protocols, since all need secure initial states.

In this paper, we answer the following questions:

  • How can RoT be established without secrets and trusted hardware modules?

  • Can past attestation protocols provide a viable solution to RoT? If not, what requirements are not satisfied?

  • Can jointly satisfying these requirements lead to a sound RoT establishment protocols? If not, what additional mechanisms are necessary?


  • we define requirements for RoT establishment without secrets and trusted hardware modules, and discuss their relationships;

  • we show that past attestation protocols have had different goals than RoT establishment, and hence cannot be expected to satisfy the requirements defined herein;

  • we argue that jointly satisfying these requirements leads to establishment of malware-free states.

  • we argue that loading a simple family of universal hash functions [24] – one per system component – and verifying their outputs when applied to those components yields RoT establishment.

2 Software-Based Attestation - An Overview

To define the requirements for RoT establishment we review the basic steps of software-based attestation [25,26,27,28,29] for a simple untrusted system connected to a local trusted verifier.

Suppose that the simple system has a processor and a m-word memory comprising random-access memory, processor, and I/O registers. The verifier asks the system to initialize the m words to chosen content. Then the verifier challenges the system to perform a computation \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\) on a pseudorandom nonce in the m words and time t. Suppose that \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\) is space-time (i.e., \(m-t\)) optimal, \(C_{m,t}(nonce)\) is unpredictable by an adversary, and the computation is non-interruptible. If the system returns \(C_{m,t}(nonce)\) to the local verifier in time t, then after accounting for the local communication delay, the verifier concludes that the memory state contains all and only the chosen content.

When applied to multiple device controllers, this protocol proceeds from the faster controllers to the slower ones, repeating the attestation of the faster ones, so that they do not end execution early and act as proxies for the slow ones [3].

3 Adversary Definition

Our adversary can exercise all known attacks that insert persistent malware into a computer system, including having brief access to that system; e.g., an EFI attack by an “evil maid”. Also, it can control malware remotely and extract all software secrets stored in the system, via a network channel. Malware can read and write the verifier’s local I/O channel, which is always faster and has less transfer-time variability than the adversary’s network channel. However, malware does not have access to the verifier’s code nor to the true random number generator.

We assume the adversary can break all complexity-based cryptography but cannot predict the true random numbers to be received from the verifier. Also, the adversary can optimize \(C_{m,t}\)’s code in a system at no cost; i.e., it can encode small values of nonces and memory content into the immediate address fields of instructions to lower \(C_{m,t}\)’s space and/or time below mt, in zero extra time and memory space. Furthermore, the adversary can output the result of a different computation that takes less time than t or space than m, or both. Why is the no-cost code change a prudent assumption in a timed protocol? First, some code changes can take place before a nonce’s arrival, which marks the beginning of the timed protocol. Second, to account for (e.g., cache and TLB) jitter caused by random memory access by typical \(C_ {m,t}(\cdot )\) computations, verifiers’ time measurements typically build in some slack time; e.g., 0.2%–2.6% of t [2, 26, 29,30,31]. This could enable an adversary to exploit the slack and use unaccounted instructions; viz., [31].

4 Requirements

4.1 Concrete Optimality

Optimality of a \(C_{m,t}\) computation means that its lower bounds match the upper bounds non-asymptoticallyFootnote 1 in both memory size, m, and execution time, t. If the time bounds differ, the verifier faces a fundamental problem: its measurement becomes either useless or meaningless. If the measurement is checked against the theoretical lower bound, which is often unattainable in practice, then false positives as high as 100% would render attestation useless. If it’s checked against a value that exceeds the theoretical lower bound or if it’s checked against the upper bound, then it would be impossible to prove that an adversary’s code could not produce better timing and render attestation meaningless. In contrast, if the optimal time bounds are non-asymptotic, the only challenge is to reduce the measurement slack in specific systems, which is an engineering, rather than a basic computational complexity, problem.

If the memory bounds differ, the adversary can exercise time-memory trade-offs and the verifier faces a similar measurement dilemma as above. For example, such trade-offs can be exploited in the evaluation of univariate polynomials of degree d in algebraic models of computation, where \(t\cdot m^2 \ge d/8\) [32].

Optimality in a concrete computational model. Optimal bounds for any computation always depend on the model of computation used. For example, lower bounds differ with the instruction set architectures (ISA) of a practical WRAM model – which is close to a real computer – even for simple computations such as static dictionaries [33, 34]. Few optimal bounds exist in these models, even if asymptotic, despite the fact that their variable word length allows the use of the circuit-based complexity hierarchy. Instead, lower bounds for more complex problems have been proved only in the cell probe model [40], where references to memory cells (i.e., bits) are counted, but not instruction executions. Unfortunately, these lower bounds cannot be used for any \(C_{m,t}\) since they can never match upper bounds non-asymptotically, and are unreachable in reality.

Optimality retention in \(C_{m,t}\) composition. In abstract WRAM models program optimality is considered without regard of whether extra system code and data in memory could invalidate the program’s lower bounds. Input data and optimal programs simply exist in system registers and memory, and I/O operations and register initialization (Init) are assumed to be done already.

In contrast, a concrete WRAM model must be implemented in real systems, and hence it must include I/O registers and instructions (e.g., for data transfers, interrupt handling, busy/done status) and instructions that initialize special registers and configure processors; e.g., clear/evict cache and TLB content, disable VM. Thus \(C_{m,t}\)’s code must be composed with I/O and Init code, which could invalidate \(C_{m,t}\)’s lower bounds. Hence, proving its optimality must account for all extra code and data in memory when \(C_{m,t}\)’s code runs, and hence the less extra code and data the better.

Unpredictability of \(C_{m,t}(nonce)\). Most optimality results are obtained assuming honest execution of \(C_{m,t}\)’s code. An execution is honest if the \(C_{m,t}\) code is fixed (i.e., committed) before it reads any inputs, and returns correct results for all inputs. Unfortunately, the optimality of \(C_{m,t}\)’s code in honest execution does not necessarily hold in adversarial execution since an adversary can change \(C_{m,t}\)’s code both before and after receiving the nonce, or simply guess \(C_{m,t}(nonce)\) without executing any instructions. Before the nonce’s arrival, the adversary can modify the code independent of the verifier’s nonce. After a nonce’s arrival, the adversary can check its value, and determine the best possible code modification, at no cost. For example, she can encode a small-value nonce into immediate address fields of instructions, and save register space and instruction executions. More insidiously, an adversary could change the entire code to that of another function \(C'_{m',t'}(\cdot )\) and \(nonce'\), such that \((C'_{m',t'}, nonce') \ne (C_{m,t}, nonce)\), \((m', t') < (m, t)\), and \(C'_{m',t'} (nonce') = C_{m,t} (nonce)\).

The adversary’s goal is to write the result \(C_{m,t} (nonce)\) into the output register after executing fewer instructions, if any, and/or using less memory than the honest optimal code. If adversary succeeds with better than low probability over the pseudo-random choice of nonce, then she could execute unaccounted instructions that arbitrarily modify system state before returning the result, which would remain undetected.

To counter all possible adversary behaviors, we require that the adversary succeeds in writing \(C_{m,t} (nonce)\) to the output register with low probability over the nonce, after executing fewer instructions, if any, and/or using less memory than the honest optimal code. We call this requirement the unpredictability of \(C_{m,t} (nonce)\). Thus, the correctness and timeliness of \(C_{m,t} (nonce)\) must imply unpredictability.

4.2 Protocol Atomicity

The verifier’s protocol begins with the input of the nonce challenge in a system and ends when the verifier receives the system’s output; e.g., \(C_{m,t} (nonce)\). Protocol atomicity requires integrity of control flow across the instructions of the verifier’s protocol with each system component; i.e., each device controller and the (multi)processor(s) of the chipset. Asynchronous events, such as future-posted interrupts, hardware breakpoints on instruction execution or operand access [29], and inter-processor communication, can violate control-flow integrity outside of \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\)’s execution. For instance, a malware instruction can post a future interrupt before the verifier’s protocol begins execution. The interrupt could trigger after a correct and timely \(C_{m,t}(nonce)\) result is sent to the verifier, and execute code that undetectably corrupts system state [31]. Clearly, optimality of \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\) is insufficient for control-flow integrity. Nevertheless, optimality is necessary: otherwise, a predictable \(C_{m,t}(nonce)\) would allow time and space for an interrupt-enabling instruction to be executed undetectably.

Verifiable control flow. Instructions that disable asynchronous events must be executed before \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\). Their execution inside \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\) would violate optimality bounds, and after \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\) would be ineffective: asynchronous events could trigger during the execution of the last \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\) instruction. However, verification that an instruction is located before \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\) in memory (e.g., via a digital signature or a MAC) does not guarantee its execution. The adversary code could simply skip it before executing \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\). Hence, verification must address the apparent cyclic dependency: on the one hand, the execution of the event-disabling instructions before \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\) requires control-flow integrity, and on the other, control-flow integrity requires the execution of the event-disabling instructions before \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\).

Concurrent all-or-nothing transaction. Protocol atomicity also requires that the verifier’s protocol with n device controllers and CPUs of the (multiprocessor) chipset is implemented as a concurrent all-or-nothing transaction. That is, all optimal \(C_{m_1,t_1}, \ldots , C_{m_n,t_n}\) codes for the n components must execute concurrently and pass verification. This prevents register and memory modification of already attested devices (e.g., reinfection) by yet-to-be attested devices, not only proxy attacks [3]. Note that powering off individual devices and powering them one-at-a-time before performing individual attestation is inadequate because some (e.g., chipset) devices cannot be powered-off without system shutdown, and insufficient because malicious firmware can still corrupt an already attested controllers after power-on and before attestation starts.

Concurrent all-or-nothing execution requires that for distinct fixed \(t_i\)’s, the faster \(C_{m_j,t_j}\) computations be performed \(k_j \ge \lceil max(t_i)/t_j\rceil \) times, where \(max(t_i)\) is the optimal time bound of the slowest device controller. As shown in the next section, a protocol does not exist that uses a fixed \(t_i\) for a given \(m_i\) and produces concurrent all-or-nothing execution, and at the same time retains both \(C_{m_i,t_i}\)’s optimality m and result unpredictability. Hence, atomicity requires a scalable time bound t; i.e., t can be increased independent of the constant memory bound m and yet preserves \(C_{m,t}\)’s optimalityFootnote 2.

5 Past Attestation Protocols and RoT Establishment

Past attestation protocols, whether software-based [25, 26, 29, 35, 38], cryptographic-based [17, 19,20,21, 39], or hybrid [3, 41], have different security goals than those of RoT requirements defined here: some are weaker and some are stronger. For example, whether these protocols are used for single or multiple devices, they typically aim to verify a weaker property, namely the integrity of software – not system – state. However, they also satisfy a stronger property: in all cryptographic and hybrid attestation protocols the verification can be remote and can be repeated after boot, rather than local and limited to pre-boot time as here.

Given their different goals, it is unsurprising that past protocols do not satisfy some RoT establishment requirements defined here, even for bounded adversaries and secret-key protection in trusted hardware modules. For example, these protocols need not be concerned with system’s register content (e.g., for general processor and I/O registers), since they cannot contain executable code. Furthermore, they need not satisfy the concurrent all-or-nothing atomicity (see Sect. 4.2) of the verifier’s protocol since they need not establish any state properties, such as secure initial state in multi-device systems. Finally, since none of these systems aim to satisfy security properties unconditionally, they do not require that verifiers are equipped with true random number generators; e.g., pseudo-random numbers are sufficient for nonce generation. Beyond these common differences, past protocols exhibit some specific differences.

Software-based attestation. Some applications in which software-based attestation is beneficially used do not require control-flow integrity [37], and naturally this requirement need not always be satisfied [31, 36]. Here we illustrate a more subtle challenge that arises if one uses traditional checksum designs for RoT establishment in a multi-device system, where the concurrent all-or-nothing requirement becomes important. That is, some past designs cannot jointly satisfy concurrent all-or-nothing atomicity and either code optimality or result unpredictability. Software-based attestation models [38] also face this challenge.

Some past \(C_{m,t}\) computations are checksums that have a fixed bound t for a given m. Let a concurrent all-or-nothing transaction comprise checksums \(C_{m_1,t_1}, \ldots , C_{m_n,t_n}\) for n devices. This implies that some \(C_{m,t}\) must be executed \(k \ge \lceil max(t_i)/t\rceil \) times and its executions \(C_{m,t}(nonce_0), \ldots , C_{m,t}(nonce_{k-1})\) must be linked to eliminate idle waiting [3]. Suppose that linking is done by the verifier: optimal \(C_{m,t}(nonce_{j})\) cannot end execution until it inputs \(nonce_{j+1}\) from the verifier. Then \(C_{m,t}\) can no longer be optimal, since the variable input-synchronization delays within \(C_{m,t}\) invalidate the optimal time bounds tFootnote 3. If synchronization buffers of \(nonce_{j+1}\), m also becomes invalid.

Alternatively, suppose that \(C_{m,t}\)’s executions are linked through nonces: \(nonce_{j+1} = C_{m,t}(nonce_j)\). However, \(C_{m,t}(nonce_{j+1})\)’s unpredictability requires that its input \(nonce_{j+1}\) is pseudo-random. This would no longer be guaranteed since \(C_{m,t}\) need not be a pseudo-random function; e.g., Pioneer’s checksum [26] and its descendants (e.g., [29]) are not.

Despite their differences from RoT establishment, software-based attestation designs met their goals [2, 26, 35], and offered deep insights on how to detect malware on peripheral controllers [3], embedded devices [31, 36], mobile phones [30], and specialized processors; e.g., TPMs [29].

Cryptographic attestation. Cryptographic protocols for remote attestation typically require a trusted hardware module, which can be as simple as a ROM module [18], to protect a secret key for computing digital signatures or MACs. If used in applications that require control-flow integrity for the signature or MAC computation, as in RoT establishment, a trusted hardware model in each device must protect both the secret key and the signature/MAC generation code. Otherwise, these applications would exhibit similar control-flow vulnerabilities as software-based attestation.

More importantly, cryptographic attestation relocates the trust to the third parties who install the cryptographic keys in each device and those who distribute them to verifiers. The trustworthiness of these parties can be uncertain; e.g., a peripheral-controller supplier operating in jurisdictions that can compel the disclosure of secrets could not guarantee the secrecy of the protected cryptographic key. Similarly, the integrity of the distribution channel for the signature-verification certificate established between the device supplier/integrator and verifier can be compromised, which enables known attacks; e.g., see the Cuckoo attack [13]. Thus, these protocols aim to offer only conditional security.

Nevertheless if the risk added when third parties manage one’s system secrets is acceptable and protocol atomicity requirements can be met, then cryptographic protocols for remote attestation could be used in RoT establishment.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Requirements for RoT establishment

6 Satisfying RoT Requirements – Overview

Necessity. Figure 1 summarizes the relationships among the requirements for RoT establishment. Atomicity of the verifier’s protocol has unavoidable dependencies on both \(C_{m,t}(\cdot )\)’s scalable time bounds and unpredictability. As illustrated above, identifying dependencies is important because they show which requirements must be jointly satisfied to discharge proof obligations for establishing malware-free states. It is also useful since unnecessary dependencies can introduce cycles that often rule out proofs; e.g., the spurious optimality dependency on atomicity [31].

The concrete optimality requirements must be jointly satisfied independent of protocol atomicity. First, unpredictability must not depend on control-flow integrity: even if an adversary can trace the execution of each instruction of optimal evaluation code, she cannot write the correct result into the output register by executing fewer instructions or using less memory than optimal, except with very small probability over guessing.

Second, unpredictability enables verifiable execution of instructions that disable asynchronous events durably, which achieves control-flow integrity.

Third, a scalable optimal time bound and the implementation of concurrent all-or-nothing transactions based on them will complete the support for establishing malware-free states.

Sufficiency. Note that jointly satisfying the requirements presented above only yields malware-free states – a strictly weaker property than RoT establishment. However, it is sufficient to load a family of almost universal hash functions [24] in a malware-fee state and then verify their outputs when applied to state components to establish RoT unconditionally.