
1 Introduction

Desktop clouds such as CernVM [5] and UnaCloud [18] run virtual machines on desktop computers distributed along the private campuses. Using these platforms, researchers may execute scientific workflows where computations are performed on virtual machines (VMs) that run at the same time that programs started by the desktop users. Although these platforms take advantage of the idle resources in these desktops, they are susceptible to service failures derived from the presence of the users. Desktop users, for example, can turn-off or disconnect the computers. Therefore, these platform may result not reliable for scientists trying to perform large processing tasks.

Recent researchers have been focused on supporting fault-tolerance strategies in these platforms. Alwabel et al. [3] proposed resource allocation algorithms that consider node failures, Blomer et al. [4] proposed a Global Filesystem for software and data delivery and Gómez et al. [8] have proposed global snapshots and virtual machine migrations as strategies for fault tolerance in desktop clouds. These solutions require a distributed tracking of the states of the virtual machines and of their snapshots. Regretfully, hypervisor software such as Oracle VirtualBox [16] do not support a distributed management of these information.

This paper introduces Global Snapshot File Tracker (GSFT), our tool to manage the snapshot files of a set of VirtualBox machines. Basically, our solution is able to collect information from the virtual machine control files in each desktop, including both machine metadata (e.g., their name, their unique UUID identifier, and the machine configuration) as snapshot definitions. It analyzes and processes the .vbox definition file in order to gather in a single data structure the names of all the files that comprise the state of a VM, that is the .vdi virtual disk files and .sav files with the state of the memory at the snapshot time. The GSFT can be used, for instance, to create a .csv file with that information, to facilitate the execution of basic management operations on the snapshot files.

Rest of this paper is organized as follows: First, Sect. 2 includes a background for our work and Sect. 3 describes the problem statement and the research questions for this paper. Then, Sect. 4 explains our proposed solution, including the overview of the VirtualBox snapshots, the answers of the research questions and the motivation for the Global Snapshot File Tracker. After that. Section 5 describes the implementation and Sect. 6 reports the evaluation of our application. Finally, Sect. 7 concludes the paper and suggest the future work.

2 Background

Our solution aims to support desktop clouds that use VirtualBox to perform computations in the desktop computers by tracking the snapshots produced in these machines. This section introduced some concepts relevant to our work, namely, Desktop Clouds, Checkpointing and Global Snapshot Algorithms.

2.1 Desktop Clouds

Desktop Cloud (DC) is a form of cloud computing based on desktop computers [2, 17]. It takes advantage of the idle computational resources on these desktops to manage the execution of fully functional VMs with their operating system and applications at the same time that the applications of users of these computers. DCs are designed to run the VMs without the users perceiving a decrease in computer performance or compromising their security [17].

Figure 1 shows a diagram of a DC. It is possible to observe that each desktop has a capacity occupied by the users and an idle capacity that can be used for the execution of VMs, which can be grouped into clusters forming the desktop cloud.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of a desktop cloud

Although, in a typical campus, the aggregate capacity of the idle resources in the desktops is significant [9], the use of not specialized and dedicated data centers turns desktop clouds more susceptible to failure in the service. Moreover, unlike cloud computing service providers, user presence using physical machines establishes different challenges to overcome: Users of desktops have priority in the use of resources, so their applications can affect the execution of the VMs running on the hosts. In addition, they can even shutdown or reboot the computers interrupting the execution of the VMs. As a consequence, desktop clouds are subject to service failures that do not exist in other platforms.

Recently, many authors have proposed strategies to implement fault-tolerance in desktop clouds: For instance, Alwabel et al. [3] proposed resource allocation algorithms that consider node failures, Blomer et al. [4] proposed a Global Filesystem for software and data delivery and Gómez et al. [8] have proposed global snapshots and virtual machine migrations as strategies for fault tolerance in desktop clouds. These solutions require mechanisms based on checkpoints or snapshots, to store the state of a VM, to restore its execution in the same or another desktop nodes.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Sample snapshot tree

2.2 Checkpointing

Checkpointing saves the state (a snapshot) of a system to resume it from that state when a fail occurs without having to start again from the very beginning. Naturally, if the system is resumed from a checkpoint, nothing performed on the system after the checkpoint was taken is included, so those modifications will be lost. Checkpointing can be full or incremental [1]. The first is the procedure through which every time it is invoked, it saves the complete state of the system. The second saves the system state from modifications after the last checkpoint instead of saving the entire checkpoint. So, it is necessary to keep the files of all previous checkpoints to be possible to resume the execution.

Virtualization-level checkpointing is a functionality (called snapshot) provided by all hypervisors, in which the entire state of a VM is stored in a storage medium to form a checkpoint with the possibility of using it later at any time to resume its execution from that state. A VM checkpoint stores the state of all disks attached to the VM, the memory state (if the VM is running when the snapshot is taken), and the metadata needed to configure the VM at the moment of resuming its execution [14].

Hypervisors such as Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Workstation and Microsoft HyperV stores each checkpoint in a snapshot tree. In these trees, there is a root snapshot with the initial state of the virtual. The other snapshots are stored with a relationship to their parent snapshot. Each snapshot may be the parent (the base) of one or more other snapshots. The Fig. 2 shows a sample snapshot tree. There root snapshot s1 has the state when the OS was installed. The s2 snapshot, based on the s1, has the state when a database was installed. Other s3, s4 and s5 snapshots are based on s2 and represents the state when different applications was installed. Finally, s6 keeps the state when one of the applications was reconfigured. When a virtual machine is running, its current state must be based on any of the snapshots in the tree.

Each hypervisor keeps track of snapshots and their dependencies in their own way. For example, Oracle VirtualBox stores the information corresponding to each snapshot in different sections of the .vbox file while the VMware WorkStation products do it in separate files. Although these hypervisors such can store snapshots of a single VM, they cannot save the state of a system distributed on multiple VMs.

2.3 Global Snapshot Algorithms

A Global snapshot is a copy of the state of a distributed system. In desktop clouds, it means a copy of the states of a set of VMs running on different desktops and of the communications among these machines. Creating one of these global snapshots is not a trivial task because it is not possible to assure that all the local snapshots are recorded at the same time [11] and the network communications not necessarily go through a central node [8]. Therefore, to obtain a global state, some coordination among the participants is required [12].

There are many algorithms and techniques used to implement it. For instance, Chandy and Lamport [6] proposed an algorithm to determining global states of distributed systems with FIFO communication channels. Afterward [12], based on Chandy and Lamport algorithm, presented his algorithm for distributed snapshots with non-FIFO channels that, later, Kangarlou et al. [10] simplified it and implemented it using VMs. However, that solution requires customized virtual switches that are not common in desktop clouds settings. More recently, Gómez et al. [8] proposed a global snapshot protocol for distributed systems running on VMs without virtual switches that can be applied to desktops clouds.

Both mentioned solutions, from Kangarlou et al. [10] and Gómez et al. [8], rely on VM snapshots. Any implementation of these solutions in desktop clouds requires to keep a track of the VM snapshots in different physical machines.

3 Problem Statement

In a distributed system, the global state (GS) comprises the set of the local states (LS) of each node or process in the system, along with the channel states (CS) of the communications among these nodes [6].

figure a

In a desktop cloud, the local states (LS) may be obtained by requesting to the hypervisor take an snapshot.

3.1 Local State (snapshot) in VirtualBox

As mentioned in the Sect. 2.2, the state of a VM at any given time is represented as a set of files. In VirtualBox, two files are used to create a VM with a single disk: a .vbox file with the configuration of the VM and a .vdi file with the virtual hard disk. An additional .vdi file is required for each additional disk Each time a snapshot of a VM is taken, the files are created: additional .vdi files are used to represent incremental changes on the disks and a .sav file is used to store the state of the machine. These files are stored with filenames that do not correspond to the name given to the snapshots.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Files of a virtual machine after six snapshots

As an example, Fig. 3, shows the files for a VM when six snapshots. It is not possible to determine which .vdi or .sav file correspond to each snapshot using only the snapshots. In addition the filenames cannot be used to determine the parent of each snapshot neither. Considering that we are interested on determining the minimal set of files that correspond to an specific snapshot, the file structure do not give use enough information.

3.2 Research Questions

To create tools that support global snapshots on desktop clouds using VirtualBox, we posed the following research questions:

  • RQ1 How to determine and classify the files that make up a virtual machine when multiple snapshots have been obtained?

  • RQ2 Of all the files that make up a virtual machine when multiple snapshots have been obtained, which of them are needed to resume the execution of the virtual machine from a specific snapshot?

4 Proposed Solution

The analysis of the .vbox file is essential to answer the research questions. This file stores, not only the hardware specifications of the VM, but also the information corresponding to all its snapshots. This section describes the files that are created by VirtualBox when the snapshots are taken and shows the answer to our research questions: how to classify the files of a virtual machine and how to determine the files regarding an specific snapshot.

4.1 Overview of the VirtualBox Snapshots

Oracle VirtualBox offers functionality to obtain snapshots. Figure 4 shows an example of the VM file structure. When creating a VM with a single hard disk (called vm in this case), this is represented by two files, which are stored in the main folder: (1) a VM configuration file, a vm.vbox file, and (2) a virtual disk file, vm.vdi, as shown in Fig. 4(a).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Evolution of the virtual machine file structure as snapshots are taken

Figure 4(b) shows what happens when a first snapshot is created. This snapshot consists of the vm.vdi file (the initial state of the disk) and a 2018-08-15T23-17-22-033674200Z.sav file with the memory state. After the snapshot is taken, the disk file is not modified anymore. When the VM runs, an additional file is created to store any change to the hard disk. In our example, the {4ebc5f10-3100-4cf2-94db-3c786a0a9570}.vdi keeps the state of the disk. Each .vdi file stores the changes regarding the disk of their parent snapshot. Each of these files has information of its parent.

Figure 4(c) shows the files that represent the state of a VM after having obtained the second snapshot. Note that it is not easy to identify which are the two files (.vdi and .sav) correspond to each snapshot. In addition, in order to use or move one of the snapshots, it is necessary to determine not only the .vdi file of that snapshot but also all their parent disk files too. It is not possible to determine the files required to restore an snapshot by using only the filenames.

4.2 RQ1: How to Determine and Classify the Files that Make up a Virtual Machine When Multiple Snapshots Have Been Obtained?

As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, it is not possible to determine which files belong to each snapshot using the filenames. That information can be gathered from the .vbox file of the VM. This is an XML file conforming to a XSD schema definition provided by Oracle [15]. There are 112 different elements (tags) that may be used in that XML.

figure b

Listing 1 shows excerpts of the .vbox file for the VM described in Fig. 3. The .vbox file root is a VirtualBox tag. The first child element is a Machine tag that describes the virtual machine and shows the files with its current state. Among the descendent elements, there is a HardDisks tag that describes all the .vdi files. Each HardDisk can be a children of another HardDisk. That hierarchy of HardDisk elements shows, for each disk, which other disk is the parent.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Meaning of files of a virtual machine after six snapshots

Below in the .vbox file, there are many Snapshot tags describing each snapshot. Among all their children elements there is a StorageControllers tag, where each StorageController can be attached to some media. The controllers uses the UUID (unique id) of the disks to determine which disk is attached. As the HardDisk elements, the Snapshot elements can be nested to describe the snapshot tree.

Figure 5 shows the meaning of the files for the sample VM. Although that information cannot be obtained from the filenames, it can be gathered from the .vbox file.

4.3 RQ2: Which Files that Make up a Virtual Machine Are Needed to Resume the Execution of the Virtual Machine from a Specific Snapshot?

Not all the files that are part of a VM are needed to resume its execution from the last snapshot:


.vbox file: :

The .vbox file maintains the configuration of the hardware for all the snapshots and the current state of the VM. This file is required to resume from any snapshot.

.vdi files: :

Since the .vdi files with the disks are differential with respect to its parent, it is necessary to determine all the ancestors in the hierarchy. This applies also for the last snapshot. Considering that the virtual machine may have a snapshot tree with multiple branches, it is possible that many .vdi files were not required to restore the last snapshot. Note that the .vdi corresponding to the current state of the disk is not required because it stores the changes that occur after the last snapshot.

.sav files: :

Regarding the state of the memory, the .sav file that correspond to the snapshot is the only required. All the other .sav files can be discarded or ignored.


figure c
figure d

5 Implementation

A prototype of the Global Snapshot File Tracker has been developed, which can be found in our repository [7]. It is a stand-alone application, and it is part of the storage system required for the global snapshot solution as a fault tolerance mechanism of a DC. GSFT is responsible for obtaining the necessary information to maintain the record of the names of the files that form the state of a distributed system that runs in a DC. This software can gather all the files required to resume the execution of any snapshots in a VM.

Our solution relies on the Simple API for XML (SAX) in the Java API for XML (JAX) [13] to process the virtual machine definition files. We traverse the structure in the .vbox files to obtain relevant and build an object structure with the information of the virtual machines, their snapshots and the corresponding files.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Excerpt of the class diagram

Figure 6 shows an excerpt of the class diagram. The VirtualMachine represents each VM. It has a collection of Disk and Snapshot. The Image class represents each .vdi file. It has relationships that describes which Disk and Snapshot it belongs. In addition, it has a relationship to their parent Image.

We implemented a set of functional tests by processing multiple .vbox files. These tests cover multiple scenarios using VMs with different types of snapshot tress and diverse numbers of hard disks.

6 Functionality and Evaluation

This section shows a functionality test and reports the results of our preliminary evaluation. First of all we want to show the functionality of the developed software tool and then we will briefly talk about the time it takes to execute it.

6.1 Functionality

Experiment Design. Given a VM running on host A, we get six snapshots called SnapshotN, where N is the number corresponding to each snapshot. We want to migrate this VM to two different hosts. In host B, we want to recover the execution of the VM in the last obtained snapshot, while, in host C, we will resume the VM in a specific snapshot, the Snapshot4. Figure 7 illustrates the functional test of our system.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Functional test of the GSFT System

To correctly resume the execution of the VMs from the mentioned snapshots, we need to know which are the files that should be migrated to the respective host. For this, we are going to use the GSFT system that we have developed.

Execution of the Experiment. The GSFT was executed on the vm.vbox file, which contains all the information of the VM. To obtain the file structure that make up the virtual machine, we use the command shown in the Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

GSFT command to obtain the file structure of a VM

When executing the command, the file output01.csv is created with the file structure. In this file we can easily identify the meaning of each file within the composition of the VM, grouping each snapshot into a line. The Fig. 9 shows the result obtained.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

File structure of a VM

To resume the execution of the VM starting from the last snapshot, in host B, we need to know the list of files that must be migrated to be efficient in the use of the network. The software allows us to obtain it by means of the command of the Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

GSFT command to obtain the list of files to migrate a VM in the last snapshot

Figure 11 shows the list of files needed to resume execution from the last snapshot. The result of the execution is stored in the file output02.csv.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

List of files to migrate a VM in the last snapshot

Finally, for the migration to Host C and later resumption in the specific “Snapshot4” snapshot, we can use the command in the Fig. 12.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

GSFT command to obtain the list of files to migrate a VM in a specific snapshot

Again, the result is stored in a .csv file, which stores the list of files needed to be able to resume the execution of the VM in the specified snapshot (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13.
figure 13

List of files to migrate a VM in a specific snapshot

This test allows us to show the service provided by the developed software tool, answering the three research questions mentioned in the Sect. 3.

6.2 Preliminary Evaluation

The evaluation was carried out in order to determine the performance of the tool. The experiment was performed on a host that is usually used by a DC to run VMs. The experiment consisted of processing 10 .vbox files with one to ten snapshots, respectively. We measure the time it took for the system to generate the .csv file with the information of each snapshot, as shown in the Fig. 14

Figure 14 shows the analysis time of .vbox files, which had from one to ten snapshots. The average time for the analysis varies between 15 and 35 ms, with a linear behavior.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Average time of analysis of .vbox files

7 Conclusions and Future Work

In this tool paper we have presented the Global Snapshot File Tracker, a software tool developed to facilitate the management of the files that correspond to all the virtual machines running in all the computers in a desktop cloud. This software determines and classify the files that make up a virtual machine when multiple snapshots have been obtained. This facilitates the recovery of the execution of the virtual machines in the last snapshot or in a specific one. It can be used to migrate virtual machines by copying the minimal set of files required for a specific snapshot and implement other fault tolerance solutions for desktop clouds.

This paper reports a few functional tests for this application. Here we present the migration of the execution of a VM with six snapshots to other hosts resuming from the last snapshot and from a particular one. In addition, it reports some performance tests. Our public repository [7] has a larger set of functional tests.

As future work we intend to use the global snapshot file tracker within the system for managing files in our global snapshot solution. In addition, we are developing a solution to consolidate snapshots and reduce the number of files that must be copied and move to other machines, Finally, we are using our experience with VirtualBox to support other hypervisors used in desktop clouds, namely VMware Workstation and Microsoft HyperV.