
1 Introduction

At present, many objective and subjective criteria are used to evaluate quality of synthetic speech that can be produced by different synthesis methods implemented mainly in text-to-speech (TTS) systems. Practical representation of a subjective evaluation consists of a listener’s choice from several alternatives (e.g. mean opinion score, recognition of emotion in speech, or age and gender recognition) or from two alternatives, speech corpus annotation, etc. [1]. Spectral as well as segmental features are mostly used in objective methods for evaluation of speech quality. Standard features for speaker identification or verification, as well as speaker age estimation, are mel frequency cepstral coefficients [2]. These segmental features usually form vectors fed to Gaussian mixture models [3, 4] or support vector machines [5] or they can be evaluated by other statistical methods, e.g. analysis of variance (ANOVA) or hypothesis tests, etc. [6, 7]. Deep neural networks can also be used for speech feature learning and classification [8]. However, they are not sufficient to render the way of phrase creation, prosody production by time-domain changes, speed of the utterance, etc. Consequently, supra-segmental features derived from time durations of voiced and unvoiced parts [9] must be included in the complex automatic system for evaluation of synthetic speech quality by comparison of two or more utterances synthesized by different TTS systems. Another application may be evaluation of degree of resemblance between the synthetic speech and the speech material of the corresponding original speaker whose voice the synthesis is based on.

The motivation of this work was to design, realize, and test the designed system for automatic evaluation of speech quality which could become a fully-fledged alternative to the standard subjective listening test. The function of the proposed system for automatic judgement of the synthetic speech signal quality in terms of its similarity with the original is described together with the experiments verifying its functionality and stability of the results. Finally, these results are compared with those of the listening tests performed in parallel.

2 Description of Proposed Automatic Evaluation System

The whole automatic evaluation process consists of two phases: at first, databases of spectral properties, prosodic parameters, and time duration relations (speech features – SPF) are built from the analysed male and female natural utterances and the synthetic ones generated by different methods of TTS synthesis, different synthesis parameters, etc. Then, separate calculations of the statistical parameters (STP) are made for each of the speakers and each of the types of speech features. The determined statistical parameters together with the SPF values are stored for next use in different databases depending on the used input signal (\(DB_{ORIG}, DB_{SYNT1}, DB_{SYNT2}\)) and the speaker (male/female). The second phase is represented by practical evaluation of the processed data: at first, the SPF values are analysed by the ANOVA statistics and the hypothesis probability assessment resulting from the Ansari-Bradley test (ASB) or the Wilcoxon test [10, 11], and for each of their STPs the histogram of value occurrence is calculated. Subsequently, the root-mean-square (RMS) distances (\(D_{RMS}\)) between the histograms stemming from the natural speech signals and the synthesized ones are determined and used for further comparison by numerical matching. Applying the majority function on the partial results for each of SPF types and STP values, the final decision is got as shown in the block diagram in Fig. 1. It is given by the proximity of the tested synthetic speech produced by the TTS system to the sentence uttered by the original speaker (values “1” or “2” for two evaluated types of the speech synthesis). If differences between majority percentage results derived from the STPs are not statistically significant for any type of the tested synthesis, the final decision is set to a value of “0”. This objective evaluation result corresponds to the subjective listening test choice “A sounds similar to B” [1] with small or indiscernible differences.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Block diagram of the automatic evaluation system of the synthetic speech.

For building of SPF and STP databases, the speech signal is processed in weighted frames with the duration related to the speaker’s mean fundamental frequency F0. Apart from the supra-segmental F0 and signal energy contours, the segmental parameters are determined in each frame of the input sentence. The smoothed spectral envelope and the power spectral density are computed for determination of the spectral features. The signal energy is calculated from the first cepstral coefficient \(c_0\) (\(En_{c0}\)). Further, only voiced or unvoiced frames with the energy higher than the threshold \(En_{MIN}\) are processed to eliminate speech pauses in the starting and ending parts. It is very important for determination of the time duration features (TDUR). In general, three types of speech features are determined:

  1. 1.

    time durations of voiced/unvoiced parts in samples LvLu for a speech signal with non-zero F0 and \(En_{c0} \ge En_{MIN}\), their ratios \(Lv/u_L\), \(Lv/u_R\), \(Lv/u_{LR}\) calculated in the left context, right context, and both left and right contexts as \(Lv_1\)/(\(Lu_1+Lu_2\)), ...\(Lv_N/(Lu_{M-1}+Lu_M\)).

  2. 2.

    Prosodic (supra-segmental) parameters – F0, \(En_{c0}\), differential F0 microintonation (\(F0_{DIFF}\)), jitter, shimmer, zero-crossing period, and zero-crossing frequency.

  3. 3.

    Basic and supplementary spectral features – first two formants (\(F_1, F_2\)), their ratio (\(F_1/F_2\)), spectral decrease (tilt), spectral centroid, spectral spread, spectral flatness, harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR), spectral Shannon entropy (SHE).

Statistical analysis of these speech features yields various STPs: basic low-level statistics (mean, median, relative max/min, range, dispersion, standard deviation, etc.) and/or high-level statistics (flatness, skewness, kurtosis, covariance, etc.) for the subsequent evaluation process. The block diagram of creation of the speech feature databases can be seen in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Block diagram of speech feature databases creation from time durations, prosodic parameters, spectral properties, and their statistical parameters.

3 Material, Experiments and Results

The synthetic speech produced by the Czech TTS system based on the unit selection (USEL) synthesis method [12] and the sentences uttered by four professional speakers – 2 males (M1 and M2) and 2 females (F1 and F2) were used in this evaluation experiment. The main speech corpus was divided into three subsets: the first one consists of the original speech uttered by real speakers (further called as Orig), the second and third ones comprise synthesized speech signals produced by the TTS system with voices based on the corresponding original speaker using two different synthesis methods: with a rule-based prosody manipulation (TTSbase – Synt1) [13] and a modified version of the USEL method that reflects the final syllable status (TTSsyl – Synt2) [14]. The collected database consists of 50 sentences from each of four original speakers (200 in total), next sentences of two synthesis types giving 50 + 50 sentences from the male voice M1 and 40 + 40 ones from the remaining speakers M2, F1, and F2. Speech signals of declarative and question sentences were sampled at 16 kHz and their duration was from 2.5 to 5 s. The main orientation of the performed experiments was to test functionality of the developed automatic evaluation system in every functional block of Fig. 1 – calculated histograms and statistical parameters are shown in demonstration examples in Figs. 34 and 5. Three auxiliary comparison experiments were realized, too, with the aims to analyse:

  1. 1.

    effect of the number of used statistical parameters \(N_{STP} = \left\{ 3, 5, 7, 10\right\} \) on the obtained evaluation results – see numerical comparison of values in Table 1 for the speakers M1 and F1,

  2. 2.

    influence of the used type of speech features (spectral, prosodic, time duration) on the accuracy and stability of the final evaluation results – see numerical results for speakers M1 and F1 in Table 2,

  3. 3.

    impact of the number of analysed speech signal frames on the accuracy and stability of the evaluation process – compare values for limited (15 + 15 + 15 sentences for every speaker), basic (25 + 25 + 25 sentences), and extended (50 + 40 + 40) testing sets in Table 3 for the speakers M1 and F1.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Histograms of spectral and prosodic features \(En_{c0}\), SHE, Shimmer together with calculated RMS distances between the original and the respective synthesis for the male speaker M1, using the basic testing set of 25 + 25 + 25 sentences.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Comparison of selected statistical parameters std, relative maximum, skewness calculated from values of five basic TDUR features, for the female speaker F1 and the basic testing set.

Finally, numerical comparison with the results obtained by the listening test was performed using the extended testing set. The maximum score using the determined STPs and the mixed feature types (spectral + prosodic + time duration) is evaluated for each of four speakers – see the values in Table 4.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Visualization of partial percentage results per three evaluation methods together with final decisions for speakers M1 (upper set of graphs) and F1 (bottom set), using only basic spectral properties from the basic set of sentences, \(N_{STP}=3\).

Table 1. Influence of the number of used statistical parameters on partial evaluation results for speakers M1 and F1, when spectral properties and prosodic parameters are used.

Subjective quality of the same utterance generated by two different approaches to prosody manipulation in the same TTS synthesis system (TTSbase and TTSsyl) was evaluated by a preference listening test. Four different male and female voices were used, each to synthesize 25 pairs of randomly selected utterances, so that the whole testing set was made up of 100 sentences. The order of two synthesized versions of the same utterance was randomized too, to avoid bias in evaluation by recognition of the synthesis method. Twenty two evaluators (8 women and 14 men) within the age range from 20 to 55 years of age participated in the listening test experiment open from 7th to 20th March 2017. The listeners were allowed to play the audio stimuli as many times as they wished; low acoustic noise conditions and headphones were advised. Playing of the stimuli was followed by the choice between “A sounds better”, “A sounds similar to B”, or “B sounds better” [14]. The results obtained in this way were further compared with the objective results of the currently proposed system of automatic evaluation.

Table 2. Influence of the used type of speech features (spectral, prosodic, time duration) on the accuracy and stability of the evaluation results for speakers M1 and F1.
Table 3. Partial evaluation results for different lengths of used speech databases for speakers M1 and F1 using only time duration features.
Table 4. Final comparison of objective and subjective evaluations for all four speakers.

4 Discussion and Conclusion

The performed experiments have confirmed that the proposed evaluation system is functional and produces results comparable with the standard listening test method as documented by numerical values in Table 4. Basic analysis of the obtained results shows principal importance of application of all three types of speech features (spectral, supra-segmental, time-duration) for complex evaluation of synthetic speech. This is relevant especially when the compared synthesized speech signals differ only in their prosodic manipulation, as in the case of this speech corpus. Using only the spectral features brings non-stable or contradictory results, as shown in “Final“ columns of Table 2. The detailed analysis showed principal dependence of the correctness of evaluation on the number of used statistical parameters – compare particularly the values for the female voice in Table 1. For \(N_{STP}=3\) the second synthesis type was evaluated as better and increase of the number of parameters to 5 resulted in considering both methods as similar. Further increase of the number of parameters to 7 and 10 gave stable results with preference of the first synthesis type. Additional analysis has shown that a minimum number of speech frames must be processed to achieve correct statistical evaluation and significant statistical differences between the original and tested STPs derived from the same speaker. If these were not fulfilled, the final decision of the whole evaluation system would not be stable and no useful information would be got by “0“category of the automatic evaluation system equivalent to “A sounds similar to B“ in the subjective listening test. Tables 1, 2 and 3 show this effect for the female speaker F1. In general, the tested evaluation system detects and classifies male speakers better than female ones. It may be caused by higher variability of female voices and its effect to the supra-segmental area (changes of energy and F0), the spectral domain, and the changes in time duration relations.

In the near future, we will try to collect larger speech databases, including greater number of speakers. Next, in the databases, there will be incorporated more different methods of speech synthesis (HMM, PSOLA, etc.) produced by more TTS systems in other languages – English, German, etc. In this way, we will carry out complex testing of automatic evaluation with the final aim to substitute subjective evaluation based on the listening test method.