
1 Introduction

Aslam and Rivest [2] proposed the problem of minimum graph inference from a walk. Let us consider an edge-labeled undirected (multi)graph G. A walk of G is a sequence of edges \(e_1,\dots ,e_n\) such that each \(e_i\) connects \(v_{i-1}\) and \(v_i\) for some (not necessarily pairwise distinct) vertices \(v_0,v_1,\dots ,v_n\). The output of the walk is the sequence of the labels of those edges. For a string w, minimum graph inference from a walk is the problem to compute a graph G with the smallest number of vertices such that w is the output of a walk of G. We give an example in Fig. 1. With no assumption on graphs to infer, trivially the graph with a single vertex with self-loops labeled with all output symbols is always minimum. The problem has been studied for different graph classes in the literature.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Minimum path graph that has \(\mathtt{abcaacbbbaabccbbca}\) as a walk output

Aslam and Rivest [2] proposed polynomial time algorithms for the minimum graph inference problem for path graphs and cycle graphs, which include the variant of minimum path graph inference where a walk must start from an end of a path graph and end in the other end (Table 1), which we call an end-to-end walk. Raghavan [6] studied the problem further and showed that both minimum path and cycle graph inference from walk can be reduced to path graph inference from an end-to-end walk in \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) time. Moreover, he presented an \(\mathrm {O}(n \log n)\) time algorithm for inferring minimum path/cycle graph from a walk, while showing inferring minimum graph with bounded degree k is NP-hard for any \(k \ge 3\). Maruyama and Miyano [4] strengthened Raghavan’s result so that inferring minimum tree with bounded degree k is still NP-hard for any \(k \ge 3\). On the other hand, Maruyama and Miyano [5] showed that it is solvable in linear time when trees have no degree bound. They also studied a variant of the problem where the input consists of multiple path labels rather than a single walk label, which was shown to be NP-hard. Akutsu and Fukagawa [1] considered another variant, where the input is the numbers of occurrences of vertex-labeled paths. They showed a polynomial time algorithm with respect to the size of output graph, when the graphs are trees of unbounded degree and the lengths of given paths are fixed. They also proved that the problem is strongly NP-hard even when the graphs are planar of unbounded degree.

Table 1. Time complexity of minimum graph inference bounded degree 2 from a walk

This paper focuses on the problem on graphs of bounded degree 2, i.e., path and cycle graphs. We propose a linear-time online algorithm that infers a minimum path graph from an end-to-end walk. Thanks to Raghavan’s result [6], this entails that one can infer a minimum path/cycle graph in linear time from a walk, which is not necessarily end-to-end. Aslam and Rivest [2] showed that the minimum path graphs that have end-to-end walks \(x y y^R y z\) and xyz coincide, where xyz are label strings and \(y^R\) is the reverse of y. Let us call a nonempty string of the form \(y y^R y\) a Z-shape. Their result implies that to obtain the minimum path graph of a label string, one can repeatedly contract an arbitrary occurrence of a Z-shape \(yy^R y\) to y until the sequence contains no such substring. Then the finally obtained string is just the sequence of labels of the edges of the minimum path graph. Raghavan [6] achieved an \(\mathrm {O}(n \log n)\) time algorithm by introducing a sophisticated order of rewriting, which always contract the smallest Z-shapes in the sequence. We follow their approach of repetitive contraction of Z-shapes but with a different order. The order we take might appear more naive; We read letters of the input string one by one and always contract the firstly found Z-shape. This approach makes our algorithm online. Apparently finding Z-shapes is closely related to finding palindromes. Manacher [3] presented a linear-time “online” algorithm that finds all the maximal palindromes in a string. To realize linear-time Z-shape elimination, we modify Manacher’s algorithm for Z-shape detection and elimination. Our experimental results show that our algorithm is faster than Raghavan’s in practice, too.

2 Preliminaries

For a tuple \(\mathbf {e}=(e_1,\dots ,e_m)\) of elements, we represent \((e_0,e_1,\dots ,e_m)\) by \(e_0;\mathbf {e}\) or \((e_0;\mathbf {e})\). For two integers ij, we define \([i:j] = \{\, k \mid i \le k \le j\,\}\).

Let \({\varSigma }\) be an alphabet. A sequence of elements of \({\varSigma }\) is called a string and the set of strings is denoted by \({\varSigma }^*\). The empty string is denoted by \(\varepsilon \) and the set of nonempty strings is \({\varSigma }^+ = {\varSigma }^* \setminus \{\varepsilon \}\). For a string \(w=xyz\), x, y, and z are called a prefix, a substring, and a suffix of w, respectively. The length of w is denoted by |w|. The i-th letter of w is denoted by w[i] for \(1 \le i \le |w|\). For \(1 \le i \le j \le |w|\), \(w[i:j]\) represents \(w[i] \dots w[j]\). The reversed string of w is denoted by \(w^R = w[|w|] \cdots w[1]\). The string repeating w k times is \(w^k\).

A string y is called an even palindrome if \(y = xx^R\) for a string \(x \in {\varSigma }^*\). The radius of y is \(r=|x|\). We will call an even palindrome simply a palindrome, because we consider only even palindromes in this paper. When y occurs as a substring \(w[i:j]\) of a string w, the position \(c = i+r-1\) is called the center (of the occurrence) of y. Especially, y is said to be the maximal palindrome centered at c iff either \(i = 1\), \(j = |w|\), or \(w[i-1] \ne w[j+1]\). By \(\rho _{w}(c)\) we denote the radius of the maximal palindrome centered at c in w. The sets \(\{c-\rho _w(c)+1,\dots ,c\}\) and \(\{c+1,\dots ,c+\rho _w(c)\}\) of positions are called the left and right arms of the maximal palindrome centered at c, respectively.

A string z is called a Z-shape if \(z = xx^Rx\) for a non-empty string \(x \in {\varSigma }^+\). The tail of z is the suffix \(x^R x\). When z occurs as a substring \(z = w[i:j]\) of a string w, the positions \(p_1 = i+s-1\) and \(p_2 = i+2s-1\) are called the left and right pivots (of the occurrence) of z. The occurrence of the Z-shape is represented by a pair \(\langle p_1,p_2 \rangle \). Note that the left and right pivots are the centers of the constituent palindromes \(xx^R\) and \(x^Rx\), respectively.

Example 1

For a string \(w = \mathtt {ab{\underline{abccbaabc}}a}\), \(\langle 5,8 \rangle \) is an occurrence of Z-shape \(w[3:11]=\mathtt {abccbaabc}\).

2.1 Minimum graph inference from a walk

Let us define a binary relation \(\rightarrow \) over nonempty strings by \(x y y^R y z \rightarrow xyz\) for \(x,z \in {\varSigma }^*\) and \(y \in {\varSigma }^+\). We call a string w irreducible if there is no string \(w'\) such that \(w \rightarrow w'\). Aslam and Rivest [2] proved that every string w admits a unique irreducible string \(w'\) such that \(w \rightarrow ^* w'\), where \(\rightarrow ^*\) is the reflexive and transitive closure of \(\rightarrow \). Let us call the string \(w'\) the Z-normal form of w and denote it by \({\hat{w}}\). Their result can be written as follows.

Theorem 1

([2]) The sequence of the labels of the edges of the minimum path graph with output T of an end-to-end walk is its Z-normal form \({\hat{T}}\).

Therefore, to infer the minimum path graph from an end-to-end walk is to calculate its Z-normal form.

Example 2

The Z-normal form of \(T = \mathtt {cbaaaabccbaabba}\) is \({\hat{T}}=\mathtt {cba}\), which is obtained by \(\mathtt {cb {\underline{aaa}}abccbaabba}\mathrel {{\rightarrow }} \mathtt {{\underline{cbaabccba}}abba}\mathrel {{\rightarrow }} \mathtt {c{\underline{baabba}}}\mathrel {{\rightarrow }}\mathtt {cba}\). Here, underlines show Z-shapes to contract. Another way to obtain \({\hat{T}}\) is \(\mathtt {cb aaaabcc{\underline{baabba}}} \mathrel {{\rightarrow }} \mathtt {cb a{\underline{aaa}}bcc ba}\mathrel {{\rightarrow }} \mathtt {{\underline{cbaabccba}}}\mathrel {{\rightarrow }}\mathtt {cba}\).

3 Irreducible and Suffix-Reducible Strings

We call a string w suffix-reducible if every proper prefix of w is irreducible but w is reducible. Clearly a Z-shape occurs in a suffix-reducible string as a suffix. By deleting its tail, we obtain an irreducible string. A string w is said to be pseudo-irreducible if every proper prefix of w is irreducible.

Starting with \(w=u_0=\varepsilon \), our algorithm repeats the following procedure. We extend \(w = u_{i-1}\) by reading letters from the input string T one by one until it becomes a suffix-reducible string \(w = v_i\). Then we reduce \(v_i\) to \(u_i = {\hat{v}}_i\) by deleting the tail of the Z-shape and resume reading letters of T. By repeatedly applying the procedure, we finally obtain the normal form \(w = {\hat{T}}\).

Therefore, strings our algorithm handles are all pseudo-irreducible. We first study mathematical properties of such strings.

Lemma 1

Every suffix-reducible string has a unique nonempty suffix palindrome and thus has a unique Z-shape.

There can be several suffix palindromes in an irreducible string. Lemma 1 implies that only one among those can becomeFootnote 1 the tail of the unique Z-shape in a suffix-reducible string (Lemma 1), in which moment the other ones that used to be suffix palindromes are not suffix palindromes any more. This lemma suggests us to keep watching just one (arbitrary) suffix palindrome when reading letters from the input in order to detect a Z-shape. When the palindrome we are watching has become a non-suffix palindrome, we look for another suffix palindrome to track. Suppose we are tracking a suffix palindrome centered at c of radius \(r = \rho _{w}(c) = |w|-c\) in w. When appending a new letter t from the input to w, it is still a suffix palindrome in wt if and only if \(wt[c-r]=wt[c+r+1]=t\). In that case, it is the tail of a Z-shape if and only if \(\rho _w(c-r-1) \ge r+1\). Apparently we need to know the maximal radii at all positions to detect a Z-shape but appending a new letter or deleting the tail of a Z-shape disturbs those values even on positions that are not deleted. It takes more than linear time if we keep recalculating the maximal radius at every position. Therefore, we have to partly give up to maintain the exact values of maximal radii. However, there is a moment when maximal radii are stable.

Definition 1

Let w be an irreducible string and c a position in w. We say that c is stable in w, if for any string y, either

  • there is a prefix x of y for which \(|{\widehat{wx}}| < c\), or

  • for any prefix x of y, \(\rho _{{\widehat{wx}}}(c) = \rho _{w}(c)\).

Moreover, c is strongly stable if the former never happens.

That is, if c is stable, the maximum radius at c need not be recalculated when appending letters or deleting a Z-shape’s tail at the end of the string, unless the position itself is deleted. In the remainder of this section, we present conditions for a position to be stable.

Let us write \(c \sqsubset _w d\) if \(c \le d-\rho _w(d) < d \le c+\rho _w(c) \le d+\rho _w(d)\), which roughly means that the right arm of the palindrome centered at c includes the left arm of the one at d. Clearly \(c \sqsubset _w d\) implies \(\rho _w(c) \ge \rho _w(d)\). Moreover if \(c \sqsubset _w d\) and \(c = d-\rho _w(d)\) then \(\langle c,d \rangle \) is a Z-shape in w. Note that the condition \(c \le d-\rho _w(d)\) in the above definition is redundant for a pseudo-irreducible string; one can see that if \(c < d \le c+\rho _w(c) \le d+\rho _w(d)\) and \(d-\rho _w(d) < c\), then \(\langle c,d \rangle \) is a non-suffix Z-shape.

A palindrome chain from \(c_0\) in w is a sequence \(\mathbf {c}=(c_0,\dots ,c_k)\) of positions in w such that \(c_{i-1} \sqsubset c_{i}\) for each \(i=1,\dots ,k\). The frontier of the palindrome chain \(\mathbf {c}\) in w is the position \(F_w(\mathbf {c}) = c_k + \rho _w(c_k)\), and the maximum frontier from a position c is

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {F}_w(c) = \max \{\, F_w(\mathbf {c}) \mid \mathbf {c} \, \text { is a palindrome chain from} \, c\,\} \,. \end{aligned}$$

The originator \(\mathscr {A}(d)\) of a position d in w is the smallest position \(\mathscr {A}(d)=c\) such that \(c \le d \le \mathscr {F}_w(c)\). Figure 2 illustrates a palindrome chain in a string \(w = \mathtt {xabbcddeeddcbbaabbcddcddcy}\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

In a string \(w = \mathtt {xabbcddeeddcbbaabbcddcbbcy}\), (8, 15, 20, 23) is a palindrome chain, whose frontier is 25. The originator of any position between 8 and 25 is 8

The stability property can be rephrased in various ways.

Proposition 1

The following four are equivalent:

  • (1) c is stable in w,

  • (2) \(\mathscr {F}_w(c) < |w|\),

  • (3) for any string y, either

    • there is a prefix x of y for which \(|{\widehat{wx}}| < c\), or

    • for any prefix x of y, \(|{\widehat{wx}}| > \mathscr {F}_w(c)\),

  • (4) \(c \sqsubset _w d\) implies that d is stable in w for all d.

Here is another rephrasing.

Corollary 1

Suppose that positions \(c+1,\dots ,|w|-1\) are all stable in an irreducible string w. Then a position c is stable if and only if \(c + \rho _w(c) < |w|\).

It is not hard to see that a position c is strongly stable if and only if all the positions \(d \le c\) are stable. If a position c is strongly stable in w, then \(|{\widehat{wx}}| > c\) for any x.

4 Algorithm

figure a

Our algorithm is based on Manacher’s [3] for calculating the radius of the maximal palindrome at every position in an input. Algorithm 1 detects the first occurrence of a Z-shape in the input string T. Commenting out Line 19 gives his original algorithm with slightly different appearance. The algorithm reads letters from the input one by one, while focusing on the left-most suffix palindrome among possibly many others. The algorithm computes the maximum radius at each position from left to right and stores those values in the array \( Pals \). The function \(\mathsf {Extend}(c)\) calculates \( Pals [c]\) naively comparing letters on the left and right in the same distance from c, knowing that the radius is at least \(|w|-c-1\). Due to the symmetry, the maximum radii at positions in the right arm of a big palindrome coincide those at the corresponding positions in the left arm, unless those palindromes in the right arm may go beyond the right end of the big palindrome. The function \(\mathsf {\mathsf {ZDetectInChain}}(c)\) copies the value of \( Pals [c-r]\) to \( Pals [c+r]\) (\(d=c+r\) in the algorithm) for \(r \le Pals [c]\) as long as \(c+r+ Pals [c-r] < c+ Pals [c]\). If \(c+r+ Pals [c-r] \ge c+ Pals [c]\), which means \(c \sqsubset c+r\), \(\mathsf {\mathsf {ZDetectInChain}}(c)\) recursively calls \(\mathsf {\mathsf {ZDetectInChain}}(c+r)\). If there is no such r, it means that we have reached the frontier of the originator of c. By the correctness of his algorithm and Lemma 1, we see that Algorithm 1 outputs the Z-shape occurrence of the shortest suffix-reducible prefix of the input. If the input has no Z-shape, it halts with the array \( Pals \) such that \( Pals [c]=\rho _w(c)\) for all the positions c. One may think of using this algorithm to compute the normal form by deleting the tail of the found Z-shape. However, deleting a Z-shape tail alters the maximal radii, which have been calculated before, and maintaining those values is not a trivial issue. As we have discussed earlier, to keep recalculating the exact values of the maximal radii takes more than linear time.

4.1 Outline of Our Algorithm

figure b

Our online algorithm for calculating the Z-normal form of an input string T is shown as Algorithm 2. Throughout the algorithm, the string w in the working space is kept pseudo-irreducible. That is, \(w^{\triangleleft } = w[1:|w|-1]\) is irreducible and we would like to know if w itself is still irreducible. Algorithm 2 consists of functions \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\), \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}\) and \(\mathsf {FastExtend}\) in addition to the main function \(\mathsf {ZReduce}\). Among those, \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\) plays the central role. The data structures we use are very simple: a working string w, an array \( Pals \) for the maximal radius at each position of w, and a stack of positions. Those are all global variables in Algorithm 2. At the beginning, we add extra fresh symbols \(\texttt {\$}\) and \(\texttt {\#}\) to the left and right ends of the input, respectively. Those work as sentinel symbols so that we never try to access the working string beyond the ends when extending a suffix palindrome.

The working string is initialized to be the empty string and is expanded by appending letters from T one by one by \(\mathsf {append}\). Suppose that we have read u from the input and \(w = {\hat{u}}\) is in the working space. When the function \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) is called, we know that \(c + \rho _{w^{\triangleleft }}(c) = |w^{\triangleleft }|\) but not yet sure if \(c + \rho _w(c) = |{w}|\) holds. Then \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) processes the shortest prefix v of the unprocessed suffix of T such that c is stable in the resultant string \(w'={\widehat{wv}}\), i.e., \(\mathscr {F}_{w'}(c) = |w'|-1\). In an extreme case, we have \(w'=w\) and just confirm \(\mathscr {F}_{w}(c) = |{w}|-1\). After the execution of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\), unless it returns \(\mathsf {true}\), it is guaranteed that all positions \(d \in [c : \mathscr {F}_{w'}(c)]\) are stable in \(w'\) and satisfy \( Pals [d] = \rho _{w'}(d)\). This is why we name the function \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\). Moreover if the call of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) was from the main function \(\mathsf {ZReduce}(T)\), \(c = \mathscr {A}_{w'}(c)\) and those positions d are all strongly stable.

To stabilize all the positions up to the (future) frontier of c, \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) recursively calls \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(d)\) for positions d such that \(c \sqsubset d\). This accords with the definition of the frontier. To determine positions d on which we should recursively call \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(d)\), we need to know the value of \(\rho _w(c)\) first of all. The function \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) first calls \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\). When the function \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\) is called, we are sure \(c+\rho _{w^{\triangleleft }}(c) \ge |w^{\triangleleft }|\). By reading more letters from the input, it does three tasks. One is to calculate the maximal radius at c exactly, taking the unread part of the input into account. One is to detect and contract a Z-shape whose right pivot is c. The last one is to transfer the values of \( Pals \) on the left arm to the right arm. We extend the palindrome at c by comparing values of \(w[c-r]\) and \(w[c+r+1]\). When it happens that \( Pals [c-r] \ge r\), this means that we find a Z-shape occurrence \(\langle c-r,c \rangle \). In this case, the suffix palindrome shall be deleted, and the function returns \(\mathsf {true}\). When the palindrome has become non-suffix, it returns \(\mathsf {false}\). During the extension of the palindrome at c, it copies the value of \( Pals [c-r]\) to \( Pals [c+r]\). This transfer might appear nonsense, since it might be the case that \(\rho _w(c-r) \ne \rho _w(c+r)\). However, this “sloppy calculation” of radii is advantageous over the exactly correctly calculated values. Those copied values are “adaptive” in extensions and deletions of succeeding part of the working string (and thus the maximal radius at c), in the sense that they can always be used to certainly detect a Z-shape occurrence where the concerned position is the left-pivot. The exactly correct values are too rigid to have this property. Those values will be fixed in the recursive calls of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\).

On Line 14 of Algorithm 2, we recursively call \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(d)\) in decreasing order for positions on the right arm of the palindrome at c. This “reversed” order might appear unnatural, but this is also related to the adaptability of values in \( Pals \). To stabilize positions, anyway we have to calculate the maximal radius at some positions, though they are not yet stable. If we calculate \(\rho _w(d)\) in increasing order, they are not adaptive any more. In this case, once some suffix of the working string is deleted and then extended, those exact values would become useless. Contrarily, we calculate \(\rho _w(d)\) in the opposite order. Then the previously copied values of \( Pals \) on the left are adaptive and remain useful, unless they are deleted.

Palindromes overlap a lot even in an irreducible string and we must avoid scanning the same position multiple times. The function \(\mathsf {FastExtend}(d)\) tells us whether the palindrome at d is a suffix of \(w^{\triangleleft }\) without looking at letters in the working space. The computation is quickly done by using a stack which stores positions \(c_0,\dots ,c_k\) forming a palindrome chain with d such that \(F_{w^{\triangleleft }}(d,c_0,\dots ,c_k) = |w^{\triangleleft }|\). Moreover, it is guaranteed that those positions \(c_i\) are stable and \( Pals [c_i] = \rho _w(c_i)\). If the right arm of the palindrome centered at d can reach \(|w^{\triangleleft }|\), the left arm of it must have the structure that can be seen as the “reversed” palindrome chain symmetric to the one in \( Stack \). By examining whether \( Pals [2d-c_i] = Pals [c_i]\) for each i, one can tell whether the right arm of the maximal palindrome at d can reach the position \(|w|-1\). If it is the case, \(\mathsf {FastExtend}(d)\) returns \(\mathsf {true}\) and lets \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}\) extend the palindrome by investigating further. Otherwise, \(\mathsf {FastExtend}(d)\) lets \( Pals [d] = \rho _w(d)\) and returns \(\mathsf {false}\).

Example 3

We show a running example of Algorithm 2. Consider an input string \(T = \mathtt {abbaa1221aabbaa11aabbb}\). Assume that \(\mathsf {ZReduce}(T)\) has read and computed \( Pals [1:7]\), where the red part has been stabilized. Then, \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(8)\) extends the palindrome at 8 by \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(8)\) up to . Next, \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(15)\), called by \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(8)\), finds a maximal palindrome \(\mathtt {aa}\) in . Then 15 is pushed to the stack. After that, \(\mathsf {FastExtend}(13)\), called via \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(13)\) by \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(8)\), reveals that \(\rho _w(13) \ge 3\) in using \( Stack = (15)\). Then \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(13)\) extends the radius of the palindrome at 13 by one as . Then \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(13)\) calls \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(17)\). By reading further letters from T, the working string becomes , where a Z-shape occurrence \(\langle 13,17 \rangle = \mathtt {1aabbaa11aab}\) is found. By deleting the tail of it, we have , on which \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(8)\) resumes calculation. Now the palindrome is extended as . Then \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(18)\) calls \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(14)\), which detects and contracts \(\langle 13,14 \rangle = \mathtt {bbb}\). We now have . After that, \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(8)\) continues extending the palindrome and obtains . Finally, \(\mathsf {ZReduce}\) halts with .

4.2 Correctness and Complexity of the Algorithm

To prove the correctness of our algorithm, we first introduce some technical definitions, which characterize “adaptive” values.

Definition 2

Let us write \(i \sim _k j\) if \(\min \{i,k\} = \min \{j,k\}\). We say that \( Pals \) on w is accurate enough between c and d if for any \(e \in [c:d]\), it holds that \( Pals [e] \sim _{d-e} \rho _w(e)\). We denote this property by with implicit understanding of \( Pals \).

Let \(\nu _w(c) \) denote the largest e such that \(e \sqsubset c\). If there is no such e, let \(\nu _w(c) = 1\). We say that c is left-good in w if holds. We say that c is right-good in w if holds.

Clearly implies if \([c_2:d_2] \subseteq [c_1:d_1]\).

Lemma 2

Suppose that c is left-good and \(\rho _{w}(c) = |{w}|- c\) for a pseudo-irreducible string w. Then w has a Z-shape occurrence \(\langle c-\rho _w(c),c \rangle \) if and only if \( Pals [c-\rho _w(c)] \ge \rho _w(c)\). Suppose in addition \( Pals [c-r]= Pals [c+r]\) for all \(r=1,\dots ,\rho _{w}(c)\). Then, c is right-good.

If holds, then one can correctly determine whether w has a Z-shape with right pivot c. Namely, \(\langle d,c \rangle \) is a Z-shape if and only if \( Pals [d] \ge c-d\). We detect a suffix Z-shape whose right pivot is c extending a suffix palindrome at c in \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\). Lemma 2 means that this indeed works well when c is left-good and values on the left arm are copied to the corresponding positions on the right arm. Note that the left-goodness depends on w[1 : c] only. This means that this property is robust against deletion and extension of the right arm.

We will show that the function \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\) satisfies the following precondition and postcondition, where w and \(w'\) are the working strings before and after a call, respectively.

Condition 1

(Precondition of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) ).

  • \( Stack \) is empty,

  • \(c + \rho _w(c) \ge |w|-1\),

  • c is left-good,

  • For all positions \(d \in [1: \mathscr {A}(c)-1] \cup [c+1 : |w|-1]\), d is stable in w and \( Pals [d]=\rho _w(d)\).

Condition 2

(Postcondition of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) ).

  • If it returns \(\mathsf {true}\), then

    • \(w' = {\widehat{wu}}\) for the shortest string u appended from the input such that \(|w'| \le c\),

    • \( Stack \) is empty.

  • If it returns \(\mathsf {false}\), then \(w' = {\widehat{wu}}\) for the shortest string u appended from the input such that

    • \((c; Stack )\) is a palindrome chain such that \(\mathscr {F}_{w'}(c) = F_{w'}(c; Stack ) = |w'|-1\),

    • d is stable in \(w'\) and \( Pals [d]=\rho _w(d)\) for all \(d \in [c : |w'|-1]\).

Lemma 3

(\(\mathsf {Stabilize}\)). Suppose that c satisfies Condition 1. Then after executing \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\), Condition 2 is satisfied.

Assuming that Lemma 3 is true, we establish the following proposition.

Proposition 2

Algorithm 2 calculates the normal form of the input.

When \(\mathsf {Stablize}(c)\) tries to fix the value \( Pals [c]\) to be \(\rho _w(c)\), the right arm of the palindrome at c may be cut in the middle after finding the end of the right arm in a string, unless it has been stabilized. Then we need to extend it again. The while loop is repeated until c becomes stable.

Condition 3

(Precondition of the while loop). In addition to Condition 1,

  • for all positions \(d \in [b : |w|-1]\), \( Pals [d] = Pals [2c-d]\).

In what follows we give some lemmas that explain the behavior of our algorithm in a more formal way.

Lemma 4

(\(\mathsf {SlowExtend}\)). Suppose that at the beginning of an iteration of the while loop of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\), Condition 3 holds. Let w and \(w'\) be the working strings before and after execution of \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\), respectively. Then either

  • \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\) returns \(\mathsf {true}\),

  • \(w' = {\widehat{wu}}\) for u appended from the input such that wu is suffix-reducible and the right pivot of the Z-shape is c,


  • \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\) returns \(\mathsf {false}\),

  • \(w' = wu\) for u appended from the input such that \(c+\rho _{w'}(c) = |w'|-1\) and \({w'}\) is pseudo-irreducible,

  • \( Pals [c] = \rho _{w'}(c)\),

  • for all \(r \in [1: Pals [c]]\), \( Pals [c+r] = Pals [c-r]\).

Lemma 5

(\(\mathsf {FastExtend}\)). Suppose that \(\mathsf {FastExtend}(d)\) is called from \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) satisfying that

  • \((c; Stack )\) is a palindrome chain from some \(e > d\) such that \(F_{w}(c; Stack ) = \max \{\,\mathscr {F}_w(e) \mid d < e \le c+ Pals [c]\,\} = |w|-1\),

  • c is left-good and right-good,

  • for all \(e \in [d+1 : |w|-1 ]\), e is stable and \( Pals [e]=\rho _w(e)\),

Then after the execution,

  • if it returns \(\mathsf {true}\), then \(d+\rho _{w}(d) \ge |w|-1\) and \( Stack \) is empty,

  • if it returns \(\mathsf {false}\), then

    • \((d; Stack )\) is a palindrome chain such that \(F_{w}(d; Stack ) = \max \{\,\mathscr {F}_w(e) \mid d \le e \le c+ Pals [c]\,\} = |w|-1\),

    • for all \(e \in [d: |w|-1]\), e is stable and \( Pals [e]=\rho _w(e)\) .

Lemma 6

Suppose that c is right-good and \(c \sqsubset _w d\) in a pseudo-irreducible string w. Then d is left-good in w.

Hence, when \(\mathsf {FastExtend}(d)\) returns \(\mathsf {true}\), Condition 1 for d is satisfied.

Now we have prepared enough for analyzing the function \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\). Our goals is to show that Condition 2 holds for \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) provided that Condition 1 holds. The function \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) calls \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(d)\) recursively. For now we assume that Condition 1 implies Condition 2 for those d. Then this inductive argument completes a proof of Lemma 3.

Suppose that Condition 1 holds for \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\). If \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\) returns \(\mathsf {true}\), clearly Condition 2 holds by Lemma 4. Hereafter we suppose that \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\) returns \(\mathsf {false}\).

Lemma 7

(for loop). Suppose that Condition 3 is satisfied at the beginning of every iteration of the while loop. Then, at the beginning of each iteration of the for loop of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\), the following holds.

  • \((c; Stack )\) is a palindrome chain such that

    $$\begin{aligned} F_w(c; Stack ) = \max (\{\,\mathscr {F}_w(e) \mid d < e \le c+ Pals [c]\,\} \cup \{c+ Pals [c]\}) = |w|-1, \end{aligned}$$
  • c is left-good,

  • for all \(e \in [c+1: d]\), \( Pals [d] = Pals [2c-d]\),

  • for all \(e \in [d+1: |w|-1]\), e is stable and \( Pals [e]=\rho _w(e)\).

Moreover if we break the loop, still Condition 3 holds. If we return \(\mathsf {true}\) on Line 18, Condition 2 holds for c.

Lemma 8

(while loop). At the beginning of an iteration of the while loop in \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\), Condition 3 holds. Moreover if it returns \(\mathsf {true}\), Condition 2 holds.

Theorem 2

Algorithm 2 calculates the normal form of the input in linear time.


The function \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\) is called from \(\mathsf {ZReduce}\) or \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\) itself. In both cases, \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) is called right after a new letter is appended at position \(c+1\). More precisely, in the latter case, \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(d)\) is called just after \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}(c)\) or \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(c)\) appended a new letter at position \(d+1\). Note that when \(\mathbf while \) loop repeats, the letters on the positions \(d+1\) for which \(\mathsf {Stabilize}(d)\) was called are deleted. Therefore, the number of calls of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\) is bounded by |T|.

This explanation about the number of calls of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\) also shows that the total number of the execution of the while loop is bounded by |T| and this implies the number of calls of \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}\) is also bounded by |T|. The total running time of \(\mathsf {SlowExtend}\) is bounded by the number of its calls and the times of appending letters from T, which is bounded by \(\mathrm {O}(|T|)\) in total. The same argument on the number of calls of \(\mathsf {Stabilize}\) applies to that of executions of the for loop. This implies that the total number of positions that is pushed onto the stack is bounded by |T|, which implies that total running time of \(\mathsf {FastExtend}\) is bounded by \(\mathrm {O}(|T|)\).

All in all, Algorithm 2 runs in linear time. \(\square \)

By using Algorithm 2 and Raghavan’s algorithm [6], the smallest path and cycle can be inferred from walks in linear time.

Corollary 2

Given a string w of length n, the smallest path and cycle on which w is the output of a walk can be inferred in \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) time.

5 Experiments

This section presents experimental performance of our algorithm comparing with Raghavan’s \(\mathrm {O}(n \log n)\) time algorithm [6].

We implemented these algorithms in C++ and compiled with Visual C++ 12.0 (2013) compiler. The experiments were conducted on Windows 7 PC with Xeon W3565 and 12GB RAM. In the whole experiments, we got the average running time for 10 times of attempts.

First, for randomly generated strings of length between \(10^5\) and \(10^6\) over \({\varSigma }\) of size \(|{\varSigma }|=2,6,10\), we compared the running time of the algorithms (Fig. 3 (a)). For any alphabet size, our proposed algorithm ran faster.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Running time for the random strings with \(|{\varSigma }|=2,6,10\)

Furthermore, we conducted experiments for strings of length between \(10^6\) and \(10^7\) with the same alphabets, and got a similar result (Fig. 3 (b)). Here, the slope of Raghavan’s algorithm’s performance increases slightly as the string length increases. On the other hand, our proposed algorithm keeps the same slope. This shows the proposed algorithm runs in linear time in practice.