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Protein Sorting Prediction

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Bacterial Protein Secretion Systems

Part of the book series: Methods in Molecular Biology ((MIMB,volume 1615))


Many computational methods are available for predicting protein sorting in bacteria. When comparing them, it is important to know that they can be grouped into three fundamentally different approaches: signal-based, global-property-based and homology-based prediction. In this chapter, the strengths and drawbacks of each of these approaches is described through many examples of methods that predict secretion, integration into membranes, or subcellular locations in general. The aim of this chapter is to provide a user-level introduction to the field with a minimum of computational theory.

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Nielsen, H. (2017). Protein Sorting Prediction. In: Journet, L., Cascales, E. (eds) Bacterial Protein Secretion Systems. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1615. Humana Press, New York, NY.

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