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Postop Evaluation of Aneurysms (Including Vasospasm)

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Neurovascular Imaging


Both endovascular and microsurgical approaches are used to treat cerebral aneurysms. Endovascular techniques include coil embolization, stenting, or a combination of these. Microsurgical procedures include clipping, without or with vessel bypass. Radiological imaging, particularly with digital subtraction angiography, CTA, and MRA, plays a critical role in the posttreatment assessment of patient with cerebral aneurysms. The indications for various imaging modalities after treatment of cerebral aneurysms, potential artifacts related to imaging, and strategies to mitigate these, expected imaging findings following treatment, as well as the imaging findings for associated complications are discussed and illustrated in this chapter.

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Mayich, M., Walcott, B.P., Stapleton, C.J., Ginat, D.T. (2014). Postop Evaluation of Aneurysms (Including Vasospasm). In: Saba, L., Raz, E. (eds) Neurovascular Imaging. Springer, New York, NY.

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