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Electron Tomography of Plant Cells

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Cell Biology


Electron tomography (ET) is an emerging imaging approach to analyze the three-dimensional architecture of cells, organelles, and molecular complexes. Electron tomograms are calculated from multiple images of a specimen taken at different tilt angles. Both plastic-embedded and frozen-hydrated specimens can be imaged with this technique. This chapter deals with the general principle of electron tomography of biological samples and discusses the contributions of ET studies to advancing our knowledge on plant cell biology.

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Further Reading

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Work on the electron tomographic analysis of plant cells in the Otegui laboratory is supported by grants MCB1157824 and IOS1339325 from the National Science Foundation.

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Otegui, M.S. (2014). Electron Tomography of Plant Cells. In: Assmann, S., Liu, B. (eds) Cell Biology. Springer, New York, NY.

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