
1 Introduction

It is difficult to find images in a large database of digital images. There are two main approaches for querying the images: querying the images based on the keyword TBIR (text-based image retrieval) [1] and those based on the content CBIR (content-based image retrieval) [1, 2].

In recent years, there have been considerable researches regarding CBIR, such as the image retrieval system based on color histogram [14], the similarity of the images based on histogram and the texture [5], and using the EMD distance in image retrieval [68].

This chapter aims to create the binary signature of an image and describe the distribution of image’s colors by a bitstring with a given size. It also aims to query “similar images” in a large image database system efficiently. Additionally, two major targets are used to reduce the amount of storage space and speed up the query image on large database systems.

2 The Related Theory

2.1 S-Tree

S-tree [2, 9] is a tree with many branches that are balanced; each node of the S-tree contains a number of pairs \( \langle \mathrm{sig},\mathrm{next}\rangle \), where \( \mathrm{sig} \) is a binary signature and \( \mathrm{next} \) is a pointer to a child node. Each node root of the S-tree contains at least two pairs and at most \( M \) pairs \( \langle \mathrm{sig},\mathrm{next}\rangle \), all internal nodes in the S-tree at least \( m \) and at most \( M \) pairs \( \langle \mathrm{sig},\mathrm{next}\rangle \), \( 1\leq m\leq {M \left/ {2} \right.} \); the leaves of the S-tree contain the image’s binary signatures \( \mathrm{sig} \), along with a unique identifier \( \mathrm{oid} \) for those images. The S-tree height for \( n \) signatures is at most \( h=\left\lceil {{\log_m}n-1} \right\rceil \). The S-tree was built on the basis of inserting and splitting. When the node \( v \) is full, it will be split into two.

2.2 EMD Distance

Setting \( I \) as a set of suppliers, \( J \) as a set of consumers, and \( {c_{ij }} \) as the transportation cost from the supplier \( i\in I \) to the consumer \( j\in J \), we need to find out flows \( {f_{ij }} \) to minimize the total cost \( \sum\limits_{{i\in I}} {\sum\limits_{{j\in J}} {{c_{ij }}{f_{ij }}} } \) with the constraints [10] \( {f_{ij }}\geq 0,\sum\limits_{{i\in I}} {{f_{ij }}\leq {y_j}}, \sum\limits_{{j\in J}} {{f_{ij }}\leq {x_i}}, i\in I,j\in J \). With \( {x_i} \) as the provider’s general ability \( i\in I \), \( {y_j} \) is the total need of the consumer \( j\in J \). The feasible condition is \( \sum\limits_{{j\in J}} {{y_j}\leq \sum\limits_{{i\in I}} {{x_i}} } \). The EMD distance [6, 7] is as follows: \( \mathrm{EMD}(x,y)={{{\left( {\sum\nolimits_{{i\in I}} {\sum\nolimits_{{j\in J}} {{c_{ij }}{f_{ij }}} } } \right)}} \left/ {{\left( {\sum\nolimits_{{i\in I}} {\sum\nolimits_{{j\in J}} {{f_{ij }}} } } \right)}} \right.}={{{\left( {\sum\nolimits_{{i\in I}} {\sum\nolimits_{{j\in J}} {{c_{ij }}{f_{ij }}} } } \right)}} \left/ {{\left( {\sum\nolimits_{{j\in J}} {{y_j}} } \right)}} \right.} \)

3 Building Data Structures and Image Retrieval Algorithms

3.1 Creating a Binary Signature of the Image Based on the Color Histogram

  • Step 1. Choose a standard color set \( C=\{{c_1},{c_2},\ldots,{c_n}\} \) to calculate the color histogram of the images. To quantify the image \( I \) in order to retain only the dominant colors \( {C_I}=\left\{ {c_1^I,c_2^I,\ldots,c_{{{n_I}}}^I} \right\} \), the color histogram vector of image \( I \) is \( {H_I}=\left\{ {h_1^I,h_2^I,\ldots,h_{{{n_I}}}^I} \right\} \).

  • Step 2. Calculate the color histogram vector standardizes \( H=\{{h_1},{h_2},\ldots,{h_n}\} \), where \( {h_i}={{{h_j^I}} \left/ {{\sum\nolimits_j {h_j^I} }} \right.} \) if \( {c_i}\in C\cap {C_I} \), otherwise \( {h_i}=0 \).

  • Step 3. Each color \( c_j^I \) will be described into a bitstring \( b_1^jb_2^j,\ldots,b_m^j \). The binary signature of the image \( I \) will be \( \mathrm{sig}={B^1}{B^2}\ldots {B^n} \), \( {B^j}=b_1^jb_2^j\ldots b_m^j \), in which \( b_i^j=1 \) if \( i=\left\lceil {{h_i}\times m} \right\rceil \), otherwise \( b_i^j=0 \).

3.2 Measuring Similar Image Based on EMD Distance

The weight of the component\( B_I^j=b_1^jb_2^j\ldots b_m^j \)is\( w_I^{j}=w\left( {B_I^j} \right)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^m {\left( {b_i^j\times \left( {{i \left/ {m} \right.}} \right)\times 100} \right)}; \) the weight vector of the image \( I \) will be \( {W_I}=\left\{ {w_I^1,w_I^2,\ldots,w_I^n} \right\} \). \( J \) is the image that we need to calculate the similarity with the image \( I \), so we need to minimize the cost \( \sum\limits_{i=1}^n {\sum\limits_{j=1}^n {{d_{ij }}{f_{ij }}} } \), and \( F=\left( {{f_{ij }}} \right) \) is the matrix of color distribution flows from \( c_I^i \) to \( c_J^j \) and \( D=\left( {{d_{ij }}} \right) \) is the Euclidean distance matrix in the RGB color space from \( c_I^i \) to \( c_J^{j} \). The similarity between two images \( I \) and \( J \) based on the EMD distance will minimize the value \( \mathrm{EMD}(I,J)=\mathop{\min}\limits_{{F=\left( {{f_{ij }}} \right)}}{{{\left( {\sum\limits_{i=1}^n {\sum\limits_{j=1}^n {{d_{ij }}{f_{ij }}} } } \right)}} \left/ {{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n {\sum\limits_{j=1}^n {{f_{ij }}} } }} \right.} \), with \( \sum\limits_{i=1}^n {\sum\limits_{j=1}^n {{f_{ij }}} } =\min \left( {\sum\limits_{i=1}^n {w_I^i}, \sum\limits_{j=1}^n {w_J^j} } \right) \)

3.3 Creating S-Tree Based on EMD Distance

Algorithm1 . Gen-Stree(S, Root)

Step 1. v = Root;

If S = Ø then STOP;

Else Choosing <sig,oid> ∈ S and S = S <sig,oid>;

To go Step 2;

Step 2. If v is leaf then


      v = v ⊕ <sig,oid>; UnionSig(v);

      If v.count > M then SplitNode(v);

      To go back Step 1;




      EMD(SIG 0 →sig,sig)=min{EMD(SIG i →sig,sig)|SIG i ∈ v};

      v = SIG 0 →next; To go back Step 2;


Splitting the node \( v \) based on \( \alpha -seed \) and \( \beta -seed \) in [2, 9] is done as follows:

Algorithm2. SplitNode(v)

Create the nodes \( {v_{\alpha }} \) and \( {v_{\beta }} \) contains \( \alpha -seed \) and \( \beta -seed \) ;

For (SIG i ∈ v) do


  If (EMD(SIG i →sig, \( \alpha -seed \) )<EMD(SIG i →sig, \( \beta -seed \) )) then

    \( {v_{\alpha }} \) = \( {v_{\alpha }} \) ⊕ SIG i ;

  Else \( {v_{\beta }} \) = \( {v_{\beta }} \) ⊕ SIG i ;

  \( {s_{\alpha }} \) = \( \bigcup {sig_i^{\alpha }} \) , with \( sig_i^{\alpha}\in {v_{\alpha }} \) ; \( {s_{\beta }} \) = \( \bigcup {sig_i^{\beta }} \) , with \( sig_i^{\beta}\in {v_{\beta }} \) ;

  \( {v_{parent }}={v_{parent }}\oplus {s_{\alpha }} \) ; \( {v_{parent }}={v_{parent }}\oplus {s_{\beta }} \) ;

  If ( \( {v_{parent }}.count \) > \( M \) ) then SplitNode ( \( {v_{parent }} \) );


Procedure UnionSig( \( v \) )


\( s \) = \( \bigcup {sig_i} \) , with \( sig_i\in v \) ;

If ( \( {v_{parent }} \) != null) then


  \( SI{G_v}=\{SI{G_i}|SI{G_i}\to next=v,SI{G_i}\in {v_{parent }}\} \) ; \( {v_{parent }}\to (SI{G_v}\to sig)=s;\) UnionSig( \( {v_{parent }} \) );



3.4 The Image Retrieval Algorithm Based on S-Tree and EMD Distance

Algorithm3. Search-Image-Sig(sig, S-tree)

v = root; SIGOUT = Ø Stack = Ø Push(Stack, v);

while ( not Empty(Stack)) do


v = Pop(Stack);

If (v is not Leaf) then


    For (SIG i ∈ v and SIG i →sig ∧ sig = sig) do

      EMD(SIG 0 →sig,sig)=min{EMD(SIG i →sig,sig)|SIG i ∈v};

    Push(Stack, SIG 0 →next);


  Else SIGOUT = SIGOUT ∪ {<SIG i →sig,oid i >|SIG i ∈v};


return SIGOUT;

4 Experiments

4.1 Model Application

Fig. 1
figure 00171

Model image retrieval system

  • Phase 1: Perform Preprocessing (Fig. 1)

    • Step 1. Quantize images in the database and convert to a color histogram.

    • Step 2. Convert the color histogram of the image in the form of binary signatures.

    • Step 3. Respectively calculate the similarity measure EMD distance of the image signatures and insert into the S-tree.

  • Phase 2: Implementation Query

    • Step 1. For each query image, calculate the color histogram and convert into binary signatures.

    • Step 2. Perform binary signature query on the S-tree consisting of the image signature, it is possible to find similar images at the leaves of the S-tree through the EMD measure.

    • Step 3. After finding similar images, conduct arrangement of similar levels from high to low and make the title match with the images arranged on the basis of similarity EMD distance.

4.2 The Experimental Results

Each image will calculate the color histogram based on 16 colors: black, silver, white, gray, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, turquoise, cyan, ocean, blue, violet, magenta, and raspberry (Figs. 2 and 3).

Fig. 2
figure 00172

A sample result of the process query image in image database over 10,000 images

Fig. 3
figure 00173

(a) Number of comparisons to create S-tree. (b) The time to create S-tree. (c) Number of comparisons to query image in database over 10,000 images. (d) The time to query image in database over 10,000 images

5 Conclusion

This chapter creates algorithms in order to speed up the retrieval of similar images based on the image’s binary signatures and then designs and implements the image retrieval model CBIR. As can be seen from the experiment, it takes a long time to create the S-tree from the image’s binary signature, but the retrieval of the image that relies on the S-tree will be a lot faster than a linear search method based on EMD. However, using EMD to calculate the distribution of the image’s colors will result in inaccuracy in the case of the images with the same percentage of color pixels, but the color distribution location does not correspond to each other. The next development will assess the similarity of the image through EMD distance with location distribution of the percentage of color pixels and compare the objects in the contents of the image to increase accuracy when querying the similar images.