
1 Introduction

Education reform, multimedia technology, as a modern teaching and training methods is more widely used. Teachers are feeling the convenience and efficiency of teaching modern multimedia technology bring [1]. Due to the widespread and a lot of information provided multimedia, football can be from different theoretical teaching view of the time and space to provide sound, image, ICONS and other information. So students can use a variety of remote sensing tools get all sorts of effective dynamic data to enrich their imagination, promote the formation of creativity, and improve the learning efficiency [2]. It has great impact on the traditional football education and teaching methods.

Multimedia modern education technology is an important content of the right realize the education methods and means of modernization, the breakthrough tradition education concept is very positive role. Multimedia is a figure, words, sound, like combined together. The use of computer multimedia technology, we can digital computing and text editor, appreciate the high definition images and movies, still can hear clearly speech and beautiful music. Based on it’s to give birth to the characteristics of the dynamic sex, interactive, can greatly arouses student’s study enthusiasm, promote the teaching learn the improvement of quality. In the knowledge the changing today, the traditional sports teaching means. Already can’t meet the need of modern physical education teaching, how to put the multimedia technology into the body education teaching, so as to realize two organic unions, is our sports workers face an important topic. As for soccer course for, many technology looks be like simple, but to master an actually. It is difficult to, the past teaching value in imitation and ignore the students’ cognitive, a lot of repetition exercise will only make students bored. The traditional teaching media can’t compete, but, multimedia technology is not only in the demo function, must be used to develop the students’ cognitive psychological structure, deepen it’s the understanding of concepts, principles, and how to stimulate students’ interest in knowledge, and make the right Cognitive guide practice, reduce the faults in the practice, and promote the improvement of skills. Based on this, this study will sport psychology means of multimedia technology and integrate the design football lesson Cheng teaching program, and through the experiments to verify to develop the students’ cognition and technological support theory can effect.

2 The Design of Multimedia Courseware in Football Theory Course

2.1 Multimedia Courseware Should be Based on Students

According to the different age, gender and the students’ psychological characteristics, multimedia design should be based on their cognitive characteristics and personality characteristics from the perspective of the pedagogy and the psychology orientation. The multimedia courseware is fully embodying pedagogical features of motion and development trend. And this kind of courseware can be directly on the teaching process, and arouse students’ learning initiative to create a good results learning environment. First of all, understand is an important stage their mastery of knowledge. Through the visual computer in teaching content, material to specific, so students will be with great interest to know football knowledge, improve their sports and cultural achievements. For example, when the rules of football and the referee method explained, they can have a specific details and analysis; second, the learning environment will also promote students’ learning initiative. Learning environment is a place nearby, where the students can be free to explore and learn. Multimedia has the rich information resources and provide students more initiative and freedom, played a key role in the content of study; Finally, multimedia courseware is based on a species close to the psychological characteristics of human knowledge and teaching contents in the organization is to present the way and establishing a knowledge structure, which will help to change, from existing knowledge to new knowledge.

2.2 Multimedia Courseware in the Teaching Content Option

A lot of relevant knowledge and information, and may introduce the different teaching point basis and ensure the course requirements football. Table 33.1 is a football teaching content structure, focusing on the basic skills, basic strategy, and make use of the advantages of multimedia courseware that and comment football technology, at the same time, students will learn to use enjoy more interested in football to play football.

Table 33.1 Football teaching content structure

Football multimedia courseware can base the teaching theory, does not exist in the content of the course textbook. This point of view can fully express the students, so students to master the football technology, and theoretical knowledge.

2.3 Multimedia Courseware Making Structures

The multimedia courseware auxiliary teaching is a kind of new, which fully reflects the diversity and personalized classroom teaching [3]. The combination of the aid advantage, lively and vivid, longitudinal, explain design and audio, video, projection, as a whole, through the flexible machine music animation effects in the teaching process. A great variety of information so is a destination for students to put forward, and create a lively teaching situation and mobilizes students’ desire to study. Students will therefore in the limited time available to get more knowledge.

According to the requirements of the overall structure, interface design can be divided into three structures: the main interface, interface and content explain content selection interface. The multimedia courseware design including the content selection function interface level, select button and function button, demonstration method of course, connection mode of different types of materials, navigation model design, courseware document structure. The purpose is to make full use of multimedia technology to complete the specific content of the auxiliary teaching. According to the football teaching contents is various forms of teaching method to establish, such as illustrations, pictures, pictures, video, animation explanation etc.

From the courseware, and some key issues must bear in mind: Each part of courseware making style is consistent, because may; choose and switch button set on every page of switching to reduce the number of pages, and reduce the use voice as little as possible. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the football (video technology should be used as much as possible) and text content, along with the corresponding image, the courseware can more vivid and straightforward.

3 Applications and Effect of Multimedia in Football Theory Teaching

3.1 The Quality of Physical Education can be Effectively Improved

Football multimedia courseware in theory teaching increasingly display can realize the key and difficult. Through the man–machine dialogue, deepening the understanding of the students and memory sports knowledge and mobilization of the students of the senses, and that knowledge can be multi-levelly and perspectives, appearance, thus creating a good learning environment. For example courseware can simulate the referee showed scenes of the game, so that they make their own decisions. It can also use the keyboard to judge foul situation appear on the screen. In the provision of time, the computer will judge referee level simulation. Through the multimedia presentations and teacher’s explanation, the students’ understanding of the laws of the ball the referee wills fresh, smooth and the clear deepen. As rugby rules “offside” for example, you can use the multimedia courseware display. The use of courseware to overcome the shortcomings of common sense teaching writing and oral expression, presented the image of the poor. At the same time it can stimulate the students’ work together at the same time, and help them to develop their power of observation, self and shy; learning and thinking, let the student active rather than just passively accept cork, the optimization classroom teaching [4].

3.2 Interaction Between Sensory Function and Muscle Proprioception can be Strengthened

The students in the process of motor skill mastery are temporary neural connections established under the sensory cortex hub. In the process of muscle proprioception plays an important role. Multimedia teaching is an intuitive visualization teaching method, organically voice, shape and color applied to students’ various senses. To make the students skills will be specific, intuitive favorable conditions for students to perceive, understand and remember material. In this way, students can get more information in the process of learning football skills. Students will therefore a correct understanding and set up a corresponding muscle feeling, aims to promote and accelerate the process of movement status.

3.3 Rational Application of Feedback Control Theory

The founder of cybernetics, wiener points out that N: Any effective must act is a kind of feedback process information, whether the goal. The essence and core of multimedia teaching is to build a feedback control system. Motor system itself is a very good feedback loop; its action not only regularly monitors the progress of the activities, but also timely information will activities, the cerebellum. In cerebella integration and the actions of the information processing, information to deliver to the related portions of the brain cortex adjustment, achieve precise coordination purpose. Using video, students can see action they had just completed the image, through the regained consciousness, adjust and shy; and action of the correction, and after several repeat, feedback can blend in automatic control system, build a solid technical movement to finalize the design.

3.4 To Enhance Students’ Interest in Learning and Mastering the Motor Skills

Interest is: people tend to actively explore understand the thing. Once the students’ interest is exciting, their attention and observe learning more serious. Their logic memory stepped up, imagine more abundant, and a happy mood corresponding produced. Therefore, students will be active investment efforts learning process, and the knowledge of the object in their body left a deep impression, so as to improve the effectiveness of their activities [5]. All of the above has a significant impact on the training and development of the team. As football skills teaching is rather dull, the student in the teaching process easier to negative emotions. Football multimedia courseware is in the teaching application vivid image, sound and abundant of affection. Especially in the students watch his action shots, they will find their own technology defect of the action. From the teacher evaluation, they will recognize behavior do wrong or right. Students will practice more, or even higher, and their interest, which will lead to bigger and better teaching effect.

4 Problems

4.1 Teachers’ Role in Teaching is Irreplaceable

Teachers must be aware of their role in the teaching activities of the main body, despite a amount of multimedia courseware information and resources. So teacher’s explanation has been a core of the teaching work. In the football teaching, especially in the teaching of technical and tactical and technical movement point, action interface, and tactical coordination cannot be reflected or reflected fully in the multimedia courseware. Teachers should explain, and empirical analysis of the development of the students for their measures to realize education purpose.

4.2 Interaction Between Teaching and Learning are Emphasized

The concept of some of the sports teachers still keep blind physical training and drab classroom theory course, lack of innovation in teaching. This is not good for the students to participate. Of course, physical exercise on the sports teaching is still necessary. But compared to the teacher’s demonstration teaching, multimedia courseware teaching is more intuitive, more vivid, and easier to understand students. Multimedia courseware, on the one hand, improves the students’ interest in study, and makes students want to learn, easy to digest knowledge; On the other hand, it promoted the students to use the scientific method to take the initiative in physical exercise.

4.3 Teaching Facilities are Continuously Improved

Restricted by the venues, facilities, the ongoing multi-media teaching still has many deficiencies. For example, it cannot carry out a wide range of teaching LAN, and multi-media classrooms are only able to ensure the teaching of theoretical courses. Multimedia classrooms should be constructed on a large scale. Now many institutions begin to establish a “mobile multimedia classroom”, that is to configure a laptop computer, a portable digital projector and a digital video camera in order to address the needs of practice teaching.

5 Conclusions

Use of multimedia technology is the future sports education reform direction, so university should strengthen the study of the theory and practice of the teaching of the need to adapt to the modern multimedia.