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FSO Basics

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Handbook of Radio and Optical Networks Convergence


Free space optical (FSO) communication is a promising alternative in terms of meeting high data rates, providing a secure, and reliable communication. However, optical beam is prone to environmental conditions which affects FSO communication performance severely. This chapter deals with the basic concepts of FSO communication, including the transmission of data through free space using modulated optical beam. The components of FSO communication systems such as transmitters and receivers, different modulation schemes, the impact of atmospheric conditions on optical beam propagation, and the mitigation techniques for reducing the channel distortion effects are explored.

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A positive value associated with the effective number of large-scale cells in the scattering process


Natural number indicating the level of fading


Reflection coefficient


E-O conversion efficiency which is also known as quantum efficiency of the detector


Channel efficiency


Receiver efficiency


Total efficiency of the FSO system


Transmitter efficiency


Parameter dependent on the visibility range


FET channel noise factor


Receiver responsivity


Scalar wavenumber


Fresnel ratio of Gaussian beam at receiver


Ratio of link length to beam and wave number product.


Reflection coefficients of IRS elements


The total channel state


Numbers of transmitters apertures in MIMO system

\( {\mathcal{N}}_{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}} \):

Numbers of IRS elements

\( \mathcal{N} \):

Numbers of receiver apertures in MIMO system


Beam waist at distance z = 0


Beam waist at distance z


Equivalent beam width

\( \overline{\upgamma} \):

Average SNR

\( \overline{\Theta} \):

Complementary parameter


Solid angle of the optical beam


Power spectrum of the atmospheric turbulence which is known as “Kolmogorov power-law spectrum”


Phase shift induced by first link


Angle of arrival


Divergence angles


Atmospheric turbulence power spectrum with adaptive optics correction


Transverse radius from the central axis of the optical beam


Coherence length

\( {\sigma}_B^2 \):

Rytov variance of Gaussian beam


Scintillation index

\( {\sigma}_R^2 \):

Rytov variance of unbounded plane wave

\( {\sigma}_{a_x}^2 \):

Variance of Gaussian distributed jitters in the horizontal directions

\( {\sigma}_{a_y}^2 \):

Variance of Gaussian distributed jitters in the vertical directions

\( {\sigma}_{\mathrm{Bi}}^2 \):

Scintillation indexes of Gaussian beam in weak turbulence regime and i ∈ {d, u} denotes either downlink or uplink

\( {\sigma}_{\mathrm{Id}}^2 \):

Scintillation indexes of propagating spherical waves in weak turbulence regime for downlink

\( {\sigma}_{\mathrm{Iu}}^2 \):

Scintillation indexes of propagating spherical waves in weak turbulence regime for uplink

\( {\sigma}_{\ln\;X}^2 \):

Large-scale log-irradiance variances

\( {\sigma}_{\ln\;Y}^2 \):

Small-scale log-irradiance variances

\( {\sigma}_{\mathrm{Rd}}^2 \):

Scintillation indexes of propagating plane waves in weak turbulence regime for downlink

\( {\sigma}_{\mathrm{Ru}}^2 \):

Scintillation indexes of propagating plane waves in weak turbulence regime for uplink

\( {\sigma}_{\mathrm{th}}^2 \):

Thermal noise variance


Beam curvature parameter at receiver


Polar angle


Beam curvature parameter at the transmitter


Shift induced by the nth reflecting surface


Indicates the detection technique, heterodyne and IM/DD detections


Phase shift induced in second link


Propagation parameter varying with the beam type


Normalized distance parameter


Optical modulation index


Zenith angle


Nominal value of turbulence structure constant at the ground level


Receiver aperture diameter


Collected power at the center of the optical beam


Path loss index


Collection area of the PD


Active area of the PD


System bandwidth


Attenuation coefficient that describes the interaction between the atmospheric particles and light.


Structure constant for refractive index


Fixed capacitance of PD per unit area


Characteristic linear dimension


Structure-function of refractive index fluctuations for statistically homogeneous and isotropic turbulence


Bit energy


Symbol energy


Phase front radius of curvature

Fl(κ, ϖa, θ):

Filter function and it is given by Zernike polynomials for circular aperture


Filed of view


FET transconductance


Gain of the second link from IRS element to receiver having length of L2


Receiver gain


Transmitter gain


Open-loop voltage gain


Altitude of aerial platform


Altitude parameter


Height of ground station


Channel gain due to atmospheric turbulence


Atmospheric turbulence aperture averaging scale height


The gain of the first link between source and IRS elements


Channel gain due to pointing error


Path loss due to atmospheric attenuation


Channel gain


Instantaneous input current


Optical intensity


Noise bandwidth factors


Noise bandwidth factors


Optical average intensity


Photo-current due to undesired collected photons from background irradiance


Peak-to-peak intensity


Photo-current due to collected photons from data signal


Bessel function of first kind

k :



Boltzman constant


Propagation distance between transmitter and receiver


Length of the first IRS element


Large eddies or outer scale


Small eddies or inner scale


Path loss attenuation of the optical intensity when propagates from transmitter to receiver


Visibility range

\( {L}_{P_r} \):

Receiver pointing error loss


Electrical modulating signal


Refers to levels of pulse modulation, order of M-ary bandpass modulation and order of OFDM


Azimuthal frequency


Reciprocal average duty cycle of DPIM


Number of Zernike-modes removed


The radial degree


Single-sided noise spectral density


Additive white Gaussian noise


Average number of collected photons at PD


Number of collected photons at PD


Total power of the optical beam


Received power


Power emitted by the laser at the transmitter


Electron charge


Separation distance between two observation points


Misalignment deviation between the centers of incident beam footprint and the detector aperture


Bit rate


Reynolds number


Transverse position of the observation point


Equivalent circuit resistor


Absolute temperature


Flow velocity


Kinematic viscosity


Wind speed


Transmitted optical signal


Received signal


Distance parameter


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Al-Sallami, F., Rajbhandari, S., Ata, Y. (2024). FSO Basics. In: Kawanishi, T. (eds) Handbook of Radio and Optical Networks Convergence. Springer, Singapore.

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