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3D Imaging Systems for Optical Metrology

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Handbook of Metrology and Applications


In recent years, new noncontact measurement devices known as 3D imaging systems have being introduced on the market. They combine one or more cameras, and most often, a controllable light source, which allows the acquisition of dense and accurate digital representations of the geometry of manufactured objects. Modern 3D imaging systems also require complex software stacks to extract useful information from the dense digital representation. Since such systems can be used to compute the deviation between as-built and as-designed objects, they tend to complement more traditional coordinate measurement machines. Due to their compactness, short acquisition time, and affordability, 3D imaging systems constitute an interesting tool for quality control operations, reverse engineering and metrology-assisted assembly, and/or manufacturing. These systems can thus act as important enabler for cyber-physical systems, which are critical to Industry 4.0.

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Drouin, MA., Tahan, A. (2022). 3D Imaging Systems for Optical Metrology. In: Aswal, D.K., Yadav, S., Takatsuji, T., Rachakonda, P., Kumar, H. (eds) Handbook of Metrology and Applications. Springer, Singapore.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Singapore

  • Print ISBN: 978-981-19-1550-5

  • Online ISBN: 978-981-19-1550-5

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