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Behavioural Insights, Organizational Resilience, and Disaster Preparedness

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online:
International Handbook of Disaster Research
  • 60 Accesses


Massive and unpredictable business disruptions caused by waves of conflict, crises, and disasters reinforce the need for businesses to take on a proactive approach to disaster preparedness. Failure to do so will result in a loss of market share and customer goodwill, damaged reputation, and regulatory and legal liabilities. Considering that high-stake and difficult business decision-making often relies on mental shortcuts or heuristics, behavioral approaches to enable businesses to prepare for disasters are required. Behavioural Insights’ use of behavioral science to explain and alter patterns of behavior can be an important tool in business disaster preparedness. In the business context, the use of Behavioural Insights has been found to increase employment rate, retirement savings, emergency agency response effectiveness, workplace flow, and acts of prosociality. In this chapter, we focus on how BI can help businesses build greater organizational resilience through interventions and nudges before, during, and after a disaster. We conclude by calling for the need to consider the types of business (e.g., SMEs versus MNCs) when planning BI interventions for disaster preparedness.

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Seah, Y.Z., Ha, H. (2022). Behavioural Insights, Organizational Resilience, and Disaster Preparedness. In: Singh, A. (eds) International Handbook of Disaster Research. Springer, Singapore.

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