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Graduate Employability and University-Enterprise Collaboration in Vietnam

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International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific
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Universities in South-East Asia are under tremendous pressure to enhance graduate employability and provide a skillful workforce for their country’s economic development. However, the skill development landscape in South-East Asia is different from that in the developed world. The much lower levels of development of both higher education systems and industry, a lack of social welfare for youth, and the existence of large numbers of jobs in the informal economy make the criteria measuring graduate employability in the developed world, like in the UK, US, or Australia, less relevant. The graduate surveys in many countries in the region suggest that more than 90% of university graduates could find jobs a few months after leaving university. However, these statistics do not make much sense to local stakeholders. It is not easy to categories the types of jobs graduates do, and thus, the quality element of the graduates’ jobs is often ignored in these surveys.

This chapter demonstrates this situation with the case of Vietnam and suggests that local authorities need to develop their own measures to enhance the skills of university graduates as the quality of the future skilled workforce will not depend only on the education and training at university. It requires mutual effort and investment from the government, universities, and industry partners. Quality work integrated learning programs need to be developed with a more sustainable collaboration between universities and enterprises. Sustainable university-enterprise collaboration in enhancing graduate employability will likely create a win-win situation that benefits universities, industry, and the overall economy.

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Tran, T.T. (2023). Graduate Employability and University-Enterprise Collaboration in Vietnam. In: Lee, W.O., Brown, P., Goodwin, A.L., Green, A. (eds) International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore.

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