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Compute-in-Memory Architecture

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Handbook of Computer Architecture


In the era of big data and artificial intelligence, hardware advancement in throughput and energy efficiency is essential for both cloud and edge computations. Because of the merged data storage and computing units, compute-in-memory is becoming one of the desirable choices for data-centric applications to mitigate the memory wall bottleneck in von-Neumann architecture. In this chapter, the recent architectural designs and underlying circuit/device technologies for compute-in-memory are surveyed. The related design challenges and prospects are also discussed to provide an in-depth understanding of interactions between algorithms/architectures and circuits/devices. The chapter is organized hierarchically: the overview of the field (Introduction section); the principle of compute-in-memory (section “DNN Basics and Corresponding CIM Principle”); the latest architecture and algorithm techniques including network model, data flow, pipeline design, and quantization approaches (section “Architecture and Algorithm Techniques for CIM”); the related hardware support including embedded memory technologies such as static random access memories and emerging nonvolatile memories, as well as the peripheral circuit designs with a focus on the analog-to-digital converters (section “Hardware Implementations for CIM Architecture”); a summary and outlook of the compute-in-memory architecture (Conclusion section).

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Jiang, H., Huang, S., Yu, S. (2023). Compute-in-Memory Architecture. In: Chattopadhyay, A. (eds) Handbook of Computer Architecture. Springer, Singapore.

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