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Nanostructured Platforms Interfacing with Nervous System

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Handbook of Neuroengineering


To provide diagnosis and therapy for dysfunction in the nervous system, various biomaterials and/or medical devices serve as platforms to communicate with the system and regulate dysfunctional neuronal circuits. Recent advances in nanotechnology enable the construction of nanostructured platforms with ultrasmall feature size and superior material property at the nanoscale, targeted at interfacing with the nervous system seamlessly. The chapter provides an overview of nanostructured neural platforms and introduces three main kinds of platforms: nanoelectronics, nanofibers, and nanoparticles. The potential neural applications of the nanostructured platforms are discussed, including neural recording, neural modulation, neural regeneration, and imaging. The interactions between the platforms and the neural cells in vitro and in vivo are also briefly reviewed. The chapter ends with a discussion on existing barriers to clinical translation and future research directions of the platforms.

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Bone marrow stem cell


Carbon nanotube


Conducting polymer


Dorsal root ganglion


Extracellular matrix


Embryonic stem cell


Field-effect transistor


Graphene oxide


Mussel adhesive protein






Neural progenitor cell


Neural stem cell




Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)


Schwann cell


Scanning electron microscopy


Signal-to-noise ratio


Upconversion nanoparticle


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Chen, N., Ramakrishna, S., Thakor, N.V. (2021). Nanostructured Platforms Interfacing with Nervous System. In: Thakor, N.V. (eds) Handbook of Neuroengineering. Springer, Singapore.

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