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Advances in the Study of the Grammaticalization of Sinitic Dialects

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online:
The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies
  • 68 Accesses


After having been introduced into China almost 30 years ago, grammaticalization theory in the field of dialect research has undergone an “embryonic” and “boom” period and has already seen the development of a “mature” phase of its application. Based on the findings of research carried out by Chinese scholars, this entry reviews and examines the application of grammaticalization theory to Sinitic dialects from three research perspectives: materials, content, and methods, and offers suggestions for future research directions.

Translated by T. L. Edwards, The Australian National University.

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first person


second person


third person

att :

attributive marker

clf :


dem :


dim :


dlm :


dm :

disposal marker

perf :


pfv :


prog :


prt :


redup :


scm :

stative complement marker

sfp :

sentence final particle

sg :


top :


tpf :

temporal particle of first


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Huayong Lin, Niting Yan (2022). Advances in the Study of the Grammaticalization of Sinitic Dialects. In: Ye, Z. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

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