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Antioxidants in Diets and Food

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Handbook of Dietary Phytochemicals


Nowadays, the society looks with increasing interest in the diet, which is no longer simply a means by which to take the necessary nutrients but has become a means by which it is possible to preserve the health state. German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach once said: “We are what we eat.” This statement is even truer today because of the hectic life, people often tend to eat frugal, fast, and often very fat and unhealthy meals. Today, there is a very high attention both from the social point of view and by the scientific community to the so-called functional foods. These foods, which contain several bioactive compounds, exert innumerable biological properties and therefore can help to preserve the health state. In addition, the use of nutraceuticals has taken the upper hand, unfortunately, often also to the detriment of functional foods, which unlike the former still remain foods and, as such, with a certainly better efficacy-safety profile. The term nutraceutical, indeed, does not refer to a food but rather to a formulation containing one or more compounds isolated from plant extracts or one or more titrated plant extracts. Moreover, some formulations (capsules, tablets, powders, etc.) are rarely studied before being commercialized, and their effectiveness remains rather doubtful in light of a very lax regulation in many countries worldwide.

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Smeriglio, A., Cornara, L., Trombetta, D. (2020). Antioxidants in Diets and Food. In: Xiao, J., Sarker, S., Asakawa, Y. (eds) Handbook of Dietary Phytochemicals. Springer, Singapore.

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