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Controllable Synthesis of Polynuclear Metal Clusters Within Macrocycles

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  • First Online:
Handbook of Macrocyclic Supramolecular Assembly
  • 246 Accesses


Macrocyclic ligands have long been applied in metal ion recognition and played an important role in the stabilization of reactive species. The inner cavities of macrocycles usually offer strong host-guest interactions with size-matched metal ions, thus making the resulting metal-macrocycle complexes own enhanced kinetic and thermodynamic stability due to the macrocyclic effect. On account of these remarkable coordination properties of macrocyclic ligands, it is conceivable that larger macrocycles with multiple coordination sites could be properly employed as an outer template to bind with diversified polynuclear metal cluster aggregates. As the properties of metal clusters largely depend on the structural factors such as the nuclearity number, geometry, and metal-metal interactions, it is expected that the employment of polydentate macrocyclic ligands may provide a convenient and effective way for the controllable synthesis and property adjustment of polynuclear metal clusters by varying the number and spatial distribution of coordination sites of macrocyclic templates. In this chapter, we attempt to highlight the use of polydentate macrocycles as an outer template to direct the fabrication of polynuclear metal clusters in a controllable way.

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Zhang, S., Zhao, L. (2019). Controllable Synthesis of Polynuclear Metal Clusters Within Macrocycles. In: Liu, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, HY. (eds) Handbook of Macrocyclic Supramolecular Assembly . Springer, Singapore.

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