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Cucurbiturils-Based Pseudorotaxanes and Rotaxanes

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Handbook of Macrocyclic Supramolecular Assembly


Cucurbit[n]uril, as a sort of macrocyclic host, has been well studied in the past decades because of their peculiar binding behaviors with guests by ion-dipolar, hydrophobic interactions, and so on. The various sizes endow them different binding properties which make them good building blocks for the construction of pseudorotaxanes and rotaxanes. Thereby, a summary of cucurbit[n]urils-based pseudorotaxanes and rotaxanes will be made in this chapter. This chapter will be separated into subsections mainly based on the kinds of hosts. Relating researches on the applications of cucurbit[n]urils-based pseudorotaxanes and rotaxanes will be outlined including biologic/photoelectric materials/catalyzing/smart materials. We hope this chapter could provide a useful reference and afflatus for those who working on pseudorotaxanes/rotaxanes.

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Zhang, ZY., Chen, Y., Liu, Y. (2019). Cucurbiturils-Based Pseudorotaxanes and Rotaxanes. In: Liu, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, HY. (eds) Handbook of Macrocyclic Supramolecular Assembly . Springer, Singapore.

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