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Mental Health in Schools

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Mental Health and Illness of Children and Adolescents

Part of the book series: Mental Health and Illness Worldwide ((MHIW))


Schools are a key forum for mental health prevention and intervention. Childhood mental disorder can lead to reduced attendance at school, increases the likelihood of exclusion and dropout from school, and can impair academic attainment. Stressors specific to the school environment, such as bullying, poor relationships with peers or teachers, and stress relating to academic performance, can also adversely affect mental health. Various models of school-based mental health screening exist, including universal or targeted use of questionnaires, teacher nomination, and use of routine data such as attendance or attainment. Schools provide an ideal setting within which to deliver mental health interventions, which may take the form of universal interventions delivered to whole schools, targeted or selective interventions provided to individuals deemed at risk of developing problems, or indicated interventions for those already experiencing symptoms. Many high-income countries are turning towards a multitiered approach, combining universal interventions for all pupils with targeted or indicated interventions to those in need. Despite the increasing interest in school-based interventions, many questions remain. We do not yet know the conditions under which these interventions work best, who they work for and why, how the effectiveness of different interventions compare, or whether their benefits continue long term. Prevention and intervention may reduce the burden of mental ill health, alleviate distress, and improve children’s functioning, a possibility that should keep us all focused on improving our practice and the evidence that it is based on.

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Ford, T., Finning, K. (2020). Mental Health in Schools. In: Taylor, E., Verhulst, F., Wong, J., Yoshida, K., Nikapota, A. (eds) Mental Health and Illness of Children and Adolescents. Mental Health and Illness Worldwide. Springer, Singapore.

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