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Mental Health Among Latin American Migrants in the USA

  • Living reference work entry
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Mental Health and Illness in Migration

Part of the book series: Mental Health and Illness Worldwide ((MHIW))


The Hispanic or Latino population is currently the largest minority in the USA. Thirty-three of the total of 54 million Hispanics in the country are not US-born and have arrived as immigrants from countries of the large territory that includes Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands, besides Spain. This article reviews the sociodemographic realities of Latino migrants to the USA, specific circumstances of the actual migration process, and its impact on the mental health of migrants and their families. The acculturation experience and its stressful nature are examined as one relevant source of a variety of clinical conditions. Prevalence and incidence figures of depressive, anxious, substance use, psychotic, and other disorders are analyzed, and the characteristics, resources, adherence, response, and outcomes of services provided to Latino migrants are also described. The growing relevance and role that the Hispanic community plays in the daily life of the USA, positive and negative factors in their adaptation to the host country, and research needs from clinical and social sciences’ perspectives are presented.

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Alarcón, R.D. (2018). Mental Health Among Latin American Migrants in the USA. In: Moussaoui, D., Bhugra, D., Ventriglio, A. (eds) Mental Health and Illness in Migration. Mental Health and Illness Worldwide. Springer, Singapore.

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