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In the more than five decades since the first edition of this book was prepared, nematodes have become of major importance in plant pathology. Several hundred species are known to cause plant disease. All plant parasitic nematodes are in the animal kingdom and belong to the phylum Nematoda. Some examples are given after each genus.

  • Phylum: Nematode

  • Order: Tylenchida

  • Suborder: Tylenchina

  • Superfamily: Tylenchoidea

  • Family: Anguinidae

  • Genus: Anguina, seed gall nematode.

  • Ditylenchus, stem or bulb nematode of onion, narcissus.

  • Family: Pratylenchidae

  • Genus: Pratylenchus, lesion nematode of nearly all plants.

  • Radopholus, burrowing nematode of citrus.

  • Naccobus, false root-knot nematode of garden beets, cacti, crucifers, lettuce.

  • Family: Hoplolaimidae

  • Genus: Hoplolaimus, lance nematode of corn, turf grass, carnation.

  • Rotylenchus, spiral nematode of turf grass, tomato, gardenia.

  • Helicotylenchus, spiral nematode of turf grass, gardenia, azalea, apple, grape.

  • Rotylenchulus, reniform nematode of turf grass, tomato, gardenia.

  • Family: Dolichodoridae

  • Genus: Dolichodorns, and nematode of turfgrass.

  • Family: Belonolaimidae

  • Genus: Belonolaimus, sting nematode on wide variety of plants.

  • Tylenchorhynchus, stunt nematode tobacco, corn

  • Family: Heteroderidae

  • Genus: Globodera, cyst nematode of potato.

  • Heterodera, cyst nematode on wide variety of plants.

  • Meloidogyne, root-knot nematode on wide variety of plants.

  • Family: Tylenchidae

  • Genus: Tylenchus

  • Superfamily: Criconematoidea

  • Family: Criconematidea

  • Genus: Criconemella, ring nematode of citrus, fig, zoysia.

  • Hemicycliophora, sheath nematode of beet, bean, blueberry, dracaena.

  • Family: Tylenchulidae

  • Genus: Tylenchulus, citrus nematode of citrus, grapes, lilac.

  • Paratylenchus, pin nematode of carnation, celery, fig.

  • Order: Aphelenchida

  • Suborder: Aphelenchina

  • Superfamily: Aphelenchoidea

  • Family: Aphelenchoididae

  • Genus: Aphelenchoides, foliar nematode of chrysanthenum, strawberry, lilly, begonia.

  • Bursaphelenchus, pine wood nematode.

  • Rhadinaphelenchus, coconut red ring nematode.

  • Order: Dorylaimida

  • Family: Longidoridae

  • Genus: Longidorus, needle nematode of grape, celery, leek, lettuce, parsley.

  • Xiphinema, dagger nematode of rose, trees, many annuals.

  • Order: Triplonchida

  • Family: Trichodoridae

  • Genus: Paratrichodorus, stubby root nematode of apple, vegetables.

  • Trichodorus, stubby root nematode of vegetables, turf grass, dahlia, azalea.